
Oct 27, 2017
Mhm, I said it was small.
I was adding to your post, not disagreeing šŸ˜Š
There's a decent number of people who aren't going to watch a two and half Hour video but who will skim the thread. Just worth clarifying for them that the race of the writers isn't the issue at hand, even if he flubs his mention of it.


The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
A white guy not bothering to research why a "white guy" has a Spanish last name is slightly sketchy. He can do better, that's my point.
Just a side note, it's a Spanish and Italian last name. That name alone not prompting research isn't sketchy, to me. I know you said it's small, just wanted to add that it's Italian too, which in my opinion makes not looking into it even more understandable.


Oct 28, 2017
It's been a wild ride seeing this show of all shows get so much praise and attention over the years. Especially the first few seasons. My friends and I used to pass stuff from RWBY around whenever we wanted to laugh at bad animation/writing. Good on RT for managing to keep it going all these years though I suppose and I've always been happy for those who enjoy it.

Cant wait to watch this Hbomb video later


Oct 25, 2017
before i dive in, he really didn't talk about the show past season 3?

if so that's only like 1/3 of the series total by runtime


Oct 25, 2017
before i dive in, he really didn't talk about the show past season 3?

if so that's only like 1/3 of the series total by runtime
He does end saying he wants to make another video for the next seasons.
He's focusing a lot of the problems (and greatness) surrounding Monty which would not make sense after season 3.


Gameplay Programmer, Sony Santa Monica
Oct 25, 2017
before i dive in, he really didn't talk about the show past season 3?

if so that's only like 1/3 of the series total by runtime
This is true, but fully intentional and he points out at the beginning of the episode why:

(quote from the video) "I'm focusing primarily on the first three seasons of the show in this video because RWBY can be pretty neatly divided into two separate eras with two different sets of problems that don't fully overlap, and for the purposes of criticism I intend to treat them as distinct entities in most cases... If you're a fan of the second half of the show you probably already agree with most of what I'm going to say."


Oct 25, 2017
I was a big RT fan for years but their animation department has disappointed me across the board. I couldn't watch more than an episode of two of RWBY, it just wasn't for me. Now they're turning RvB into a fully animated show with no more machinima which kind of sucks too, I like the machinima aspects of RvB much more than the over the top animation.


Mar 4, 2019
I like RWBY but its flawed
Faunus thing was such a mess
Don't get me started on Cinder and Adam
Ren is just....urgh


Mar 4, 2019
After around volume 4 I stopped expecting the show to get good and just kept up with it because of the sunk cost fallacy because I still had friends who watched it and it tends to be fun to talk about with friends when its airing (my excuse for watching alot of bad anime).

Alot of what Hbomb said was sadly very true, the bit about Ruby dropping her weapons obsession and never build any new ones hurt me alot. The Faunus everything (including Blake) is something I actively avoid thinking about due to how. . just down right disgusting it was. Also I like how the only relevant black/brown character in a show with major story arcs about racism is on the villains side.
And to me, the character who suffered the most and has legit reasons to care about/be angry at racism and shows that the Faunus are somewhat justified to rise up just one dimensional abusive hate sink whose racism isn't even addressed

and the person who advocates for violence and is portrayed as being bad is dark skinned too


Oct 28, 2017
Never heard of RWBY before but this is an interesting deep dive. The animation looks great so it interesting to see how a show driven so much by the visuals, concepts, and fight scenes would have much of it's run time dedicated to exposition for practically first time writers attempting to make sense of everything and everyone in the world. It's no wonder there apparently was so little forward momentum of the story and they didn't really know where the story was supposed to be heading.

The World of Remanent series seems like Disney Star Wars explaining, retconning, and fixing things in novels that weren't properly explained or were poorly executed in the films.


Oct 28, 2017
And to me, the character who suffered the most and has legit reasons to care about/be angry at racism and shows that the Faunus are somewhat justified to rise up just one dimensional abusive hate sink whose racism isn't even addressed

and the person who advocates for violence and is portrayed as being bad is dark skinned too
Seinna was for using force where necessary. Adam was the one who went full on terrorist.


Oct 25, 2017
This is the type of show that I should be obsessed with, but the almost constant stream of negativity directed at the show's characters and plotting along with the awkward, stilted animation and the queerbaiting sprinkled on top means I have never watched it.


Oct 27, 2017
" RWBY volume 1-3 Is Disappointing, And Here's Why"
His criticisms towards the show aren't squarely aimed at the first chunk of the series. It's just that he spends the majority of his time talking about how the bedrock of the entire series is extremely flawed, and how very little was done to improve the show in later seasons. If he does do a follow-up for the later seasons, I expect it to be a lot more about how nothing was learned from the failings of the first three seasons (and the successes of season 3's back half), which is something he discusses briefly following his praise of season 3's finale.
I'm still floored that Rooster Teeth had two guys who have never written anything before be in charge of what would essentially be the largest thing they would make since RvB. The amount of problems caused by that still plague the show.
A lot of fans on the official subreddit complain that the video is full of "Monty worship", but the truth is that Miles and Kerry really were completely unqualified to write a show of this scale, and Monty was foolish to be as hands-off as he was. Nearly two seasons go by without any meaningful world building, which leads to World of Remnant feeling like a complete waste of the viewer's time, making up for the fact that M&K are terrible writers by establishing core elements of the series after the fact.

It's incredibly messy, like if Red vs Blue waited for six seasons to explain that Church wasn't a ghost, but an AI, and that the entire series was actually all about sheltering him from a maniacal super soldier intent on capturing him for his own means. Thankfully, that didn't happen and RvB remained incredibly consistent in its storytelling all the way up to present day.


Oct 25, 2017
The only reason I knew this show existed is because it was done in Poser, which was very impressive. It's incredible how it grew, despite it's numerous flaws.

I used to think that how animation tools were getting easier to use or easier to obtain, we would have a lot of animated web series, but I guess most just went into doing short stuff in SFM or MMD. Maybe in a couple of years we will see a wave of web series done in Blender.


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
This is the type of show that I should be obsessed with, but the almost constant stream of negativity directed at the show's characters and plotting along with the awkward, stilted animation and the queerbaiting sprinkled on top means I have never watched it.

The fanbase for RWBY prevent me from recommending it to most people. This show produced one of the most craziest/contentious shipping wars I think I have ever seen (and participated) in a fandom.


Oct 25, 2017
I used to think that how animation tools were getting easier to use or easier to obtain, we would have a lot of animated web series, but I guess most just went into doing short stuff in SFM or MMD. Maybe in a couple of years we will see a wave of web series done in Blender.

that's because it takes a large number of people to really do animation. It's hard for a single person to do the job of an island.


DF Deet Master
Oct 25, 2017
The only reason I knew this show existed is because it was done in Poser, which was very impressive. It's incredible how it grew, despite it's numerous flaws.

I used to think that how animation tools were getting easier to use or easier to obtain, we would have a lot of animated web series, but I guess most just went into doing short stuff in SFM or MMD. Maybe in a couple of years we will see a wave of web series done in Blender.
it still takes a village to make series. Monty did a lot of one-offs and took a good deal of time between them


Aug 14, 2019
Everything he says about the WF plot is spot on and highlights the unfortunate implications it has (especially in light of the BLM protest). Making them all one dimensional villains pretty much makes the fact they were oppressed minorities irrelevant.


Oct 25, 2017
Judging by his previous works (such and such is garbage and here's shy), my tastes in media are diametrically opposed to Hbomb.

Maybe I should give this show a shot.

Edit: I forgot he too loved Bloodborne, so maybe it's not so cut and dry, after all.


ā–² Legend ā–²
Oct 28, 2017
The fanbase for RWBY prevent me from recommending it to most people. This show produced one of the most craziest/contentious shipping wars I think I have ever seen (and participated) in a fandom.
Somebody linked to the subreddit discussing the video in the comments and I completely see why you'd say that.
Oct 25, 2017
how is this video for someone who has never watched the series

As someone who has never seen RWBY and just watch the entire TWO AND A HALF HOUR LONG video. Honestly, I enjoyed it quite a bit. You can tell this show means something to him and it's nice to just listen and explain something he cares about and why he feels like it didn't live up to the potential it had.


Looking for a better cartoon show.
Oct 25, 2017
As someone who has never seen RWBY and just watch the entire TWO AND A HALF HOUR LONG video. Honestly, I enjoyed it quite a bit. You can tell this show means something to him and it's nice to just listen and explain something he cares about and why he feels like it didn't live up to the potential it had.
Dont worry Chugg you'll get plenty of opportunity to watch it when it comes to Toonami.


Oct 29, 2017
The section on the animal people and the poor racism allegory was spot on. I personally have zero patience for anymore 1D marginalized antagonist elements in stories.

Ah so its like the walking dead or sword art online
Pretty much. I haven't watched a single second of RWBY or the pre-series trailers before and I came away from the vid understanding all the points he was trying to make and never being lost.


Nov 26, 2017
This was a great video. Never really seen RWBY (aside from maining a Yang/Labrys team in BBTAG) and understood everything. That final Mounty quote is amazing, he seemed like a wonderful person


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
His views on the first 3 seasons largely reflect my own, though I'm a bit more critical of the Oum fight scenes. I felt Oum's involvement in RvB is when that show began a massive decline in quality focusing on dumb action spectacle over being a comedy in a halo inspired universe. Even when RWBY is doing good things with it's fight scenes I'm so numb to the characters and story in the first 2.5 seasons that I can't enjoy the fights at all.

I'll have to admit I've been unfair over the years blaming most of the problems in s1-3 on Oum when it was more complicated then that. It's hard to know how much of season 3's stark improvement comes down to not having to write the story to fit Oum's fights made in a vacuum, or the general improvement of the writers made after two seasons. Either way I don't think RWBY would have ever improved with the design structure that had created the first 2 seasons of essentially two different shows by two different writing teams being duct taped together.


Oct 28, 2017
Watched the whole thing and agreed with all of it. What first drew me to RWBY were Monty's trailers. There's such a disconnect in the show as it is now that I've dropped it in disappointment. I'm glad he seemed to like Pyrrha and recognized her potential as a meaningful character though, her moments in V3 remain my favorite. I still like V1 to V3 for what it could have been and for the fights (mostly because of Monty), after that though....RWBY completely loses me.

I really tried with V4, V5, and V6....but somewhere in V7, I realized I was only watching out of a sense of obligation (kinda like how I dragged myself through the Bleach manga oof) so I've dropped it. The characters and the story are hollow and make me feel nothing and the fight animation has no personality anymore. V6 and V7 do not improve this in my opinion. :/

I think he intends to release another video about his disappointment with V4 onwards as he only covers the first three volumes here.


Oct 25, 2017
When it gets to the season 3 stuff I sat up bc it sounded like they changed things. But apparently not?

Plastic Shark

Nov 17, 2017
Ooh, I should give this video a watch.
Even though it's two fucking hours about a show I thought looked and sounded like poo.
Dec 25, 2018
I tried to watch the show a couple times having liked RVB and the Rooster Teeth Shorts, and at least once during the periods where I drifted on and off Rooster Teeth content, probably would have seen more of the comedy spin-off than the actual show when they did that 'summer of animation' thing a while back pushing their animated shows but it just wasn't for me.

Big respect to Monty for being able to do what he did (and in freaking Poser! I thought it was done in SFM or Blender). Though it occurred during a period where i drifted off RT content (i maybe checked the podcast once in a while), I had heard of his passing and the circumstances of it.


Oct 25, 2017
I really tried with V4, V5, and V6....but somewhere in V7, I realized I was only watching out of a sense of obligation (kinda like how I dragged myself through the Bleach manga oof) so I've dropped it. The characters and the story are hollow and make me feel nothing and the fight animation has no personality anymore. V6 and V7 do not improve this in my opinion. :/
I dropped somewhere in V5.
Guess there's no reason to go back then...


DF Deet Master
Oct 25, 2017
reminder that best girl got shafted (or lucked out in not being involved in the show's further messy writing)



Oct 27, 2017
I guess this is one of those awkward times where I'm just learning of an apparently long popular thing having never heard of it.....

Might watch this vid later for entertainment. Hbomb's fun


Nov 12, 2017
I guess this is one of those awkward times where I'm just learning of an apparently long popular thing having never heard of it.....

Might watch this vid later for entertainment. Hbomb's fun
It's very niche.

Video is great hbomb material though. I still haven't watched his video before on Pathlogic(sp) mostly because I've never heard of it. Guess I should watch it.


Nov 12, 2017
Ah so its like the walking dead or sword art online
Exactly. Except without the premise of it being "perceived as good" in it's early seasons.

While fans of TWD and SAO hold onto hope that the series will some day return to what made them love it in the first place, fans of RWBY are still holding onto hope that the show will start to get good. Or they tell new fans to hang in there because it really picks up in season 6 and season 7.