Oct 31, 2017
Yeah, something is extremely, critically wrong behind the scenes. There has to be. Look, I know making games is extremely difficult, especially today. They are incredibly complex with tons of moving parts and variables involving a huge number of different people in different disciplines and all kinds of things can go wrong at a moments notice. But damn.

This is Microsoft's flagship IP. This took over six years to gestate, only to come out half baked and clearly needing another year of additional development time at minimum to get the game to base level standards. I know COVID assuredly threw a spanner into the works, but damn. What happened? Seriously?

It really feels like this game was thrown together very quickly in a small timeframe; much smaller than the actual full development period post-Halo 5 was. And that they must have had a radically different game that they basically scrapped wholesale or something. It's the only way I can really rationalize it/this.

The game receiving two additional maps in a whole year, when it launched with the fewest maps and modes in the IP's history just doesn't really add up to me.


Oct 28, 2017
Honestly, just remaster some old maps and throw them into the game. Cause this is ridiculous to have under 10 maps after a whole year into the game's life.


Oct 31, 2017
Game really should have been delayed another year, just like Battlefield. These companies love making us pay for unsatisfactory packages. They knew damn well they wouldn't have a lot of content but still release it anyway.


Nov 4, 2018
Man, the halo franchise should have never left Bungie's side. Microsoft should have just given Bungie a break from halo. Bungie was burned out making halo games. Microsoft should have allowed bungie to create a new ip and then come back to halo later on. That we never got a bungie developed halo 4-6 is a tragedy.


Oct 29, 2017
Hahahahaha why even call it a season? Just call it a biannual update at this point. Hilarious.

Deleted member 8579

Oct 26, 2017
I wonder if Halo Infinite was never GaaS to begin with and the game was such a development slog they just went let's do GaaS for multiplayer in later years as single player wasn't working out and release what we have as we go and get as many people playing it as possible.


Oct 25, 2017
Norn Iron
1 new arena map in a year is pretty damn disappointing for me, that and waiting until late August for co-op and mission select.

RF Switch

Oct 31, 2017
It is incredibly frustrating seeing quality of life feedback from the fans reaction to season 1 being a reason for the delay. It took every halo fan 1 match in the beta to realize how awful the challenge system was. There had to of been tons of people saying how awful the design was while like 3 dope managers kept their awful vision going forward. Now we pay the price if only they had a game of their own that has a perfect system they could have copied directly from?


Oct 25, 2017
I wish they would've just delayed the game another year. I'll still be playing pretty regularly though. Just a depressing situation as a big Halo fan


May 23, 2018
Hopefully Season 3 is the season the BR launches. I'm excited for this but if Season 3 is more of the same i'll likely be switching to MWII


Oct 25, 2017
It's gonna be a year after launch and they will have only added 1 new arena map.

Give Halo to someone else.


May 2, 2018
While the content drip sucks, I heavily disagree. It would have launched and had basically all the same problems regarding progression/customization/bugs etc. It needed this large scale launch for feedback. It's just a shame there's the whole pandemic + talent market + general inefficiencies from 343. A game like Halo doesn't only get one shot at a launch and player base. It'll always be around for the Xbox community and now PC community to jump in to.

Option A (delay): All of that stuff comes in November 2022, and there's no Halo Infinite to play between then and now.
Option B (no delay): All of that stuff comes in November 2022, and there's Halo Infinite to play between then and now.

I'm taking Option B all day.
Or they could have pursued a healthy midground - released Halo Infinite's MP under a lengthy user-feedback-centred open Beta, and continued to polish and iterate on Infinite's Campaign until it was a tour de force experience


Oct 28, 2017
I'm not sure what I'm more disappointed with: the roadmap itself or that they're justifying the delay because of "team health".


Prophet of Truth
Nov 1, 2017
I'm laughing that people here were telling others that didn't trust 343 on their word of season 2 being 3 months that they were being unreasonable and spreading FUD

I admit...I trusted them...


Deleted member 8579

Oct 26, 2017
Man, the halo franchise should have never left Bungie's side. Microsoft should have just given Bungie a break from halo. Microsoft could have allowed bungie to create a new ip and come back to halo later on. That we never got a bungie developed halo 4-6 is a tragedy.

Bungie are a different but similar mess but true they seem to pull a gem sometimes. It was never happening nor should have Microsoft forced it.


Oct 25, 2017
This game is such a joke.

And they're never going to fix the matchmaking for high MMR players huh?


Oct 25, 2017
Can someone be called out? Anyone? I'd like to know what exactly is going on and who's responsible for this apparent ineptitude. This game was supposed to release in November 2020 originally and here we are a year and a half later with basic features still 4-6 months out. A billion dollar franchise hasn't been handled this badly since the Star Wars sequel trilogy.
Seriously. This is their flagship studio and their flagship franchise and they seem to be struggling like a AA studio who are in way over their heads. Like they bit off way more than some small 50 person team could handle.

What could be going on there that causes them to struggle this badly?


Oct 25, 2017
The Game Awards Players' Voice Game of the Year 2021!

But really, wow, talk about running out of the gate to only fall face first shortly after. This is not sustainable.


Uncle Beerus
Oct 25, 2017
"As we continue to improve and ramp up, please understand that all of us at 343 are fully committed to making Halo Infinite the best Halo experience ever. Indeed, the primary reason that we're extending Season 2 is to give us time before shipping another Season to fully address "quality of life" improvements based on learnings from Season 1 as well as other data and feedback we've collected.
Quality of life (QoL) is shorthand for bug-fixes, new features and/or content to address issues negatively impacting player experience. We'll be delivering QoL improvements as part of Season releases and as separate updates during Seasons.
Our player-facing term for QoL updates that land during Seasons is "Drop Pods." And much like their ODST namesakes, these release vehicles are meant to drop in hot, just as soon as they're ready. Our target is one Drop Pod every month, and you can expect Drop Pods to vary in scope and size. We'll have more to share about what's going into Season 2's Drop Pods as soon as possible after Season 2 launch."

I don buy this for a second, they're delaying new content to make fixes and improvements to the game even though a lack of content is one of the biggest issues? That makes no damn sense, shit has to be on fire behind the scenes.


Oct 25, 2017
After a whole year, Infinite will have the lowest amount of maps out of every Halo game and that's not even counting the missing game modes this game is suffering from.

Map count 12 months after launch:
Halo 1: 13
Halo 2: 16
Halo 3: 14
Reach: 19
Halo 4: 21
Halo 5: 27
Halo Infinite: 12

Come on now..


Prophet of Truth
Sep 22, 2020
Or they could have pursued a healthy midground - released Halo Infinite's MP under a lengthy user-feedback-centred open Beta, and continued to polish and iterate on Infinite's Campaign until it was a tour de force experience
Just think of this as the open beta

The campaign for me, as a solo player, is totally fine and I am glad I got to play it in 2021.


Oct 27, 2017
The amount of people in the bargaining stage of maybe they'll deliver more than the roadmap says is nuts. The evolving roadmap moniker is a disclaimer for when the inevitable delays hit.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 29, 2017
Man, the halo franchise should have never left Bungie's side. Microsoft should have just given Bungie a break from halo. Bungie was burned out making halo games. Microsoft should have allowed bungie to create a new ip and then come back to halo later on. That we never got a bungie developed halo 4-6 is a tragedy.
I dont believe Bungie wouldve made a Halo that feels as good to play or has a better sandbox than this one, but as proven by Destiny they could handle the live service aspect worlds better.


Unshakable Resolve - Prophet of Truth
Oct 25, 2017
When the initial negative reactions cool down, like typical, people will realize this is going to be a big year for this game. Given it's an evolving roadmap and Statens tease at the end, I bet we get campaign expansion reveal or possibly the BR mode CA is working on around E3 time.

Yup. People are just throwing fits because its not doing the same things as every other live game. I'd rather them make sure they get things right then rush to meet a 3 month deadline and then just fuck it all up.

Deleted member 8579

Oct 26, 2017
Microsoft to Activision studios "Welcome, you don't have to do COD forever, welcome to Halo"


Weight Loss Champion 2018: Biggest Change
Oct 25, 2017
138 replies in 30 minutes on a Friday evening. These types of thread are always so crazy active on Era.


Oct 25, 2017
While the content drip sucks, I heavily disagree. It would have launched and had basically all the same problems regarding progression/customization/bugs etc. It needed this large scale launch for feedback. It's just a shame there's the whole pandemic + talent market + general inefficiencies from 343. A game like Halo doesn't only get one shot at a launch and player base. It'll always be around for the Xbox community and now PC community to jump in to.
yeah I'm contesting that last point, at first I wasn't worried that there wasn't being much mention about PC-specific improvements but now I'm just like "ok so that's just not happening any time soon huh" after this news.

like it's not that Halo could try making a play again, it's that it has to compete with other games to. Like November 2022 could very well mean it has to deal with a Fortnite that's built even more on its no-building modes and the revamped movement that came with it, an Apex that has a permanent team PVP mode and potentially more (from what I recall of dataminers is that Respawn is working on additional stuff beyond Control), a Warzone relaunch meant to help it deal with the pains it had dealt with since its original 2019 launch, etc, alongside potential wildcard releases we don't know about yet. It's very likely that they're going be dealing with a crowded space for marketshare when they do try to relaunch, and this kind of clownshoes history just trying to get back to basic successful stuff is just going make it way more likely that it doesn't work out.

Abrasion Test

Oct 27, 2017
I dont believe Bungie wouldve made a Halo that feels as good to play or has a better sandbox than this one, but as proven by Destiny they could handle the live service aspect worlds better.
Bungie took a while - years really to figure out how to properly manage a live service. It will likely take 343 a long time too. That said this is still disappointing and another six month season just seems bizarre. I was an extremely active player for about 3 months of season 1 and felt like there wasn't much incentive for me to keep playing with the lack of content.

Deleted member 8579

Oct 26, 2017
Hypothetically they could be laying groundwork for the Certain Affinity mode and other things like Forge but still, not smooth planning.


Oct 25, 2017
When this game got delayed, did all of the post-launch support get axed until the game finally got out there? All of this looks like a roadmap without a runway to get things running out in an acceptable amount of time. Some of the things planned nearly a year to the games actual release look like things that should have been added by the start of this year, not the games yearly anniversary.

The amount of maps coming after launch just screams production woes. Two? These aren't two massive open landscapes, right? Multiplayer modes live and die by the frequency of updates, and this looks more like end-of-support content rollouts, not the start of them.


Prophet of Truth
Oct 27, 2017
Yeah that's fucking pathetic tbh. I'm kinda souring on infinite fast with this sad as speed they work at


Prophet of Truth
Nov 29, 2017
United States
After a whole year, Infinite will have the lowest amount of maps out of every Halo game and that's not even counting the missing game modes this game is suffering from.

Map count 12 months after launch:
Halo 1: 13
Halo 2: 16
Halo 3: 14
Reach: 19
Halo 4: 21
Halo 5: 27
Halo Infinite: 12

Come on now..
Halo 3 number is wrong, should be 18. Heroic map pack (3), legendary map pack (3), Cold Storage surprise drop. Add that to the base 11 maps makes 18.


Alt account / Attempted to circumvent ban with alt
Sep 13, 2021
Oh I haven't been keeping track and thought that co op was going to come out with the launch of season 2.

This is a really rude awakening for me. I've held off playing it to play it with my co-op buddy- so far away :(