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Oct 27, 2017
I have dedicated pretty much all of my free time to learning to make games. Here's my first character animation ever. Hopefully one day I can look back on this and see how far I've come.

[Edit] For those wondering, this took me a couple of hours to make last night. I followed this 2D walking cycle chart. And I have been learning to use blender for two months or so.



Oct 26, 2017
Angoulême, France
Okay, so, here's the "animated" banner you hopefully all weren't waiting too long for, presented for your approval before it's used in the OP, or somewhere close (I'm actually not sure what the plan is - does anyone know what the plan is?).


Many thanks to _Rob_ for managing to get the arcane magic of gif transparency working as the ancient texts said it should!


Oct 26, 2017
only 11?

11 levels sounds great! but I do believe you have more sins..

More sins.... me... errr, no, who have you been talking to?

Okay, so, here's the "animated" banner you hopefully all weren't waiting too long for, presented for your approval before it's used in the OP, or somewhere close (I'm actually not sure what the plan is - does anyone know what the plan is?).


Many thanks to _Rob_ for managing to get the arcane magic of gif transparency working as the ancient texts said it should!

Honoured to even be included in this, looks fantastic (gif-fu was the least I could do)!

K Monkey

Oct 25, 2017
Okay, so, here's the "animated" banner you hopefully all weren't waiting too long for, presented for your approval before it's used in the OP, or somewhere close (I'm actually not sure what the plan is - does anyone know what the plan is?).


Many thanks to _Rob_ for managing to get the arcane magic of gif transparency working as the ancient texts said it should!

Super work Pehesse!


Oct 25, 2017
New Hampshire, USA
Okay, so, here's the "animated" banner you hopefully all weren't waiting too long for, presented for your approval before it's used in the OP, or somewhere close (I'm actually not sure what the plan is - does anyone know what the plan is?).


Many thanks to _Rob_ for managing to get the arcane magic of gif transparency working as the ancient texts said it should!
That's awesome!

So it's been several weeks since I emailed Nintendo Developer support about possibly getting Switch SDK access, and I haven't heard as much as a peep. I tried my best to explain the false starts on getting my game going, included some super early prototype footage, and did my best to convey how passionate I was about getting the project off of the ground (for Switch), but nada. :(

The funny thing is if I wanted to set up a dev environment or get hardware for 3DS (or Wii U), I have access to it all. That's not what I want though.

I was wondering though, is anyone here doing any work on the 3DS, Wii U or Switch? I was just wondering if you had any suggestions for an affordable PC that I could put a dev environment on. I'm a Mac guy, but all of their stuff requires Windows.


Oct 25, 2017
Okay, so, here's the "animated" banner you hopefully all weren't waiting too long for, presented for your approval before it's used in the OP, or somewhere close (I'm actually not sure what the plan is - does anyone know what the plan is?).


Many thanks to _Rob_ for managing to get the arcane magic of gif transparency working as the ancient texts said it should!
Amazing work Pehesse! So Jolly!

Weltall Zero

Game Developer
Oct 26, 2017
Okay, so, here's the "animated" banner you hopefully all weren't waiting too long for, presented for your approval before it's used in the OP, or somewhere close (I'm actually not sure what the plan is - does anyone know what the plan is?).


Many thanks to _Rob_ for managing to get the arcane magic of gif transparency working as the ancient texts said it should!

Hypnotic... can't stop... looking...

Thanks a lot, Pehesse, you're the best. <3

I was wondering though, is anyone here doing any work on the 3DS, Wii U or Switch? I was just wondering if you had any suggestions for an affordable PC that I could put a dev environment on. I'm a Mac guy, but all of their stuff requires Windows.

I'm assuming Wine is a no-go? I don't have a Mac and never tried it but I read somewhere that it's much more efficient than most emulators due to how it translates calls to the OS or something.


Oct 25, 2017
New Hampshire, USA
I'm assuming Wine is a no-go? I don't have a Mac and never tried it but I read somewhere that it's much more efficient than most emulators due to how it translates calls to the OS or something.
I don't think that'd work. The core dev environment uses a Windows-based installer, and I think it has hooks that configure modules/plugins for Visual Studio. It seems to be pretty tightly-coupled. I don't think it'd work through wine, unfortunately.


Oct 25, 2017
(I'm actually not sure what the plan is - does anyone know what the plan is?).
Looks amaaaaaazing! I'll insert it at the top of the OP when you tell me you're happy with it.

I was wondering though, is anyone here doing any work on the 3DS, Wii U or Switch? I was just wondering if you had any suggestions for an affordable PC that I could put a dev environment on. I'm a Mac guy, but all of their stuff requires Windows.
I'd look at picking up an Intel NUC or something similar if that's all you need it for.


Oct 26, 2017
Angoulême, France
Thanks a ton for the enthusiastic response to the banner, y'all :-) Makes it all worthwhile!

Looks amaaaaaazing! I'll insert it at the top of the OP when you tell me you're happy with it.

I'd look at picking up an Intel NUC or something similar if that's all you need it for.

I'm fine with it if everyone else involved is, which seems to be the case so far, so yeah, I'd say go for it! Thanks a lot :-D


Oct 25, 2017
Any idea how much horsepower I'd actually need though? I see the NUC range from $500 to $900, but I'd hate to spend more than I need to.
You can go in the low end of that price range. A quick look at Newegg shows the Skull Canyon at $521. That's without RAM or storage however so that will raise the price a bit.

If you want to get closer to $500 including RAM and storage something like the BOXNUC8i5BEH1 should be fine. Just make sure whatever you get has Intel Iris Plus/Pro Graphics (or Radeon/Geforce).


Oct 25, 2017
New Hampshire, USA
You can go in the low end of that price range. A quick look at Newegg shows the Skull Canyon at $521. That's without RAM or storage however so that will raise the price a bit.

If you want to get closer to $500 including RAM and storage something like the BOXNUC8i5BEH1 should be fine. Just make sure whatever you get has Intel Iris Plus/Pro Graphics (or Radeon/Geforce).
Sweet, thanks for the recommendation!


May 7, 2018
I was thinking of starting in game development along my brother. We both hold our ground at drawing and he is more experienced in video/audio production while I am more adept to programming.

I was dabbling in Game Maker 1.4 since I had it from humbkebundle years ago and thinking in making a prototype there

I am however considering if continuing there or jump over to Unity before investing too much time learning GML. any advice there?


Oct 27, 2017
Not sure if I've showed this, maybe I have?
Sorry about the music. It's a 16 year old Java game anyway. Worthless coding but I had a million ideas for this, at least 10 pages of specified game ideas about enemies and weapons and all kinds of stuff, sometimes I'm thinking that I should keep going with it but it's so long ago that it's difficult to pick it up.


Oct 25, 2017
Popping into the thread to say hello. I don't have time to learn programming and make my own game, but I love making concept art so I might share from time to time. Also Pehesse that banner is amazing :)

Here's an example of some of my work, this character would be for a action sidescroller with pausing mechanics - think Mega Man with a touch of turn-based strategy. I won't be able to actually make it but it's fun to think about.



God help us the mods are making weekend threads
Jul 30, 2018
United States
I came up with an idea for a small first person melee game that I'll try and work on this year. Unity has free FPS scripts/controllers so I'll start there :)

Weltall Zero

Game Developer
Oct 26, 2017
I was thinking of starting in game development along my brother. We both hold our ground at drawing and he is more experienced in video/audio production while I am more adept to programming.

I was dabbling in Game Maker 1.4 since I had it from humbkebundle years ago and thinking in making a prototype there

I am however considering if continuing there or jump over to Unity before investing too much time learning GML. any advice there?

This is a highly personal choice and everyone is going to have their own opinion I guess. I have only ever used Unity so I can't make a lot of comparisons, but I think Game Maker might be better if neither of you has coding experience and the game is going to be 2D, or Unity otherwise.

Not sure if I've showed this, maybe I have?
Sorry about the music. It's a 16 year old Java game anyway. Worthless coding but I had a million ideas for this, at least 10 pages of specified game ideas about enemies and weapons and all kinds of stuff, sometimes I'm thinking that I should keep going with it but it's so long ago that it's difficult to pick it up.

Wow, this is extremelly impressive for me, let alone for something done freaking 16 years ago in plain Java. Hell, I like the music too. If you're feeling the game dev bug biting you, you'd probably be better served starting a new game on a modern platform / engine. Obviously coding is a non-issue for you so I'd go Unity or even Unreal. I posted a couple of amazing free online Unity courses by the University of Michigan a few posts above.

Popping into the thread to say hello. I don't have time to learn programming and make my own game, but I love making concept art so I might share from time to time. Also Pehesse that banner is amazing :)

Here's an example of some of my work, this character would be for a action sidescroller with pausing mechanics - think Mega Man with a touch of turn-based strategy. I won't be able to actually make it but it's fun to think about.


This is A+ stuff, man. Never say never, you might get into game dev sometime later in life.


Nov 29, 2017
Hey _Rob_, it seems the Youtuber NitroRad mentioned your game for a moment.
I have high hope when you finish the game he will play your game at some point!

Popping into the thread to say hello. I don't have time to learn programming and make my own game, but I love making concept art so I might share from time to time. Also Pehesse that banner is amazing :)

Here's an example of some of my work, this character would be for a action sidescroller with pausing mechanics - think Mega Man with a touch of turn-based strategy. I won't be able to actually make it but it's fun to think about.


Love the design! If you made this game what name you would give it?


Oct 27, 2017
Okay, so, here's the "animated" banner you hopefully all weren't waiting too long for, presented for your approval before it's used in the OP, or somewhere close (I'm actually not sure what the plan is - does anyone know what the plan is?).


Many thanks to _Rob_ for managing to get the arcane magic of gif transparency working as the ancient texts said it should!

Thank you so much. Please let me know if you make a tweet out of this result so I can retweet it at least 4 times

Weltall Zero

Game Developer
Oct 26, 2017
I realize this may be a bit too specific for this thread so I'll post it to the Unity forums too. Anyway; I've been trying to use a mixture of Unity's Animators and Playables in my game, and for the most part it works well, but there's two issues that I've been having for a long time, and I've at best worked around them. Today I bashed my head against them again, and after finding no solution online I decided to get my lazy ass to finally ask for help.

The basic setup is that my characters have:
- An Animator with its controller, state machine, etc. that is used mostly for movement, jumping, climbing, etc. In case this is relevant, each character has an override controller of a generic one.
- A very simple playable graph with just an output (wrapping the animator) and an input (wrapping the specific clip I want to play at the time). This is used for actions and attacks.

The problems I have are:

1- I can't seem to figure out an elegant, clean way to know when the clip fed to the graph (second part above) is finished. Currently I circumvent this by simply calculating how long the clip is and dividing by the current animation speed factor; I also have to account for when the animation is paused (e.g. hitstop). This gets the job done but is quite unelegant, and I'm sure there must be a better way.

2- Most importantly, when I'm done with the graph and standalone animation, the values of all of the properties the clip touches become locked at their last value. They stay locked even during any animation played by the regular animator; even if any of these later animations change its value, it snaps back to that locked "last frame" value when they end. I've tried several things to solve this:
2.1- Set the default / desired value of the properties in the idle / default animation (to "mark" them as animatable properties in the normal animator's animation). This only fixes the issue for whatever animation is touched; any other animation played after that instantly reverts to the value locked by the last frame of the animation played by the graph.
2.2- Destroy the playable wrapping the animation (I do this anyway for cleanup since I need to recreate it each time a new animation plays).
2.3- Destroy the graph and recreate it each time (surprisingly, even this keeps the values locked).
2.4- Disabling the animator and enabling it again.

I'm frankly starting to lose my mind with the second problem, so any help would be exceedingly appreciated. :/


Oct 25, 2017
Okay, so, here's the "animated" banner you hopefully all weren't waiting too long for, presented for your approval before it's used in the OP, or somewhere close (I'm actually not sure what the plan is - does anyone know what the plan is?).


Many thanks to _Rob_ for managing to get the arcane magic of gif transparency working as the ancient texts said it should!

It is sooooo cool to see one of my characters drawn and interpreted by someone. Honestly I got a little emotional. Thank you so much! It's all so good.
Feb 4, 2018
Popping into the thread to say hello. I don't have time to learn programming and make my own game, but I love making concept art so I might share from time to time. Also Pehesse that banner is amazing :)

Here's an example of some of my work, this character would be for a action sidescroller with pausing mechanics - think Mega Man with a touch of turn-based strategy. I won't be able to actually make it but it's fun to think about.

Wow this is gorgeous. Please keep posting your stuff!!
Oct 20, 2018
I will also recommend something I do to everyone starting out, which is a set of two free online Unity courses from the University of Michigan that are just fantastic. I took them right before starting to make my own game and they made it pretty much smooth sailing (I keep meaning to make this post into a thread, hahah):

Thank you for this. I've just stumbled upon this thread and I'm definitely watching it from now on. I'm about to start my second year of game design at college, but since my classes are only starting on the 4th next month I might as well do this course during my free time, especially since we're going to start using Unity from this semester onwards (We had to use Processing for our first digital game and it was a disaster, to say the least. Really looking forward to learning how to use a proper game engine).

Weltall Zero

Game Developer
Oct 26, 2017

Thanks a lot for the suggestion! I already use animation events for a lot of other things, but having to put an event at the end of literally every attack animation would be a tremendous chore to maintain (and missing even one would lock the player). I'd rather use the solution I'm using now, which is at least foolproof. :D

It's rather amazing that there's no built in way to simply query, or register for an event, in the playable or animator or graph. Sometimes I don't know what the hell Unity devs are thinking. I mean, it's not exactly a niche use case...

But really, the problem that keeps screwing me is the second one. The first one is at least solved, more or less. The second one I really have no clue how to even get around, or why it happens. :/

Thank you for this. I've just stumbled upon this thread and I'm definitely watching it from now on. I'm about to start my second year of game design at college, but since my classes are only starting on the 4th next month I might as well do this course during my free time, especially since we're going to start using Unity from this semester onwards (We had to use Processing for our first digital game and it was a disaster, to say the least. Really looking forward to learning how to use a proper game engine).

Super happy to help! :)


Oct 25, 2017
newport beach, CA
Popping into the thread to say hello. I don't have time to learn programming and make my own game, but I love making concept art so I might share from time to time. Also Pehesse that banner is amazing :)

Here's an example of some of my work, this character would be for a action sidescroller with pausing mechanics - think Mega Man with a touch of turn-based strategy. I won't be able to actually make it but it's fun to think about.

This is really creative and pretty. I hope you get to put it in a game some day!


Oct 25, 2017
The Hundred Acre Wood
Thanks a lot for the suggestion! I already use animation events for a lot of other things, but having to put an event at the end of literally every attack animation would be a tremendous chore to maintain (and missing even one would lock the player). I'd rather use the solution I'm using now, which is at least foolproof. :D

Hmm... well, for the first one, perhaps a simpler solution to yours would be to use a coroutine that you use on each animation script that checks:
if GetCurrentAnimatorStateInfo(0).normalizedTime < 1.0f (in which case yield return null or whatever), which I THINK would let you know if the animation state is ended or not without having to calculate the speed factor, pausing, etc.

The 2nd one I'm still pondering, mostly because I'm still trying to totally comprehend the scope of the issue -- it definitely sounds annoying as hell, though :\

Weltall Zero

Game Developer
Oct 26, 2017
Hmm... well, for the first one, perhaps a simpler solution to yours would be to use a coroutine that you use on each animation script that checks:
if GetCurrentAnimatorStateInfo(0).normalizedTime < 1.0f (in which case yield return null or whatever), which I THINK would let you know if the animation state is ended or not without having to calculate the speed factor, pausing, etc.

The 2nd one I'm still pondering, mostly because I'm still trying to totally comprehend the scope of the issue -- it definitely sounds annoying as hell, though :\

I vaguely remember giving normalizedTime a try last year when I ran ino the issue, but I can't remember how it went. I gave it a try just now, and the issue I have is that, ironically, retrieving the animation state from the animator itself gives me the time of the clip that was playing before the playable graph took over. I'm going to try to see if I can access the state of the graph instead; if I could, this may really be the ticket, so thanks a lot for the heads up!

Edit: No dice so far. No apparent way to get an AnimatorState from the graph, playable, or output. There's a GetNextAnimatorStateInfo function in the animator, used for animation blending, but its normalized time returns zero when the graph takes over.

I think playable graphs just ignore whatever the animator thinks its doing; they leave it running and believing it's actually animating things, and just kind of overwrite the results each frame. This would also explain why the animation events of the animation still invisibly running "beneath" the graph (i.e. the animation that was playing before the graph took over) keep firing as if it was playing normally.
Last edited:


Oct 30, 2017
So I have found that working with NES limitations makes it very easy to make things look too "cartoony". So i have gone back a redone the player character and selection map to go more along with the art style I have going now.

The player character is probably the hardest sprite i have had to make. I couldn't just rely on monotone shading like most of the enemy sprites.
The art style has changed a bit since i started and I thought the old sprite just dint fit anymore.
Having only 3 colors to work with is difficult but by using some well placed pixels and complimentary colors it actually tricks your mind in blending the same skin color into shiny armor and details even though its same color as the skin..

Still a work in progress but i like this much better than the old version.



Oct 25, 2017
New Jersey
I know nothing about making video games but I have a weird desire to make one and a vague concept to follow. Should I try to learn how to make something on my own or is that like an insane thing to do? I have no particular programming background.

Deleted member 2620

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
I know nothing about making video games but I have a weird desire to make one and a vague concept to follow. Should I try to learn how to make something on my own or is that like an insane thing to do? I have no particular programming background.

Depends on how grand your concept is, probably. Feel it out! Set aside some time and go through some GameMaker (2D) or Unity/Unreal (only if you absolutely have to have 3D, imo) tutorials and see how you like it. Having no programming background doesn't make it a non-starter.


Oct 27, 2017
Wow, this is extremelly impressive for me, let alone for something done freaking 16 years ago in plain Java. Hell, I like the music too. If you're feeling the game dev bug biting you, you'd probably be better served starting a new game on a modern platform / engine. Obviously coding is a non-issue for you so I'd go Unity or even Unreal. I posted a couple of amazing free online Unity courses by the University of Michigan a few posts above.
Haha thanks man :) I made this after attending to a beginners Java course and kind of just kept going. The code is not pretty though since I never learned advanced coding so I wouldn't say that coding isn't an issue... But while I would definitely say that it was the coding from scratch that eventually stopped me it was also what kept me starting in the first place, I liked the challenge and the "I made this on my own" thinking was always a motivation for me.
Anyhow, I'll check out those courses, Thanks! :)

Deleted member 2620

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
edit: the banner is awesome Pehesse, lots of neat little touches!

Not sure if I've showed this, maybe I have?
Sorry about the music. It's a 16 year old Java game anyway. Worthless coding but I had a million ideas for this, at least 10 pages of specified game ideas about enemies and weapons and all kinds of stuff, sometimes I'm thinking that I should keep going with it but it's so long ago that it's difficult to pick it up.

Nice, kinda reminds me of DROD.
Last edited:


Oct 26, 2017
Angoulême, France
Popping into the thread to say hello. I don't have time to learn programming and make my own game, but I love making concept art so I might share from time to time. Also Pehesse that banner is amazing :)

Here's an example of some of my work, this character would be for a action sidescroller with pausing mechanics - think Mega Man with a touch of turn-based strategy. I won't be able to actually make it but it's fun to think about.


Wow, I really like it! As said above, I'd love to see the game starring such a character! You're likely aware already, but even if you have little time/no programming knowledge, there are some tools that can assist to some extent - game maker, construct and other visual scripting suits will allow you to get prototypes up and running in a flash with minimal know-how.. you mostly need the assets, and you seem to be already most of the way there already :-D

Thank you so much. Please let me know if you make a tweet out of this result so I can retweet it at least 4 times

Haha, thanks a lot - looks like you found it already, but just in case anyone else wonders, here it is:

It is sooooo cool to see one of my characters drawn and interpreted by someone. Honestly I got a little emotional. Thank you so much! It's all so good.

Happy you like how it turned out :-D
Really, thanks for the great reception everyone, it was a toughie but I'm glad the end result will serve our purpose, at least for a while!


Oct 25, 2017
New Jersey
play-counterplay dynamic is so important to the plot, they don't even attempt to explain how everyone suddenly knows Ian's hacker friend had management's case even though both Ian and his friend were professionals and his friend knew what he had in his hands. We're just expected to think the bad guys are omniscient or s
Depends on how grand your concept is, probably. Feel it out! Set aside some time and go through some GameMaker (2D) or Unity/Unreal (only if you absolutely have to have 3D, imo) tutorials and see how you like it. Having no programming background doesn't make it a non-starter.

This is very helpful! Is there any advice or tips you (or anyone here) might have for someone who is gamemaker-curious?


Oct 26, 2017
Hey _Rob_, it seems the Youtuber NitroRad mentioned your game for a moment.
I have high hope when you finish the game he will play your game at some point!

So cool, thanks for the heads-up! I sent him a build a little while back, and he not only played it but also provided a page and a half worth of feedback; I have a lot of respect for James, he really cares about this stuff, it's great!

While I'm here, here's a couple of recent screenshots. As I mentioned on Discord, recent player feedback has been very positive about distinct feeling areas, and how that contrast helps keep things interesting. As such, I'm making an effort to try and use that technique in as many levels as possible!



Weltall Zero

Game Developer
Oct 26, 2017
I know nothing about making video games but I have a weird desire to make one and a vague concept to follow. Should I try to learn how to make something on my own or is that like an insane thing to do? I have no particular programming background.

I'm now posting this like once a day, hahah, but take the courses I mention in this post:
During the courses you will gain an incredible amount of knowledge and they will hand-hold you into making three small but complete games yourself.

Haha thanks man :) I made this after attending to a beginners Java course and kind of just kept going. The code is not pretty though since I never learned advanced coding so I wouldn't say that coding isn't an issue... But while I would definitely say that it was the coding from scratch that eventually stopped me it was also what kept me starting in the first place, I liked the challenge and the "I made this on my own" thinking was always a motivation for me.
Anyhow, I'll check out those courses, Thanks! :)

I perfectly understand the "I want to do it all myself as a challenge", I've been like that all my life. But there's also a lot of value in "I don't want to do what everyone else has already done a million times, I want to focus on the things that my game does that nobody else has done". You will not be lacking for challenges, but they will be challenges that will let your game be even better than it could be if made from scratch.

Wow, I really like it! As said above, I'd love to see the game starring such a character! You're likely aware already, but even if you have little time/no programming knowledge, there are some tools that can assist to some extent - game maker, construct and other visual scripting suits will allow you to get prototypes up and running in a flash with minimal know-how.. you mostly need the assets, and you seem to be already most of the way there already :-D

Haha, thanks a lot - looks like you found it already, but just in case anyone else wonders, here it is:

Happy you like how it turned out :-D
Really, thanks for the great reception everyone, it was a toughie but I'm glad the end result will serve our purpose, at least for a while!

Thank you so much again for all the effort!

Twitter does something super weird to GIFs when publishing them; besides turning them into movies, it freezes the last frame for a bit while looping (you can notice it when the gif loops above). This can be avoided by actually making the last frame shorter; Aseprite has an "export for Twitter" option that does that automatically. Here's a "for twitter" version in case anyone wants it: image upload services seem to revert that change, so I uploaded it to my GDrive:
Here's also a slightly slower version that I think makes it easier to appreciate Pehesse's art:
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