
Jan 10, 2021
kof xiv, even xv's improved visuals leave much to be desired compared to the older titles, i guess lack of budget really suck man
Jan 9, 2018
Many people complain about tutorials, but for some people that could be their first game, so they are needed, but they should be skippable or very reduced at least for the people who already know.

Other than that, I couldn't continue past the first mission of BLOPS3, de dialogue was so stupid, the characters were terrible people all of them, It felt like being a part of a group full of asholes, but I guess I felt more disgusted than insulted. I uninstalled the game right away


Oct 26, 2017
Grand Theft Auto V's story mode/narrative, a tremendous amount of it seemed like Rockstar hated fans of its own games. The entire narrative loop of the game, for 40 hours or whatever, is basically "Wait... you actually did this _insert annoying task_ for no reward? How do you keep falling for this, you idiot!"

I get that the Housers want to make a commentary on American life, the capitalist system, videogame design, or something, but it sucks, it's hypocritical (especially as TakeTwo/Rockstar have taken their vast financial resources out of passion projects like Red Dead and poured them into soul-less money printing machines like GTA Online), and it seems especially mean spirited to the fans fans of Rockstar videogames.

You described very well what drove me away from Rockstar games and i fully agree.

Especially the 1st RDR was exclusively: "Wait... you actually did this _insert annoying task_ for no reward? How do you keep falling for this, you idiot!" and i never got the praise for the missions, characters etc.

And the "commentary" on western life, capitalism etc. is an irony of itself at this point, unaware of it, too.


Oct 27, 2017
"Insulted" doesn't really feel like a term that applies to how I feel when a game takes a turn for the worst. I didn't like the ending to FFVIIR either but I wasn't insulted, more just a shrug at the final confirmation that this series wasn't something I wanted anymore.

Taking it more literally I often enjoy when games make playful insults at my expense and think it's a shame when people want that kind of humour turned down. If anything insults me it's those games that treat me like I'm gods gift to gaming. I love Forza Horizon but please stop telling me I'm the most impressive driver ever just because I finished 3rd in a race.
Oct 25, 2017
Probably Battletoads?

The entire joke of that game was "the Battletoads are stupid, people who like the Battletoads are stupid, we don't want to work on this game".

The game being fucking terrible doesn't help.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 25, 2017
I wasn't offended by any of it, but there's clearly a bunch of stuff in DmC that was poking fun at fans. The wig thing for one. There's also a scene where there's a big fat guy chugging the demon juice energy drink, and he's wearing a shirt with a big fat 5 on it.

Many non-fans of DMC as well picked up on both, so it wasn't exactly subtle.


(image is flipped)

Like I said, not offended. I bought DmC day 1 and made a ton of feedback contributions to the demo on the official forum. I've had several conversations with DmC devs about the game and I respect them all (well, I guess I have somewhat mixed feelings about Tameem and Taini), and I'm thrilled that Rahni Tucker is directing HB2.

I only felt like that with DmC. The whole game felt like it was made by someone who hates the franchise's legacy with passion.
And if you decide to keep playing the game until the end, the last thing you will see is some random dude giving you the middle finger... which felt kinda insulting.
Maybe I just read too much into it, I don't know. But I couldn't help but to feel like the game was constantly insulting me.

That dude was Dante's mocap and voice actor, Tim Phillips.
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Jonathan Lanza

"I've made a Gigantic mistake"
Feb 8, 2019
Many people complain about tutorials, but for some people that could be their first game, so they are needed, but they should be skippable or very reduced at least for the people who already know.

Other than that, I couldn't continue past the first mission of BLOPS3, de dialogue was so stupid, the characters were terrible people all of them, It felt like being a part of a group full of asholes, but I guess I felt more disgusted than insulted. I uninstalled the game right away
While you're not entirely wrong, keep in mind that often times I (and many others) don't dislike tutorials because we already know how to do something but rather because we want to figure it out on our own.


Doom Eternal is an incredibly fun game but stuff like this is a punch in the gut. They didn't even give me a chance to figure out how to beat him on my own!

Caped Baldy

Dec 11, 2017
I felt a little insulted in Control. I was having a great time with the game, but some of the bosses were giving me trouble and making it not fun. Like they were just a touch too strong. So I was happy to see in the options that you can make little tweaks like how much the auto aim helps you, or strong your shots are, etc. I thought it was a nice alternative to just having the standard "Easy", "Normal", "Hard" difficulties. I felt like I could give myself a little bit of help, without feeling like I was removing all of the challenge from the game. Neat! I wish more games did this!

But when you go to tweak some of these options though, the game gives you a "Are you sure? This game is so perfectly balanced, and you're about to ruin it by messing with these options!" prompt.

So why give me the options to make all these little tweaks if everything is great then? Honestly, either don't let me tweak all these balancing options, or shut the fuck up. Don't make me feel bad for using options something you, the developer, felt like the game needed to include.

Honorable mention to Uncharted 2, who couldn't wait more than 5 minutes for me to figure out a puzzle before slapping me in the face with hints. Can you please just let me look around a little? Maybe I'm awestruck by some of the set pieces and just want to take it all in for a minute? Just piss off for a second!


Oct 27, 2017
Final Fantasy X-2 turning Zanarkand into a cheesy tourist attraction with Isaaru as its zany tour guide, maybe? Felt quite disrespectful to the first game and the fans who appreciated its somber mood. It was early in the game, and I actually dropped it not long after, suspecting there would be more things like that spoiling my fond memories of the first game.
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Jul 14, 2018
So many parts of Wolfenstein 2 made me feel like the writers really didn't give a shit about the characters or what made the first game's writing so compelling. So many attempts at tongue-in-cheek zingers and diet Tarantino humor that really soured my experience with it.


Powered by Friendship™
Oct 26, 2017
Had to search up this thread for a game.


Like I dug a bit of what they were doing. Wandering the open world, an old school Pokemon.

But my god what a massive embarrassment of a full priced game. Say what you will about Sword/Shield, but this game cost the exact same and had a sliver of the content.

- very bland open hubs that felt very PS2 era-ish. At their best. They felt like GF were like "you want open world; here we go".

-no new Pokémon and a very small roster of exist ones. The new forms were okay but there were such a small helping of them I basically forgot.

- bland story with tons of what felt like filler missions. Great characters though, but it also feels like they should have been voice acted. I can accept an RPG without every line being voiced, hell I put hundreds of hours into Genshin the last year. But due to how slow it took to get through dialogue, it almost should have just been voiced. Also on the story beat - I still have no fucking clue what happened there at the end.

It felt like lower quality S/S DLC with movement options added.

I didn't hate the first half, I enjoyed it at first playing my first Pokémon game side by side with my kid, but there came a moment when I grew to realize how much of a quick cash grab it was and how empty and soul less it was.

When I saw the trailer for Scarlet and Violet I realized they must have put the majority of time and effort into that and I'll just go play it and forget Arceus exists.


Oct 27, 2017
Honorable mention to Fi from the OG skyward sword release who felt the need to chime in on everything. It really felt like the developers thought the audience of that game wasn't smart enough to handle it.


Shinra Employee
Oct 27, 2017
I would consider Diablo Immortal an insult to humankind.
Other than monetization, not really. I might definitely be disappointed by games and developers decisions though.


Jun 29, 2018
The Last of Us 2. Where they made you play as the person who killed your favourite character. The way they did it felt like a slap in the face. Could have been handled much better or just not done at all.


Oct 27, 2017
Seattle, WA
Probably Battletoads?

The entire joke of that game was "the Battletoads are stupid, people who like the Battletoads are stupid, we don't want to work on this game".

The game being fucking terrible doesn't help.

Battletoads is not the best single player experience, but it is a blast co-op. All the mini-games are great fun when you have all 3 players doing different roles. And the game is always doing something different. I think the game gets a lot more hate than it deserves.


Oct 25, 2017
This is a more out-there example, but one of the fights in Final Fantasy X, the dragon one when you're on the ship and need to move the ship away from it. The boss casts haste on itself partway through, and trying to take that off makes it break turn order to re-apply haste and attack you, instead of having some kind of immunity to Slow. That felt like a "spiteful" design choice, like it was done specifically to be aggravating in many ways. That was probably the turning point for me going from just disliking how the game was designed to actively despising it, from "respecting" the design in spite of how questionable a lot of parts were, to going "fuck this game" and ultimately looking up the ending on Youtube.
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Oct 25, 2017
Heavy handed tutorials which make it seem like you never played a game. Please make this stuff optional.


Oct 24, 2017
The Last of Us 2. Where they made you play as the person who killed your favourite character. The way they did it felt like a slap in the face. Could have been handled much better or just not done at all.
I'm not a huge fan of the game, but making you purposely uncomfortable in someone else's shoes isn't an insult, it's storytelling. You were supposed to reckon with the multiple sides of this, as well as ask yourself why you had no problem being a murder machine as Joel in the first game but this one was a step too far.


Oct 25, 2017
New Hampshire, USA
Assassin's Creed III's ending made me think question why I cared so much about the game's story when it was clear Ubisoft didn't.
Never mind the 4 hours playing as a Templar before actually taking control of the main character.

Pokémon Scarlet & Violet will be on this list if they remove the Arceus style catching. I'm sorry if you like "traditional" but I'm over it. Respect my time.


"This guy are sick" of the One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
Probably not in the same vein but these fucking guys in GT7 when I'm trying to shave half a second off my best silver attempt to hit gold.


Like ok cool mate I'm 0.5 seconds away from Gold I know how to drive this track just fuck off will ya.


Powered by Friendship™
Oct 26, 2017
Also the fucking announcers in Riders Republic.

Jesus Christ, they sound like 30 year olds trying to create new slang by mixing 80s surf with modern TikTok aesthetics and I ended up turning dialogue off.

I have no idea who they were trying to appeal to but fuck whoever thought that was a good idea.


Oct 26, 2017
Hitman Absolution felt like a fuck you to Hitman fans.

And I guess Hitman 3 is a fuck you to Absolution fans through that one line of dialogue by Diana lol.


Oct 27, 2017
Also the fucking announcers in Riders Republic.

Jesus Christ, they sound like 30 year olds trying to create new slang by mixing 80s surf with modern TikTok aesthetics and I ended up turning dialogue off.

I have no idea who they were trying to appeal to but fuck whoever thought that was a good idea.
It made me delete the demo or beta or whatever so damn fast. I couldn't stand it.


Oct 25, 2017
Had to search up this thread for a game.


It felt like lower quality S/S DLC with movement options added.
Wow I absolutely disagree I felt Arceus was the best pokemon game in a very long time. I have very little faith in gamefreak but Arceus wasn't that to me, it was a home run and one of my favorite pokemon games.

This thread feels like 343 the thread, Halo 5 was really the straw that broke the back and I felt like they killed halo with it, Halo infinite is better but they have dropped the ball so hard with their decisions.


One Winged Slayer - Powered by Friendship™
Oct 27, 2017
For me, the insulting thing about FF7R is that they absolutely knew what people were asking over the decades of a remake being requested, then decided to change it and call it Remake to ensure sales.

And they got away with it because doing this is apparently "masterful subversion" and not, you know, a scummy marketing ploy.

Now that we're closer to the next one they're right back to saying nothing is being cut despite it not being the same game anymore.

GoGo Nabrai

Jun 5, 2022
Xenoblade 2 with it's waifu garbage and crap ending.

"Well forget that talk of sacrifice you get to anime waifus"!!!!



Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
My wife and I are playing The Great Ace Attorney and we keep yelling things like, "YES, OKAY, WE GET IT," at the screen as it explains the same plot point for the seventh or eighth time.


Oct 30, 2017
I've legit never understood the complaints about DmC. Every time I hear someone whinge about the style of the game, they sounds like criticisms that could be leveled against EVERY Devil May Cry game.


Oct 20, 2019
I also don't like when games shove tutorials into these giant walls of text. Bonus points if it's a part of a cutscene that scrolls automatically, even worse if it's unskippable. Just... show a glowy glyph of the X button or O button instead of making an essay for the player to read... geez.


Powered by Friendship™
Oct 26, 2017
Wow I absolutely disagree I felt Arceus was the best pokemon game in a very long time. I have very little faith in gamefreak but Arceus wasn't that to me, it was a home run and one of my favorite pokemon games.

This thread feels like 343 the thread, Halo 5 was really the straw that broke the back and I felt like they killed halo with it, Halo infinite is better but they have dropped the ball so hard with their decisions.

It was the first Pokémon I beat since Gold back in the day and I adored the first half but the last 10 hours I felt more and more disappointed until I finished and immediately deleted the game.

Like there was something there but it felt like they were only delivering a tiny bit of its potential. Like they ran out of money.


Oct 27, 2017
The King of All Cosmos went from charming to massively obnoxious in We Love Katamari. One of the most passive aggressive games ever.


Powered by Friendship™
Oct 26, 2017
It made me delete the demo or beta or whatever so damn fast. I couldn't stand it.

After 30 tries flying through ski lift poles and hearing that jackass laugh with his "totally gnarly" surfer voice i fucking lost it and turned off all commentary.

The game is so damn sparse for content that I was already sick of the female announcer talking about the rare relic items every five minutes when I had collected them all on day 1. I know there's a tent down by the river. I know someone tried to surf a mountain. I got those fucking things on launch day. You don't need to point me to a place I won't get anything for visiting.

Deleted member 11086

User requested account closure
Mar 16, 2022
Anything Peter Molyneux was, is, or will ever be involved in.

His biggest insult to fans was Curiosity a mobile where you would mine blocks to try to get to the center of a cube. One person would win a huge prize.

The prize was to be God in his new game Godus... that was pretty much vapor ware. It was like an Inception version of his usual over promising BS that began with Fable.


Feb 12, 2019
Assassin's Creed III's ending made me think question why I cared so much about the game's story when it was clear Ubisoft didn't.

I gave up after Assassin's Creed III. I thought the story was leading up to something bigger and more exciting. Unfortunately it was a huge let down. I never played AC after that.


Jan 27, 2018
Only really once with World of Warcraft Cataclysm. I didn't like how so many great quest chains got replaced with dated memes.
The Dante white hair joke in DMC was funny even if it was a fuck you, i respect NT having the guts to do that. Classic British banter.