Pirate Bae

Edelgard Feet Appreciator
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
I met Nolan North and Troy Baker at a convention years ago. Got them both to sign my UC4 hard case and got to chat with them a bit about UC and TLOU. Really nice people and it was a great experience.


Oct 29, 2017
Midwest USA
I met the Lachey family while working. I didn't really talk to them much, but both Nick and his wife Vanessa were nice in the small exchanges we had. And Nick is entirely laid back, he was throwing back a beer the whole time they were waiting on the film crew to be ready.


Oct 25, 2017
It was quite different for me. I once saw Travis Scott at a grocery store in Los Angeles. I told him how cool it was to meet him in person, but I didn't want to be a douche and bother him and ask him for photos or anything.
He said, "Oh, like you're doing now?"
I was taken aback, and all I could say was "Huh?" but he kept cutting me off and going "huh? huh? huh?" and closing his hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard him chuckle as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw him trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen Milky Ways in his hands without paying.
The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like "Sir, you need to pay for those first." At first he kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter.
When she took one of the bars and started scanning it multiple times, he stopped her and told her to scan them each individually "to prevent any electrical infetterence," and then turned around and winked at me. I don't even think that's a word. After she scanned each bar and put them in a bag and started to say the price, he kept interrupting her by yawning really loudly.

Surprised it took until page 2


Oct 25, 2017
Oh when I was a kid I met Jim Lee and Marc Silverstri. This was right when they had started Image Comics and it was like the biggest story in comics. I was star struck by Jim Lee and he signed my copy of X-Men #1. He also had promotional artwork for WildCATS on the wall behind him and I was really curious about it-and he told me all the character names, etc.


Oct 27, 2017
This one is really stupid but it made me happy.

Anthony Green from Circa Survive "liked" a comment I made on Thrice's instagram defending them for putting out a shirt and giving all the proceeds to a transgender/gay youth non-profit group. The comments were a fucking minefield and it really, really bothered me.

Circa Survive is my other favorite band next to Thrice so it blew my fucking mind that he saw my comment and gave it boost.
I've met Anthony 2-3 times seeing them live over the years, and he was incredibly nice and polite every single time. He was so pumped when I showed him one of his lyrics I got tattooed on me.

Over the years of going to shows I've met a lot of bands just by them hanging around the venue, and I can honestly say no one has ever been even slightly dickish, except for only two people who both thought they were the hottest shit and dismissed basically everyone in their path:

Wes Scantlin (lead singer of Puddle of Mudd)
Ian Watkins (lead singer of Lostprophets)

Shocking I know.


Oct 29, 2017
Cuba Gooding Jr. Came up to our small ass Canadian town to film Snowdogs south of Calgary (Cochrane AB) Big hubaloo about him coming in and how famous he was. I said fuck it I don't give a shit and go to bed (8 years old at the time) . My room is right beside the patio where he's having a great time with our whole neighborhood. My Grandma says "GUILOAH STICK YOUR HEAD OUT THE WINDOW SAY HI TO CUBA" and he's like "HEY GUILOAH!!! HOW ARE YOU???" Really nice guy and hung out with my grandparents all night.
Oct 28, 2017
(I know) Bill Cosby was nice to me when I was a kid and saw him downtown Philly.

Marc Summers was super nice when I saw him on Easter Sunday back in the day. He possed for pictures and even got me and my brother on DoubleDare when they still taped it in Philly.

Christina Millian is a sweetie pie.


Oct 27, 2017
I worked on Insomnia back in 2001, and spent a considerable amount of time with Al Pacino, Robin Williams, Hilary Swank and Christopher Nolan.

Robin was a gem. A truly kind-hearted individual. His son was in to hip hop, and he'd always wear a DJ Honda hat on set. We did a rap off one day in front of the craft service table.

Hilary was lovely as well. She'd just hang with the crew when she wasn't on set, and knit.

Al is.......Al. Not difficult to be around or anything, but he definitely wasn't engaging.

Christopher was really cool. I had some good conversations with him about film. His wife, Emma, is a wonderful human being. She kept in touch with a bunch of us after the film wrapped through email.

Maybe not someone everyone knows, but Nicky Katt is a super rad guy. A bunch of us would go smoke weed together after the day would wrap, and drink at the only bar in town way up north in this small BC town that was doubling for Alaska.


Oct 27, 2017
I met Yoshinori Ono (Street Fighter producer) at EVO 2014. He was goofy as Hell and super nice. Insisted we get a picture together (since the Nikkon I have is stupid big). Same week I met Penn and Teller after one of their shows, and they were great too. Very chatty, very cool.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 28, 2017
Jason Paige surprised the crowd at Video Games Live to sing the Pokemon theme song and did a meet-and-greet with Tommy Tallarico after the show.

Jason Paige is, beyond a shadow of a doubt, the kindest celebrity I have ever met. He was glowing, just super positive and super cool to be around. Always greeted people with a smile, always happy to talk, he was just an all-around amazing guy.


Mar 6, 2019
I met John Goodman in the late 80s and he was totally chill. Bought everyone a round of beers.


Oct 27, 2017
I've met my favorite music group Pentatonix many times by buying a VIP package before their concert. I know it's a paid thing but they have always all been incredibly kind. Even outside of that though, I ran into some of the band members at the red carpet premiere for the Power Rangers movie and they chatted for a bit and took a picture with me. I even helped organize a convention for fans of the band to meet up because we've formed great friendships online through the fandom, and two of the band members surprised us and showed up at our convention, which was entirely done by fans and they had no obligation to attend at all. So I will forever appreciate them for that.

Other than that, I've met a bunch of Power Rangers at conventions and some of them were especially extra kind. Erin Cahill (Pink Time Force Ranger) sticks out in particular. She asked my name and when I saw her the next day at the convention, she said hi and addressed me by my name. She really took time to chat and was just so genuinely interested in meeting everyone that went to see her.


Oct 29, 2017
I was leaving the Xbox conference in London last year and crossed paths with Larry Hryb (Major Nelson) who was also leaving.

Dude was super friendly and actually walked with us for a little while as we chatted. We had to leave as our uber arrived but we were having a great conversation til then. Really lovely guy and in the perfect role for him at Xbox.
Oct 27, 2017
I also forgot, I met Steve Vai back in 2007 after I won a meet n greet pass to his show. He is a super nice and humble guy and joked around with all of the meet n greet winners. Signed everyone's stuff and talked with everyone. His hands are like alien hands, no wonder he can do so much awesome stuff with the guitar


Alt account
Nov 1, 2019
Apparently Chris Farley was one of the nicest celebrities and treated his fans amazingly. I've heard countless stories of fans meeting him on the street and talking with them for awhile or getting food together. I think DAvid spade had mentioned something about this as well.

I met Jim Breuer after one of his comedy shows a couple of years ago and he was really nice guy too.

Just had to quote you but I met John Petrucci backstage during his G3 gig with Satriani and he I am happy to say was the nicest dude ever real humble and down to earth dude who just loves to play the guitar.

Oh and Steve Vai and Satriani were real nice also just all around great nice guys.


No Fear, Only Math
Oct 25, 2017
at e3 2010 i was playing 3ds after having waited in line for a while. i can't even remember what the demo was, but there was this guy sort of looking over my shoulder. after about a minute, i was gonna ask if he wanted to play, but first i looked left, my eyes still level with the system, and read the name badge first. matt groening. and then i looked up to make sure it was the matt groening, and it was, so i went to verify again by looking a the badge, at which point he stuck out his hand for his handshake.

we talked for about ten minutes. usually i get all weird and starstruck but i cooled down after the first few seconds, thanked him for creating the simpsons and told him it was something i would quote all the time - to which he replied that he did too. he asked how i was doing and mostly carried on a normal conversation after that. futurama was come back for its comedy central revival at that time too, and he reminded me to check it out. the only geeky thing was i asked if i could take a picture with him. he seemed a little annoyed but he put up with me for that, his son took the picture of us.

also met yvette nicole-brown on the set of community. as an intern for viacom, one of the things we could do was take a tour of the paramount lot, where community was filmed. chevy chase and joel mchale were in the gym and filming what was probably the 11th episode of the show. she was just super kind when she greeted us. i was the only one in our group who was excited to be there and meet her though. i doubt anyone else was a big community fan in my group.

Professor Beef

Official ResetEra™ Chao Puncher
Oct 25, 2017
The Digital World
I met Yoshinori Ono at EVO...2013? It's been too long and I can't remember. That man has such an aura about him, you simply cannot be mad when he's with you. He's a huge goofball and he loved taking pics with fans.

I also met Big E from WWE Around 2013 or 2014. Me, my mom, and my grandma were in Seattle for a wedding, and we stopped inside a Dennys. We get in our booth, and then he sat in the booth next to us along with Rusev and Lana. I was geeking out but wanted to play it cool especially since I was the only one around who recognized them.

As an aside, as I watched them, I could tell with complete certainty how in love Rusev and Lana were (and still are too). It was adorable lol

Once we finished eating we left, but as we were getting back to the car I pretended to leave something inside as an excuse to run back in and say hi. Rusev was gone (I think he was in the shitter) but Big E thanked me and shook my hand (dude's hand is MASSIVE btw). Lana nodded politely but that was it.
Oct 29, 2017
I've met a handful of bands at their merch tables, which in some ways doesn't mean much because they're selling merch, but also means a lot because there are a ton of bands who don't visit their own merch tables.

Favorite though is Bobaflex. D list metal band probably, but I've met them a handful of times when their tours cross through La Crosse WI. Fucking awesome people. It was my birthday one show and they legit handed me a bottle of Jagermeister and said "go ahead." So I got to do Jager pulls with one of my favorite bands. I held a five minute conversation with their drummer about fishing, which is funny because I don't fish but he wanted to talk about fishing and I was game to just talk to him.

Love that band.

I've met Nonpoint, Pop Evil, and Starset, and everyone in those bands were super cool.


Movie Aficionado
Oct 25, 2017
James Hetfield. Was behind him in a Jamba Juice line at SFO airport lol. He was chill and nice.

I also met Joe Satriani, very cool dude. Chatted for a bit with him.
Last edited:


Nov 2, 2018
Liam Neeson - took a picture and got his autograph after he did the Crucible on Broadway. This was right after Star Wars came out. He was incredibly gracious and very soft spoken.

Robin Williams - was an extra in Patch Adams. He would bike back and forth to his trailer and shout jokes to us as he passed.


Oct 27, 2017
Cary Elwes was in a movie that was filmed in my tiny hometown, so I got a chance to meet him. He seemed to just be burning time while the crew was setting up a scene, so my dad and I approached him and he seemed more than happy to bullshit with us for a bit until someone called him away. He was extremely gracious, seemed like a really nice and down to earth guy.

Osu 16 Bit

QA Lead at NetherRealm Studios
Oct 27, 2017
Chicago, IL
I've met many famous people and they've all been nice but the one that stands out the most is Emma Caulfield, the actress that played Anya on Buffy. I met her at a con and when I told her how much her character meant to me, and that I actually chose my middle name because of her, she seemed genuinely touched, wanted to talk for a bit, came around the desk for a hug, and wrote a really awesome personal message on the picture I got signed. Was one of the coolest experience I've had.


Apr 14, 2020
I was Kristen Schaal's bartender once and she was very charming. I normally don't chat up celebrities I'm serving too much out of respect but she was initiating a lot of conversation which was cool! She also came in wearing a Bobs Burgers toque which I thought was hillarious.

I also served Jonathon Frakes for what must have been weeks. Thing is I somehow didn't recognize him despite always seeming familiar (never seen him at his current age) but he was in enough I remembered his usual orders and we would make some small talk now and then. Then one night I guess I was being sassy with my coworkers (in a playful way) and he chimed into say "nice one" and we kind of broke the ice there. As I was cashing him out I embarassingly told him "man has anyone ever told you that you look a lot like Riker from Next Gen" and he laughed and said "thats maybe cause I've been on the series for over 30 years!" I told him how embarassed I was about that but he thought it was funny and immediately wanted to chat Star Trek with me. Really nice dude.

Rad Bandolar

Oct 25, 2017
I also served Jonathon Frakes for what must have been weeks. Thing is I somehow didn't recognize him despite always seeming familiar (never seen him at his current age) but he was in enough I remembered his usual orders and we would make some small talk now and then. Then one night I guess I was being sassy with my coworkers (in a playful way) and he chimed into say "nice one" and we kind of broke the ice there. As I was cashing him out I embarassingly told him "man has anyone ever told you that you look a lot like Riker from Next Gen" and he laughed and said "thats maybe cause I've been on the series for over 30 years!" I told him how embarassed I was about that but he thought it was funny and immediately wanted to chat Star Trek with me. Really nice dude.

Just kidding


Oct 26, 2017
Atlanta, GA
I hung out a whole evening with Xavier Woods at a video game bar I frequent, when he was visiting Japan. Dude was totally awesome. Really nice, really friendly, and kicked my ass in every video game we played.

At the end of the night, he gave me his phone number. I never asked for it. He just gave it to me. Dude is a class act.

This one is really stupid but it made me happy.

Anthony Green from Circa Survive "liked" a comment I made on Thrice's instagram defending them for putting out a shirt and giving all the proceeds to a transgender/gay youth non-profit group. The comments were a fucking minefield and it really, really bothered me.

Circa Survive is my other favorite band next to Thrice so it blew my fucking mind that he saw my comment and gave it boost.
I'm a huge Thrice and Circa Survive fan, so this makes me happy.


Jun 25, 2019
Nothing from Bands/Acting or anything like that.

I was at Blizzcon for my first time ever and went around looking at the different booths and such they had. Think it was at a MSI booth that I got to see PuMa and iNcontroL there when they were on EG. The area was pretty empty honestly since people were checking out other locations so I had the chance to just chat with them for awhile, about an hour or less I'd like to say surprisingly cause I would expect people would be around them more.

Got to chat to them about Starcraft and a bit more about Warhammer with iNcontroL and various other things. Obviously very nice people and still glad I got the chance to meet iNcontroL before he passed away, but never had a chance to see him again. :(

Soul Skater

Oct 25, 2017
I met Jada Pickett Smith when she was doing her metal band and I wilted and couldn't even talk when I saw her after the show. She was too nice


Oct 28, 2017
Santa Monica, LA
You know, the one that really pleasantly surprised me was meeting Carl Weathers at an airport bar and having a beer with him. He was just super courteous and nice and accommodating.

Probably my favorite was Bruce Campbell. He is just so naturally funny and charming.


Oct 27, 2017
Clinton, MO
I worked security for the Kansas City Royals a long while ago and met a ton of MLB players...I have to say an overwhelming majority of them were super cool to me and others.

Most notably Jeter, Pujols, and Griffey Jr. were all super nice and easy to deal with. Too many others to name as well...


May 15, 2020
Best i can say is my father, now retired, formerly a top Australian public service official, once drove from like Sydney to Canberra with the asshole politician who, while foreign minister/minister for immigration of whatever, was responsible for the "stop the boats", children separating, Manus island related catastrophic decisions... I forget who it was (they're all kind of blended together into one big grey mush of sphincter now) might have been ScoMo, this being during the Abbott PM period .. anyway the upshot is my dad - who is a fantastic, utterly unimpeachable person, anything but conservative or xenophobic or anything - said he was a perfectly nice guy... Awful politics, but a nice guy. So ladeeda.

Ps. He also met KRudd and confirmed that he was an insufferable asshole


Layout Designer
Oct 25, 2017
Bothell WA
Mr. T at E3 in 2003. That will always stick in my mind. He was promoting the Rocky boxing game on PS2 and there was a line about 40 people deep with only about 30 minutes left until he was supposed to go. My friends and I got near the front, but the 30 minutes were up so we thought we were out of luck. Boy were we wrong. Mr. T wouldn't let anyone in the line leave until he met and had a chat with everyone. I remember him saying to one of the booth workers, "You see all these people in line here? These people are here to see me and I will not leave until I've met every single one of them. They're taking the time out of their day, the least I can do is give them that time." We got photos with him and he'd put his chains around our necks if we wanted. I was in awe. He was so energetic and bubbly. This was also during the time of him doing those 1-800-Collect commercials, so one of my friends called one of our other friends that couldn't make it down to E3 with us and had Mr. T talk to him over the phone and berate him for not using 1-800-Collect to make the call. It was awesome, I wish we had video of it.

Also met Kojima twice at my work and the man couldn't have been nicer. Very inquisitive and full of awe. He was nice enough to even sign some Metal Gear Solid PS1 cases for a friend of mine.
Oct 29, 2017
fistbumped johnny depp, seemed like a really cool dude. said "take what you can" and he said "give nothing back" and fistbumped me.

had dinner with david fincher. he was pretty chill, seemed like a really cool guy.

also met a few of the guys from critical role, saw Sam at a rams game, took a picture for him and his kid. then saw him, liam, and taliesin at a renaissance fair, all wonderful folks.


Nov 12, 2017
I've met Anthony 2-3 times seeing them live over the years, and he was incredibly nice and polite every single time. He was so pumped when I showed him one of his lyrics I got tattooed on me.
That's awesome- mind if I ask which song?

I'm a huge Thrice and Circa Survive fan, so this makes me happy.
Dustin and Anthony are tight and both bands have been touring together for a good 15 years. It makes me happy too. You have good taste!

Sky Chief

Oct 30, 2017
I got seated next to Ricky Gervais at an outdoor bar and me and my girlfriend didn't want to bother him but he ended up striking up a conversation and was incredible friendly and cool


Oct 28, 2017
Bill Clinton, Marlon Wayans, Malcolm McDowell, and Christian Slater were all very nice and personable when I met them.


Oct 25, 2017
Mr. T at E3 in 2003. That will always stick in my mind. He was promoting the Rocky boxing game on PS2 and there was a line about 40 people deep with only about 30 minutes left until he was supposed to go. My friends and I got near the front, but the 30 minutes were up so we thought we were out of luck. Boy were we wrong. Mr. T wouldn't let anyone in the line leave until he met and had a chat with everyone. I remember him saying to one of the booth workers, "You see all these people in line here? These people are here to see me and I will not leave until I've met every single one of them. They're taking the time out of their day, the least I can do is give them that time." We got photos with him and he'd put his chains around our necks if we wanted. I was in awe. He was so energetic and bubbly. This was also during the time of him doing those 1-800-Collect commercials, so one of my friends called one of our other friends that couldn't make it down to E3 with us and had Mr. T talk to him over the phone and berate him for not using 1-800-Collect to make the call. It was awesome, I wish we had video of it.
That remote segment Mr. T did with Conan O'Brien where they went apple picking was hilarious. Mr. T came off as a really silly, sweet guy. Glad to hear he's like that in real life.