
I love pineapple on pizza!
Oct 28, 2017
Earth, 21st Century
I live for these. They're always the tracks that stand out to me the most when I first hear them, and they're always the ones I remember the best. I can only embed two pieces of media, so I'll have to choose my top two for the OP, which are...

Leftovers from the Dreams of the Strong, Xenogears

You first hear this when you meet Bart's crew on the Yggdrasil, and it generally becomes the Yggdrasil's theme throughout the game. Bart's storyline is about reclaiming his kingdom from a corrupt usurper, and every time you're in this machine you're generally on a mission to do something heroic, or at least something cool.

Who doesn't remember Frog's theme? Frog is a paragon of badass knighthood, and this theme generally only plays when he's doing something really cool, like cutting a mountain in half. Every single person I talk to loves this music. It perfectly embodies Frog/Glenn's heroic spirit, his desire to bring justice to Magus for what he did to his mentor and for the curse he cast on him.

What are some other great heroic themes?


Oct 25, 2017
I thought it was going to be a thread about the Wonderful 101 theme.

Edit: Beaten by an united punch.
Oct 25, 2017
Can't find it, but towards the latter stages of Arkham City, when you're bolting across town for some important Batman-reason, there's a very 'Batman' tune that plays.

I would have to buy the game and play it up to that exact song to include it, it's a real hard sucker to locate plus I can't remember it exactly so I can't post it.

Hard to describe, it's a fast pumping dramatic theme but sounds like something out of his movies or BTAS all the same.

It was City to be sure, I haven't finished Knight yet and I'm damn sure it wasn't the other two.


Oct 30, 2017
Came here to post this. It REALLY starts to jam at 1:38. Always loved this piece of music.



Nov 14, 2017
Cervantes had one as his theme in Soul Edge/Blade, despite being an asshole.


Oct 25, 2017
I would give my right arm to be able to select my own leitmotif at character creation the way some games let you choose your voice.

I understand why it's not a thing, but having a theme that matches your character concept would be so cool.


Oct 25, 2017

Can't help but imagine of an heroic in the nick of time cavalry arriving to this theme.

in something different, i always thought the following theme was too heroic sounding for who the character was: