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Nov 2, 2017
I agree. I do. She picked the wrong hill to die on. But that's the hill she chose. She chose the "corporations are so fake!" Stance not the "Notch is okay with me!" Stance and a lot of people here have decided she took the latter stance. Thats for her to defend if she so chooses. They are both stances I don't believe in.
You do realize that human beings actively choose the hills they are willing to die on, and that said choice tells you something about said human being, right?


Nov 6, 2017
Yikes. I was following Greg on Twitter some time ago because he seemed funny, and afair one day someone linked the video below in the comments:

Unfollowed him after that. Couldn't stand seeing his always-smiling face knowing that he believes ignorant shit like that.

Nice to be proven that behind all the "aww shucks, I love videogames" persona, is a garbage human being. "Will innocent people die? Oh wells, as long as its not me".


May 31, 2018
I read the transcript, and it seems like she's framing her 'doesn't give a fuck about Notch' with a disingenuous 'both sides' take. Like, the end of the transcript is literally her doing both sides left v right, SJW v alt-right. It's the whole framing that I think people find upsetting.
Yea I just went to her Twitter she follows this fucker. So she is very informed on his takes unless she just recently followed him on Monday ironically, but that's me going through way too many mental gymnastics to justify her. She knows he's a bigot is she following him to keep her finger on the pulse or because she agrees? I'm about to just email what's good for a response see what happens.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 28, 2017
They are both west coast "influencers". They will never take a hard stancr on these issues, because they don't want to get blacklisted or shoot down the opportunity to someday perhaps collaborate with people like Notch and Pewdiepie.
It's cowardly behavior imo.


Oct 27, 2017
If you could prove to me that PDP was actually just a moron who didn't realize he was using dog whistles and got in too deep with the meme bullshit but didn't actually believe any of it I could believe it. It doesn't make it great but there we are. I don't think that's whats going on (the n-word thing goes a long way toward that), but I could see it. But Notch? lol fuck no. He's all in.


May 31, 2018
I read the transcript, and it seems like she's framing her 'doesn't give a fuck about Notch' with a disingenuous 'both sides' take. Like, the end of the transcript is literally her doing both sides left v right, SJW v alt-right. It's the whole framing that I think people find upsetting.
To be fair that was Greg doing it she was just correcting him when he acted like he didn't know what the group is designated.


Oct 27, 2017
Some awful things being said about the KindaFunny crew, Notch and PDP.
You can't come on and say how annoyed you are at these people for saying words that hurt feelings, and then decide to call them horrible names and insults about how talentless they are.
If you don't like people being bullied, don't bully others just because they don't agree with you.
Wow you're a piece of shit.


Oct 27, 2017
So i transcribed the first part of the conversation about notch. Its late so I'll do the second half tomorrow but I really dont want people trying to act like this wasnt a soft defense for notch here.


G"number one on the report, Notch is not invited to the Minecraft anniversary. This is from Brian Chris Shantay over at variety who writes "Minecraft creator Markus notch"-is that a person that's a person right? –"who sold the title to Microsoft for 2.5 billions dollars in 2014 wont be part 0f the 10 year anniversary plans for the game because of his quote "comments and opinions" Microsoft tell variety. Quote "his comments and opinions do not reflect those of Microsoft or mo yang and are not representative of Minecraft" a Microsoft spokesperson told variety. A spokesperson also noted that knotch hasn't been involved with Minecraft since he sold the studio and rights to the game in 2014.

Notch, once an involved member of the video game development community has increasingly ostracized himself with his Twitter comments including transphobic statements and comments about heterosexual pride day and that quote "its ok to be white". Notch has about 3.7 million followers on Twitter. Uhhmmm Andrea how do you feel about this?

A: This is not shocking at all

G: No

A: quite frankly I don't know why its news. He hasn't been involved in Minecraft since he sold it right?

G Well this is because theyre doing this anniversary thing right? This anniversary celebration right? That is some event that's gonna have, talk about the past present and future of Minecraft. I think THAT'S where it comes down to maybe uh and that's something that maybe everyones missed out on, everyones reporting on this now it was Christian at variety had an exclusive to being with. I think that that's where it stems from the fact that, cool, so the creator of it isn't involved with this 10 year celebration right and is that ok? Is that the way it should be and how does that go? And obviously youre Microsoft you own it, how do you want the brand to be recognized?

A: its certainly not the way it should be, it should be that notch was continuing to stay invested in his community and the thing that built his wealth to what it is and that he would appreciate the amazing support that players all over the world have given support to the thing that he created with you know the team at muang but that's just not the way he has been.

G: Sure

A: and so I think its not surprising that this is the way it is, its just disappointing and a little bit sad and what in one sense but should he be involved or like does he need to be? Absolutely not cur I think that individual creators and players of Minecraft, the millions of millions of people around the world have been paying for a decade or whatever

G: yeah

A: Have really embodied what Minecraft is and its not just on notch. Obviously he will always forever hold a place in minecrafts history but

G: yeah he shouldn't ever be erased from the record books right?

A: no of course not, never. I'm not suggesting that at all

G:oh no I wasn't saying that you were

A: but I'm just saying you can have a ten year anniversary celebration without him if he is willfully choosing to not partake. Its just a bummer you know?

G: Sure. And so you say hes willfully-hes participating not to or hes choosing not to be apart of it because of the way hes acting online

A: I imagine that he just doesn't want to be, he just doesn't want to be there-

G: well no this is

A: he doesn't do public speaking engagements, he doesn't do like autograph sessions, he doesn't do con appearances or panels or literally anything he stays out of the public spotlight

G: sure but I think the story here is Microsfots not letting, wont even have him. That's whats happening right? Is that, my

A: hmm

G: let me reread it right? But uh "notch wont be part of the 10 year Minecraft anniversary celebration plans for the game because-

A: is that what youre getting from that statement?

G: yeah because of his comments and opinions quote "his comments and opinions do not reflect those of Microsoft and moyang and are not representative of Minecraft.

A: so you think the story here is theyre actively saying

G: the story here is saying Minecraft is saying youre not allowed, were not inviting him hes not part of this

A: hmm I don't know

G: similar to how they made headlines a couple weeks ago maybe a couple months ago but now where one of the loading screens got updated to take out a reference to him because they always have the funny little things when you load up Minecraft

A: I don't know if that's a fair extrapolation to make

G: really?

A; I don't because MS is a gigantic global corporation it in their legal interests to say that they don't, their individual creators comments opinions don't reflect that of the company at large

G: sure

A: I don't know if that is equal to them saying we don't want you here

G: hmm I would I-

A; I would honestly be pretty surprised if notch had expressed an interest in wanting to be involved and MS said no thanks. That to me would be disappointing on Microsofts part.

G: ok. Because yeah what im getting from this is is, the lead from, Brendan Sinclair over at games industry dot biz, MS is continuing to distance themselves from notch the minecrafter creator who sold the franchise yadda yadda-variety has received confirmation from MS that it wont involve at a moyang event in May intended to mark the game's 10th anniversary. So if Im reverse engineering this correctly, the way I see it is the thing got announced the 10th anniversary, Brian reached out to them and was like I didn't see notch on this and theyre like were not working with notch, we wont- his comments and opinions do not reflect Microsoft of Minecraft

A; Its pr speak I wish they would just

G: well sure it says hes a loose cannon who says all this crazy fucking shit

A: I wish they would just come out and say we will no longer be working with notch instead of this pr speak of "his comments and opinions do not reflect those of MS. Obviously they don't they make that disclaimer for anyone that speaks on behalf of MS (laughs)

G: sure

A: unless theyre intentionally a representative of MS from the communications team right?

G: right well I think they go out of their in the Cresente piece to say that again right? " the spokesperson also said that notch hasn't been involved with Minecraft since he sold the studio and the right to the game in 2014.

A: yeah that's true

G; I think that's what it is just coming back to is that it, MS is very clear Notch is not part of this and in this point its doing that as well. Its just weird this time around that because it is hey it's the 10th anniversary youre doing this event celebrating the past of it

A: mhmm

G: are you going to have their creator there? No were not because he says weird ass horrible mean shit on twitter all the time

A:its yeah lets just take it back not to say that that's not true cause he does say some really wacky stuff. I think that it still comes down to notch putting, drawing the line in the sane a long time ago, years ago, saying I just don't want to be involved with them anymore. Hes said as much publicly that hes like Im done with Minecraft, so.

G: sure. Interesting

A: I guess that it makes MS look good if theyre like "yeah we don't want to be involved with him anymore"

G: sure

A: its like the whole thing just feels like drama

G: well I feel like just because he got approached right?

A: insert my drama gif here laughs

G: well im sure MS would prefer not to have any reason-

A: yeah

G: to talk about this. Im sure cresescentin looking at this and going " wait 10th anniversary is notch gonna be there?

A: and well and now were talking about it (laughs)

G: and well that's the thing though right that's how the video game news right yeah exactly. Don't get me wrong-

A: we don't get enough hot gossip Greg

G: MS was definitely prepared for this question and

A: of course they are

G: and here they are taking a stance-his comments and opinion do not reflect those in-I mean that is them saying his transphobic homophobic bullshit that he said before itsnt going to be tolerated for us

A: good

G: and that is starting the conversation again tho of and-I haven't even seen this take but Im sure this take exists which is that right, like how does that work and I think that is the company MS is trying to build for the gaming community, most of us are trying to build, that makes sense. That yeah you know freedom of speech whatever youre allowed to go say whatever fucking

A: true

G: horrible shit you wanna say on the internet but theres gonna be ramifications and that's not how youre protected if that's how it happens right?

A; yeah you know Im with you 100% there, there should be ramifications for sure, I just don't think there are here because notch doesn't give a fuck (laughs)

G: sure that's what, yeah I know right? But

A: its like oh cool youre not inviting the guy who didn't want to go (laughs)

G: I wanna check if he actually said anything yet since these stories started popping

A; yeah worth looking it up for sure

G: nah doesn't look like it

A: but this is like yeah, sure, ok.

(both laugh)

G: youre just like yeah sure whatever?

A: MS is not inviting notch because he doesn't want to go and they don't want him there looks like everyones happy

G: Sure but I think its gonna be interesting is, yeah youre right whatever, everyones happy on it it I guess but

A: except for Brian Crescente, whose really upset (laughs)

G: Well you kidding me hes in love with this? Crescente right now, everyone talking about his article? That's what you want when you write these pieces. And when you get this thing that now everyone has to pick up and everyone has to come to him because they have to source and pay for it. Its just the question of, yeah, now that-youre right lets say that, you've said, notch doesn't like doing this shit to begin with you who fucking cares, but now that theyre like now were not inviting notch because hes a dick on twitter for all its, lets read between the lines right? Hes says horrible things

A: this is MS just trying to look good I guess? Idk? Take a stand? I think its important that large companies vocalize their tolerance or lack of tolerance for certain behaviors of people that are associated with their brand because

G: Sure

A: because theres not enough brands I think that take a stand because theyre afraid-

G: everyone wants to be wishy washy-everyone wants to try and be as mainstream as possible and not take stands

A: yeah they don't want to rock the boat or upset business as the bottom line right?

G: right

A: but I don't think that their statements are particularly controversial, like oh cool youre not inviting notch. Alright?

G: but but its controversial

A; no greg Im not letting (inaudible)

G: (sarcastically) don't you understand how the internet works now? Us vs them, right vs left, sjws vs, bad people? I don't know what the other of that one is

A: alt right

G: oh yeah alt right but that's how its gotta be everybodys gotta be mad about something andrea

A: ok Im not gonna get mad today tho greg

Ramble on game of thrones

G The Sky is blue
R Hmmm
G You don't think so?
R I'm not saying it isn't, but that's really your opinion to say it is.

And so go goes every interaction with Andrea on KF. She argues the dumbest shit for who knows what reasons.

Stop It

Bad Cat
Oct 25, 2017
So i transcribed the first part of the conversation about notch. Its late so I'll do the second half tomorrow but I really dont want people trying to act like this wasnt a soft defense for notch here.


G"number one on the report, Notch is not invited to the Minecraft anniversary. This is from Brian Chris Shantay over at variety who writes "Minecraft creator Markus notch"-is that a person that's a person right? –"who sold the title to Microsoft for 2.5 billions dollars in 2014 wont be part 0f the 10 year anniversary plans for the game because of his quote "comments and opinions" Microsoft tell variety. Quote "his comments and opinions do not reflect those of Microsoft or mo yang and are not representative of Minecraft" a Microsoft spokesperson told variety. A spokesperson also noted that knotch hasn't been involved with Minecraft since he sold the studio and rights to the game in 2014.

Notch, once an involved member of the video game development community has increasingly ostracized himself with his Twitter comments including transphobic statements and comments about heterosexual pride day and that quote "its ok to be white". Notch has about 3.7 million followers on Twitter. Uhhmmm Andrea how do you feel about this?

A: This is not shocking at all

G: No

A: quite frankly I don't know why its news. He hasn't been involved in Minecraft since he sold it right?

G Well this is because theyre doing this anniversary thing right? This anniversary celebration right? That is some event that's gonna have, talk about the past present and future of Minecraft. I think THAT'S where it comes down to maybe uh and that's something that maybe everyones missed out on, everyones reporting on this now it was Christian at variety had an exclusive to being with. I think that that's where it stems from the fact that, cool, so the creator of it isn't involved with this 10 year celebration right and is that ok? Is that the way it should be and how does that go? And obviously youre Microsoft you own it, how do you want the brand to be recognized?

A: its certainly not the way it should be, it should be that notch was continuing to stay invested in his community and the thing that built his wealth to what it is and that he would appreciate the amazing support that players all over the world have given support to the thing that he created with you know the team at muang but that's just not the way he has been.

G: Sure

A: and so I think its not surprising that this is the way it is, its just disappointing and a little bit sad and what in one sense but should he be involved or like does he need to be? Absolutely not cur I think that individual creators and players of Minecraft, the millions of millions of people around the world have been paying for a decade or whatever

G: yeah

A: Have really embodied what Minecraft is and its not just on notch. Obviously he will always forever hold a place in minecrafts history but

G: yeah he shouldn't ever be erased from the record books right?

A: no of course not, never. I'm not suggesting that at all

G:oh no I wasn't saying that you were

A: but I'm just saying you can have a ten year anniversary celebration without him if he is willfully choosing to not partake. Its just a bummer you know?

G: Sure. And so you say hes willfully-hes participating not to or hes choosing not to be apart of it because of the way hes acting online

A: I imagine that he just doesn't want to be, he just doesn't want to be there-

G: well no this is

A: he doesn't do public speaking engagements, he doesn't do like autograph sessions, he doesn't do con appearances or panels or literally anything he stays out of the public spotlight

G: sure but I think the story here is Microsfots not letting, wont even have him. That's whats happening right? Is that, my

A: hmm

G: let me reread it right? But uh "notch wont be part of the 10 year Minecraft anniversary celebration plans for the game because-

A: is that what youre getting from that statement?

G: yeah because of his comments and opinions quote "his comments and opinions do not reflect those of Microsoft and moyang and are not representative of Minecraft.

A: so you think the story here is theyre actively saying

G: the story here is saying Minecraft is saying youre not allowed, were not inviting him hes not part of this

A: hmm I don't know

G: similar to how they made headlines a couple weeks ago maybe a couple months ago but now where one of the loading screens got updated to take out a reference to him because they always have the funny little things when you load up Minecraft

A: I don't know if that's a fair extrapolation to make

G: really?

A; I don't because MS is a gigantic global corporation it in their legal interests to say that they don't, their individual creators comments opinions don't reflect that of the company at large

G: sure

A: I don't know if that is equal to them saying we don't want you here

G: hmm I would I-

A; I would honestly be pretty surprised if notch had expressed an interest in wanting to be involved and MS said no thanks. That to me would be disappointing on Microsofts part.

G: ok. Because yeah what im getting from this is is, the lead from, Brendan Sinclair over at games industry dot biz, MS is continuing to distance themselves from notch the minecrafter creator who sold the franchise yadda yadda-variety has received confirmation from MS that it wont involve at a moyang event in May intended to mark the game's 10th anniversary. So if Im reverse engineering this correctly, the way I see it is the thing got announced the 10th anniversary, Brian reached out to them and was like I didn't see notch on this and theyre like were not working with notch, we wont- his comments and opinions do not reflect Microsoft of Minecraft

A; Its pr speak I wish they would just

G: well sure it says hes a loose cannon who says all this crazy fucking shit

A: I wish they would just come out and say we will no longer be working with notch instead of this pr speak of "his comments and opinions do not reflect those of MS. Obviously they don't they make that disclaimer for anyone that speaks on behalf of MS (laughs)

G: sure

A: unless theyre intentionally a representative of MS from the communications team right?

G: right well I think they go out of their in the Cresente piece to say that again right? " the spokesperson also said that notch hasn't been involved with Minecraft since he sold the studio and the right to the game in 2014.

A: yeah that's true

G; I think that's what it is just coming back to is that it, MS is very clear Notch is not part of this and in this point its doing that as well. Its just weird this time around that because it is hey it's the 10th anniversary youre doing this event celebrating the past of it

A: mhmm

G: are you going to have their creator there? No were not because he says weird ass horrible mean shit on twitter all the time

A:its yeah lets just take it back not to say that that's not true cause he does say some really wacky stuff. I think that it still comes down to notch putting, drawing the line in the sane a long time ago, years ago, saying I just don't want to be involved with them anymore. Hes said as much publicly that hes like Im done with Minecraft, so.

G: sure. Interesting

A: I guess that it makes MS look good if theyre like "yeah we don't want to be involved with him anymore"

G: sure

A: its like the whole thing just feels like drama

G: well I feel like just because he got approached right?

A: insert my drama gif here laughs

G: well im sure MS would prefer not to have any reason-

A: yeah

G: to talk about this. Im sure cresescentin looking at this and going " wait 10th anniversary is notch gonna be there?

A: and well and now were talking about it (laughs)

G: and well that's the thing though right that's how the video game news right yeah exactly. Don't get me wrong-

A: we don't get enough hot gossip Greg

G: MS was definitely prepared for this question and

A: of course they are

G: and here they are taking a stance-his comments and opinion do not reflect those in-I mean that is them saying his transphobic homophobic bullshit that he said before itsnt going to be tolerated for us

A: good

G: and that is starting the conversation again tho of and-I haven't even seen this take but Im sure this take exists which is that right, like how does that work and I think that is the company MS is trying to build for the gaming community, most of us are trying to build, that makes sense. That yeah you know freedom of speech whatever youre allowed to go say whatever fucking

A: true

G: horrible shit you wanna say on the internet but theres gonna be ramifications and that's not how youre protected if that's how it happens right?

A; yeah you know Im with you 100% there, there should be ramifications for sure, I just don't think there are here because notch doesn't give a fuck (laughs)

G: sure that's what, yeah I know right? But

A: its like oh cool youre not inviting the guy who didn't want to go (laughs)

G: I wanna check if he actually said anything yet since these stories started popping

A; yeah worth looking it up for sure

G: nah doesn't look like it

A: but this is like yeah, sure, ok.

(both laugh)

G: youre just like yeah sure whatever?

A: MS is not inviting notch because he doesn't want to go and they don't want him there looks like everyones happy

G: Sure but I think its gonna be interesting is, yeah youre right whatever, everyones happy on it it I guess but

A: except for Brian Crescente, whose really upset (laughs)

G: Well you kidding me hes in love with this? Crescente right now, everyone talking about his article? That's what you want when you write these pieces. And when you get this thing that now everyone has to pick up and everyone has to come to him because they have to source and pay for it. Its just the question of, yeah, now that-youre right lets say that, you've said, notch doesn't like doing this shit to begin with you who fucking cares, but now that theyre like now were not inviting notch because hes a dick on twitter for all its, lets read between the lines right? Hes says horrible things

A: this is MS just trying to look good I guess? Idk? Take a stand? I think its important that large companies vocalize their tolerance or lack of tolerance for certain behaviors of people that are associated with their brand because

G: Sure

A: because theres not enough brands I think that take a stand because theyre afraid-

G: everyone wants to be wishy washy-everyone wants to try and be as mainstream as possible and not take stands

A: yeah they don't want to rock the boat or upset business as the bottom line right?

G: right

A: but I don't think that their statements are particularly controversial, like oh cool youre not inviting notch. Alright?

G: but but its controversial

A; no greg Im not letting (inaudible)

G: (sarcastically) don't you understand how the internet works now? Us vs them, right vs left, sjws vs, bad people? I don't know what the other of that one is

A: alt right

G: oh yeah alt right but that's how its gotta be everybodys gotta be mad about something andrea

A: ok Im not gonna get mad today tho greg

Ramble on game of thrones
Holy shit.

They actually pulled the both sides shit, and used SJW unironically as being as bad as the alt right?

Why can't people just be unequivocally against bigotry, why isn't this simple?


Oct 26, 2017
They are both west coast "influencers". They will never take a hard stancr on these issues, because they don't want to get blacklisted or shoot down the opportunity to someday perhaps collaborate with people like Notch and Pewdiepie.
It's cowardly behavior imo.

Holy shit.

They actually pulled the both sides shit, and used SJW unironically as being as bad as the alt right?

Why can't people just be unequivocally against bigotry, why isn't this simple?
Half the reason GamerGate was so effective is because many gaming personalities simply don't give a shit.
"It doesn't affect me, so it doesn't exist."
Last edited:

Bold One

Oct 30, 2017
Well, when you consider the homogenous and downright monochromatic makeup of the gaming press/podcast /news sites is anyone really surprised?

Giantbomb, rza, kindafunny, polygon, ign, you will not find a wider assortment of white dudes.

Deleted member 23212

User requested account closure
Oct 28, 2017
Yikes. I was following Greg on Twitter some time ago because he seemed funny, and afair one day someone linked the video below in the comments:

Unfollowed him after that. Couldn't stand seeing his always-smiling face knowing that he believes ignorant shit like that.

Yes, America doesn't kill enough people, of course.

Possum Armada

Oct 25, 2017
Greenville, SC
After watching the video, Greg Miller comes across as someone who doesn't have the spine to speak up when the situation warrants it. You can pretty clearly see him progressively steer the conversation into a safe space for both of them when even the slightest hint of controversy or disagreement arises. Andrea Rene, on the other hand, comes across as catastrophically dumb. Like, how do you even manage to tie your fucking shoelaces in the morning dumb. Be more courageous and less abjectly stupid video game media. We've been asking for that for the better part of the last decade.

Every single time I hear Andrea Rene speak she seems more and more like an oblivious simpleton.

I don't understand how she keeps getting work.


Oct 25, 2017
Holy shit.

They actually pulled the both sides shit, and used SJW unironically as being as bad as the alt right?

Why can't people just be unequivocally against bigotry, why isn't this simple?
How is saying 'SJW vs bad people' putting them on the same side? It's literally the exact opposite. His implication is clearly that anti-SJW's are bad people.


Oct 25, 2017
Oh hey, it's two dumb cunts talking and showing how trash they really are! Being serious for a second, both of these are oppressed with being in the centre of every topic and pleasing everybody. Andrea has always been at it.

Absolutely no time for either of those people.


Oct 25, 2017
I know he did and said some stupid and despicable things in the past, but... he sincerely apologized for them. Every. Single. Time.

So, if i punch you in the face and then apologize. And then punch you again and apologize. And then keep punching you in the face and apologizing. We're good?

Deleted member 42055

User requested account closure
Apr 12, 2018
Oh hey, it's two dumb cunts talking and showing how trash they really are! Being serious for a second, both of these are oppressed with being in the centre of every topic and pleasing everybody. Andrea has always been at it.

Absolutely no time for either of those people.

Yup, just embarrassing tbh but not surprising with how long Greg turned a blind eye to Colin's nonsense

Stop It

Bad Cat
Oct 25, 2017
The conversation I was trying to have Monday wasn't "Why does the internet got to be so complicated when people get successful?"

I don't know it all. I try not to act like I know it all, but I don't mean for that to come off as if I don't care about or shrug at bigotry.

What do you want out of the question?

Complicated? Success doesn't mean you're above criticism. In fact, those with success and power need to be held to account and if their actions are awful, then that needs to be highlighted.

Notch has expressed views that rightly have brought wide condemnation. That's not complicated, that's a logical response to someone who has brought far right views to millions of followers, including the old, racist trope of eugenics.

To say "Well Notch didn't want to take part in the Minecraft anniversary anyway and MS are just virtue signalling" when refering to this is giving credence to Notch and making it out as a simple difference of opinion instead of a rejection of bigotry.

We shouldn't be making excuses for behaviour that harms others. Think first of those hurt by bigotry and stop letting those who do cause harm to then receive sympathy for the backlash they receive.


May 31, 2018
So, if i punch you in the face and then apologize. And then punch you again and apologize. And then keep punching you in the face and apologizing. We're good?
Yup I get your point but comparing wreckless comments to being punched in the face? Your mind is made up on this subject and you will hear nothing else on the matter if your willing equate punching someone in the face to making an offhand comment.


Oct 25, 2017
After reading that transcript they both come off really badly. Gregg started out OK but once you start criticising Internet culture as simply us vs them and sjws vs bad guys you have already lost any credibility I may have had for you. Its a right wing defence to prevent people from highlighting bigoted shit that bigots do/say.

Andrea just comes across as not a nice person who is willing to ignore all the horrible shit someone has done and still defend them.

Seriously, for subjects like this you need to not only be informed about the news story but also the societal context surrounding the issue. You can't just handwave bigoted shit away when anyone who follows politics will tell you that right wing extremism is hugely on the rise and how they work to mainstream their views (jokes, false equivalency, hidden meaning, escalation of comments etc).

On a seperate note, for all those who say 'but PDP said he is sorry' fuck that. If you actually watch any of his apology videos you will know that he only does them when mainstream media picks the story up and then out of the 15 minute video he will spend 30 seconds saying he is sorry and spend the rest of the video complaining about how the media are out to get him and are just afraid of new media taking over.


Oct 27, 2017
They are both west coast "influencers". They will never take a hard stancr on these issues, because they don't want to get blacklisted or shoot down the opportunity to someday perhaps collaborate with people like Notch and Pewdiepie.
It's cowardly behavior imo.
Welcome to the games industry, where white liberals will act really nice to alt-right assholes and hope that maybe the assholes will stop being assholes for a little while so they can both work together and make a lot of money.
Oct 30, 2017
Oh hey, it's two dumb cunts talking and showing how trash they really are! Being serious for a second, both of these are oppressed with being in the centre of every topic and pleasing everybody. Andrea has always been at it.

Absolutely no time for either of those people.
Yeah, internet celebrities/talking heads in a nutshell.
Dumb cunts talking shit without any thought.


Oct 27, 2017
  • Greg said he googled "why do people hate notch" and got the top bullet in this OP, and went "what, I don't understand enough, can you give me more". Andrea said Notch's tweets were taken completely out of context and we don't need to analyze his tweets right now.
That's not how Google works. Using filter bubble tech like Google will ONLY give you the answers within your own filter bubble. (It's why supporters of any fraction seem to think most people think the same as yourself.)

Use an un-filtered search service if you really want to do research outside your own bubble.

Deleted member 8593

User requested account closure
Oct 26, 2017
Yup I get your point but comparing wreckless comments to being punched in the face? Your mind is made up on this subject and you will hear nothing else on the matter if your willing equate punching someone in the face to making an offhand comment.

Seems your mind is made up by calling them "offhand comments" too.

Stop It

Bad Cat
Oct 25, 2017
How is saying 'SJW vs bad people' putting them on the same side? It's literally the exact opposite. His implication is clearly that anti-SJW's are bad people.
Read the whole quote

It's saying that the internet is all about "picking sides" creating drama in every turn.

It's saying that people choose "good" or "bad" as black and white terms. And the implication is that those on the "good" side are just as bad because they're just creating fights and drama.

Instead of, you know, fighting bigotry.

It's s classic "centrist" play. The whole "well these people can fight but I'm above this" nonsense of those who can't bear to acknowledge bigotry and hatred when it states them in the face.


Oct 27, 2017
After watching the video, Greg Miller comes across as someone who doesn't have the spine to speak up when the situation warrants it. You can pretty clearly see him progressively steer the conversation into a safe space for both of them when even the slightest hint of controversy or disagreement arises. Andrea Rene, on the other hand, comes across as catastrophically dumb. Like, how do you even manage to tie your fucking shoelaces in the morning dumb. Be more courageous and less abjectly stupid video game media. We've been asking for that for the better part of the last decade.
This is exactly the problem with craven centrists/moderates.

R.T Straker

Chicken Chaser
Oct 25, 2017
Ah yes, Greg Miller everyone's ''favorite'' and the ''only worthy trending gamer''.

Funny now ain't it ?


Oct 25, 2017
Yup I get your point but comparing wreckless comments to being punched in the face? Your mind is made up on this subject and you will hear nothing else on the matter if your willing equate punching someone in the face to making an offhand comment.

i'd argue the rhetoric spread by people like Notch and wildpuspie are much more damaging than punches to the face.

But wtf do i know. I wasn't even born in 1941.

Also, 'wreckless comments' says it all.
Oct 27, 2017
Ah yes, Greg Miller everyone's ''favorite'' and the ''only worthy trending gamer''.

Funny now ain't it ?

Kinda, really.

Miller's apology in this thread falls flat when he's still waving the "we should all get along" flag. Much better explained that I could ever do:

The problem is when left as basic and blunt as this is puts equal responsibility on the side of victims to be 'better' to bigots.

Talking about bigots, racists and transphobic people before pushing the "better to each other" message is simply flawed. You're taking a situation where one side is projecting abuse and intolerance at the other, standing between the two and saying "why can't we get along".

We understand you don't ask a bullied child to be nicer to their bully and hope it goes away, I'm not sure why this is more complicated when applied to adults, racists and bigots. The onus on improvement and betterment is on the abuser.

You may be trying to say 'why can't we all just get along' meaning humans as a whole but it falls flat in the face of the above and is a somewhat redundant and frankly childlike statement to make. When used directly in relation to someone using hateful and hurtful language to demean and suppress others and entire races it's entirely misplaced. "Why can't we all get along?" - ask the people that persist in ensuring we can't. Not pose the question of how we can 'be better' to victims and people who aren't bigots.

So, yeah. Totally expected behavior, totally expected answer.


Oct 25, 2017
Andrea yet again not doing her research and unwilling to back down from her ill-informed (but very strongly held) opinions while Greg flounders, lacking the spine to correct her is the most charitable interpretation of this I can think of.

Sadly two white people with no skin in the game pontificating over context and intent of the "whacky stuff" that prominent racists (I am sure the white nationalists they follow on Twitter is just a coincidence) spout to an audience of millions of people worldwide is the more likely one as this is a well trodden path. Intellectually and morally bankrupt.


Oct 25, 2017
These are terrible answers. If you are going to talk about something like this, mabye treat the subject with some care and attention instead if just giving some shitty "both sides" answer so you can just move on to the next topic.


Oct 28, 2017
Ah yes, let's all get along. The pervebial white man's answer to every plight that doesn't effect them in anyway.

Not suprising, no one in the games industry press wants to call out other celebs.


Nov 6, 2017

Referring to the wider industry problem.


Prophet of Truth
Nov 10, 2017
Mallorca, Spain
Since I'm relaxed today, I'll court death and blame the assholes in turn:

- Notch and PDP: these children are despicable little shits whose entitlement leads them to believe they can do no wrong and anybody who displeases them is subhuman. Being white dudes, that leaves them with a very wide front of hate. And being internet celebs, they live in a secluded reality where they don't even need an ass-kissing entourage, they can set ass-kissing algorythms to never, ever, learn a damn theing about life and empathy.
- Greggy, Andrea and the rest of the enablers: These can range from covert sympathizers to privileged people "not wanting to ruffle feathers" to ignorant assholes who cba to inform themselves since, being of the dominant stratum, they don't see a RELEVANT problem in any of these. Lol so random interwebz h8, etc. The reaction I have for them is mixed, with condescension being the prevalent.
- The following/viewership: THIS is the problematic group. Individual pieces of shit have existed since always, but the people who cheer their abuse, their misanthropy, their racism/sexism/ethnicism...these are the motherfuckers who worry me. 3 days ago we had elections in Spain and, while I'm a moderate progressist myself, really couldn't believe that a country with 40 years of fascist dictatorship fell to the allure of far right. Luckily, not as much as UK, France, Germany or Italy but still worrying.

I don't enjoy "identity debates" since I was raised on the move between places and countries and I have no strong attachment to any specific demographic, and the mere idea of people feeling defined by a random variable evades me, but then you apply common decency and treat people like human beings and in their preferred way. Those who don't are worth of pity, those who can't even understand that idea are worth of disgust and reeducation.
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