
Oct 25, 2017
Likewise. Got past the first planet, got the next batch of quests on the docking station, but since then I haven't felt enticed to keep playing. Apart from the myriad of graphical/visual design issues the game suffers from, it just feels like a merely competent game that doesn't do anything particularly novel to hold my interest.

I rarely buy games at full price but made an exception this time because Jim Sterling and others were gushing about it. Yet another mistake which just serves to further reinforce my hesitant consumption habits. Probably the only game out of the handful I've paid $60ish for in the past 4 years that I didn't end up feeling burned by was Doom 2016.


Oct 25, 2017
a parallel universe
After I spent a while on Monarch I just got bored with it and put it down and havent picked it back up. Don't know if I will. It did some things right but overall I thought it was mediocre. One of the biggest disappointments for me this gen.

His Majesty

Oct 25, 2017
I found it a very boring game as well and I am a big fan of Obsidian games. Bad writing, stale combat and simplistic quest design are what hold this game back from being on the same level as their other output.


alt account
Aug 28, 2019
I have been seeing the narrative turn on this game faster than many others this year. A shame, I loved it.


Oct 25, 2017
I finished the game yesterday and I finished it only because I don't like dropping games. It was a disappointment, I won't lie.

Everything from the characters to the world design was bland and forgettable. I liked the dialogues and the humor, but since I didn't care about the events I really felt like skipping most of them. On top of that, the combat was awful.

I honestly don't get why many people praise this game, but that's one me. I went in expecting a fantastic RPG (better than everything Bethesda has done, apparently) and I didn't find it. I don't think it's a bad game overall, especially because it can be played on game pass, but I expected much better.


Oct 27, 2017
I finished the game and I think its just OK to be honest.

The combat is not fun and some quests have painful simplistic design.

It blows me away that is in the discussion for GOTY even if it is a relative weak year.

Deleted member 46948

Account closed at user request
Aug 22, 2018
Yup. I found the first planet to be the best one, then gradually lost interest until I dropped the game altogether at Byzantium (basically just before the end).

It's an okay game. It's sadly not great, it plays it extremely safe with the design and even writing. It starts off strong, but then just gets more and more bland until it loses any taste or appeal whatsoever.

Edit: like the poster above me said, it's mind boggling that this game is even in the GOTY discussion.


Oct 25, 2017
I'm still waiting on a mod to fix the horrific combat balancing issues. The game is just way too easy as it stands now.


Nov 11, 2017
I was interested and enjoyed all the dialog, but when you proceed forward you need to travel A LOT to complete quests, and that means long ass load times. It was a bit too much, so I bee lined to the end of the game.


The Fallen
Oct 29, 2017
I havent finished the game (got up to Byzantium and took a break to focus on other games) but I've been enjoying my time. Despite that Monarch was a real weakspot. Theres so much side stuff on this planet you can do that are all disconnected to your main goal (run smuggling jobs! help an alternative religion! fake a sons death!) that by the time I finally made my way up the mountain to focus on the main quest i completely forgot why I was supposed to be seeing this dude at all

just felt like i was off in the weeds for an extremely long time in a massive area, while the other main locations were paced much better as someone who wanted to juggle all the side stuff i could find instead of just mainlining


Oct 26, 2017
You are not the only one. The will to venture further after just reaching Monarch went down the drain. I honestly believe that the lack of true progression diminishes the overall quality.

You can easily stay with your base armor and weapons and just upgrade it from time to time. The game is just so easy, that you never get the sense of getting powerful.


Oct 30, 2017
It really does start to lose steam after Monarch. I was mostly interested in the character quests for your party, they were far more interesting than the main story. It's not particularly long though so I just powered through the back bits of the game. Wouldn't play it again but I enjoyed what was there.


Oct 28, 2017
Another one for Monarch. I hate that planet setting period.

I'm still trying to power my way through. But it's really not that fun.
I'll give it until after Monarch, as I'm almost done with the quests there.

Being a Game Pass, game. I don't think I'll have any regrets dropping it.


Oct 25, 2017
I enjoyed it and ended up completing it, but yeah, it's really front-loaded and the combat gets very easy and repetitive as you get stronger.

For me, the characters, writing and most quest design were strong enough that I had it in me to keep going until the end and I even did most of the sidequests, but I was glad when it was over, I was fully done with it. I get really into Bethesda-style-Fallout and it scratched that itch for a while.

Still hope for a sequel though, because there's more than enough room to improve on all of that and make the whole package great.


User requested ban
Oct 29, 2017
Wow, it seems that the reviews and opinions about this game were quite positive, it's interesting to see the discrepancy there.
i dont think most people say its actually bad game. It's just okay , more of the same but with very rough edges . So its like 7/10 or something along those lines
Feb 10, 2018
i dont think most people say its actually bad game. It's just okay , more of the same but with very rough edges . So its like 7/10 or something along those lines

Yeah, but the reviews were saying it was a game to play ! Apparently, it's just an okay game, and with the amount of games released every week, I don't have time for okay games anymore :(


Oct 25, 2017

You can zoom through the main mission if you want to see how the story wraps up, or you can just drop it!

Big G

Oct 27, 2017
I'm liking it a lot, but I'm coming up on Monarch right now so I'm a little worried based on many of the responses, lol.

I agree that the game is too easy and whenever the game gives you an opportunity to sneak past enemies, it never feels necessary.


Oct 28, 2017
Oh man. I got this from my GF and now my hype has completely deflated. Any tips to make more enjoyable? Maybe a non combat build?


Nov 6, 2017
I'm amazed at just how many people have had the same experience as me, down to taking a week+ long break, and hitting the wall on Monarch.

What is it about the design of this game that makes Monarch the break point?


Oct 25, 2017
It's a pretty short game. Just power through it if you're not feeling the sidequests.

Lobster Roll

signature-less, now and forever™
Sep 24, 2019
I think it's a fantastic game, and the writing and characters have been top-tier compared to its benchmark (3D Fallouts). The dialogue is miles ahead, the voice acting is miles ahead, and the humor is miles ahead. It's such a fun little game to interact and chat with people.

That said, the progression and fun in the game grind to an absolute halt some time around Byzantium and then it's a fully derailed train once you learn that you're traveling to Tartarus and that half of the planetary map is just cosmetic and you'll never travel anywhere else.

It's an odd game. I absolutely loved my time with it up until the point when the top-tier weapons came into play. It was a solid 10/10 for me for like 20 hours, and then the last 3-4 just crapped out hard for me. I would still include it as a last entry on the GOTY ballot or the lower end of a Top 10.

It's just hard to judge something like that, you know? It's very subjective how important the very end of a game can be for the player. I had 20 hours where I loved my experience, but then I was let down by the last 3-4. Do I "score" it lower for that? As a parallel, does Persona 5 become a worse game just because the ending drags? I don't know. What I do know is that for the next entry they've got to work on their late game progression and world interaction. Once you hit OP mode, it's just a run-and-gunner.


Oct 25, 2017
Oh, also: max long guns, hunting rifle ultra, that perk that makes you get back slow-motion time for every kill, crit damage perk: you are now a murder machine.


Attempted to circumvent ban with an alt account
Oct 27, 2017
Yup. I found the first planet to be the best one, then gradually lost interest until I dropped the game altogether at Byzantium (basically just before the end).

It's an okay game. It's sadly not great, it plays it extremely safe with the design and even writing. It starts off strong, but then just gets more and more bland until it loses any taste or appeal whatsoever.

Edit: like the poster above me said, it's mind boggling that this game is even in the GOTY discussion.

I actually finished it but I agree with the rest. The game was running on fumes by the end, with a clear drop in quality of content and systems the further you go.

If FO76 didn't exist there would be no GotY talk about ToW. It's a spite vote as much as anything, with people propping it up to "prove" how shitty Bethesda is.


Nov 29, 2017
My interest in this game fell off sometime after the first world. It's probably the most OK game I've ever played, but lacking a spark to make it truly interesting.


Oct 27, 2017
The game was just really really boring and didn't have enough variety in combat encounters due to shonky enemy AI, plus it was also way too easy.


Nov 14, 2019
It's boring as fuck, I gave up what I assume is maybe halfway through as well.

For Obsidian's standards, poor writing and boring ass characters.

They did much better writing within the confines of Fallout lore than they've done trying to do it on their own.


Saw the truth behind the copied door
Oct 31, 2017
I was so excited for this game because i loved Fallout New Vegas. After playing like 5 hours i got so bored i couldn't even force myself to continue.
Oct 27, 2017
Yeah, I lost interest in playing it too. It's not bad or anything, it's just not all that great. I do plan to go back and finish it before the year is out, but we'll see...


Dec 7, 2018
I was bored of it about midway through the story. There's a lot of dialogue that went on and on. I ended up skipping all the side stuff and most cut scenes. It's a fun game, but it just didn't hold my attention throughout.

Deleted member 12379

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
Love the dialogue in the game. I also fell off about an hour into Monarch tbh. Too many other games came out and grabbed my attention. I'll finish it up through GP someday.


Oct 26, 2017
I dropped it about halfway through, I liked the beginning but eventually got kind of bored of going back and forth from the different planets.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 28, 2017
I'm right there with you. I've only made it as far as Monarch and I just can't will myself to move forward. I think the first few hours of that game are so, so strong but I fell off amazingly fast.

Yup. Stepped off the ship in Monarch, looked around a little bit, and just totally lost all momentum.

Doc Kelso

Oct 25, 2017
It's a game defined by boring dialogue that feels like a bunch of people sat in a room together and tried to crowdsource something snarky. Layer that on top of the fact that the game is too cowardly to actually do anything with the setting other than saying, "Man!!! This sure is weird!!!" just makes the entire experience exceedingly mediocre.


Oct 27, 2017
New Jersey
Yeah I think I got 75% of the way through the game where I started getting super bored. Mainly because I was so OP and so were my companions, that I could let them kill all the enemies. I think I only died twice all game? Loved it and the dialog, but I got to the point where I just wanted to finish it.

Deleted member 49319

Account closed at user request
Nov 4, 2018
I played on game pass and I lost interest after around 10 hours.
Too many fetch quests with meh writing.


Oct 25, 2017
I've played through 10-15 hours of Gears 5, Borderlands 3, and The Outer Worlds and kinda dropped off on all of em. I don't dislike the games, I just don't find any real desire to keep playing that much. After I play any of them for 15-20 minutes I kinda feel sleepy and quit.

Meanwhile I can play 2-3 hours of Call of Duty MP and outside of raging at what seems like unfair bullshit (but really is just better players) I don't have any problems doing that day after day. I've always balanced FPS games and SP story games but the last 2 years really has tilted the balance towards Fortnite, PUBG, COD, etc for me. I imagine next year i might get bored of it and tilt back towards SP games.

It doesn't help that none of them are really as compelling or strong story wise as TLOU, God of War, Spider-Man, HZD, etc which I hold up as the greats. Also GTA5 and RDR 2, however unfair it may be, have sorta set a new bar for open worlds to me and none of these newer crop of games come even remotely close.

I do feel an itch to jump back into Yakuza 2 though.


Oct 27, 2017
I also burned out on the game and I'm not sure if I'll go back and finish it.

Unfortunately it's one of those games where by the time you leave the first planet you've already seen pretty much everything the game has to offer. There just isn't enough variety in the weapons / loot that you can find or enough driving interesting skill choices to propel me to continue on.

By the time I had gone through the 2nd space station area I already felt like I had unlimited lockpicking / hacking tools, money and weapon upgrades are just uninteresting +2 versions of the existing ones I already have.

The first planet was great and I really enjoyed it but they clearly needed a bigger budget.


Oct 25, 2017
I got to Roseway and started playing other games with the intention of getting back to it at some point. But I'm not feeling a strong urge to mess with it again. The story is uninteresting, companions a total bore (other than Parvati who is merely okay), and the combat is piss easy. I think I'm done with the game but I might boot it up again to see if it gets better when I get to Monarch.

Mr X

Oct 25, 2017
Virginia / US
I am definitely among the "stopped at monarch" crew. Playing on hard and the game is just far to easy (would have tried supernova but sounds like it just adds tedium, not really challenge). Story wasn't interesting enough to keep me playing either. The sequel won't be a first week purchase for me next time. Will wait until it marinates for a few weeks/months and see what other folks report on the difficulty. Overall was farily dissapointed after a promising start.

Deleted member 1589

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
My advice is stop playing it, take some time off by playing other things, and get back to it once you feel the interest coming back.

Did that and I LOVED the Witcher 3 the second time.


Apr 15, 2018
Wtf did critics see in this game. Lmao.
I feel that the game got such praise just because it was made by Obsidian, a beloved RPG developer that's considered "the good guys." The writing Obsidian is famous for actually wasn't very good in this game, but the critics praised it just because Obsidian is known for good writing.