
Literally a train safety expert
Oct 25, 2017
Halo is generic shooter #478552 now, RIP. The lack of player collision is a significant change.

Lol this is exactly what I was taking about earlier, teammates using each other as shields.

I ran into this crap more times in the last fight more times than I could count. It's infinitely more impactful and annoying than bumping into teammates ever was.


Oct 27, 2017
I was apprehensive when they decided to violate the intuitive physics of grenades bouncing correctly off stairways way back when (Reach?). Lack of player collision is a big BIG fail, imo.

To be clear, my answer to proper stairway-grenade physics was "don't have arbitrary stairways" if the grenade physics of the damn geometry is not fun to play


Bold Bur3n Wrangler
Oct 25, 2017
I was apprehensive when they decided to violate the intuitive physics of grenades bouncing correctly off stairways way back when (Reach?). Lack of player collision is a big BIG fail, imo.

To be clear, my answer to proper stairway-grenade physics was "don't have arbitrary stairways" if the grenade physics of the damn geometry is not fun to play
Halo's wonky grenades started with Halo 3 Orbital.

Map was ass.


Oct 25, 2017
Halo is generic shooter #478552 now, RIP. The lack of player collision is a significant change.



Oct 25, 2017
Using teammates as shields is certainly a massive problem created by this. As is, I think, squads exploiting a lull in nade spam to basically force their entire number through a narrow chokepoint or jump to rush down an isolated player or objective. Nothing about that feels fair or natural either.


Oct 28, 2017
Limiting player's interaction in a video game is such a weird concept to me.

Especially if the reason if that you were bumping against players when you were low on shield. Like, if it happens, you get a little bit mad, sure, but you're mad against the other players, not the game.

If the game screws you because you were shooting at an opponent who goes being another one and you loose your fight, then you get mad against the game. It's a subtle difference, but it's enough to actually make a difference.

Overall, some very weird decision made for Infinite, really thing it's oriented to appeal to a maximum of very new players since the game f-goes F2P rather than cater to Halo players (not even veteran players I mean).

Really hope the Ranked playlist will be fun and not too sweaty, because it's the only hope I have for me to enjoy this game in a PvP environment.

But since Bots have been confirmed for BTB in Custom Game, I know I'll be able to play the Halo game I want with my own settings, so, at least there's that for me to enjoy.
Dec 21, 2017
Yeah, I'm not necessarily in favour of the change. I just don't really care.

Of all the various issues with the settings, player collision is very low down on the list of importance imo.

It's probably #1 for me personally. Just seems so weird it change to and make it worse after 20 years. Reminds me of no red X's on death or no de-scope in Halo 4. like.... why?


Literally a train safety expert
Oct 25, 2017
It certainly looks unnatural but almost the exact same situation could have occurred if the yellow player was just slightly to the side and then sidestepped infront of the blue player.

It just doesn't seem like a big deal to me.

it's really not close to being the same thing.

what you're talking about is a standard bait and switch, where it's actually possible to track who's the weaker opponent even as they cross paths.

we're talking about one player literally phasing inside of the other - Making it unnecessarily difficult to comprehend which one should be getting aggro first or to even know who's taking damage when your shots are landing.

it's definitely a big deal. And it's an unforced error in an attempt to fix something that ACTUALLY isn't a big deal- bumping into teammates.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 25, 2017
Nov 10, exactly one year after Infinite's originally planned release date.

This is awesome.
It's probably #1 for me personally. Just seems so weird it change to and make it worse after 20 years. Reminds me of no red X's on death or no de-scope in Halo 4. like.... why?
They changed the death marker in Infinite too. No longer a red X again, 343 pulling a Halo 4 on us but no one cares because there's still technically an X, albeit a small white one.


Oct 25, 2017
it's really not close to being the same thing.

what you're talking about is a standard bait and switch, where it's actually possible to track who's the weaker opponent even as they cross paths.

we're talking about one player literally phasing inside of the other - Making it unnecessarily difficult to comprehend which one should be getting aggro first or to even know who's taking damage when your shots are landing.

it's definitely a big deal. And it's an unforced error in an attempt to fix something that ACTUALLY isn't a big deal- bumping into teammates.
I don't disagree with the issues you have with it but I also don't think it's anywhere near as big a deal as it's being made out to be.


Literally a train safety expert
Oct 25, 2017
I don't disagree with the issues you have with it but I also don't think it's anywhere near as big a deal as it's being made out to be.

I don't know how big this is being made out to be, but it's just one of several bad ideas 343 is doubling down on, and it's most annoying because no one asked for it, and it doesn't improve the game in any tangible way.


Oct 25, 2017
I don't know how big this is being made out to be, but it's just one of several bad ideas 343 is doubling down on, and it's most annoying because no one asked for it, and it doesn't improve the game in any tangible way.
Personally I don't really care if it stays or goes.

On the one hand it looks a bit weird and I can see it occasionally being confusing when your target phases through another player.

On the other hand the frustration when you get bumped or stuck on another player when trying to get through a door is definitely real.

Overall, eh. Doesn't bother me either way.


Oct 25, 2017
We've had 69 (nice) votes in the poll for the Infinite OT title so far. The poll closes early next week so get your votes in while it's open!

Halo Infinite OT Title Poll is here!
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You need to reply to this thread in order to see this content.

As mentioned previously, if this turns into a close race I'll post a follow up poll with just the top voted options left but if there's a clear front runner from this first poll then that will be the title for the Halo Infinite OT when I post it on December 6th - 48hrs before the release of the game.

Halo Infinite OT Title Poll is here!
[Hidden content]

As mentioned previously, if this turns into a close race I'll post a follow up poll with just the top voted options left but if there's a clear front runner from this first poll then that will be the title for the Halo Infinite OT when I post it on December 6th - 48hrs before the release of the game.


Literally a train safety expert
Oct 25, 2017
I wasn't anticipating the Game Informer cover but my goodness... it's so much better than everything IGN has put out.


Oct 25, 2017
Campaign video made me more hopeful. They open world bases are there to explore and gather resources to upgrade and such. But the main "story beats" tend to be classic halo levels.


Actually knows the TOS
Oct 25, 2017
Halo Infinite OT Title Poll is here!
[Hidden content]

As mentioned previously, if this turns into a close race I'll post a follow up poll with just the top voted options left but if there's a clear front runner from this first poll then that will be the title for the Halo Infinite OT when I post it on December 6th - 48hrs before the release of the game.

Thanks again to Juan, Welfare, Kratos2013, Terbinator, FUNKNOWN iXi, ThatsMyTrunks, Rndom Grenadez, Nessii013, Tortillo VI, Sullivan, Cyclone, Tappin Brews, m4st4, darthshot, Smash Kirby, Syinn, Elliott, dlauv, 0ptimusPayne & rou021 for the suggestions in the final poll and everyone else who also submitted suggestions.
Aw man I didn't know suggestions were being held in this thread


Oct 27, 2017
Didn't realize you had to post in this thread to see the OT poll, so here I am.

Honestly, I really like Comeback Evolved, but I'm also afraid it's going to jinx the game.


Prophet of Regret
Apr 17, 2020
The previews were nice and I look forward to playing the campaign myself. Not long until it's available, considering we have the anniversary event and I play FH5. Time will fly.


Prophet of Truth - Hero of Bowerstone
Oct 25, 2017
Still hate the hexagonal shield flares. Halo had its own unique look with the electric crackle and then it goes to hexagons on shields which Borderlands, Mass Effect and probably a lot of other sci fi games have. I'm sick of hexagons in sci fi in general come up with more unique designs ffs.


Oct 25, 2017


Oct 25, 2017
I vaguely remember someone asking about official Collectors/Ultimate Editions a couple months ago, so here is 343i's answer:



Oct 25, 2017
The entitlement and complaining in all these threads is disgusting.

Why are people like this, so damn whiny and I genuinely can't think of a better word than entitled. Like they deserve this game, but not this game, a "better" version of it.

I feel so sorry for 343 people who have to read this garbage, it's insulting. "Gamers" are a mistake.


Oct 25, 2017
The entitlement and complaining in all these threads is disgusting.

Why are people like this, so damn whiny and I genuinely can't think of a better word than entitled. Like they deserve this game, but not this game, a "better" version of it.

I feel so sorry for 343 people who have to read this garbage, it's insulting. "Gamers" are a mistake.
Damn… Halo truly is the Star Wars of videogames :p


Jan 3, 2018
The entitlement and complaining in all these threads is disgusting.

Why are people like this, so damn whiny and I genuinely can't think of a better word than entitled. Like they deserve this game, but not this game, a "better" version of it.

I feel so sorry for 343 people who have to read this garbage, it's insulting. "Gamers" are a mistake.

I don't get this.
Why wouldn't we be able to express our opinions?

I'm taking a shitty example but people complained about the way Sonic looked in the first trailer of the movie, and they actually went ahead and changed it.

I'm not saying anything's going to change, it obviously won't for launch, but I want to be heard because I care. I care and hope that the next expansion, or the next thing delivers on what I imagined it should be.

Also, you have some people that are just trolling, like that copypaste comment in one of the threads, but I feel like a lot of the criticism I and others have with the game is deserved. Even if I'll play it on Game Pass, this is still a product that is sold to people. Even in art, you have the right to feel like the product you see/hear/get isn't what you thought it would be. Everyone has different expectations, so why would others can't be disappointed?

Alex from Digital Foundry has expressed how he wanted to see other environments because the variety is where Halo shines. He doesn't yet seem to know that what we see is mostly what we're getting in the full campaign. When he's inevitably disappointed by that, is he a whiner? I don't think so, that's a criticism Halo never had to face before, because all the games had that variety, until now. It feels normal to say it out loud.

I also saw some people say: ugh people really can't like what 343's doing, they just want the older games again. And I don't understand, because these same people are happy when the Prometheans are taken out. Except that was a step forward 343 took. So now you're aggreeing that 343 did something bad before? But we can't on the new game? (For the record, I think Prometheans were a welcome addition, but needed more refinements- variety is really important for me)

The very last problem I have with the game (most of the rest has been adressed), and whether or not you agree with it doesn't change the fact that this is something I personally feel, is its environments. It feels too familiar, not alien enough, not mystic enough, not varied enough.
Let's take a look at the way the Banished locations look. You don't have to tell me: "this is normal, the Banished are different than the Covenant, they're angrier, more warriors, less strategic, etc." I know. I know. I still think they should have made it different. Not necessarily exactly like the rounded and purple-looking design of the Covenant, but at least close enough.

You are actually someone who was asking for more Covenant multiplayer maps. Wouldn't you want the Banished environments in campaign to look more alien? Because if we get a Banished multiplayer map, but with this current design, it wouldn't really feel any different than another UNSC or Forerunner Map.

I know I'm going to get criticized for this, but hey, I'm trying


Oct 25, 2017
You're right, as a full grown adult I have no problem standing by posts like these and would be fine with everyone knowing I hold this position


At this point there are hundreds of posts with this exact energy, and these people need to recalibrate their life.

Also I'm really over Alex from digital foundry somehow being held up on an ivory tower, he's just another fuckin guy, he's just on camera. DF provides an interesting service, but at this point it's just weaponized for console or fanboy wars. I'm sure he's a swell guy irl, but the seas parting with his every word is gross.

To answer you're question about my input hoping for banished environment, I don't expect any flourishes, the entire brigade is utilitarian and scavengers of tech and equipment. They take what they can and repurpose it for their needs, the covenant were on a holy religious journey.

Go look how a modern church spends their money versus how a tradesmen does, I'm not surprised the Banished aesthetic isn't obtuse.

Prinz Eugn

Oct 25, 2017
If you think about it, we should really be thanking [corporation] for making [product]. I mean, without [corporation], where would [product] even be?

So it might not have everything we wanted, but as dutiful [consumers] we should keep in mind they worked really hard on it, and we owe it to them to [purchase product].


Literally a train safety expert
Oct 25, 2017
i think it fair to be disappointed in the visuals.

xbox was touting the work on Halo Infinite as if it would be a showcase for scaling down from highend targets. The work we see being done on ForzaTech and Unreal Engine is proof of concept, but Slipspace is just an old dog in comparison. Halo Infinite looks …adequate. On a technical level it's not one of the best looking late gen xb1 games nor early gen xsx games. blam didn't want to go open world, but it got dragged in , kicking and screaming.

at a macro level, the art design is doing some serious heavy lifting. But if your into details, much is to be desired. The banished interiors look like fun places to have firefights, but they don't look like spaces that Banished troops actually occupy.

Like, I can't look at the environment and tell how these people live when they aren't actively scavenging and pillaging. It makes sense for the forerunner structures to be desolate, but not the Banished ships. Unless the Brutes are OCD near freaks, which would be surprising, but also interesting. Tell me more!

my imagination tells me a Banished ship would be shoddily maintained. They'd only fix something properly if they had the parts- and only if the grunt doing the work was heavily supervised. And they wouldn't be bothered to paint everything uniformly when they were done. I imagine a cacophony of Covenant, human and Forerunner building materials repurposed into structures of use.
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Oct 25, 2017
Yeah the Halo threads are a mess as always, but the fact that people can stealth troll without any sort of mod action is probably the worst part.