
Oct 25, 2017
Ohhh nice, thanks for the info.

Halo Wars lives!

Hard to get enough people for a match since it's just a customs browser, whereas the 360 version has matchmaking with people still playing.

I'd occasionally jump on for some 3v3's but was never able to find anyone playing when trying the remaster.

Are you serious? What a bizarre change.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 25, 2017
I see the Reach Hate Force™ is in full force today.

Reach's multiplayer was the best of the best, 3 was way less polished than people remember.
Oct 28, 2017
I've still not been able to join a single game of MCC matchmaking (Series X in Japan) but I never had trouble with Halo 4 on 360.


Senior Lighting Artist
Nov 15, 2017
Redmond, WA
Ain't anything gonna match this.

Y'all got one year to become a vidmaster and actually earn your Recon armor. You can wear it all you want after they just handed it out, BUT YOU DIDN'T EARN IT.

I would come home every day in high school and turn on my tv and xbox just to leave this menu up while i worked on homework. The amount of atmosphere the music and blue-toned environments gave was incredible. Those were special years.
Oct 27, 2017
It'll be interesting to see what's still functional after they switch off the services.

Halo 3, 4 and Reach had specific server support for the file browser and possibly the party systems (other stuff too, I'd imagine). I wonder if online play for co-op or other modes outside of matchmaking survive.

I never like to see servers turned off for any game but the existence and high quality of today's MCC makes this easier to deal with.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 25, 2017
Except Reach was nowhere near the cultural force that 3 was because everyone moved onto COD MW and Black Ops and all that
And if popularity was a metric of quality, that would mean something.

Also Modern Warfare 1 came out the same year as 3, so thanks for demonstrating the rose-tinted glasses that people view Halo 3 through when it was the game that people moved on from when CoD blew up with MW 1, WaW, MW2 and BlOps.


Prophet of Truth
Oct 25, 2017
Fourteen years is a damn good run, especially now that MCC exists. Halo 3 is what started it all for me and why I got Xbox Live in the first place. Respect.

I remember my local newspaper even had an article about Halo 3 the day it came out. What a wild time that was. Halo 3 was a damn cultural phenomenon, man.

Kid Heart

Oct 25, 2017
Had a lot of good times playing Halo 3 multiplayer with my friends both over live and at each others houses. Really doesn't feel like that was over a decade ago.

The Master Chief Collection makes this sting a lot less, but I'd be lying if this doesn't still leave me feeling a bit melancholy.


Oct 27, 2017
I see the Reach Hate Force™ is in full force today.

Reach's multiplayer was the best of the best, 3 was way less polished than people remember.
Lack of polish has nothing to do with why people complain about Reach's multiplayer.

And if popularity was a metric of quality, that would mean something.

Also Modern Warfare 1 came out the same year as 3, so thanks for demonstrating the rose-tinted glasses that people view Halo 3 through when it was the game that people moved on from when CoD blew up with MW 1, WaW, MW2 and BlOps.
CoD4 did not destroy Halo's popularity. It made the console FPS pie bigger, much more than it stole parts of the pie from other franchises. Halo 3 was the most-popular game on XBL for a majority of 2009. That year saw the CoD community split between two games, but still, it shows that Halo was very much still on the map.

After Reach's launch, it very quickly dropped to a lower UUs ranking on XBL than Halo 3 had been at immediately prior:



Prophet of Truth
Oct 25, 2017
I would come home every day in high school and turn on my tv and xbox just to leave this menu up while i worked on homework. The amount of atmosphere the music and blue-toned environments gave was incredible. Those were special years.

It was amazing. Seeing the multiplayer map of the world light up with each player playing was soooo cool.

I've still not been able to join a single game of MCC matchmaking (Series X in Japan) but I never had trouble with Halo 4 on 360.

They recently added cross-play so maybe try again? :/

Either way that sucks man.


Aug 23, 2018
It literally costs them nothing to keep the game up. Games are art, they should be preserved. This is the problem with digital storefronts

The game is preserved in MCC, and via BC in an xbox one or series X.

Why sell a game online when you've terminated the online multiplayer?

I also think you don't understand the concept correctly. When people talk about 'preservation' in those terms, they mean that the game should still be playable down the line, and not that the game must be on sale for all time.
people who already bought these game digitally are free to download it in the future. You just can't make a new purchase.


Feb 11, 2019
The game is preserved in MCC, and via BC in an xbox one or series X.

Why sell a game online when you've terminated the online multiplayer?

I also think you don't understand the concept correctly. When people talk about 'preservation' in those terms, they mean that the game should still be playable down the line, and not that the game must be on sale for all time.
people who already bought these game digitally are free to download it in the future. You just can't make a new purchase.
I understand physical copies not being produced forever, but there is absolutely no reason to gate off digital sales. I just don't see any reason to do so. The online multiplayer is only a portion of the game and they can make it clear that they are only selling the campaign portion. Just relist it as "Halo 3 (Campaign Only)". I just don't see a reason to get rid of something when keeping it does no harm. That's supposed to be the benefit of a digital delivery system, but more often than not it just causes confusion and headaches and things get removed for little reason.


Aug 23, 2018
I understand physical copies not being produced forever, but there is absolutely no reason to gate off digital sales. I just don't see any reason to do so. The online multiplayer is only a portion of the game and they can make it clear that they are only selling the campaign portion. Just relist it as "Halo 3 (Campaign Only)". I just don't see a reason to get rid of something when keeping it does no harm. That's supposed to be the benefit of a digital delivery system, but more often than not it just causes confusion and headaches and things get removed for little reason.

There is reason. The game is available as part of the master chief collection. Digitally preserved in purchasers libraries and can always be re-downloaded. That's the advantage of digital distribution

You'd have more confusion and headache by creating a new SKU for the xbox 360.


Oct 25, 2017
I mean, you had 11 years to buy it if you really wanted to!

I understand this as a kneejerk response. But I mean like, it comes down to this.

I wanted to prioritize going for all the achievements in MCC. That will probably take me a while. After that I figured I'd probably end up also going for the 360 games because I just really like Halo, and recently my buddy, who has gotten all 7000G in MCC, was thinking about going back and getting the 360 ones as well.

Money is finite. And there are lots of games I want to try and if I had unlimited money I'd buy all the games I want. But I don't have unlimited money, so if I want to play all the things I want to play, then I need to be somewhat strategic. I need to look at sales and buy which thing I think will get delisted first and then play them all in the order I feel like. No way in hell would I have expected them to delist the halo games. That just does not make any sense why they would even do that. Seriously who was that hurting? So yeah, no way I expected this at all. I don't think I should have been expected to.

I go back and find out about old games all the time too. Some of them are really damn good. I didn't really know I cared about WRPGs or whatever Dragon Age is, but I played Dragon Age Origins since it was free on EA Origin in like 2014 and boy I loved it. I've played even older games and liked them too. That one in particular came out of nowhere and threw off the order I wanted to play the games I had in my backlog at the time, because it's a really long game.

But yeah I mean I don't feel like this is unreasonable of me. Every time someone makes a comment like yours I just scratch my head. Like, sure, if I ONLY cared about Halo then it would be a no brainer to grab them all. But I'm often playing all different kinds of games and I have to prioritize both what I feel like playing at the time, which, is a ton of different things, and also what I think is going to get delisted. A lot of times if I am currently playing a game, and am looking at what to play next. I'll sometimes have a few games that I'm interested in playing. I don't just want to play one or the other. I generally would like to try both. So if one is getting delisted, I'll probably buy that one first and then buy the others after. Then by the time I'm done with my current game I'll have the luxury of doing whichever order.

And also, I personally did not have 11 years. I didn't get my xbox 360 until 2013, and barely played any mainstream games at all before that, so there is a huge swathe of games that I "had 11+ years to buy" that I haven't gotten to. I physically cannot have.

I will get to all the games I like eventually, but that takes time. I can't just treat my backlog like a chore list that I have to play in order from oldest to newest and only buy old games until I've made it through to new. Going back and forth is much more refreshing and fun for me. I don't feel like this is all that unreasonable. I have a life and a ton of games to play and I'm the kind of person who likes to play lots of different games to completion, and sometimes multiple times. I feel like I'm allowed to be annoyed when something is needlessly removed from purchase that I couldn't have predicted in my attempts to evaluate which game to buy first.


Oct 27, 2017
I understand this as a kneejerk response. But I mean like, it comes down to this.

I wanted to prioritize going for all the achievements in MCC. That will probably take me a while. After that I figured I'd probably end up also going for the 360 games because I just really like Halo, and recently my buddy, who has gotten all 7000G in MCC, was thinking about going back and getting the 360 ones as well.

Money is finite. And there are lots of games I want to try and if I had unlimited money I'd buy all the games I want. But I don't have unlimited money, so if I want to play all the things I want to play, then I need to be somewhat strategic. I need to look at sales and buy which thing I think will get delisted first and then play them all in the order I feel like. No way in hell would I have expected them to delist the halo games. That just does not make any sense why they would even do that. Seriously who was that hurting? So yeah, no way I expected this at all. I don't think I should have been expected to.

I go back and find out about old games all the time too. Some of them are really damn good. I didn't really know I cared about WRPGs or whatever Dragon Age is, but I played Dragon Age Origins since it was free on EA Origin in like 2014 and boy I loved it. I've played even older games and liked them too. That one in particular came out of nowhere and threw off the order I wanted to play the games I had in my backlog at the time, because it's a really long game.

But yeah I mean I don't feel like this is unreasonable of me. Every time someone makes a comment like yours I just scratch my head. Like, sure, if I ONLY cared about Halo then it would be a no brainer to grab them all. But I'm often playing all different kinds of games and I have to prioritize both what I feel like playing at the time, which, is a ton of different things, and also what I think is going to get delisted. Something that I may not get to for a while

And also, I personally did not have 11 years. I didn't get my xbox 360 until 2013, and barely played any mainstream games at all before that, so there is a huge swathe of games that I "had 11+ years to buy" that I haven't gotten to. I physically cannot have.

I will get to all the games I like eventually, but that takes time. I can't just treat my backlog like a chore list that I have to play in order from oldest to newest and only buy old games until I've made it through to new. Going back and forth is much more refreshing and fun for me. I don't feel like this is all that unreasonable. I have a life and a ton of games to play and I'm the kind of person who likes to play lots of different games to completion, and sometimes multiple times. I feel like I'm allowed to be annoyed when something is needlessly removed from purchase that I couldn't have predicted in my attempts to evaluate which game to buy first.
This seems like a very VERY niche problem.


Oct 25, 2017
This seems like a very VERY niche problem.

I mean...on a gaming enthusiast problem, I really don't understand how this is supposed to be niche.

Have you paid attention to literally any delisting thread ever on here or reddit or twitter or anything else?

I like to play a wide variety of games. And I have finite funds. You want to explain to me how those two factors together combine to make a "very VERY niche" kind of person? Sure maybe my situation in terms of when I got into gaming, but that's not really rare either. Everyone has a different situation. If someone was a playstation gamer their whole life, which is like, not even remotely uncommon either, and they recently discovered Halo, which is again, not as uncommon as you seem to believe, and if they like achievement/trophy hunting, which again, not uncommon (nor is that combination of people rare either since I know several of them personally and they're not like, weirdos with very specific interests), then yeah, they might also be annoyed by this.

The world is bigger than you and your experience. Everyone comes at gaming at their own pace. It's very myopic to act as if something that was convenient for you was as convenient or possible for someone else.

Maybe you don't like getting all kinds of different games and run up against delisting. A hell of a lot of people do. Calling it "very, VERY niche" is hilarious.

I can't always predict which of the games I want to play will get delisted first. If I want to play all the games I want to play, I have a real world bank account to wrestle with in order to make that happen.


Oct 25, 2017
It's 5 dollars to grab it for MCC bro

I have it on MCC. Wanted it for both system link, which I do sometimes, and achievement hunting with friends, which I also do sometimes. Also, wanted it for digital sharing with a friend of mine who only has an xbox 360.

I'm not saying it's the end of the world. I'm just saying it's dumb and needless that they took it down. Games shouldn't get delisted if there's no serious need for them to.

I won't die, and actually in a weird twist of fate I got my hands on a code, so I'll be fine, but I feel for most people who would like to.


Oct 27, 2017
I mean...on a gaming enthusiast problem, I really don't understand how this is supposed to be niche.

Have you paid attention to literally any delisting thread ever on here or reddit or twitter or anything else?

I like to play a wide variety of games. And I have finite funds. You want to explain to me how those two factors together combine to make a "very VERY niche" kind of person? Sure maybe my situation in terms of when I got into gaming, but that's not really rare either. Everyone has a different situation. If someone was a playstation gamer their whole life, which is like, not even remotely uncommon either, and they recently discovered Halo, which is again, not as uncommon as you seem to believe, and if they like achievement/trophy hunting, which again, no uncommon, then yeah, they might also be annoyed by this.

The world is bigger than you and your experience. Everyone comes at gaming at their own pace. It's very myopic to act as if something that was convenient for you was as convenient or possible for someone else.

Maybe you don't like getting all kinds of different games and run up against delisting. A hell of a lot of people do. Calling it "very, VERY niche" is hilarious.

I can't always predict which of the games I want to play will get delisted first. If I want to play all the games I want to play, I have a real world bank account to wrestle with in order to make that happen.
The difference between this delisting and others is that it will remain available as part of MCC. Nobody is stopping anyone playing ODST. The only real downside is that there's separate achievement listings, which going back to hunt for nearly a decade later (when I think the same achievements plus more are available in MCC, albeit not under the same listing), is very niche even for Era.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Remember when the OG Xbox Halo 2 servers were shut down and you had those handful of people staying in game as long as possible? Until eventually it was just 1 guy still connected.

Found an article

Last Halo 2 player finally leaves Xbox Live

After refusing to log out for more than three weeks, the last person in Xbox Live on an original Xbox succumbed. Multiplayer Halo 2 is no more.

One or two of those guys used to be in HaloGAF, I knew them well.


Oct 25, 2017
The difference between this delisting and others is that it will remain available as part of MCC. Nobody is stopping anyone playing ODST. The only real downside is that there's separate achievement listings, which going back to hunt for nearly a decade later (when I think the same achievements plus more are available in MCC, albeit not under the same listing), is very niche even for Era.

Again, for me, it is not "going back" so much as, getting to it eventually.

It's not the end of the world, but it sucks for people who wanted to get around to it. At some point, every person's situation is unique. I think it's dumb with people who are in a given situation are screwed over by a dumb, pointless corporate decision. Games should be about fun. About going at it at your own pace. Not like a chore list to get the things you want done within a time frame. The stress that something you'd like to do for leisure and fun might disappear with no warning at all is just not something that should exist in video games, as much as is feasible anyway. For people who enjoy achievements or playing with their friends who only have 360s, or whatever else, this sucks. People should be able to do whatever they like in games whenever they like/are able to. If that means a given game doesn't get got to until 10 years later, and you're an achievement hunter, like, I don't see any reason why if that is what you find fun you should get screwed over. There are no licenses expiring here. Microsoft owns the IP. They own everything here, wholely, and it's not like they're even planning on getting rid of xbox 360 games; they've been expanding that. It's just such a needless, silly thing. They could have at LEAST provided a warning, like at all. Like of any length.

it's genuinely not the end of the world. Like you said, the important thing is the game is preserved and we can continue to play the wonderful game that is Halo 3: ODST, and new players will all the time be getting to discover it and have a blast. I just get peeved when dumb decisions get made that affect people in a negative way, when there was absolutely no need for it. That's all.


Prophet of Truth
The Fallen
Dec 4, 2017
Yeah it would've been great if they kept the originals on digital stores, or at the very least gave a heads up before the delisting. I'm fine sticking with MCC personally, but the OG versions should be up for those that want them.


Oct 27, 2017
Again, for me, it is not "going back" so much as, getting to it eventually.

It's not the end of the world, but it sucks for people who wanted to get around to it. At some point, every person's situation is unique. I think it's dumb with people who are in a given situation are screwed over by a dumb, pointless corporate decision. Games should be about fun. About going at it at your own pace. Not like a chore list to get the things you want done within a time frame. The stress that something you'd like to do for leisure and fun might disappear with no warning at all is just not something that should exist in video games, as much as is feasible anyway. For people who enjoy achievements or playing with their friends who only have 360s, or whatever else, this sucks. People should be able to do whatever they like in games whenever they like/are able to. If that means a given game doesn't get got to until 10 years later, and you're an achievement hunter, like, I don't see any reason why if that is what you find fun you should get screwed over. There are no licenses expiring here. Microsoft owns the IP. They own everything here, wholely, and it's not like they're even planning on getting rid of xbox 360 games; they've been expanding that. It's just such a needless, silly thing. They could have at LEAST provided a warning, like at all. Like of any length.

it's genuinely not the end of the world. Like you said, the important thing is the game is preserved and we can continue to play the wonderful game that is Halo 3: ODST, and new players will all the time be getting to discover it and have a blast. I just get peeved when dumb decisions get made that affect people in a negative way, when there was absolutely no need for it. That's all.
If I were you I'd definitely pick up a physical copy on eBay. I know you said you wanted digital, but it's at least an option. Do it before prices rocket.

I had a quick scout around for you to see if there were any digital keys around but it doesn't look like it, so go the physical route.


Oct 25, 2017
If I were you I'd definitely pick up a physical copy on eBay. I know you said you wanted digital, but it's at least an option. Do it before prices rocket.

I had a quick scout around to see if there were any digital keys around but it doesn't look like it, so go the physical route.

I got ridiculously lucky and had a friend get me a code. Not going to be easy for the vast majority of people. I am incredibly, incredibly lucky that I for some reason happened to impulse buy spartan assault at some point, and that the one halo game I didn't own digitally I happened to know someone who could get me a code. So I've got them all covered.

I did go ahead and buy a physical copy before that happened. Will probably lend it to a friend so we can do some firefight.

I just feel really bad though because I got super lucky and I know not everyone will have been. Already run into some people asking me how I got it and I can't really help them out :/


Oct 28, 2017
Honestly it's pretty impressive they continued the support for almost 2 full console generations.


Oct 25, 2017
Was my first thought too. Bummer, but a years notice is wayyyyyy more than most companies bother to give

Yeah. Warner brothers barely gave a month and literally said wrongly that one of the achievements would still be obtainable after server closure for Mad Max. Then for Shadow of Mordor they at least gave like a month and a half, but like, for xbox two of those achievements are really fucking hard. I'm working on one right now.

Still don't like the sudden delisting. Warner Brothers did that for Lego The Hobbit and LOTR out of nowhere. They're absolutely some of the worst when it comes to this stuff. I went ahead and did the achievements/trophies for the Arkham Origins multiplayer because who knows when WB will just out of nowhere yank the servers.

Honestly it's pretty impressive they continued the support for almost 2 full console generations.

To be fair, it was support for a massively, massively popular series that is also centrally genre defining for them, especially in regards to it's online features, and all this by a company that has made a big point of being one of the premiere companies to run cloud services and stuff.

Barrel Cannon

It's Pronounced "Aerith"
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
End of an era for sure. Glad we sort of have the game intact for the most part in MCC. This day had to come at some point. It's crazy how dedicated some of the player base still was. I have a friend who still plays reach all the time using the 360 version.

Glad Halo Wars will still live. Hosting online games with each other is way more convenient for an RTS compared to LAN(although I love lans, they aren't as convenient for me anymore)