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Visited by Knack - One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Finally, the drop everyone's been waiting for 🐱

Also the Fire and Frost coating looks like Iron Man


Probably more than $5, so nah.


Oct 25, 2017
I know the enemy's position and they know mine, and that knowledge creates engaging encounters. How do I approach? Are they above or below me? When do I switch to a crouch and when do I expect the other player to do the same? The radar creates more opportunities for players to interact with each other.

That's way more fun (IMO) moment-to-moment than no radar.
You might prefer radar and that's fine, but what you wrote isn't really true.

The radar hasn't created more opportunities in the examples you gave, it has made you focus too much on where that single person is at the expense of reading your surroundings.

It has also given you that information for free instead of you calculating it based on understanding of things such as map flow, player behaviours, etc...

Nothing wrong with enjoying it that way, of course, but if it is relied upon too much it is something that can absolutely prevent your skills growng as a player overall.

Chitown B

Nov 15, 2017
what a necro!!!

In the convo you resurrected from last week, we were talking about the nature of early flaws and how there is no excuse for it when 343s contemporaries have already lived through those pains.

anyway, The progression system is still trash. It's still limited by being lucky enough to get the gametypes required of me.

Right now, I need to play BTB, and haven't been able to reliably load into a BTB match for a week. Also need to Win ranked CTF matches and haven't seen that in ages. . I'm not sure why you think 50xp per match fixes this issues. It's a bandaid on a stab wound.

necro? it was like 4 days ago. and this thread moves fast, and I don't live on these boards. I have a life and a family. AND I've alright hit level 100 even with that since I've been playing and not complaining about non-important things here. Oh and I've gotten all the weekly rewards so far. It's not hard, and it's fun.


Oct 26, 2017
It blows my mind that they didn't dedicate a button to the grapple hook and let all the other equipment be selectable.

The way it's set up, there is little to no reason other than invisible enemies to ever switch equipment. If I could use an equipment + grapple hook combat would have a lot more variety.

Bump the difficulty up, you are constantly switching equipment on Legendary, lol.
Oct 27, 2017
No radar in ranked, please and thank you. I like my Ranked skill based. That includes the game not holding my hand telling me who's coming behind me.
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Chitown B

Nov 15, 2017
No radar in ranked, please and thank you. I like my Ranked skill based. That includes the game holding my hand telling me who's coming behind me.

radar is a halo staple since ever.

but there isn't radar of course, in ranked. However, radar is a tool just like any other - when everyone has it, it's no more or less useful than anything else. and you can completely ignore it if you want - as others have said, if you are constantly relying on it, that's about the same as no radar since it harms you in other ways (not paying attention visually) - plus it it pretty much shit now anyway since the distance has been greatly reduced.


Nov 22, 2018
What's wrong with having radar? Just don't look at it if you don't like it lol?
but there isn't radar of course, in ranked. However, radar is a tool just like any other - when everyone has it, it's no more or less useful than anything else. and you can completely ignore it if you want - as others have said, if you are constantly relying on it, that's about the same as no radar since it harms you in other way (not paying attention visually) - plus it it pretty much shit now anyway since the distance has been greatly reduced.
Wait, you guys are actually serious? Why would anyone refrain from using an advantage if it was given to them? It's not about being against using it, it just ruins the meta completely in competitive matches.


Oct 25, 2017
radar is a halo staple since ever.

but there isn't radar of course, in ranked. However, radar is a tool just like any other - when everyone has it, it's no more or less useful than anything else. and you can completely ignore it if you want - as others have said, if you are constantly relying on it, that's about the same as no radar since it harms you in other ways (not paying attention visually) - plus it it pretty much shit now anyway since the distance has been greatly reduced.
You can't just ignore if it you want, because plays you could make without it are severely hampered by it being there. No radar games have always been where players have had the most creative freedom with their plays.


Prophet of Truth
Oct 27, 2017
Love this type of stuff - hopefully they continue to do fun and interesting cosmetic items.
I would gladly purchase a N7 Armor coating for my spartan, or like a Doom Guy core
Scorpion Punch, coming in one of the event rewards January(?) looks remarkably like the N7 Armor with the right arm being striped in red.


Prophet of Truth
Apr 22, 2020
Scorpion Punch, coming in one of the event rewards January(?) looks remarkably like the N7 Armor with the right arm being striped in red.
Yeah, I am hyped for it! That was what I rocked during the Tech Tests lol

Still, would love like an N7 Breather Helmet to go along with it :)


The Fallen
Oct 28, 2017
No radar in ranked, please and thank you. I like my Ranked skill based. That includes the game holding my hand telling me who's coming behind me.
Effective use of the radar is a skill, and better players get more utility from it. Ex: my wife has a hard time reading it and misses a lot of obvious things (I have to call out "behind you!" for her a lot).


Aug 13, 2020
My guess based on previous store bundles

Cat 🐱 set - $20


Iron man set - $15


Weapon coatings - $10


Got game - $7



Literally a train safety expert
Oct 25, 2017
necro? it was like 4 days ago. and this thread moves fast, and I don't live on these boards. I have a life and a family. AND I've alright hit level 100 even with that since I've been playing and not complaining about non-important things here. Oh and I've gotten all the weekly rewards so far. It's not hard, and it's fun.

I don't understand the point your making? It was 4 days ago, and you brought it back to life completely ignorant of the context.

you reaching level 100 is… good for you I guess… glad to see that the challenges you needed aligned with the matches you were given by the RNG gods.

Whether or not I get can get into a CTF match when I need it has literally nothing to do with how "hard" the progression is. It isn't a function of difficulty. It's pure luck. Needing BTB to progress and not even being able to get a match to load without an error is not something I'd describe as "fun". I'm glad you think people quitting or throwing matches because they don't align with their challenges is "non-important", but I think anyone who isn't an apologist would disagree with you. it impacts the enjoyment of those who value matches with even teams.

enjoy your weekly rewards… I guess… but your opinion on this is laughable.
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Oct 25, 2017
I can see a case for radar in BTB, maybe, but I don't think it belongs in just about every other playlist. It really detracts from the flow. Coupled with only 1 playlist letting me stick to playing gamepad users it feels like it's forcing me into Ranked for every game
The arena maps very clearly weren't designed for radar.

Maps like Bazaar and Recharge especially.

Chitown B

Nov 15, 2017
I don't understand the point your making? It was 4 days ago, and you brought it back to life completely ignorant of the context.

you reaching level 100 is… good for you I guess… glad to see that the challenges you needed aligned with the matches you were given by the RNG gods.

Whether or not I get can get into a CTF match when I need it has literally nothing to do with how "hard" the progression is. Needing BTB to progress and not even being able to get a match to load without an error is not something I'd describe as "fun". I'm glad you think people quitting or throwing matches because they don't align with their challenges is "non-important", but I think anyone who isn't an apologist would disagree because it impact the enjoyment of those who value matches with even teams

enjoy your weekly rewards… I guess…

people have quit games for stupid reasons for the past 17 years. that hasn't and will never change. though it's usually because they are losing (again, stupid because you get zero xp for quitting but at least 50 for finishing). At least now you get bots while they replace the player.

you will get your matches, if you keep playing. if you don't want to play, then go play another game.


Oct 25, 2017
I haven't ever opened the store in Infinite so these prices are blowing me away. $20 for armor colors? $20 is the cost of a full other game, or an expansion. Holy moly gaming has gone nuts
I mean it's par for the course with other free to play games. But yeah I would buy many many more skins if they were $5 a pop instead of $20, which seems too steep for me.

Chitown B

Nov 15, 2017
Wait, you guys are actually serious? Why would anyone refrain from using an advantage if it was given to them? It's not about being against using it, it just ruins the meta completely in competitive matches.

ranked has no radar so this is moot. But it ruins nothing, since you can and have always been off radar if you are crouching. Which is what I do by second nature, even so much that I do it in ranked when there isn't radar since it's ingrained in me as a Halo veteran.

You can't just ignore if it you want, because plays you could make without it are severely hampered by it being there. No radar games have always been where players have had the most creative freedom with their plays.

I disagree. Radar works great as a tactical usage since you can be off radar with crouch and those who are watching radar think there is no one there. I use it that way.


Oct 25, 2017
ranked has no radar so this is moot. But it ruins nothing, since you can and have always been off radar if you are crouching. Which is what I do by second nature, even so much that I do it in ranked when there isn't radar since it's ingrained in me as a Halo veteran.
It can ruin smart plays. Sometimes doubling back in a sprint can get you the drop on two people who were about to 2v1 you to death, for example, but with radar there is no way to do that as they'd just instantly turn around to face you.

It is fine if you prefer radar, but the idea it being there doesn't cause restrictions is wrong. There's a good reason why people prefer no radar play... because it allows them to more constantly make the kinds of plays that radar often prevents.


Aug 13, 2020
I haven't ever opened the store in Infinite so these prices are blowing me away. $20 for armor colors? $20 is the cost of a full other game, or an expansion. Holy moly gaming has gone nuts

That's just how game's have been for the past couple of years. It's either this or spending money on loot boxes hoping that you get something that you want.

Are these overpriced? Absolutely, but these bundles also contain other items not shown on these placeholder pictures.


Oct 25, 2017
I disagree. Radar works great as a tactical usage since you can be off radar with crouch and those who are watching radar think there is no one there. I use it that way.
This doesn't counter what I wrote... yes, you can play the way you describe, but it also objectively does hamper other plays you can make as it immediately highlights them and gives the player information they wouldn't have had.

If you prefer radar play that is fine, you can still be tactical with it of course as everyone has it, but there are mind game style plays you can make that radar implicitly works against. There is a very good reason why people enjoy no radar games specifically...


Oct 25, 2017
New Orleans, LA
I haven't ever opened the store in Infinite so these prices are blowing me away. $20 for armor colors? $20 is the cost of a full other game, or an expansion. Holy moly gaming has gone nuts

Yeah, as someone that doesn't really do online multiplayer its kinda shocking how expensive these items are.

I'm thinking $5 max would be fair, with some lesser items being 99 cents, but I'm also an old fogey I guess.

Deleted member 11637

Oct 27, 2017
Yeah, as someone that doesn't really do online multiplayer its kinda shocking how expensive these items are.

I'm thinking $5 max would be fair, with some lesser items being 99 cents, but I'm also an old fogey I guess.

Yeah, it's weird because I'd assume you could sell a shitload of $5 Santa hats (my dumb ass would buy one!) but I'm sure some monetization expert inside the studio would point me to data showing how it makes more sense to squeeze the whales for every last dime.


Literally a train safety expert
Oct 25, 2017
people have quit games for stupid reasons for the past 17 years. that hasn't and will never change. though it's usually because they are losing (again, stupid because you get zero xp for quitting but at least 50 for finishing). At least now you get bots while they replace the player.

you will get your matches, if you keep playing. if you don't want to play, then go play another game.

so because people quit for stupid reasons, the developer should INCENTIVIZE quitting for stupid reasons? To you , it makes sense to amplify the issue by hard coding it into the the progression system?

People are dashboarding the moment they discover what gametype they get. It has nothing to do with losing. So many matches are 3v4 before they start. QP or Ranked, it doesn't matter. Lol

quitting and starting a new search is orders of magnitude more efficient that playing gametypes to completion that aren't in your challenges. why spend 12 minutes to get 50xp, when you can quit at 0 seconds and search for something that will maximize your double XP boost. You aren't thinking before you post.

Then the quitters get replaced with bots who feed kills to the enemy team. Thus, Making the match less enjoyable for those who stick around ON TOP of the fact that they are getting just 50xp for it because it's not the gametype needed for challenges.

I can "keep playing" to get the matches I need… but as I've said in the post you necro'd, I've played for 5 hrs to get what I need before. They've done nothing to prevent that sort of thing from happening. I literally couldn't complete challenges this week because BTB doesnt work. That's a miserable system. I'm not sure why you're going through such lengths to defend it.

I like playing the game. Why would the response to someone who likes playing the game be "go play another game" rather than, "you're right, this system is bad, and that should have been clear before launch. The criticism is warranted and will hopefully lead to improvements that make the game more enjoyable for all"

You're take is a laughable take on every level.
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Oct 25, 2017
Yeah, as someone that doesn't really do online multiplayer its kinda shocking how expensive these items are.

I'm thinking $5 max would be fair, with some lesser items being 99 cents, but I'm also an old fogey I guess.
The prices are in line with all the other F2P shooters. I doubt prices change much for the weekly bundles.


Nov 22, 2018
Effective use of the radar is a skill, and better players get more utility from it. Ex: my wife has a hard time reading it and misses a lot of obvious things (I have to call out "behind you!" for her a lot).
You can say this about anything though. Give everyone aimbot and using it effectively is a skill and better players get more utility from it. At the end of the day it's not about balance but rather what kind of gameplay you're incentivizing and how much room there is for improvement.

It won't ever happen in ranked or competitive because I'd argue it lowers the overall skill ceiling. Figuring out where your enemies are and how to act is an important skill, which allows more room for creative plays.


The Fallen
Oct 28, 2017
You can say this about anything though. Give everyone aimbot and using it effectively is a skill and better players get more utility from it. At the end of the day it's not about balance but rather what kind of gameplay you're incentivizing and how much room there is for improvement.

It won't ever happen in ranked or competitive because I'd argue it lowers the overall skill ceiling. Figuring out where your enemies are and how to act is an important skill, which allows more room for creative plays.
I don't think they should add it to ranked, especially if those players prefer to play without it. But stop giving me challenges in ranked, please.


Prophet of Truth - You’re my Numberwall
Oct 26, 2017
This emblem system is so stupid. Yay the exact same emblem as the weekly reward from two weeks ago, but for my weapon!
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