How often do you use Backwards Compatability

  • Never

  • 0-2 hours a month

  • 3-5 hours a month

  • 6-10 hours a month

  • 11+ hours a month

Results are only viewable after voting.


Oct 29, 2017
So well over half use it regularly. Well that proves it then, surely.

It's a great feature to have and no company has any real excuse to not implement it.


Oct 27, 2017
I mainly play on ps4 so I can't vote, but I've played 11 or so ps3 games this year. Games I'd rather have played on ps4 with a much better controller, suspend/resume and earphones connected to the controller


Nov 5, 2017
I played through Skate 3, and dabbled in a couple of other BC games on xbox.
I'm glad the feature exists, but it's not gonna sway me to pick one console over another.

I care way more about new games


The Fallen
Nov 1, 2017
I usually play older games on the PC, I crank up the graphics to 11.

I love replaying old favorite games or discovering new old ones. .


Nov 17, 2017
Never. 99% of the time I never replay a game once I've finished it, and by the end of a console generation I've usually already played all the games I was interested in for it.

Lord Azrael

Oct 25, 2017
What a bizarre and poorly thought out thread. PS4 doesn't have backwards compatibility. What about Wii U? And hours per month? Who's gonna know that off the top of their head?


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 27, 2017
I didn't own an Xbox 360 or original Xbox, so I have played hundreds of hours of old games with my Xbox One X.

Zip Stick

Oct 30, 2017
I love BC on my XBox and also use original hardware for other systems.

Im wondering if the results would change for people if they were asked the same in 10 years time? What im wondering is if there is a correlation between age and BC.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 26, 2017
my one x is largely a BC machine, and i still have my ps3 and wii u plugged in for their titles and bc

honestly i've played way more older titles this gen just in the process of clearing out backlogs and revisiting some old favorites

if we include remasters and things like the nes and snes apps on the switch, that number goes much higher


Oct 26, 2017
I have a PS4 so I can't. If I could I assure you I would have played some PS3 games I missed, especially Demon's Souls.

Garrett 2U

Oct 25, 2017
I play Banjo Kazooie periodically. I wanna go back and play the Mass Effect series. I used it more when it was newer and played through my old favorites! It's nice to have the option.


Oct 25, 2017
lol that's a odd metric to go by. I have no idea what any of my hourly playtime is and everyone's total hourly playtime is different. Poll is meaningless. Anyway, I'd say it's about half and half. People routinely play older games on PC, its the same on console these days. When games take advantage of the newer hardware and are available to you with a click of a button, their lifespan increases dramatically. Not too hard to grasp. It's only going to get more and more like the PC market going forward. The most played games in 5 years will probably still be GTA, Fortnite and Minecraft.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Nov 2, 2017
It's hard to put a "per month" total on it because some months I don't use it at all, whereas some months Fallout 3, Red Dead Redemption and the Mass Effect Trilogy have been the main games I have played/replayed. I figure even if I just average those three games, at their respective lengths, over the time I've had an XB1, I'd probably be at 6-10 hours per month. And that doesn't include any of the other back compat games I've played.


Mar 12, 2020
Used it quite a bit, but I don't know the breakout into average hours per month over the past 4ish years. I guess...12?


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 25, 2017
Fontana, California
Here's what I have played BC on my Xbox one:

Ninja Gaiden Black
Ninja Gaiden 2
Fallout: New Vegas
Alan Wake
Elder Scrolls III: Oblivion
Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory
Red Dead Redemption
Dead Space
Dead Space 2
Lost Odyssey
Blue Dragon
Banjo Kazooie Nuts and Bolts
Banjo Kazooie
Banjo Kazooie 2
Gears 1
Gears 2
Gears 3
Panzer Dragoon Orta
Mass Effect 2
Mass Effect 3
Viva Piñata 2
Metal Gear Solid HD Collection

So yeah, kind of important to me.


Oct 26, 2017
Played a decent amount of Skate 3. And little of the older CoDs, but was still pretty done with that franchise and revisiting "the good old days" didn't really change that.
I dusted off the PS3 to play through Yakuza 4 and 5 too, which I'd consider close enough. That was probably close to 200 hours worth of gameplay. Also where I just cut off my last gen backlog and the last time I used a last gen system.


Oct 27, 2017
It's funny this question being asked, as I'm currently playing the first Assassin's Creed 360 version on my Xbox One X in 4k.
Oct 25, 2017
My X1X is almost 100% a BC machine, I don't buy multiplats on it, and the Xbox first party this gen has been lacking for me personally to say the least so yeah. I also do a lot of BC on my PC. I would say 25% of all my game playing is BC stuff.
Oct 25, 2017
I don't know how to vote in that poll, but I've played a ton of BC games on my Xbox One S/X. It's especially great for when my sister's kids are over and I get to show them some of my favorite older games like Portal 2. Currently playing Sands of Time and it looks pretty great (although the aspect ratio seems a bit borked).


Oct 27, 2017
I did some replays of Elder Scrolls 4, Fallout 3 & NV, Witcher 2, Gears 2 & 3, Dragon Age Origins & 2, the Mass Effect trilogy, Red Dead Redemption to name a few. Recently I even played Saints Row 2 for the first time so I've gotten good use out of it.


▲ Legend ▲
Sep 11, 2019
United States
I've definitely played more BC games on my XBX than current gen games. In fact, I think I still own more X360 games than all my PS4 and XOne games combined.


音楽オタク - Comics Council 2020
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
A mountain in the US
I feel that your poll is supposed to gauge how needed BC is for next gen, but I don't think it really captures the nuance. I don't have an Xbox One, so I play games on my 360. PS4 doesn't have BC, so I still start up my PS3 and PS2 to play games. I play tons of older games on my PC. I still play my Wii U and 3DS. The only time I'm actually utilizing any sort of BC is playing GBA, SNES, and NES on my Switch and Wii U (which isn't allowing me to really play games I already owned from previous gens) or PS1 and PSP digital games on my Vita. I can't really answer your poll in a manner that accurately represents my situation.

The point I'm making is that BC would be very useful to me, and it sucks that I'm constantly starting up old hardware to play specific games. I'd love to have more of that consolidated, especially if I could play all my playstation games on one system.
Apr 4, 2018
Vancouver, BC
I use BC all the time. It varies month to month, but I just bough the Dungeons and Dragons beat em up collection from X360on my X1X, and often replay games. Ninja Gaiden 1 and 2, Red Dead, Guardian Heroes, Panzer Dragoon, Splinter Cell Chaos Theory, Skate 3.

Especially if they have a 4k update, I'll happily replay, or may go back to an older game on PC.


Oct 27, 2017
For a long while it's all I used my X for. RDR2 changed that when it came out. If my PS4 could play PS3 games I'd have replayed MGS4 a dozen times by now.


Oct 27, 2017
I've played easily over 1000hrs. Fallout 3, NV, Morrowind and Oblivion alone probably went over that amount.

MS killing it with this level of support.


Oct 25, 2017
On my Wii U, a ton. I used it to catch up on a sizeable chunk of the Wii library that I had missed out on. I used Nintendont for GameCube games as well if that counts. I played a few PSP games on my Vita that I had purchased digitally last gen. I bought a PS3 this gen just to play PS3 games, but if the PS4 had BC, I would have used that instead.


One Winged Slayer
The Fallen
Mar 22, 2018
West Blue
Not very often, but not because I didn't play old games. If the Switch and PS4 were fully BC with prior generations and convenient I would have used it all the time, but since they're pretty limited I've just kept the old hardware around instead (which I played almost as much

The exception is NSO, I've played through all the mainline Marios and Zeldas on the service and a bunch of the other games, which I kind of didn't expect when it was announced. It's just nice to play those games portably on a nice big screen.
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Dec 29, 2017
Piripiri - Brazil
When I had my Xbox One I used a lot. I sold it to buy my PS4 Pro and now, after finish Ghost of Tsushima, will try to sell it to buy the XSX. Will start the next generation with xbox due to backwards compatibility. I am really looking forward to playing KOTOR. I originally played on PC back in 2004 and at the time the game was not localized in my language and my english wasn't very good. Hope to play again later this year, now with all the details and full immersion!


Dec 10, 2018
Never used BC on any platform really, I tent to play something once, and then move on. So PS5's disc-less digital edition looks like what I'll pick up, most of my purchases have been digital this generation.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 25, 2017
Never because I have a PS4 and didn't own a PS3. Though with the PS5 I'm sure I'll play PS4 games on it quite a bit with the quicker load times and all that.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Kept the PS3 plugged in and played it for like two years after getting PS4. There's still things I'd like to go back and play, but now have no space to plug it in. So my answer is, I would have used it a lot, but can't.

(Wii U isn't hooked up anymore for same space constraints, but I played a fair bit of Wii on it. Xbox One X just doesn't get played much lol.)


Oct 27, 2017
Practically every game installed on my Xbox One X is an original Xbox or X-enhanced 360 game. All the new stuff I play on my PC.


Oct 27, 2017
Seems like a weird ask on a forum where Xbox makes up the lowest demographic and the other two console platforms don't have backwards compatibility.

If PS4 and Switch had backwards compatibility, the numbers would likely be a lot different.
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Mambo Number PS5
Oct 27, 2017
I've played plenty of remasters, but none straight up BC. I don't consider it BC as it does not require anything built into the console to support BC. To me they are dev made re-releases not BC.


Game Designer
Nov 5, 2017
My PS3 is still setup, so that might be your answer.

I was always disappointed by the backwards compatibility on Xbox 360 because SSX3 was such a mess. I often envy the Xbox One folk with excellent options for legacy games.


Nov 1, 2017
I'm sure the list is probably bigger than this, but going off of my collection this is I believe most of what I've played that was either Backwards Compatible on Xbox One or remastered on XB1/PS4. I didn't bother to include any of the retro collections like Mega Man, Castlevania, etc. because we would be hear for days lol.

Xbox One BC

Completed the campaign:
  • Gears 3
  • Forza Horizon
  • Just Cause 2
  • Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic
  • Ghostbusters: The Video Game
  • Black
  • Dead Space
  • Mass Effect
  • Perfect Dark (XBLA)
  • Dead Rising: Case Zero

Played Multiplayer:
  • Modern Warfare 2
  • Battlefield: Bad Company 2

Started/Still playing:
  • Far Cry 2
  • Gears: Judgment
  • Red Dead Redemption
  • Assassin's Creed 2
  • Skate 3
  • Crimson Skies
  • Mercenaries: Playground of Destruction
  • Dead Space 2
  • Mass Effect 2
  • Banjo Kazooie: Nuts & Bolts

Xbox One/PS4 remasters

Completed the campaign:
  • Gears of War
  • Uncharted: The Nathan Drake Collection
  • Dishonored: Definitive Edition
  • The Last of Us: Remastered
  • Resident Evil 5
  • Tomb Raider: Definitive Edition

Played Multiplayer:
  • Grand Theft Auto V

Started/Still playing:
  • Sleeping Dogs
  • Dead Rising
  • Dead Rising 2
  • Far Cry 3
  • Resident Evil 6