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Nov 18, 2018
Remember: a delayed game transphobic bigots are profiting from is eventually good. A bad game transphobic bigots are profiting from will eventually be patched whenever CDPR gets around to it.

Or something.


Oct 27, 2017
You know, I remembered the thread where Phil Spencer stated that Covid will screw up a lot of games of 2020, 2021 and possibly 2022.

And people were doubting him.
Some studios say "We have adopted without problems, we are working at the same pace as before" and people believe it because they want to believe it.

It is "the other studios" that are doing it wrong, when in fact, although some studios are more affected than others, all are.


Oct 25, 2017

begone terf


The Favonius Fox
Nov 8, 2017
Well done, and thanks for compiling how Rowling have affected transgender people, what she's done is so much worse than even CDPR's transphobia cause she's taken direct action to make trans lives worse. And I hope you're taking good care of your mental health, you're constantly on top of transphobic issues to compile and succinctly summarize everything for us, and I hope it's not wearing you down.

Gotta keep on top of these transphobic fools.


In all seriousness though thank you, and I'm good. I'm fortunate to have you and the rest of the trans and non-binary communities here and on Discord. Whenever I do get knocked everyone is always there to bounce off of and be happy around. Got to keep the fire burning. Progress will always be slow but it'll always be worth it. We all deserve a future free from this bullshit.



Dec 8, 2020
You think the developers would appreciate you using them as a shield to support an IP that allows a woman to directly harm trans people? A number of developers here posted openly about their dislike of being invoked when it comes to interfacing with such things. Even the developers working on the game are themselves conflicted about it.

Choosing not to engage with the IP of a harmful bigot isn't punishing developers.

I don't think the IP allows J.K to harm trans people, talking a lot with trans people that love HP and they agree that the books, movies and games that are so loved and appreciate by so many, shouldn't be erased or ignored. What allows J.K to directly harm trans people is the lack of punishment, is the support she receive from trash people, is her power. Harry Potter is a work of fiction that belong to us more than belongs to her, the problem is when this work gives her money and power. Anyhow, as I previously said, I don't know If I will buy the game and I truly don't want to give her money or power. But I apologise for using the word punishing, my fault, sorry for that, because I agree with you, choosing not to engage or not buy the game at all, is a valid and appreciated form of expression.


Oct 30, 2017
Damn, the game I was most looking forward to this year. At least they get more time to make sure it's as good as it can be.

Deleted member 4260

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
They can delay it indefinitely for all I care. JK Rowling is an abhorrent human being and I'd rather not support anything she may be associated with.

Avalanche is a talented developer and I'd be happy to play anything they make that isn't Harry Potter.


Oct 25, 2017
That's the game that was leading that poll

Which of These Games Will Make 2021?

My friends and I were doing a Fantasy League Draft, and they were doubting some of these games would make 2021. So I was wondering which of these games you guys think will actually have a 2021 release.
Should've saw that coming after Resetera (me included) voted it as 1 of the most likely to hit 2021 games the other day.
Can't say I have any interest though, hopefully development goes smoothly I guess, wouldn't want the devs crunching for something tied to JK.
Well, this aged like milk:

Which of These Games Will Make 2021?

My friends and I were doing a Fantasy League Draft, and they were doubting some of these games would make 2021. So I was wondering which of these games you guys think will actually have a 2021 release.
I mean, it's a poll full of games which are 2021 long shots. The only plausible 2021 releases from that list were God of War and Hogwarts Legacy, up until this news broke. AFAIK, the rest of those titles don't have any real projected release date.

Deleted member 44129

User requested account closure
May 29, 2018
I'm going to say it. I can't believe I'm going to say it. OMG I'm so controversial. Are you read for a hot take? I don't think you can handle it. Buckle up.

Harry Potter is shit

I know. I know. I'm brave.

I'm also going to enjoy 2021, because in 2022, my wife and kids are never going to take this game off the telly.
Oct 25, 2017
Los Angeles
fuck TERFs, delay it forever, pay everyone on the team a million dollars each for having to deal with her going full mask off and tanking the possible success of this game


Dec 8, 2020
Well, you're wrong. It directly gives her influence and leads people, including new fans, to give her words more emphasis, support and credence.

You can appreciate and love the IP and still boycot and criticize her, fight agains her transphobia. And when I said appreciate I don't say buy things or go to events


Oct 29, 2017
delay the game into a trash can and let the devs make whatever they want for the next game


Dec 8, 2020
Seems relatively obvious I wasn't talking about people who don't support the IP or Rowling directly.

In this case my fault, but yeah, in the case of supporting directly the IP you give her money and money is power and she also receive influence and validation. So, yeah, you're right, sorry for the mistake

Dogo Mojo

Oct 27, 2017
Probably a mix of Covid complications and a hope that people "forget" what a piece of trash JK is.


Oct 25, 2017
In case people needed a bite-size refresher..

Through the significance afforded to her by the Harry Potter IP, JK Rowling:
  • Has repeatedly sent out and echoed transphobic rhetoric.
  • Relates transition to being a new form of gay conversion therapy, one that should be further restricted.
  • Has driven trans children to self harm and suicide.
  • Has given voice, promotion and platform to numerous transphobes and large anti-trans groups.
  • Led a revolt that saw GRA reform scrapped, despite a 70% approval rating prior.
  • Added to a pressure that resulted in links to support systems for vulnerable trans children being removed by the BBC.
  • Has grown an influence that saw trans teenagers face further restrictions in accessing puberty blockers.
  • Has been cited by foreign politicians in their own bids to restrict trans rights, healthcare access and freedoms.
  • Poisoned discourse around trans access to bathrooms.
She is actively destructive to trans lives. Especially those in the UK, and of younger people looking to live as themselves. An utterly vile and contemptible woman.
Thanks as always Kyuuji. If ever there was a game for this forum as a whole to refuse to feed into the pre-release hype, it's this one.


Oct 26, 2017
I mean, it's a poll full of games which are 2021 long shots. The only plausible 2021 releases from that list were God of War and Hogwarts Legacy, up until this news broke. AFAIK, the rest of those titles don't have any real projected release date.
It's more just the game most voted was the very first to get it's year delay and definitely not be 2021, Resetera polls are impressive in how pretty much the opposite happens every time.


Unshakable Resolve
Oct 27, 2017
Huh. I guess it was slated for 2021. Totally forgot.

Well, take your time on this one and make it great. The trailer looked incredible.


Prophet of Truth - Hero of Bowerstone
Oct 25, 2017
Makes sense given how there's been a widespread struggle with releases this year.


Oct 22, 2020
Remember when people here were mad at Nintendo because it seemed they delayed a lot of games in 2020? And they were saying "Why other companies aren't struggling with covid?" LOL

I expect a lot more games to be delayed to 2022.


Oct 25, 2017
J.K. Rowling, a dislike of everything HP after the fourth book... I can't imagine this game even in the best circumstances would give me what I actually want. It's probably going to be edgey action.


"This guy are sick"
Oct 25, 2017
I feel like it should be in every OP about this game that the dev is not the Avalanche that made Just Cause/Mad Max, but the Avalanche that made Disney Infinity

might temper some expectations


Oct 26, 2017
Just told my wife about the delay and she was surprisingly bummed by it lol

She's not really into games much but when she saw the trailer she got excited about playing it.


Oct 27, 2017
I'm glad they delayed it. It's such an ambitious release for such a beloved IP, there's gonna be a lot of people ready to lose their shit if it's turns out to be anything other than amazing.


Oct 28, 2017
Weird thread. Alternating between those disappointed in the delay, and those disappointed it and its TERFmother exist at all.

For the record, I'm in the latter camp.


Prophet of Truth - Hero of Bowerstone
Oct 25, 2017
Remember when people here were mad at Nintendo because it seemed they delayed a lot of games in 2020? And they were saying "Why other companies aren't struggling with covid?" LOL

I expect a lot more games to be delayed to 2022.
Microsoft got the same flack. A lot of the games people used as examples that released without problems were originally 2019 games that delayed to 2020 as well. It was really silly. Developers deserve the benefit of the doubt with delays and buggy releases over the next couple of years but people are going to be angry and entitled anyway.


Dec 22, 2020
This delay is less "the game isn't ready", and more "the biggest PR company in the world wants it delayed so they can do major positioning work throughout 2021 for the overall franchise so this game and the next movie launch with minimal backlash".


Oct 30, 2017
Every time I hear of Harry Potter I just remember how utter disappointed I am in JK Rowling for being such a terf. Urgh.


Dec 2, 2018
In case people needed a bite-size refresher..

Through the significance afforded to her by the Harry Potter IP, JK Rowling:
  • Has repeatedly sent out and echoed transphobic rhetoric.
  • Relates transition to being a new form of gay conversion therapy, one that should be further restricted.
  • Has driven trans children to self harm and suicide.
  • Has given voice, promotion and platform to numerous transphobes and large anti-trans groups.
  • Led a revolt that saw GRA reform scrapped, despite a 70% approval rating prior.
  • Added to a pressure that resulted in links to support systems for vulnerable trans children being removed by the BBC.
  • Has grown an influence that saw trans teenagers face further restrictions in accessing puberty blockers.
  • Has been cited by foreign politicians in their own bids to restrict trans rights, healthcare access and freedoms.
  • Poisoned discourse around trans access to bathrooms.
She is actively destructive to trans lives. Especially those in the UK, and of younger people looking to live as themselves. An utterly vile and contemptible woman.
Thanks Kyuuji!

And fuck JKR, Fuck this game and Fuck terfs. Hope it never comes out cancel this poisoned game.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Melbourne, Australia
Wow I can't believe they are only delaying this until next year. I would have thought rebranding it an Earthsea game would have taken longer.
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The Favonius Fox
Nov 8, 2017
I get that, but I feel like cancelling the game punishes the fans way more than it punishes JK.
Suggesting pushing back against something is worthless unless it causes immediate, significant harm to a massively powerful, wealthy and influential figure is both stupid and self-defeating. Minority fights will always be fighting for every inch against a stacked deck. Fuck the fans who want to continue to contribute to the success, and prevalence, of an IP that's being wielded to cause active harm to trans people.
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