
  • I have been catfished

    Votes: 78 30.4%
  • I have NOT been catfished

    Votes: 170 66.1%
  • I have catfished someone else

    Votes: 20 7.8%

  • Total voters
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One Winged Slayer
Oct 31, 2017
Beach City
Yea and it was a mind trip. They were hotter than the pics hey were cat fishing with, but I still don't understand why they did it.

Host Samurai

Oct 27, 2017
Yea and it was a mind trip. They were hotter than the pics hey were cat fishing with, but I still don't understand why they did it.

Ahh this happened to me as well. Got catfished by a girl that used one pic of someone who has the same look. She ended up being hotter in person. She ended up using the pic because she wanted to be discreet.


Oct 25, 2017
Yes I was catfished for a good amount of years. I caught on after a longer while but I kept going along with it to see where it leads because I never felt she had any malicious intend and she also never exploited me. Eventually I confronted her and broke up with her, she admitted everything and now we're good friends. Honestly after she explained her reasoning I was still mad but I felt there was still enough to her to keep a friendship.

Truly Gargantuan

Still doesn't have a tag :'(
Oct 25, 2017
Yeah, and I found out after a whole year and a half of talking. Fucked me up real good for a minute.

subpar spatula

Refuses to Wash his Ass
Oct 26, 2017
I did. Was talking to this attractive 20-year-old on PoF. After about a few hours she admits she isn't the woman in the photos but her friend and it's her friends old account. I ask for photos of her. Even more attractive. Lasted a bit. Good times.

Deleted member 36578

Dec 21, 2017
Back when PlayStation Home was a thing, myself and 3 other friends all made pretty female avatars and ran around pretending to be actual girls that were into the whole experience. There were a ton of dudes who totally bought our stories and would want to asl ect. like a chat room sorta situation. We'd dance emote with them and then swap over to the most hideous male avatars we could possibly make. You were able to just change skins like that on the fly so it was hilarious to see a bunch of guys dancing will the girls that suddenly switch to horror movie monster men. It was a riot for a couple hours one night .


Oct 25, 2017
*blinks* Now that's a name I haven't read in a long, long time... (Talking roughly 18-20 years here) I guess this faker/troll has been around, huh.
Yes; they were prominent on TeamXbox, then moved to a now defunct splinter forum I created when TXB was sold to IGN (WeCraveGames.)

Eventually i suspected them, and proved them a fraud.

It was an incredibly tangled web; I found at TXB at least 3 alts, all would talk to each other. "Brianna" is just some guy in Puerto Rico but all of his online personas were gamer girls. I eventually found that he had an online web comic of gamer girls in a rock band, and I realized his online personas were tied to the "characters" he created in his comic gamer girl band.

I had discovered in my searches that they were semi-outed on another forum years early (like 2000 or so); but not REALLY. What actually happened there was an admin accused them of having alts, but the forum actually stood behind "Brianna" and accused the admin of stalking. Some closed forum that didn't allow posts but still had an archive.

Claiming "she" had cancer was part of his shtick too; that's what they used to get sympathy on the one forum they were outed on.

Etrian Oddity

Oct 26, 2017
Get fooled by one MySpace angle; never trust them again.

::Edit:: oh dear god lol, Reddit termed that getting "fatfished"


Oct 25, 2017
newport beach, CA
I've had people use my pictures for their fake accounts before. At least one of them we're pretty sure was an ex boyfriend of mine, just trying to stir up trouble and make me look bad. The others, I have no idea.

subpar spatula

Refuses to Wash his Ass
Oct 26, 2017
Is it wrong to purposely catfish someone back if they catfish you? Asking for a catfished person.


Oct 27, 2017
Cleveland Ohio
No but I've been "fat fished" plenty of times. Girls using pictures from 8 years ago when they were good looking. Always ask if the pictures are current, never trust looks by face shots only, run away if their pics are nothing but snap chat filtered.


Oct 27, 2017
I voted I have not been catfished. But I did play a female character (male irl) in SWG, and at one point got a random present in a starport. Took me a while to realize why that happened, and stopped accepting random shit after that.


More helpful than the IRS
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
I've pretended to be a boy in MMOs, but not because I was trying to hook up with people. Does that count?


Oct 25, 2017
No but I've been "fat fished" plenty of times. Girls using pictures from 8 years ago when they were good looking. Always ask if the pictures are current, never trust looks by face shots only, run away if their pics are nothing but snap chat filtered.

Yeah. While the term isn't nice, "fat fishing"/misleading/deceptive angles has been something I've fell into before.


Oct 26, 2017
Recently someone from my job tried to catfish me thru Instagram, almost played along but since I have a girlfriend didn't seen wise.


Oct 26, 2017
The worst that I have experienced is a bit misleading images, or using older photos on their dating profile. Nothing bad enough to be considered impersonating someone else.


Oct 26, 2017
I got catfished once in my teens but nothing crazy happened so yays. I catfished an ex to see if he were fine and then disappeared.

Deleted member 33057

One Winged Slayer
Nov 14, 2017
I think I was. Was texting this really hot girl I meet off OkCupid for a week before I realized she was not who she said she was. Never met her in person though but all the clues were there


Oct 27, 2017
Miami, FL
Not really....but there was a girl that I went out with that was super girly in her pics, but when I met, she had the build of Kevin Durant :(

She was super cool, but NOT MY TYPE. I ghosted her after the date, because it's hard to tell someone "you look like a basketball player" after having gone on an otherwise pretty cool date.


The Fallen
Oct 28, 2017
Had a classmate who bragged about catfishing older men. Apparently he got a small amount of cash too but he was prolly bullshitting about that. Weird dude


Apr 23, 2018
This story makes you sound like an absolute dick. So what she wasn't ready when you got there? Have you not dated many women before? My girl would be late to her own funeral. The weight thing isn't catfishing it's just creative angles or misleading at worst.
If you're going to be late then admit you'll be late m. I would never make someone, especially in the first date, wait 30+ minutes to go anywhere.

Your girl doesn't respect other people's time. Just because that isn't a dealbreaker to you, doesn't mean it isn't a dealbreaker to others.

Personally, I would have just left the minute I saw the dad. I don't trust anyone who lies over things that can be easily discovered.


Oct 27, 2017
Houston, TX
I found someone was catfishing me before they actually catfished me, so yeah, I guess? It wasn't even a couple of pounds, but like a picture from college years. Embarassing.


The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
My teen years were peak MSN, yahoo, AIM messenger years so yeah, I've done it (usually to do some petty detective shit) and been a victim of it. Nothing really crazy or long term though. I've heard stories people playing the act for years. Never made sense to me since even then technology was well advanced to call someone out on it.

Baron Von Beans

One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
A while ago, back when online dating was just starting, I was catfished by a woman. She looked absolutely nothing like her pic. Zero resemblance, whatsoever, aside from maybe the eye colors matching. When we went out, she changed the vast majority of her stories and things she told me prior. I went on a few dates with her, to try to give it a shot, but in the end I couldn't put up with it.

Thanks a lot,


Mar 18, 2018
Supposedly back in highschool someone me and my friends knew was using fake MLP accounts to catfish people on facebook.

I'm not sure I believe it because the person who told us was just full of bullshit all the time, and a notorious liar about some things.

At the same time the supposed catfisher guy got into trouble for stealing from his parents to buy MLP stuff and actually had MLP "sex accounts" Were they pretended to be the characters ans contacted people with them, so we knew he was the sort of person who would do it.


Oct 25, 2017
There are some super lazy ones I've spotted (like, literally a different person in each photo, or photos of actual famous people), but generally if I get that vibe I disengage entirely. It's a little wild to see people talking about catfishing on Facebook though, do these people just start adding random people and go from there?


Nov 21, 2017
Someone catfished as me once, it was super bizarre. I messaged this girl on Craigslist with some pics of mine and she accused me of being a catfish as she's currently talking to someone who sent her my pics. She was really rude and clearly upset but I didn't mind it and pressed her about the other guy using my pics.

I sent her some more pics to prove it was me and she started talking about the other guy how he's so fucked up to her and says so many horrible things to her. She eventually confronted him about it and he called her a bunch of things before disappearing.

She reached out to me a couple days later and was like "so I guess you were telling the truth, sorry I didn't believe you, here's some pics of me if you're interested in talking."

Unfortunately she was not my type at all so I didn't bother responding. At the end of the day I was mostly shocked by the fact that someone would even use my photos. I'm by no means a stud, there's plenty of other much better looking people to catfish!


Oct 25, 2017
10 years ago on one of those online uk dating sites I dressed up as a girl and took pictures. Made a profile. I was in it for the ratings.


Oct 28, 2017

Messaged a girl on Okcupid and when we met in person she was about 50lbs heavier than what her pictures showed and what her profile said.

Ditto. Tho it was likely way over 50lbs. Her pics were her but unknown how old they were.

Still, I gave it a chance. Worst date ever. She ordered a lot of food yet ate little and trashed the rest (I paid). Covered my eyes when boobs were displayed during "Get Him to the Greek". Really?! (Also, terrible & terribly long movie). Chatted a bit afterwards, she was just a very ugly person on the inside, throwing plenty of stones at passing women in her glass house. I ended the date nicely then preceded to delete her number from my phone on the walk back to my car.
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