John Harker

Knows things...
Oct 27, 2017
Santa Destroy
Quiet a few but spent a good chunk of a full day with Jason Momoa and he's every bit as legit, down to earth, folksy, as you see. Ripped t shirts jeans beat up trucks and beers. No posse or handlers.

on the flip side though way way less famous, comedian John Hodgeman is a shit drunk and a total ass who I got into a a small thing with once because he thought he could pick up a female friend of mine cause - he could? I dunno. But we screamed at each other and he left so :🤷:. Jimmy Fallon was a bit of a distant aloof standoffish so didnt care much for him but timmothy bussfield was fun. What a weird day.
Oct 27, 2017
I used to hang out in an online chat room with Gaiman for several months before we went our separate ways, and I can confirm he's a wonderful person to talk to.

Yeah. He came off as a guy who's both a genuinely nice person, and someone who appreciates his fans because he knows who got him where he is today. I absolutely love and adore Sandman so much I have Death tattooed on my arm.

One of my best friends also ended up partying with Steve Harris from Iron Maiden when she worked at a bar in London, and he was apparently just as down to earth and jovial as he always comes off as being.


Oct 25, 2017
In high school, I went along with my friend to an album release party for the Insane Clown Posse (he had an extra ticket and I had literally nothing better to do). There was a pool table at the venue, and in between sets we decided to start up a game. Much to our surprise, just as we're racking the balls, Violent J and Shaggy 2 Dope themselves walk up and ask if they can join. So yeah, I played pool with ICP while a literal throng of juggalos looked on, seething with envy. They were very cool guys, and probably appreciated that I wasn't fanboying over them the entire time.

Ghost Rider

Oct 27, 2017
My dad painted Bill Murray's house in the 80's and said he was the nicest person of all the mega rich people he painted houses for. While most looked down at him as some ignorant foreigner, Murray treated him and the crew really well and would entertain them on their breaks.
I did Kevin Kline and Phoebe Gates landscaping when I was 18 in the early 90's. Both were super nice.
Used to run into James Earl Jones and Mathew Modine a lot here and they both were also super friendly. I've also bumped into Peter Dinklage several times in the grocery store. I usually have him his space but one time my wife and I were just shocked when we turned down an aisle and he was there and we were like omg!! He laughed and nodded and we said I and we love him and he was very gracious.


What year is this?
Oct 25, 2017
Met a few wrestlers. Kenny Omega (my avatar) is super nice, he signed my copy of Fire Pro, and we chatted about Kirby (his favorite Nintendo character) being the main character in World of Light in Smash. Also met the Young Bucks, Hangman Page, Marty Scurll, and most recently Cody and Brandi Rhodes. All were incredibly nice and super approachable.

Met Kenny briefly at an AEW show back in November. He had high-fived me going back up the ramp during the show and I told him how I was new to his work but could tell he was as good as everyone said. He said, "Thanks man, keep an eye on the other guys you don't know too. I'm just here to help. They're the future."


Oct 25, 2017
I met Nichelle Nichols at a convention and she was quite possibly the most wonderful person I've ever had the pleasure to meet in my life. I was with my daughter who was 10 at the time and we were just getting an autograph with her. She told my daughter to come around and sit with her. She then taught my daughter how to make the "Live long and prosper" salute and told her what it meant. She was incredibly personable, kind and funny. She took time that she didn't need to to reach out to my daughter and interact with her.

When I worked at Pixar I was having lunch in the cafe and Ben Burtt sat down at the table next to me. I really freaked out being in his presence.

Last year I was at the Arclight Theater in LA having lunch with my brother. Slash sat down at the table behind us and ordered some nachos. I really wanted to tell him I was a big fan but I didn't want to intrude.


Oct 27, 2017
I met Rod Stewart in Italy at a Scotland game. The dude was absolutely pished and was great fun. At one point he was just slumped in the bar floor singing along to his own tunes from the jukebox.

On the other side of the coin I saw Ricky Gervais at a pedestrian crossing at the top of Tottenham court road and said hello to him. The look he gave me back was like I was a total piece of shit 🤷‍♂️


Oct 27, 2017
San Francisco
They're not that famous but I met some of the members of Holy Fawn in January when they were playing in my city.

Some of the sweetest people ever. I've been a fan of them for almost a year and I've done a few art pieces inspired by their songs. Whenever I post something on Instagram, they always comment back so I decided to bring a print of one of the pieces I made to the show to give them as a little gift. I waited by the merch booth in between sets to try to catch one of the members and I saw Ryan (the singer/guitarist) walking towards me. I kinda cornered him, told him that they sounded great (it was their first time playing in SF) and showed him the print and he IMMEDIATELY recognized it. "You're YOU! You're the artist!" He gave me a hug and we chatted for a short period. I briefly met the drummer and bassist too and they were super nice too. It was super surreal and very encouraging. Moments like that really reinforce why I do art and design.

Side-note: I slid into their manager's dms and hopefully I'll be doing some promo art for them in the future 🤞🏼


Self-Requested Ban
Dec 9, 2017
I saw Jack Black taking his sons (or maybe son and a friend) to Dave and Busters over by the Kodak theater in LA. I didn't bother him because he was with his family but from what I overheard as he passed he seemed like a cool guy.


Oct 26, 2017
My wife's cousin is the head coach of The University of Nebraska football team and is pretty much revered as a god in that state. He's really nice at family gatherings and pretty down to earth when you talk about normal stuff. He seems to appreciate being treated like a regular person.
Oct 25, 2017
Met a few comics folks at cons, almost all were nice. Jimmy Palmiotti and Amanda Conner stand out the most, those 2 are incredible

Met Dikembe Mutumbo at a restaurant as a kid, didn't realize i was interrupting his meal at the time, he couldn't have been nicer. And the dude drives in a Bentley that he has to look out the backseat of lmao

And met Jerry Jones at a local barbeque joint where he proceeded to tell me how excited he was for the running back the Cowboys drafted.
Oct 27, 2017
I met Rod Stewart in Italy at a Scotland game. The dude was absolutely pished and was great fun. At one point he was just slumped in the bar floor singing along to his own tunes from the jukebox.

On the other side of the coin I saw Ricky Gervais at a pedestrian crossing at the top of Tottenham court road and said hello to him. The look he gave me back was like I was a total piece of shit 🤷‍♂️
haha, i love the image of rod the bod drunkingly singing his own songs.


Oct 25, 2017
My brother met Elijah Wood at his cell phone provider store. He had a lot of questions about his service and my brother answered everything including getting him a nice new phone.


The Abominable Showman
Oct 25, 2017
My brother met Elijah Wood at his cell phone provider store. He had a lot of questions about his service and my brother answered everything including getting him a nice new phone.

I sold a PSP to Paul Pierce from the Boston Celtics once. He and I chatted about video games and recommendations for his son for like 20 minutes. Then my coworker randomly started bugging him for an autograph and you've never seen a conversation turn sour so fast. He went from eagerly chatting with me about games and movies to just going "can I pay for this now" and bailing the second the card processed.


Jun 11, 2018
Jack Black was at my kids laser tag birthday party with his kid (separate group), he was super friendly and chatted to us for about 15 minutes while we were in the arcade waiting to go in.
Metallica base player Robert Trujillo, super down to earth great guy, met him a bunch of times as our kids share a mutual hobby of skateboarding and are always at the same park
Tony Hawk is incredibly friendly and very down to earth to chat to,
Christopher Judge aka Kratos and Teal'c have met a load of times and is really nice friendly dude.
Not so much famous outside of video games but I was also at a completely separate party a few years later and Star Citizens very own Chris Roberts, he gets a bad rep but at least when I talked to him he was really friendly and we chatted about video-games, development and he seemed different to how he is portrayed

John Rabbit

Oct 25, 2017
LeVar Burton was extremely nice to me at a signing. He let me talk for a minute (I had some things to say) and engaged me in the conversation for a bit. He was very gracious and laughed at the thing I had him sign (SNES copy of TNG). Brent Spiner was less...nice.

Bette Midler was very nice, nicer than her handlers/entourage at a business meeting I was in.

I chatted with Skrillex for about 5 minutes while waiting for a burrito once. Very chill dude.

Met the band The Presets at one of those backstage meet-n-greets and they were very cool. Had lots of questions about America, thought they were close to where Breaking Bad was shot but disappointed they weren't (this was in Arizona).

I talked to James Purefoy for 10 minutes on the floor of SDCC before the show opened and spent the entire time trying to remember who the hell he was.

All the Giant Bomb people I've met have been excellent. TalkRadar/Gamesradar guys of like 2010-2012 were all cool as hell.


The Abominable Showman
Oct 25, 2017
LeVar Burton was extremely nice to me at a signing. He let me talk for a minute (I had some things to say) and engaged me in the conversation for a bit. He was very gracious and laughed at the thing I had him sign (SNES copy of TNG). Brett Spiner was less...nice.

Burton physically bumped into me about four separate times during a convention because he was so excited about something he wasn't looking where he was going. By the end of the day it became a running joke every time we saw each other. I've never encountered Spiner in person before but I've heard he's not super pleasant.

Patrick Stewart has always been super friendly with me every time I've encountered him, and when I told him how much TNG meant to my mother, he shooed his handler away to go get him a drink and then signed an autograph for my mom under the table while they were gone. He absolutely didn't have to do that (I've seen him at cons before and I'm pretty sure his agent PROHIBITS him from doing personalized autographs) and my mom STILL treasures that autograph today.


Oct 27, 2017
i met bill murray before meeting bill murray was a meme.

his last movie was The Man Who Knew Too Little so he was a bit of a wash at the time, kind of expected he'd be relatively down to earth. but i was shocked how humble he was (though i was 15 or something. if it happened now with some AAA lister i'd be like "whatever, people are people i guess")


very salt heavy
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
The Negative Zone
Margaret Weis, co-creator of Dragonlance

I worshipped her books as a teenager. In 1995, when I was almost 15, I went to a local convention to meet her and get an autograph. She was hosting a writer's workshop, and I submitted a story. But I was certain I wouldn't get in, and I had a lot of anxiety about it (it seemed like my brother and I were the only kids at the con), so I didn't even go the next day. My brother did, and he came home that night to tell me that I had been accepted. I had made a crushing mistake. Such powerful regret.

We went to lunch on the last day of the convention across the street. As we were walking into the restaurant, who should be walking out but Margaret Weis with a friend. I told her who I was, and she sat there with me in the front of the restaurant for almost half an hour, going over her notes (I had picked up my story before we went to the restaurant and had it with me), talking about what it's like to be a writer and giving me advice on how to develop my craft. It was the kindest gesture and I will never forget it.

Lionel Mandrake

Prophetic Lionel Mandrake
Oct 26, 2017
All of these people I met at a convention setting or otherwise while they were "on the clock," so all of these interactions can be taken with a grain of salt, but after you meet a lot of celebrities at conventions, there are some which definitely seem more genuinely pleasant.

- Jonah Ray: Seemed really nice and appreciative to have fans come up and talk. I paid a couple of bucks for a selfie, and he took several with my wife and I and even offered to do a video with us if we wanted, despite that being more expensive. I got the sense that he he felt weird charging people to take selfies with him and wanted to give their money's worth.

- Bill Corbett: Probably one of the most personable people I've met at a convention. He talks to you like an old friend, asks questions, and seems genuinely excited to get to meet people.

- Nick Frost: I literally bumped into him as he was leaving the exhibit hall to head towards a panel. I was cosplaying that year in a MST3K jumpsuit, and he recognized it and said, "Hey, Mystery Science Theater! Nice!" I said something about Hot Fuzz being one of my favorite movies, and we shook hands before he said he had to get to a convention room and went on his way. It was basically as organic of an experience you can have with a celebrity guest at a convention.

- Jon Heder: Not really someone I set out to meet, but that guy was incredibly stoked to be at a convention. You can call it showmanship or whatever, but he was calling out cosplays and asking people for selfies from behind the table.

- Sturgill Simpson: Met him after an Atlanta show which was an unmitigated disaster. Sturgill claimed that his voice was shot and that he wouldn't be able to sing, but was going to get everybody return tickets and just play an instrumental jam session with his band and invite people up from the crowd to sing karaoke style. I saw in a later interview that he claimed to have been back on the hard stuff during that tour, so who knows. Regardless, after a huge walkout, I stayed around and decided to hang out by the tour bus area with a few other people. Sturgill eventually showed up and apologized to everybody, saying he wished he could have put on a better show, but stayed to take some selfies and talk. He seemed pretty chill, which kind of runs against some of the more antagonistic ways he presents himself.
Oct 27, 2017
Phil Mickelson, Tony Hawk, Olivia Munn, David Jaffe, and Glenn Howerton I've met and were all very nice.

Shaun White was nice, but his family was the fucking worst


Oct 27, 2017
Keanu Reeves, Michelle Rodriguez, Eddie Izzard, Frank Welker, and Dave Filoni were all absolute joys to meet.

Deleted member 18400

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
I only post this because I saw you mention him in the OP.

When I was 17 I operated a ferris wheel at a local amusement park in the summer. WWE was filming at the local arena that weekend, and I'm sitting there on a Friday running the ride, and I look up and see fucking Mankind standing there waiting to get on.

I'd been a WWE nerd most of my young life (I'm not anymore) and was freaking out. He was super nice and shook my hand and told me he loved meeting the fans. And before he left he got my name and told me he would leave me two tickets at will call for me and my Dad.

I figured he was bullshitting, but we showed up the night of the event just in case and sure as shit Mankind had left me two WWE tickets.

One of the coolest dudes I ever met. Mad respect.


Oct 27, 2017
Vince Vaughn was a principal for the day at my high school. He was super cool to the students, taught an after school class on acting, and he donated an air conditioner to every classroom in the school.

I will forever be upset that he was given that fucking godawful script in season 2 of True Detective which probably rail-roaded his career as a serious actor. He always seemed like such a cool guy.

Too bad, with better material I think he could have used that role as a spring-board.
Oct 27, 2017
My family knew a bunch of county music people when we lived in Nashville. I was little, so I don't really remember them much, but apparently Johnny Cash and Conway Twitty were quite nice. I mostly remember Cash as that old guy that lived down the street that my grandparents knew.

My mom also worked with Dolly Parton for a bit, and to this day mom says that she's one of the sweetest people she's ever met.

I literally don't think I've ever heard anyone say a bad word about Weird Al Yankovic. Every interaction, both from fans and other celebrities seems to be "he is the nicest guy in the world"

Darkseid seems to think he's evil.



Oct 26, 2017
Hideo Kojima!

I met him in a Uniqlo meet and greet and he said he liked my shirt and I did a little spin for him, he said I was very cool.

Also met Yoji Shinkawa who drew my (now ex) gf on the front of MGS2 substance that I brought with me.

Nice guys


Oct 25, 2017
i used to work with levar burton's daughter and he would come to the office sometimes and just hang out. nice dude

also when i worked at an alamo drafthouse, elijah wood was way nicer than he should have been when I wasn't looking where I was going and bumped into him and almost knocked him and the tray full of food I was carrying over

Deleted member 31199

User requested account closure
Nov 5, 2017
Jon Stewart when I was working at Home Depot. I simply said hello and he smiled and said how's it going. I left him alone after that and went back to working. Some of my co-workers wanted pictures and autographs and he obliged for them but I didn't feel the need.


Oct 28, 2017
Tim McIlrath (Rise Against): met him after an acoustic show in... 2013 or 2015? My friends and I chatted with him for a good ten minutes and I told him about when I saw Rise Against at a sketch-ass warehouse show around 2005 and when I told him the city he kind of went wide eyed for a sec, said the venue, I confirmed. Immediately he said "yeah that place was sketchy as fuck". He was very nice.

Kris Roe (The Ataris): I was a HUGE fan of this band when I was in high school and finally met him several years ago at an acoustic solo show in my city. It was a really small show at an art gallery or something so I was able to actually just talk with him. My friend and I chatted with him for a good while about bands and guitars and he hung out with us watching one of the other bands play while we were all geeking out over the guitarist's gear. Super cool dude, very nice. I still have the signed poster from that show, I need to frame it and put it up.

Hideki Kamiya: my friends and I found him at PAX Prime one year where he was just walking around. I want to say he was there for Wonderful 101. He was nice and appreciative, we got a group picture with him and let him go on his way.

John Carmack: of all places, I met him at an anime convention in Dallas I was attending with my friends. He was doing some sort of panel on something, I have no idea what, but he was shilling the version of DOOM he was working on for iPhone, so my friends and I all got to play this unfinished version of DOOM on John Carmack's personal iPhone which was kind of wild because we were early and were sitting in the front row. He was nice, a little strange, but nowhere near as intimidating as I thought he would be.

If I remember right I've also met several members of Reel Big Fish who were very nice.

Now I just miss going to events and shows.


Oct 28, 2017
Xavier Woods/Austin Creed from WWE was just an absolute joy to be around. Went to a bar after Smackdown and loads of WWE wrestlers were there, he was easily the nicest one there along with Shelton Benjamin. Talked to them for about 10 minutes and played NBA Jam with Xavier Woods and just barely lost... one of the coolest after show memories I have.


Oct 31, 2017
In High School I worked at the Florida Panther arena and got to meet a few famous people. It's surprising how many are nice and how many who you would think are, are actually pieces of shit.


The Fallen
Oct 28, 2017
Got to meet Chuck Liddell at the UFC fan expo a few years ago. Super cool dude. Line was huge and the staff kept coming up and telling people in line they couldn't speak to Chuck. Someone finally got mad and was like "Wtf we paid to meet him and he's big timing us?" Staff just said, "No. the opposite. He won't big time too and he'll spend all his time talking to each person and we won't get through the line."

I thought it was BS until I got to meet him. Just a small 4-5 minute meet and greet but just surprisingly warm, charming and grateful to get to meet fans. Cool dude, the Iceman.

Bob White

Oct 27, 2017
I met Natasha Khan / Bat for Lashes outside The El Rey in LA. A friend and I were waiting way early in line to see her and she just randomly strolls out of the venue and walks over to us. We all talked for about 15 min. She was super nice and personable. Crazy down to Earth. She talked about how she was just about to play on Jimmy Kimmel and how she was super nervous because "he's a big deal". We told her he's not really a big deal and got a laugh out of her.

Still one of my favorite albums.

I also met Bill Gates who was extremely nice. His wife though... not so much.


Oct 28, 2017
I haven't met too many celebrities but Aaron Paul was super chill when I met him. And this was during peak Breaking Bad years and it is my favorite series OAT. It was tight.


Oct 26, 2017
As a kid growing up and playing in a park in Newark NJ, fucking SHAQ stopped by. Said hi to all the kids, shot a couple baskets. No cameras around or anything like that. To my 12 yo ass that guy was freaking huge.


May 20, 2019
Margaret Weis, co-creator of Dragonlance

I worshipped her books as a teenager. In 1995, when I was almost 15, I went to a local convention to meet her and get an autograph. She was hosting a writer's workshop, and I submitted a story. But I was certain I wouldn't get in, and I had a lot of anxiety about it (it seemed like my brother and I were the only kids at the con), so I didn't even go the next day. My brother did, and he came home that night to tell me that I had been accepted. I had made a crushing mistake. Such powerful regret.

We went to lunch on the last day of the convention across the street. As we were walking into the restaurant, who should be walking out but Margaret Weis with a friend. I told her who I was, and she sat there with me in the front of the restaurant for almost half an hour, going over her notes (I had picked up my story before we went to the restaurant and had it with me), talking about what it's like to be a writer and giving me advice on how to develop my craft. It was the kindest gesture and I will never forget it.

lol. I was getting ready to post "Margaret Weis." She really is a class act. She listened to me ramble on about how Dragons of Autumn Twilight was the first fantasy novel I ever read back in 4th grade in the 80's. She even asked me questions about my life, etc. Really a nice person.

edit: Also Jeremy Saulnier. Dude is super chill and approachable. He has no idea how he became famous and a director. Lol.


Feb 17, 2019
It was quite different for me. I once saw Travis Scott at a grocery store in Los Angeles. I told him how cool it was to meet him in person, but I didn't want to be a douche and bother him and ask him for photos or anything.
He said, "Oh, like you're doing now?"
I was taken aback, and all I could say was "Huh?" but he kept cutting me off and going "huh? huh? huh?" and closing his hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard him chuckle as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw him trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen Milky Ways in his hands without paying.
The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like "Sir, you need to pay for those first." At first he kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter.
When she took one of the bars and started scanning it multiple times, he stopped her and told her to scan them each individually "to prevent any electrical infetterence," and then turned around and winked at me. I don't even think that's a word. After she scanned each bar and put them in a bag and started to say the price, he kept interrupting her by yawning really loudly.


Nov 1, 2017
Robert Englund, he was at a signing and he just was constantly talking and striking up conversation with folks, he took time to draw me a picture in a book and started to flip through the book and show me pictures and gave little stories about some of the stuff in the book, was just nice to see him so willing to engage fan on his own and seemed to really love interacting with the fans

- Jonah Ray: Seemed really nice and appreciative to have fans come up and talk. I paid a couple of bucks for a selfie, and he took several with my wife and I and even offered to do a video with us if we wanted, despite that being more expensive. I got the sense that he he felt weird charging people to take selfies with him and wanted to give their money's worth.

Yea met Jonah Ray at a con a year ago and we took a photo op with him and Felicia Day wearing MST costumes and all, as we took the pictured he went over to me and whispered to come to his table afterwards and that he would sign the picture for free, and he did. He talked with us for a very long time too and just was super friendly and chatty, real great guy.


Oct 27, 2017
Nicky Wire from Manic Street Preachers loves being famous.

Like, he enjoys being known.

But not in an "up himself" kind of way.

Met him after a gig and his first words were "thought that went well tonight what did you think?" as if I was a friend he had been waiting to see. I've never been so taken off guard.

The entire band were lovely, but that really stood out. Have a siged set list from the night and, honestly, it's going nowhere.


May 3, 2019
I've interviewed a bunch of famous people. JJ Abrams was surprisingly chill. Stacey Abrams was extremely intelligent and great to talk to. Grant Morrison was kind of a dick. John Cena was in a huge hurry because he had a flight to catch. Peter Jackson was nice but clearly exhausted and not super enthused to talk about Mortal Engines.

But of all the celebs I've spoken to, no one was cooler than Phil Lamarr. He didn't even have a show or a podcast to plug, but he sat with me for an hour at NYCC and gave me an awesome interview spanning his whole career. I've always been a huge fan and it was so cool to have an experience that made me admire the man even more.