
May 12, 2022
Never once I thought the Xbox to be the dude bro console, maybe because I don't live in America.


Jul 12, 2021
First party games they showed:
  1. Redfall
  2. Forza Motorsport
  3. Microsoft Flight Simulator
  4. Ara History Untold
  5. Minecraft Legends
  6. Ara: History Untold
  7. Forza Horizon 5: Hot Wheels
  8. Pentiment
  9. Grounded
  10. As Dusk Falls
  11. Sea of Thieves Captaincy Update
  12. Starfield
How is that standard Xbox?
Dduuuuuuuddddeeeeee, those are like the broiest games that ever bro'd.


Oct 27, 2017
Rio de Janeiro
In Brazil it is still absolutely terrible, gloomy.

To change this mentality in here, we will need a lot of time, a real ant's work.

For example XBOX promoted the far right workers/influenZers, and perhaps the biggest gaming forum in the country is full of neo-fascists and neo-Nazis. Steve Bannon "and friends" did "a good" job around here...


Oct 27, 2017
I've never seen such a dudebro game in my life.

You can't see protags left hand, but I'm pretty sure he is holding a Monster Energy drink and the satchel bag is holding all of his hackysacks.


Mar 19, 2021
That really wasnt my intention to associate all Xbox fans of Brazil to this group, sorry if it was understood like that.
But at the same time he (they?) made news in some horrible fashion and it stuck with me.
Don't worry, I got what you meant.

Xbox 360 was huge in Brazil and then it shrinked in the One era. PS4 dominated and there was much more PS influencers. The toxic guy was the most known Xbox influencer, and for the worst possible reasons.

Now, with the Series S and GamePass, I believe Xbox will dominate. Brazil is very price sensitive... Let's hope that with the market share and games, some nice positive influencers appear! There are some already, but not popular.


Feb 17, 2021
But surely you have to seperate the image of Xbox as a company, and the image a group of fans are projecting?

Unless you believe the way Xbox markets itself actively encourages far right hate speech?
Of course I separate then, people here have bullied out of the job the CM for Xbox spanish twitter because she had a PS4, thats the state of the fanbase and i cant help but connect those two things in my head
Dec 4, 2017
That really wasnt my intention to associate all Xbox fans of Brazil to this group, sorry if it was understood like that.
But at the same time he (they?) made news in some horrible fashion and it stuck with me.
I don't blame you for this perception. They were extremely annoying and harassed people in every way possible through social media. It created the feeling that most of the community was like that, but only because normal people didn't engage in these idiotic discussions.

I met extremely toxic people at that time, and a particular group was extremely devoted to the Xbox 360.
The language used was horrible "The (x)box rapes the competition", "Gears humiliates those faggot Wii/Ps3 games".
These were people who were proud that they could play "the best version" of Call of Duty and that the Xbox had more violent games, "man's game".


Oct 25, 2017
I find they still have a bit of that perception still, but it's gotten much better. I held that view for a long time, too. Especially early on. Honestly, their early days really dug deep into that - the Halo (and later, Gears) frat bro scenes, dudes sitting on the stage at E3, the acid green edgy X brand, and branding in general was just a lot.

Microsoft is doing a lot of great work towards a more welcoming image and it's great to see!
Dec 4, 2017

First Tweet: I went to visit my mom and didn't make it in time to see the Xbox and Bethesda showcase, I tried to start watching from there but the internet was terrible.
I'm catching up but I saw here that there was Kojima, Starfield.
What did you enjoy the most?

Second Tweet: Pal, a question! If it was a Sony event, would you leave it aside? You guys keep trying to be impartial, but you can't!

Third Tweet: He went to visit his mother on Sunday (probably the only day he can). Stop being a psycho.

Fourth Tweet: He went to visit his mother on the day of Microsoft's biggest event? kkkkkkk, couldn't he visit later? kkkkkkkk


One Winged Slayer
Nov 2, 2017
Austin, TX
XBOX360 to me was the console I got to play stuff like Tales of Vesperia, Uno, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 89 Arcade Online, Street Fighter IV, Ace Combat 6, Dead Rising, Geometry Wars, Indies that weren't allowed life on other systems at first like Castle Crashers and Braid, and then the typical "dude bro" games with the mainstream AAA releases, sports games and shooters.

It had so much variety that I'm not sure where it's bad reputation of being the edgy teenager box came from. To me, the Xbox brand today is just a return to form.

Having said all of that, the PS3 had a stronger library for the back half of its time on the market, but that's a completely different discussion

Siam Shade

Jun 1, 2018
I'm the complete opposite of a dude bro and right wing supporter and I think that Xbox today has the most diverse line-up ever... only lacking on family friendly IPs. That's exactly why I bought one last october.

I'm brazilian btw.
Last edited:


Oct 25, 2017
My image of them was never about specific categories of games, it was always about the looming shadow of Microsoft, ready to finance the brand to ensure it sustains in the industry.

The balls-to-the-wall spending in the 360 generation really planted this image in my mind, and now with the war chest all open, and the unprecedented acquisitions, that image is not going away any time soon.


Nov 21, 2017
They traded the dudebro image for an ultracorporative one, not sure which one's worse, but it personally drove me away during the XB1 era


Oct 26, 2017
They have done an AMAZING job on that front. I found their whole brand to be cringe asf back in the beginning. They definitely had that offputting "dudebro' stuff to the extreme at one point. Its faded a great deal now.

WoW is in no way "dudebro".

I have to agree. When WoW launched, getting my friends (who it took a TON to even play stuff like DAoC) resisted WoW due to its presentation and 'Elves' etc kinda stuff. They wanted nothing to do with it in comparison to the average FPS or 3rd person action title.
Nov 19, 2019
I think the work is incomplete.

They are starting to move into this Netflix of Gaming identity, where which specific games are less emphasized than where you can play them, and understanding that there's a strong commitment to content rotation and diversity.

On the other hand, their marquee 1st party franchises--not counting acquisitions that still are yet to bear fruit--are the same ones as they were 2 generation ago. I know "Halo, Forza, Gears" is kind of a tired meme, but Microsoft themselves keep putting these at the front and center so it's hard to dismiss.


Apr 23, 2019
Likewise in Finland. Now that I think of it, I don't even know anyone who would have owned Xbox since Xbox360. Also funny to think that in that era PS3 felt almost as niche here as Xbox is now. Not much brand loyalty, but over here platform wars have always been mostly about consoles vs. PC rather than console vs. console.
In Denmark the Xbox is making a small comeback thanks to GamePass. More people are seeing what a great deal it is.
But PS is still selling 5-10 times as much.


Nov 2, 2017
They are still mainly a shooter and western orientated brand.
And they've just bought toxic Activision blizz.


Oct 25, 2018
I don't think that has been the case since the og Xbox, though i think its the industry maturing, rather than having anything to do with Microsoft.


Oct 26, 2017
I honestly think that depends where you live.

Here in the UK, I remember PlayStation having the 'edgy' marketing with WipEout being shown in clubs, a drugged-up Sara Cox being used to advertise it. Plenty of other weird and trippy 'in your face' adverts during that era too.

It continued during the PS2 for a bit but honestly, by that point the console was so mainstream that I didn't really think, nor did my friends really think, that was PlayStation's image anymore.

I feel the same way about Xbox. I know some saw it that way during the 360 era, but I honestly think the dudebro shooter console idea died with the original Xbox as the 360 became a commercially mainstream machine.


Oct 28, 2017

First Tweet: I went to visit my mom and didn't make it in time to see the Xbox and Bethesda showcase, I tried to start watching from there but the internet was terrible.
I'm catching up but I saw here that there was Kojima, Starfield.
What did you enjoy the most?

Second Tweet: Pal, a question! If it was a Sony event, would you leave it aside? You guys keep trying to be impartial, but you can't!

Third Tweet: He went to visit his mother on Sunday (probably the only day he can). Stop being a psycho.

Fourth Tweet: He went to visit his mother on the day of Microsoft's biggest event? kkkkkkk, couldn't he visit later? kkkkkkkk

What's so special about that guy, that those comments care so much that he picked his mother over a show he could catch later?


Oct 27, 2017
I felt they shed that image with the Xbox One.

I mean they shed all their customers *shrugs*



Oct 26, 2017
I feel in Europe Playstation is the edgy brand, Xbox is the niche thing although it's getting a bit more mainstream now.


Oct 27, 2017
I honestly think that depends where you live.

Here in the UK, I remember PlayStation having the 'edgy' marketing with WipEout being shown in clubs, a drugged-up Sara Cox being used to advertise it. Plenty of other weird and trippy 'in your face' adverts during that era too.

It continued during the PS2 for a bit but honestly, by that point the console was so mainstream that I didn't really think, nor did my friends really think, that was PlayStation's image anymore.

I feel the same way about Xbox. I know some saw it that way during the 360 era, but I honestly think the dudebro shooter console idea died with the original Xbox as the 360 became a commercially mainstream machine.
I don't think club and drug culture and masculine are one and the same though. Club culture I think is gender neutral.

I think they have to a degree removed this and from someone with a love of indie games however externally (And from people I've worked with) their brand is very much Halo and Forza (with a degree of Fable which has gone a bit naff).


Oct 25, 2017
Certainly better these days, but I still don't think they are fully removed from it. Their iconic games are still Halo and Gears.


Oct 25, 2017
Speed Force
Yeah I don't know if edgy or masculine are the words. It was always the American console for Americans (and Brits). I don't think the perception here has really changed. If American values are edgy, masculine, love guns, etc, then yeah lol.


Nov 23, 2017
that's closer to how I view Sony nowadays to be honest, everything they do seems so samey to me

Microsoft seems to have a lot more variety

Snake Eater

Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 27, 2017
Microsoft with their accessibility options is really the biggest and best thing I've done over the years


May 1, 2018
You mean, Phil?

Satya is his boss and is mostly allocating budget.

Culture comes from the top and if you look at the way how Microsoft manages it's coding platforms and other areas of its business since Satya you'll see there's a more inclusive approach across the board. I don't think it's just Phil and Satya controls more than just the purse strings.
Oct 29, 2017
The Xbox is probably the most accessible console on the market right now, with the Series S and X options plus Gamepass. Not to mention their disabled-accessible controller design which is so fucking cool, and I've heard nothing but good things about from disabled gamers.

There's a lot of variety on the console, and it's available and accessible. Seems like a good thing to me, so I don't think they have a dudebro identity at all anymore.
Nov 9, 2017
More than a dudebro console, Xbox has always been to me a western console for western players. And I still think the same.

But I'm surprised to see it has/had this image of being "edgy, masculine, gamer".


Dec 14, 2017
Xbox hasn't been a dudebro gamer brand since like 2010, with the turn really starting in around 2008. Say what you want about Kinect as a gameplay device, but it's lasting legacy will be that it started this cultural shift from "the shooter console" to a console that everyone can enjoy.


Mar 7, 2018
It's still the shooter & sports console overall.

That's so true for me. Series X is my first xbox console cuz I couldn't find a ps5 and wanted to give it a shot for gamepads and free games (also something to play Elden Ring when it was released).

Whole experience from UI to store front feels so American and mass for me. Maybe its less Japanese games I dunno but whenever I open store to check for games all I see is football and Cod. But as I said before its just the feeling and vibe I get it from the machine not content, its diverse and good just not colourful as a Japanese console.


Oct 26, 2017
That's so true for me. Series X is my first xbox console cuz I couldn't find a ps5 and wanted to give it a shot for gamepads and free games (also something to play Elden Ring when it was released).

Whole experience from UI to store front feels so American and mass for me. Maybe its less Japanese games I dunno but whenever I open store to check for games all I see is football and Cod. But as I said before its just the feeling and vibe I get it from the machine not content, its diverse and good just not colourful as a Japanese console.
You can make the UI pretty colorful with dynamic backgrounds and whatnot if that bothers you. I never get promoted sports games funny enough.
Oct 27, 2017
User warned: Platform wars
lol xbox is about a edgy as a fucking circle at this point XBOX means PC for me... gamepiss and xboxlive can die in a fire.


Jul 22, 2020
I think they've done some work to defuse it and that's helped but making Halo terrible and helping the CodBloppers flee to the PS4 really really helped.


Jul 12, 2021
It matters who your fans are. Especially if you're not actively and effectively pushing people like that away.
Do you think Xbox are actively pushing a far right agenda through their games/services/marketing?

If not, then no, it doesn't matter.

I can point to absolute idiots who are fans of every system. Microsoft, Sony, Nintendo, you name it, can't control who buy their systems, their games.

PlayStation is by far the market leader in Hungary. Far right extremism is becoming more and more mainstream in Hungary. There's a very clear correlation there right? RIGHT???

See how easy it is?
Jul 26, 2018
So relevant... We should edit this and write the gaming edition: or you can roll up your sleeves and get to work, and sell subscriptions.

It's a very exciting time to be a, uh, brand. It's also a bit of a scary time because customers expect a lot more from their brands than they did in the past. During this incredibly necessary and overdue social reckoning that we're having in our culture, it is no longer acceptable for brands to stay out of the conversation. Consumers want to know, "Are you willing to use your brand awareness to effect positive social change?" Which will create more brand awareness. The question I ask the brands I work with is, is, is, is, is, is, is, is, is, is… "Are you gonna be on the right side of history?"

The question isn't, "What are you selling?" Or… or "What service are you providing?" The question is, "What do you stand for?" Who are you, Bagel Bites?

All these big companies, they're so scared of all this social change, and I come in and I put their fears to rest. You know, I tell them, "Just be honest. Tell your customers that… that JPMorgan is against racism." In theory.

The question is no longer, "Do you want to buy Wheat Thins?" For example. The question is now, "Will you support Wheat Thins in the fight against Lyme disease?"

There's no sugarcoating it. The world is… f**ked up. And you've got a choice as a brand. You can… hide and bury your head in the sand and hope it fixes itself, or you can roll up your sleeves and get to work, and sell Butterfingers.