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Oct 27, 2017
I'm not the biggest fan of Bernie or rose twitter, but man this is petty nonsense.

Ignoring everything else, no one needs dirty laundry between two individuals like this spread to the public, particularly when we really do need a unified front.


Chicken Chaser
Oct 25, 2017
Philly ❤️
Rich white women with nothing at stake says something to try to undermine the voice of the working class. HRC will always be a failure in my eyes for losing to Donald Trump.


Oct 28, 2017
Reminder that the Clinton's literally used black slave labour at the Arkansas governors house since it was a long standing Arkansas tradition (wonder how that tradition came about huh)

The Clintons Had Slaves ❧ Current Affairs

<p>But the prison labor system is also rotten to the core… </p>
Wow. If there was something done decades ago I wouldn't forgive this is one of them. I wonder how much of the black community is aware of this. It's something I'll have to bring up when my parents speak fondly of the Clintons again because this shit is really bad.


Oct 28, 2017
except Sirota only started working for Sanders in 2018

Yeah but why choose someone to be your voice that was so damning to the Democratic party. Sirota made sure to retweet that garbage near election day.

And he was pulling the same shit on Beto a year ago. Disingenuous selection of quotes and narratives.

Deleted member 8561

user requested account closure
Oct 26, 2017
Uh yeah it is true.

The Bernie voters who defected to Trump, explained by a political scientist

A new study found that about 12 percent of Sanders voters from the primary supported Trump in the general election.

12-13% of bernie primary supporters went trump. A whopping 25% of hillary primary supporters ended up going McCain in the GE.

I was in the middle of amending my statement;

Yes, Clinton -> McCain had a larger sizable total (racism),

But if you look at the numbers you see Sanders -> Trump (10.8), Garry Johnson (4.1), Jill Stein (4.5), Other (3.5)

So it's basically a wash, voters had more options and basically went conservative at the same rate as they did with Clinton -> McCain, with more so going third party non-conservative.

Time and time again, her and her stans have been exposed as being racist, transphobic, etc.

come again?
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Oct 27, 2017
I don't like Tulsi and am not a fan of her, but can you imaging the reaction here and on Twitter if Tulsi did and said half the stuff that Hillary does? If Tulsi was cozy and enabled rapists, was bff with war criminals and was constantly throwing shades at other candidates, hinting that she wouldn't support the nominee in the GE, had a superpredators comment etc.?

The personality cult surrounding Hillary is so incredibly strange.
Hillary is the only transphobe you can stan and not get banned for on this site.
May 29, 2019
So fervent Bernie supporters want Hillary Clinton to endorse Bernie in a hypothetical general with him as the nominee, but actually, or is it more about the "implication" of her not endorsing Bernie in the general and then extrapolating from there?


Oct 28, 2017
Centrist dems (pretty much all elected dems right now) are committed to capitalism and are bankrolled by corporations and billionaires. Bernie isnt and his goals conflict with theirs.

centrists don't want to have the same healthcare as poor people. Which is why era always trashed Medicare4all.

Deleted member 176

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
So fervent Bernie supporters want Hillary Clinton to endorse Bernie in a hypothetical general with him as the nominee, but actually, or is it more about the "implication" of her not endorsing Bernie in the general and then extrapolating from there?
Hillary Clinton isn't ready to say if she'd endorse Bernie Sanders in a potential Bernie vs Trump election. That's fucked up.

Even the PSA guys get it!
Oct 26, 2017
Well since we don't have a time machine and it was signed 26 years ago, there's not much good in debating decoupling elements of it after the fact. As I said, I greatly dislike that bill for the elements that crippled black communities for an entire generation—likely multiple generations. I'm just not so naive as to say somehow Sanders holding up his nose and voting for it despite knowing it would cause irreparable harm is somehow noble.

The reality is, Congress has had those 26 years to make sweeping changes and have failed to do so. They shoulder that blame and should be judged accordingly. We need effective and transformational criminal justice reform, and it needs to be done in a way that helps revitalize the communities bills like the 94 Crime Bill devastated. Unfortunately despite it being a clear failure, we haven't seen any major legislation to undo the horrible effects of the bill. Hipefully 2021 will be the year we see a new Crime Bill that unfucks the criminal justice system.

Because the whole point was that Bernie's perspective wasn't different to other dems at the time which is clearly bullshit? You have a member of congress who's vocal against those racist elements of the bill since it was written? Then you have the majority of dems continuing to want to support those racist parts of the bill? I feel it really isn't difficult to see why the individual may struggle to enact actual change or how it's ludicrous to say they're equally as responsible?

I don't get how trying to justify how the bill was made, not holding those responsible for doing such intentionally, or suggest the member who didn't want it made that way and vocally aired his disgust at the time is no different from them isn't providing an excuse for the racist politicians?

I don't get how you can say you want a radical criminal reform whilst simultaneously shitting on the candidate who's wanted the same throughout his entire life and propping up those that oppose any kind of structural reform as being equal to him?

Your whole point is "I really want what Bernie's said for decades... but we should ignore that guy and put faith in the politicians who still support the bill or have never mentioned it as an issue until maybe recently"
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Oct 29, 2017
Holy fuck at the sheer volume of people agreeing with her in this thread.

Hillary Clinton is an unpopular, disgusting pile of garbage. The Clintons cozied up with Trump, Epstein, Weinstein...she even tried to get Ronan Farrow to shut down his investigation of Weinstein as documented in his book.

If these associations ALONE had come out against ANYONE ELSE, they would be raked over the coals like Tulsi Gabbard is here for much, much more ambiguous shady connections.

Facts. She is another standout of a sociopathic FYGM boomer generation.

People need someone better to follow and praise. I'm especially talking to my black and brown brothers and sisters.

Reminder that the Clinton's literally used black slave labour at the Arkansas governors house since it was a long standing Arkansas tradition (wonder how that tradition came about huh)

The Clintons Had Slaves ❧ Current Affairs

<p>But the prison labor system is also rotten to the core… </p>



Dec 23, 2018
Uh yeah it is true.

The Bernie voters who defected to Trump, explained by a political scientist

A new study found that about 12 percent of Sanders voters from the primary supported Trump in the general election.

12-13% of bernie primary supporters went trump. A whopping 25% of hillary primary supporters ended up going McCain in the GE.
This isn't and has never been a complete look at the data. 538 has a quarter of Sanders primary voters not voting in the election (either voting 3rd party, abstaining, etc). I'm not saying Clinton had a right to those votes, but the break down is startling.
And why should we care what other voters in other primaries did? You're sliding from a progressive to Trump. What the hell.


Oct 11, 2018
i legit don't understand how Bernie is absolutely loved by a ton of people, yet hated by those in his party so much. Is it because he is one of the few actually full on progressives or what? He seems to be a career politician because he's not only fighting vs the Republicans but his own party as well.

the shorthand version is that the dem party is "big tent" party which means a bunch of people who aren't conservative enough to be a full on republican are in the same party with progressives and the schism behind the folks who just wanna "hold the line" and try to restore the norms before trump and folks pushing for leftism is getting wider and wider

even if somehow folks "unified" behind a candidate for 2020, this isnt going away and if bernie somehow wins the presidency a lot of the old guard wont be happy.

which imo needs to happen


Oct 30, 2017
i held my nose voting for her, the least she could do is hold her nose and vote for bernie for me


Oct 25, 2017
I like Bernie's message but he's not going to accomplish any of it without a Senate super majority or a rule change eliminating the filibuster.


Jun 9, 2018
Yeah but why choose someone to be your voice that was so damning to the Democratic party. Sirota made sure to retweet that garbage near election day.

And he was pulling the same shit on Beto a year ago. Disingenuous selection of quotes and narratives.
But... he wasen't part of the campaign.

You found all these videos but they don't prove your point. They're at best, circumstantial.


The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
Bernie's faults: Doesn't speak to people of color.

Hilary's virtues: Speaks to transwomen, to tell them they're not real women.

I wonder what the PoliERA reaction would be if AOC made some statements of her own spitting truth about Hilary being a TERF.
Wait what
Oct 28, 2017

So you found one legitimate one out of the half dozen you spammed into your post?

Did Sirota even work for Bernie in 2016? I honestly don't know. I do know that he's a journalist and that looks like a legit news story.

Edit: Just looked it up and he didn't. Lol, Hillary stans never change.


Oct 27, 2017
For my issues with Bernie, it's clear he wasn't a "career politician" as he was doing things in the past that politicians like Hillary were too scared to.


Oct 27, 2017
User banned (3 days): Inflammatory generalizations.

Deleted member 8561

user requested account closure
Oct 26, 2017
I have great news everyone

You are not forced to read articles, posts, threads or even HULU EXCLUSIVE interviews with politicians you don't like.


Oct 25, 2017
So fervent Bernie supporters want Hillary Clinton to endorse Bernie in a hypothetical general with him as the nominee, but actually, or is it more about the "implication" of her not endorsing Bernie in the general and then extrapolating from there?
Bernie does need Clinton's endorsement because she has a group of loyalists who blame him for her loss and likely would stay home if he's the nominee. But also, it's actually not great to have someone w/ so much influence in the party saying this about a potential candidate.

Deleted member 8561

user requested account closure
Oct 26, 2017
And you're not forced to cape for slave owners

Crazy how internet forums work

Can you show me stanning for slave owners?

I would really like to know if I've been stanning for personally defending slave ownership.

Usually making such outlandish accusations is bad manners, but I'm guessing the thread will be open for a few more pages before mods close it up and pretend that the current discourse is unimaginable and totally out of the ordinary.


Oct 25, 2017
Read 9 pages in and haven't see it yet so I'll ask.

Hillary won't comment on voting for Bernie "if he won the nomination" because it's still primary season and a positive or negative endorsement would help/hurt someone running?

Not sure how well that flies considering she is taking the time to paint some negatives about Bernie.

Maybe I'm reading this all wrong but from my view over here it's clear that this only hurts one person while helping every other person running for Democrat nominee, so not sure how much I buy into the "not saying anything because it's still primary season" rationale.

It really would be great if Hillary just vanished until elections are over. Democrats fight amongst themselves as it is and didn't need another reason.


Oct 28, 2017
So you found one legitimate one out of the half dozen you spammed into your post?

Did Sirota even work for Bernie in 2016? I honestly don't know. I do know that he's a journalist and that looks like a legit news story.

Some were written near the election, but all were retweeted by Sirota the day before the election.

All I'm saying is that I can understand why Hillary would hold a grudge against sanders if he surrounds himself with these people to be his voice. You want see what a good Democrat does after losing a primary? Look at Beto's Twitter, he is constantly campaigning for other Democrats.

Deleted member 176

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
I have great news everyone

You are not forced to read articles, posts, threads or even HULU EXCLUSIVE interviews with politicians you don't like.
You don't need to read it. These things are influencing from headlines alone. Do you think the people who voted for Trump in 2016 because Facebook articles said Hillary promised to take their guns away actually read those articles?

This is sadly, not great news.

Deleted member 6122

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
I have great news everyone

You are not forced to read articles, posts, threads or even HULU EXCLUSIVE interviews with politicians you don't like.
Lol if we're taking this route shouldn't you stay out of AOC and Sanders topics?
Trying to take this line on it after the exposure of all HRC's misdeeds in this thread makes it even more clear how indefensible it all is.
Oct 28, 2017
Some were written near the election, but all were retweeted by Sirota the day before the election.

All I'm saying is that I can understand why Hillary would hold a grudge against sanders if he surrounds himself with these people to be his voice. You want see what a good Democrat does after losing a primary? Look at Beto's Twitter, he is constantly campaigning for other Democrats.

Sirota didn't work for Bernie in 2016.

Bernie did over twice as many campaign events for Hillary in 2016 than Hillary did for Obama in 2008.

Keep trying.

Deleted member 2620

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
I have great news everyone

You are not forced to read articles, posts, threads or even HULU EXCLUSIVE interviews with politicians you don't like.
what a crazy new way to look at things. nobody regularly posting on a discussion forum had considered this. empowered by this new perspective, we can move forward by only posting about public figures that we personally like.


Prophet of Regret
Jul 4, 2018
the shorthand version is that the dem party is "big tent" party which means a bunch of people who aren't conservative enough to be a full on republican are in the same party with progressives and the schism behind the folks who just wanna "hold the line" and try to restore the norms before trump and folks pushing for leftism is getting wider and wider

even if somehow folks "unified" behind a candidate for 2020, this isnt going away and if bernie somehow wins the presidency a lot of the old guard wont be happy.

which imo needs to happen
so, would it be possible for that old guard to even topple at this point? Let's assume Bernie wins the nomination and the presidency, would that change anything? Or would it just make centrist dems and repubs dig in even further since they would likely grid-lock the movement of any bills? Are there any young dems that could push this movement forward? Aoc?

Deleted member 28564

User-requested account closure
Oct 31, 2017
I have great news everyone

You are not forced to read articles, posts, threads or even HULU EXCLUSIVE interviews with politicians you don't like.
You aren't forced to keep track of anything. Including Trump's tweets. Of course, refusing to pay attention to it does not by any stretch of the definition render it nonexistent. This post of yours is very silly.
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