
Feb 20, 2018
I wouldn't call it Doubling down but more of a stoking the flames of internet controversy.

On what grounds is the game in violation of the standards of Steam?


Oct 25, 2017
Wait the developers a lesbian? The fuck?

Like I get hate is stupid in general but you'd think there'd be some empathy there.

The RF in TERF is from Radical Feminist, a movement which had so regressive ideas about gender and sexual orientation that basically asked straight people to be lesbians
Which in part created lots of biphobia

There is a reason why this shit was created in the 60~70's ...and mostly stayed there with it's regressive views

Deleted member 48897

User requested account closure
Oct 22, 2018
The RF in TERF is from Radical Feminist, a movement which had so regressive ideas about gender and sexual orientation that basically asked straight people to be lesbians
Which in part created lots of biphobia

There is a reason why this shit was created in the 60~70's ...and mostly stayed there with it's regressive views

I will say that at the time the groups in question did important work in expanding what we mean by sex (probably the single most important lasting effect that political lesbianism has helped -- not exclusively -- bring to the culture) and getting people to think about gender in a more broad sense. They were not useless movements but the idea that feminist separatism was going to be a lasting strategy was, of course, a foolish notion.

The problem, to use a trite analogy, is they all got onto the gender progress bus and once they got out at their stop they became upset that the bus still had a route to follow. Now they claim the bus hates cis people.


Oct 25, 2017
Los Angeles, CA
Fwiw, the only people buying the game right now are dipshit reactionaries who aren't actually interested in the game, and are just interested in being shitty to trans people. They won't support the developer in the future, who at this point has burned bridges with the actual fanbase the game had.
Yeah. This happened before with Alterna Comics. They support a dipshit, so a bunch of bigots started buying a ton of their comics, blindly.


Oct 29, 2017
Glasgow, Scotland
I just don't get it. You can hate a group that much that you mock about their suicide rates.. Like fair enough you can dislike any group you want privately to yourself, but to be this openly blatant in what can only be described as pure hatred, at what point do you stop and think you've maybe gone way way too far?


Oct 25, 2017
I will say that at the time the groups in question did important work in expanding what we mean by sex (probably the single most important lasting effect that political lesbianism has helped -- not exclusively -- bring to the culture) and getting people to think about gender in a more broad sense. They were not useless movements but the idea that feminist separatism was going to be a lasting strategy was, of course, a foolish notion.

The problem, to use a trite analogy, is they all got onto the gender progress bus and once they got out at their stop they became upset that the bus still had a route to follow. Now they claim the bus hates cis people.
There was just a pretty in depth article about TERFs on Vox recently that educated me quite a bit about them, as I only knew superficially of their existence.

This sub group of Radical Feminists is so driven by hatred of anything masculine, that they went full circle and partnered with ultra conservative anti Women's Rights movements as long as they were anti Trans. (In a TERF's view, even a Trans Man -ergo born a Woman- is at best hurting their agenda as "brain washed pupets" and at worst active enemies who actually like Men so much they want to become them and oppress Women).

I mean, lobbying alongside people who are anti abortion, anti contraception, and generally regressive on Women and feminism, just because someone who might have been born as a man physically but identifies as a Woman wants to use the Women's bathroom...

Grain Silo

Dec 15, 2017
I just don't get it. You can hate a group that much that you mock about their suicide rates.. Like fair enough you can dislike any group you want privately to yourself, but to be this openly blatant in what can only be described as pure hatred, at what point do you stop and think you've maybe gone way way too far?

Because public hatemongering will get them praise as being "based and redpilled" in the community they frequent.

All of this hate and vitriol is a part of their bigger collective worldview that leftists are trying to take over the media and take their risque jokes and anime titties away so they respond to these perceived attacks as violently as possible. And yes, trans people existing are perceived by them as an "attack".


Oct 29, 2017
Glasgow, Scotland
Because public hatemongering will get them praise as being "based and redpilled" in the community they frequent.

All of this hate and vitriol is a part of their bigger collective worldview that leftists are trying to take over the media and take their risque jokes and anime titties away so they respond to these perceived attacks as violently as possible. And yes, trans people existing are perceived by them as an "attack".
Urgh. Humans were a mistake. Such a shame we can't exist in some semblance of harmony but have to attack others who are actually doing nothing to you.


Nov 20, 2018
The RF in TERF is from Radical Feminist, a movement which had so regressive ideas about gender and sexual orientation that basically asked straight people to be lesbians
Note that they have no relation to that historical descripion, nor do they say they are 'terfs'.

Also found this, don't know if this has been posted:


Oct 26, 2017
Imagine defending transphobia with a line from The Matrix, of all films.
Yeah it's like when the Ion Fury people flirted with changing their dumb homophobic joke sprite to a They Live reference and then decided to stick with the homophobia.

Alt right people and bigots in general co-opted the red pill a while ago. I think redpill is even the name of a subreddit they use.


Oct 25, 2017
Just saw this, fucking what

Why....why are you that hateful. That's a very specific kind of spite at the people they hate and the people calling them out.


Editor at Nintendo Wire
Oct 27, 2017
it's genuinely sad how they can't see the irony in their arguments basically being 1:1 with anti-gay sentiment from decades ago. The ol' "science and biology don't support it existing!" posturing and the constant othering use of "them" and "they"; arguing against "them" putting people with her beliefs under the "TERF" umbrella while implying all vocal trans folks are white men.

also the part about trans people "punching down" to LGB people... what?


Oct 25, 2017
I just checked this person's game (SLARPG) because of their last tweet in your post. Their pixel art is kind of amazing. Like, awe-inspiring amazing. It looks so cool.

Yeah SLARPG is godlike. If you like bad Sonic comics Bobby runs an amazing blog that's going through the old Archie Sonic issue by issue.
I don't know who these pieces of shit are, but they can rot.
Put it better than I could.


Oct 25, 2017
Note that they have no relation to that historical descripion, nor do they say they are 'terfs'.

I know she literally said she is not a radical feminist .... but it sure quacks like a duck =P
I mean every single point she makes (including the "terfs don't exclude trans people because they accept trans men as the women they are") are straight up terf points.
if they don't support my identity, who am I to support her non identification with an idea?

I was posting more to say "terfs can be lesbians so much they basically made a headcanon that straight women should be lesbians too"
Nov 26, 2017
Sincere apologies for double posting but it seems that the transphobia isn't just in the sale, it's directly in the game too:

Deleted member 3294

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Sincere apologies for double posting but it seems that the transphobia isn't just in the sale, it's directly in the game too:
Looked it up cause those dialogue options looked suspiciously like they're from when you name a character or something and, yup:

Obviously fuck this game's developer still, but keep in mind that with something like this dipshits will make shit up to get a rise out of people.

Deleted member 24097

User requested account closure
Oct 29, 2017
User Banned (2 weeks): Excusing transphobia and inappropriate speculation
Pretty seems like basically she's had encounters with preop TS women presenting themselves as lesbians, who then created a narrative of themselves being the poor bullied creature in order to get sex.

She was sexually assaulted, but Instead of putting the blame on the aggressors themselves, wraps it around the entire community and then looks for justifications to do that.

She does seem like a reasonable person though, so pointing to the proper problems in her logic could probably help bring her back to reason a lot faster.

As for how she got there, it's basic behavior in mankind unfortunately.
"I met a person from minority A and it didn't go well so now I think minority A as a whole should crash and burn as a whole"

That's shit you hear all the time.
Let's save the planet; yeah!
Plastic is a big problem!
Overfishing is a big problem!
And two months later, debate on public TV: "plastic is much more urgent that overfishing, these other people are frauds" vs "overfishing is killing industries while plastic at least keeps some workers in the loop!"
In both cases, you're just enhancing dissensions and thus harming ecology as a whole.

Instead of defining a clear target and a clear strategy, fringe groups start questioning details before big strides can be made and start to become a norm. That's been destroying liberal fields for decades.

We have time to discuss details afterwards; why not just focus on the elephant in the room, get that to be the new norm, and start discussing details from there on?

Any other way to proceed is basically a straight highway back to the Bible Belt.


Oct 3, 2019
Ding Dong, Texas

Anyone else having this problem? Whenever I check the reviews, the "recent reviews" are missing, and it just says "all reviews". I swear this game didn't have 200 reviews the last time I checked, it was over 300+ with the recent reviews, especially since it was high on Top Selling, but now it's not. Does it have to do something with the reporting, or?

Deleted member 13148

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017

Anyone else having this problem? Whenever I check the reviews, the "recent reviews" are missing, and it just says "all reviews". I swear this game didn't have 200 reviews the last time I checked, it was over 300+ with the recent reviews, especially since it was high on Top Selling, but now it's not. Does it have to do something with the reporting, or?
It's because of Steam's off-topic review filtering. If they determine there's a significant number of reviews based on things outside of the game, they don't count any review posted during that time period.


Oct 27, 2017
You guys realize you are giving them more visibility, right?

Visibility works both ways. For the people who are prejudiced or intolerant of those who are different this would be another case to support. For the rest of those who do not share that view or opinion this will be another case to report and call out for their questionable words or actions.


Nov 12, 2017
There was just a pretty in depth article about TERFs on Vox recently that educated me quite a bit about them, as I only knew superficially of their existence.

This sub group of Radical Feminists is so driven by hatred of anything masculine, that they went full circle and partnered with ultra conservative anti Women's Rights movements as long as they were anti Trans. (In a TERF's view, even a Trans Man -ergo born a Woman- is at best hurting their agenda as "brain washed pupets" and at worst active enemies who actually like Men so much they want to become them and oppress Women).

I mean, lobbying alongside people who are anti abortion, anti contraception, and generally regressive on Women and feminism, just because someone who might have been born as a man physically but identifies as a Woman wants to use the Women's bathroom...

Is this really what they're about, though? The Contrapoints video on TERFs made a pretty solid argument, using the sorts of things they say within their own online communities, that it's really just that trans people disgust them. That it's not some logical strategy born out of a radfem hatred of all things masculine - it's just pure, immature, lizard-brain disgust. The complex arguments appropriating feminism are mere covers and after-the-fact justifications.

Deleted member 13148

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
Well, at least Valve seems to have finally added the transphobic slur to their word filter list. It's pretty terrible that it wasn't already there before this shit show.


Oct 27, 2017
Wow... This devs are straight garbage. Its so sad to see this minority hate just because they are different, some people are so cruel god damn, I hope all their present and future works crash to the ground, screw them. I reported their game on steam but I doubt it will do much.

You guys realize you are giving them more visibility, right?

You do realize that by ignoring problems you are giving them room to fester and grow, right?

If people ignored the Nazis back then, what do you think it would have happened? Smh

Now lets see a mundane example: if you ignore paying your credit card usage, what do you think it will happen? (A: interest is gonna growth to the roof and beyond, leaving you broke on the streets)
Last edited:

Love Machine

Oct 29, 2017
Tokyo, Japan
I reacted to this in the other thread, but this is just inhuman. The dev and her girlfriend at the center of this are lesbians, aren't they? How do they look into the comments section and see their new friends and not realize? Do you really need to hate such a small unjustly maligned community so badly that you'll associate with people who hate you and want to destroy your rights as well? I expect someone from a marginalized group to have more self-awareness and empathy than that. At the very least understand that harassing someone for their lifestyle is absolutely fucked.

To hell with them. They can enjoy their new company, absolute scum.

Also, for people going "Oh this could be coincidence" here's a general timeline and some facts pertaining:

- At some point, Heartbeat was on sale for 50% off.

- Heartbeat dev and girlfriend get outed as transphobic to unfortunately mild controversy. There's plenty of proof, see OP.

- Visible, easily accessible comments on Heartbeat request for the game to be put at 41% discount to dunk on trans people's struggles.

- Heartbeat is placed on sale at 35% off, which puts their bundle discount at 41%. This sale has a lower discount than a prior sale. This sale places Heartbeat and its bundle at weird, uneven pricing. This sale comes after requests from actual monsters to meet exactly that metric.

- Transphobic fuckheads celebrate and make jokes about the suicide of fellow human beings on the Steam page, flocking to the game.

- The sale remains, despite all of the above being readily visible, because it is intentional hate speech.

This is absolutely not a coincidence. This is a targeted hate campaign at trans people. This is a dogwhistle based on the transphobic controversy from the dev that the dev is currently cashing in on no less. Please do not come in here and imply that it is a coincidence.
Thank you for the summary. Unbelievable. How twisted/evil do you have to be?


The Favonius Fox
Nov 8, 2017
On what grounds is the game in violation of the standards of Steam?
Using the Steam platform itself to facilitate messages of hate (like using the sale itself as a means to espouse it) would be some contravention in there I imagine. Even outside of specific clauses though you'd have thought Valve just wouldn't want the platform used in that way. Not that I hold any hope or presumption that that's the case.


Oct 10, 2018
@ppl quoting me:
If you guys disagree it's fine but my point is that the devs are definitely happy that you guys are giving them this exposure.
Nobody had heard about them or their game until the first thread here was started. Now they did. I sure did.

You are giving people more reason to appeal to bigotry by rewarding them with exposure, which is translated directly to money.
This sale kind of proves my point even.
The first "drama" was probably so profitable that they've decided to create one more.
And what's more: they even used the reason itself as a discount margin. It kinda can't get more ironic than this.

It's one thing if you expose someone who is well known, since this way you are making them less than they are, but if you do the same to someone who is essentially nobody you are taking the risk of giving them a voice when they previously didn't, so essentially instead of fixing a problem you are getting the exact opposite.

Maybe we should all consider a bit more which battles are worth to pick and which are not.
That's only my opinion though.


Oct 28, 2017
@ppl quoting me:
If you guys disagree it's fine but my point is that the devs are definitely happy that you guys are giving them this exposure.
Nobody had heard about them or their game until the first thread here was started. Now they did. I sure did.

You are giving people more reason to appeal to bigotry by rewarding them with exposure, which is translated directly to money.
This sale kind of proves my point even.
The first "drama" was probably so profitable that they've decided to create one more.
And what's more: they even used the reason itself as a discount margin. It kinda can't get more ironic than this.

It's one thing if you expose someone who is well known, since this way you are making them less than they are, but if you do the same to someone who is essentially nobody you are taking the risk of giving them a voice when they previously didn't, so essentially instead of fixing a problem you are getting the exact opposite.

Maybe we should all consider a bit more which battles are worth to pick and which are not.
That's only my opinion though.

I'm gonna quote myself from earlier in the thread, because I think your perspective is shortsighted, much like the devs:
This the truth. They're reaping a few short term profits from people dumb enough to buy the game to own the libs. Meanwhile, they've set fire to their careers. The chuds aren't repeat customers. In a few days, they will just have barren, salted ground and a few bucks from people that actually hate them. The next game isn't gonna sell.

The notoriety matters for their future careers. Calling attention to their behavior is a long term strategy.


Corrupted by Vengeance
Oct 25, 2017
@ppl quoting me:
If you guys disagree it's fine but my point is that the devs are definitely happy that you guys are giving them this exposure.
Nobody had heard about them or their game until the first thread here was started. Now they did. I sure did.

You are giving people more reason to appeal to bigotry by rewarding them with exposure, which is translated directly to money.
This sale kind of proves my point even.
The first "drama" was probably so profitable that they've decided to create one more.
And what's more: they even used the reason itself as a discount margin. It kinda can't get more ironic than this.

It's one thing if you expose someone who is well known, since this way you are making them less than they are, but if you do the same to someone who is essentially nobody you are taking the risk of giving them a voice when they previously didn't, so essentially instead of fixing a problem you are getting the exact opposite.

Maybe we should all consider a bit more which battles are worth to pick and which are not.
That's only my opinion though.

I've seen trans people heartbroken that they supported this game prior to all of this coming to light. If getting the word out helps even one person avoid investing their own emotional energy into this game and getting burned in the process, that alone is reason enough to have this conversation.