Are you sold yet?

  • Yes! Day one - did you see the Hellblade trailer?

    Votes: 1,001 27.3%
  • Yes, but not right away

    Votes: 325 8.9%
  • No, I need to see more

    Votes: 948 25.9%
  • No, not at all

    Votes: 1,393 38.0%

  • Total voters


Oct 25, 2017
Seeing as all of their exclusives are on pc, them getting me onboard to buy their machine is completely impossible.

That said, I am excited because it's new tech and I wanna see what it can do.


Oct 28, 2017
I am totally sold and in day one. Two easy reasons: 1) have Gamepass until 2022, so I will immediately get next gen games with that, which means getting the Xbox Series is a better deal for me with the instant library, and 2) HALO!


Dec 10, 2018
It looks like a great console, but I also want to see what Sony are doing with PS5 before I make a decision. This gen was the first time in a while that I chose a Sony console first as the XBox One had too many flaws, issues and weird quirks for me to consider. I usually end up with all 3 consoles (Sony, MS, Nintendo) anyway, but the order and time changes based on launch factors.


Oct 27, 2017
I'm in the ecosystem since the original Xbox so yes they did, more or less. I already set aside all the money I'll need for games, accessories, etc. when they announced Scarlett.

That, and I don't buy Sony hardware anymore after I got rid of my PS2, nor do I care for most of their output.


My ass legally belongs to Ted Price
Oct 17, 2019
PC with Gamepass+PS5+ Switch is all I need in my life. But i Will gladly continue to buy Gamepass.... Soooo win-win


Nov 4, 2017
It's basically game pass that has me thinking about buying an Xbox next year. I don't have a lot of money for games usually, so subscription services are really tempting. Then again, with xcloud coming out eventually, would I even need to buy the console? I'll need to see how the streaming stuff works out before I can be sold on buying expensive hardware. It's a nice looking box though.


Alt account banned
Oct 2, 2019
To be honest, they have a hard time with someone like me. I don't think I need multiple consoles in one generation unless they offer very different things (hence PS4 + Switch). They must show more than they already have (a box and a cutscene), but it's still very early to be all-in on anything so I can't fault them for that. As it stands though, the form factor is offputting and so is the name they've gone for.

MS is committed to plenty of things, but VR is sadly not one of them and that also affects my opinion of their console because it makes you wonder just how "designed for VR" it is, when things start popping off next generation and MS feels like it's time to jump on the wagon.
Let me let you in on a secret. VR is not going to pop off next gen.


Hero of Bowerstone
Oct 10, 2018
Nope. Gotta see them launch titles first. Only reason to upgrade right away.


Oct 25, 2017
Man, it really doesn't take much to "sell" a console to some people. Die hard Xbox fans, I get, but the regular consumer? Nope.

They showed two sides of it, a controller, and a name. We've also only been told of two games, neither of which we've actually seen gameplay of yet (Halo, Hellblade 2).

No. No, I'm nowhere close to being sold on it yet. Same with the PS5 despite owning a PS4. I need reasons to want these things other than "it exists" or "it will exist in a year."


Oct 25, 2017
i want to play the sequels to games that were exclusive to playstation so i don't want to skip the ps5. don't game enough to buy both so i have to go with ps5.


Oct 25, 2017
I like games and gaming. For three generations, I've owned every platform. As long as I can afford them, I will buy a Xbox Series X and a PS5.

Dee Bill

Oct 28, 2017
Day one for me! Can't wait to play Halo Infinite in 4k 60fps with great performance... and i think the console looks really cool, pretty sure MS are in full aggressive mode and with Gamepass, it's gonna be even better.


Dec 8, 2017
The Xbox One X is what sold me on the next machine because the X is a great piece of hardware. Its compact, solid, quiet and the Elite controller makes it no brainer. I really hope Sony does some sort of elite type controller next gen.


Oct 25, 2017
Personally I need to see more to see when I buy. Truth be told I buy ALL consoles anyway, and I love Gears, so I will eventually but so far a CG trailer (I know in engine but I have seen those before) and a halo game don't do it for me. Also the box honest does not fit in my entertainment unit, and with a 3 little kids I don't just want it in the open. So for me so far, atm is a no.


Oct 25, 2017
For me it wasnt how they showed X at the game awards that sold me. It has more to do with watching a company seem to learn lessons from a bad launch and make very positive changes. From cross platform play, game pass and xcloud. They way they seem to be moving more in step with what gamers want ,and are looking at a bigger picture. Microsoft has grown on me as a consumer.
I'm a Nintendo fanboy admittedly but I always buy all the systems. Ps4 for a large part of this gen was my main go to. Then the switch became a staple in my gaming time. Witherspoon x1x I moved to Microsoft and my main home system. In the end I'm always looking for who can give me the best experience.


Dec 30, 2018
every xbox, xbox 360 and xbox one game available on the xbox one is available on series x
The ability to play older games like SSX 3 and Tricky in addition to modern games tempting. I will see what Sony has to offer with the PS5. Lately there haven't been nearly as many strong exclusives on Xbox as other platforms.

The Hellblade teaser did adsolutely nothing for me.


Oct 29, 2019
I like the Sony ecosystem the best out of pc, Nintendo, and ms, but I am cautiously optimistic about the series x, despite feeling lukewarm on the design and name.

The One X is my least used console, but I am hopeful they can reverse course with some of the good ideas they have had recently-game pass is one, even though I have it and don't use it that much, I like the idea of it.


Mokuzai Studio
Oct 28, 2017
San Antonio, TX
It's super beefy, runs thousands of games with the potential of running my older games even better, and it has Game Pass. As long as we're not talking a $800 system, I'm sold.


trying to circumvent a ban with an alt account
Nov 20, 2019
Don't really know anything about it aside from what it looks like. And I have little interest in their games even through Gamepass. I sign up now and then, play 10 minutes of a XboxGS game and then give up


Oct 25, 2017
I'm into it, I dig Halo, have Game Pass, but maybe the 1080p variety.

Also, finding a spot to put it is a slight issue.


Nov 4, 2017
Last edited:
Oct 25, 2017
Having a Windows 10 PC will always be my reason for not getting an Xbox console.

If a game comes along that I want to play I'll get it on the Xbox app or get a month of game pass. I haven't felt the need to do that since they made the switch to putting everything on PC but I'm sure at some point I will.


It's not a loop. It's a spiral.
Oct 25, 2017
Cape Cod, MA
I can't decide until I know what Sony are cooking up I'll be getting one of the new consoles out of the gates, but most unlikely both.


Oct 25, 2017
Yes, but perhaps not on day one since my One X is still beasting along. I'll probably go with the PS5 first since I don't have a Pro.*

*unless it's loud again like the Pro, in which case I will likely never own a PS5. Quiet consoles are non-negotiable for me going forward.


Oct 30, 2017
I was sold before the reveal, because I've been sold on the Xbox ecosystem for years now. The XB1 is my primary multiplatform game console, and I have a large library from past gens, which is better than ever thanks to all of the 1X's 4K updates. Also, I prefer the XB1's controller and UI to the PS4's. Finally, Gamepass is an absurdly good deal in its present form.

The XSX represents four generations of entertainment to me. I'll wait a year or so for the bugs to be ironed out, unless there's a ridiculously good trade-in deal for my 1X. But yeah, I'm convinced.
Oct 28, 2017
Sold on what? The promise of power? All nextgen machines will be powerful. Between gamepass, hardware and xcloud I don't even know what their strategy is.
Will the launch lineup be on gamepass as well? Will it be cross gen? I'm not missing out on anything major by not having Xbox hardware now. Why will that be different next gen?


Oct 27, 2017
My experience on the X with GP has been incredible so I'm definitely on board though maybe not at launch unless there's some amazing exclusive that's a way more arresting experience visually than what can be had on the X. I'm skeptical launch window titles will have full next gen exclusivity anyhow. I also just upgraded my PC so it'll be more likely I can experience whatever fancy first party games they have available though my cpu is showing its age and with no SSD I might not be able to take full advantage of the sort of features the new systems will utilize in terms of faster loading of environments, more complex simulations/physics etc. We'll see, gonna be a very interesting next six months of info leading up to release that's for sure.


Oct 28, 2017
Not yet. I still have to see them focusing back on single player games and broadening their exclusives out of the usual next Gear, next Halo and next Forza.


Dec 4, 2017
I was always going to get it, but excited? Nah, they sold me on the X too and that turned out with nothing to play


Jan 19, 2018
I was sold as soon as halo infinite was announced. Knowing the potential of having a system with the form factor of a mini ITX? That's the cherry on top. You can do some wild fun things with a build that size. Can't wait to get it. Really loving what Xbox has been building towards these last few years.


Oct 25, 2017
Xbox has been really disappointing this gen for me so if it doesn't have shiny features and good games I am not buying at launch. On the other hand, PS5 is most probably day 1.


Oct 27, 2017
Not yet. I will do like I've always done, wait a while to see how this new gen plays out, and buy the one with the exclusives I like more, or the leading platform. Last gen Xbox was a clear winner but PS3 had enough exclusives that I ended up getting both. This gen, PS4 was the winner, and there was nothing on Xbox that I couldn't get on PC, so I only got one console.
Next gen, we'll see.