
Oct 28, 2017
If lifecoach wins I'll be more interested for sure. Gwent is still young and needs more familiar and big names to be more interesting I feel. If SuperJJ was playing here as well it would be a lot better already.
It's not like I don't care about the event, but new cards/mechanics are my crack lol.
I didn't follow HS at all so I don't really care about 'big names' playing. Although I wouldn't mind LC winning cause his day 1 play was amazing, especially considering he was against gameking.


Nov 16, 2017
Freddy crazy good.

Dev stream was fun, 9 row limit confirmed, new UI with merged deck builder and collection, new mulligan screen, new event. Good stuff!


Oct 25, 2017
Why are golds able to be damaged? Why is every unit agile now? Why is the coinflip still not fixed? Just seems like the game has changed for worse since I took a break.


Oct 25, 2017
United Kingdom
They haven't even tried to fix the coin flip. I will be shocked if they ever change it.

It's so boring going first though, always having to make sure you can stay in-front, whereas going second allows you to try and bully the other player. It's such a vastly different game mentally and strategically between going first or second.

The other stuff I don't mind. I do wish they'd at least try with the coin flip. If they come back after trying some fixes and say "sorry, we can't figure it out" then fair enough.


Oct 27, 2017
Perhaps it's just not meant for you then...?

Out of all the issues you've listed, I'm inclined to agree with the coin flip. But I think damageable golds and agile units are a welcomed change for CDPR to tweak and refine the gameplay. It's come a long way since Witcher 3 gwent.


Nov 16, 2017
They have been working on the coin flip, they just haven't found a good solution yet. They've mentioned this months ago.
Oct 27, 2017
I'm sorry but I think I'm missing something. What's so broken about the coin flip? I know it shows who's going to win, but is there something else wrong with it that I'm unaware of?

Because if it's just that then I don't see what the big issue is.


Oct 27, 2017
It could be an overblown issue...

It's my understanding that card advantage is affected by the coin flip. Whoever has to go first is presumably at a disadvantage as their opponent has more leeway to decide the outcome of the first round.


Oct 25, 2017
Perhaps it's just not meant for you then...?

Hence why I've been on a break that's obviously been quite a while since I'm mentioning the gold card change, smart guy. Only checked back in cause they added Twitch drops.

I'm sorry but I think I'm missing something. What's so broken about the coin flip? I know it shows who's going to win, but is there something else wrong with it that I'm unaware of?

Because if it's just that then I don't see what the big issue is.

Major issue with spies/carryover, losing the coinflip has always put you at a big disadvantage. The fact that they've apparently mentioned months ago that they're still trying to figure out a solution but haven't come up with even an update yet doesn't instill much faith.
Oct 27, 2017
Major issue with spies/carryover, losing the coinflip has always put you at a big disadvantage. The fact that they've apparently mentioned months ago that they're still trying to figure out a solution but haven't come up with even an update yet doesn't instill much faith.
Right. I'm insanely unfamiliar with card games, so how do the others handle who goes first? Based off the current system alone, I'm not sure how you can improve it. Somebody needs to start, so there's always going to be a "disadvantage".


Oct 25, 2017
United Kingdom
Someone will always go first but you can mitigate it a bit, like in Hearthstone with the coin.

I remember someone calculated going second in Gwent was worth around 6 or 7 points. Not something that can't be overcome but still an advantage. I don't even care too much about that advantage, it's the difference in how you have to play if you go first or second that annoys me. Going first is just never fun, having to make sure whatever card you play puts you ahead of the opponent, making it much more tempo based because you don't want to go two cards down. Whereas the person who goes second can just chill and bully the opponent, can always react to the opponents play etc. All of this is exasperated when there's carryover onboard.


Oct 25, 2017
United Kingdom
They're adding daily quests to the game, the ones shown were pretty basic "win 5 games as Nilfgaard", "win 3 ranked games".

Hopefully this is in addition to the current system because the daily quests in HS got stupid and I don't want this to go the same way and be the only way to get gold.


Oct 25, 2017
Lock does work on Morky/Olgy. And I don't know what the Nekker thing has to do with lock. Slyzard (which I assume is what you're referring to here) consumes a unit from your graveyard and plays a copy from your deck. The Nekker is still a Nekker even if it's locked.
Oh right, it must have been a Slyzard. Somehow I missed it and that's why it was so confusing.

When did they change lock? It used to be useless against Morkvarg. It works exactly like it should now, but somehow I missed the memo.


Oct 27, 2017
Seems there are some concerns about the new UI update in general from the reddit/twitch community. It looks too "mobile" apparently?
Haven't people been asking for a mobile version for awhile.


Nov 16, 2017
People want mobile yea, but not a mobile look on their desktop client. It's a bit too bright for me, somebody made a dark edit and that looks way better already.


Oct 25, 2017
United Kingdom
The PTR is up,I think this means we'll get the patch by the end of the week. Just in time for a Xmas themed single player thingy.


Nov 16, 2017
40 cards foltest with the suck all boosts silver is hilarious, just got a 48 or something in 1 card


Oct 25, 2017
United Kingdom
Having a lot of fun with a cursed Skellige deck. This new set of cards will end up being the best set they've added so far I think. Gameplay is great. They've already said they're looking into the UI complaints so hopefully they'll dial a lot of that back and we'll have a great patch.


Oct 25, 2017
I hate this UI and animations :/

It's so busy and messy.

It is snappier though, I'll give it that.

Yeah, it's awful. Especially with the new borders, card art being trimmed, sound effects and animations gone etc. Just awful. The subreddit is in an uproar atm.


Oct 25, 2017
United Kingdom
Cards feel more like stamps than cards and the cartoonish colours and animation looks like a mobile game, which is obviously where they're trying to take the game next but hopefully they'll let the PC and console versions have a UI closer to the current one. The mulligan and new deck builder is a good idea but again just too cartoonish.

They've also removed a lot of flavour from the cards, things like Merrigolds Hailstorm, or basically any spell that had a name is now just "Hailstorm" and all persons names removed. Clan Tuirseach Axeman is now Clan Axeman etc. I assume this is to make the names shorter for the mobile version but little things like this do make the game more boring imo.

From Reddit, it's actually a lot more cards than I thought:

I just recently noticed that a lot of cards are just using one word now, cards such as;

  • Emhyr var Emreis is now (Emhyr)
  • Morvran Voorhis is now (Voorhis)
  • Ronvid of Small Marsh is now (Ronvid)
  • Tibor Eggebracht is now (Tibor)
  • King Bran is now (Bran)
  • Bloodcurdling Roar is now (Roar)
  • Merigolds Hailstorm is now (Hailstorm)
  • Bekkers twisted Mirror is now (Twisted Mirror)
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Oct 25, 2017
United Kingdom

Not even 24 hours for PTR and they're pushing out the patch when there's plenty of issues that still need looking at. Weird. Just looking at this Reddit thread shows how much has changed (a lot for the worse):

I guess they just wanted to make sure the game wasn't broke, then UI and card stuff they can change in smaller patches which is fine if that's the plan they're going with. If they're just going to ignore the feedback then that would be bad but that doesn't feel like cdpr, will give them the benefit of the doubt.


Oct 27, 2017
I think CDPR has a decent track record of listening and acting on community feedback, and I think this UI transition for "mobile" is a tad too drastic, so hopefully they can revise some elements.

That being said, I don't approve of the "mob mentality" in reddit that generally relies on loud, ill-thought out, and sensationalist posts to get their points across; it can be quite toxic.


Oct 25, 2017
United Kingdom
Damn, I opened 76 kegs and only 10% or so of the cards were from the new set. I guess that's what happens when you make most of the new cards rares. It's going to be an expensive one!

This cursed skellige deck I've made feels so strong right now. It may eventually weaken once people figure things out but it's beating everything thrown at it so far around 4k MMR.
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Nov 16, 2017
Yea the drop rate of new cards is way too low, but at least we get quests now to add more free stuff. Plus the ranked rewards which are great. Feels weird not having a full collection anymore.


Oct 25, 2017
United Kingdom
Yea the drop rate of new cards is way too low, but at least we get quests now to add more free stuff. Plus the ranked rewards which are great. Feels weird not having a full collection anymore.

Luckily I'm up to 31k dust so can make any cards I want (god bless that update where they gave full refund for premium cards), but there are literally 2 cards in this whole set that are common. That's kind of ridiculous. Anyone starting the game now is going to have a lot of trouble just getting the bronze cards of this set.


Oct 25, 2017
Whew... They changed a lot. I'm not really one of the 'MUH COMPLEXITY' crowd, but this seems rather drastic.

A fair bit of cards are straight up less flavourful and interesting now. Can't really say much about the UI, except it's different. Will have to give it a good run.

At least they somehow managed to be even more generous this time around.


Oct 26, 2017
I think I'm in the minority of people that really likes the new UI. Games definitely a different beast and I echo people that have some concerns about the reduction of complexity in some areas but there's enough new cards to play with ATM that I'm still firmly enjoying the update overall.

I do miss old shield maidens though...


Nov 16, 2017
It just feels a bit rushed, some people were saying it might has something to do with financial reports for 2017 so they had to release now. Who knows. Rethaz even posted picture of better create screens, if they made it, why isn't it in yet? A lot of things do feel rushed but hey, at least we got the new deckbuilder, new UI new cards and quests. Hopefully they will fix a bunch of things after the holidays.


Oct 25, 2017
United Kingdom
They're in. You need to open the social tab thing to find them. It looks like you can have three quests in total but only one new quest per day. Same as HS basically.

Amibguous Cad

Oct 25, 2017
They're in. You need to open the social tab thing to find them. It looks like you can have three quests in total but only one new quest per day. Same as HS basically.

I'm not seeing a social tab thing. I'm on PS4, if that makes a difference. "Rewards" still lists the old rounds won reward schedule.


Oct 25, 2017
United Kingdom
should be here on console



Oct 30, 2017
It's not the drop rate, it's just the completely lopsided card rarities. It *is* pretty dumb when "common" cards are actually the rarest card type in a card game.


Oct 25, 2017
United Kingdom
There are more legendary cards than common cards in the game lol

I'm enjoying this patch a lot. I'm seeing a lot more deck variety, the new cards are fun to play with. If they fix the UI, animations and card names then this will be a legit great patch/game.
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Oct 25, 2017
Why can't we transmute all cards now. I have to much powder, and all the cards I want to transmute I can't. Putting aside the performance on PS4 and the transmute thing, I'm having fun with the new monster cards.
Each patch I say I'll focus on a new faction, but they keep putting out cool new monster.


Oct 25, 2017
United Kingdom
I reconnected to a game and got the last card I played back, so I was ahead on points and had card advantage. Weird, slightly game breaking bug. Luckily it was just a casual match for the other guy.
Oct 25, 2017
There's a (new?) option that lets you turn off Premium Cards. As much as I hate it, it does help with performance. The amount of scrap I spent building animated cards and I can't really enjoy them now. :(
I'm going to see how long I can bare it before turning off the animated. The animated cards are so beautiful it'll be such a shame to turn them off.


Oct 25, 2017
United Kingdom
I can already tell you the cards and decks that will get nerfed. I dunno what CDPR think sometimes.

Cursed bears deck
Enforcers that shoot from spies
Ciri Nova
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