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Oct 27, 2017
I guess some people love games where you aren't actually playing, and that's fine. UC4 is enjoyable and all, but I think time will be pretty unkind to it. I'm playing through UC4 for the first time and the only thing I can say is that I hope this isn't indicative of where Druckmann is taking TLOU2. Gameplay first, please. Meaningful gameplay.
I always find these kind of arguments funny considering so much of Naughty Dog's design philosophy is built on the idea of putting as much as possible "on the stick," getting the "meat and potatoes" gameplay right, and utilizing the interactive nature of games to tell stories. I get that people can have problems–particularly in Uncharted 4–with certain segments of gameplay (climbing) or pacing (longer stretches of limited action (a lot of this has to do with a late-scrapped, brand-new climbing system.)) I, personally, don't quite feel that those end up being major weaknesses for me. But, more importantly, the core third-person shooting gameplay of Uncharted 4 nearly impeccably accomplishes what it sets out to do. I just really kinda don't get criticisms that cite the "meat and potatoes" gameplay in Uncharted 4 and The Last of Us as being mediocre; they're really, really not. But, hey, opinions: they can and will differ pretty wildly on this subject.


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
Honestly I don't think I'll be bothering with Lost Legacy.

I always find these kind of arguments funny considering so much of Naughty Dog's design philosophy is built on the idea of putting as much as possible "on the stick," getting the "meat and potatoes" gameplay right, and utilizing the interactive nature of games to tell stories. I get that people can have problems–particularly in Uncharted 4–with certain segments of gameplay (climbing) or pacing (longer stretches of limited action (a lot of this has to do with a late-scrapped, brand-new climbing system.)) I, personally, don't quite feel that those end up being major weaknesses for me. But, more importantly, the core third-person shooting gameplay of Uncharted 4 nearly impeccably accomplishes what it sets out to do. I just really kinda don't get criticisms that cite the "meat and potatoes" gameplay in Uncharted 4 and The Last of Us as being mediocre; they're really, really not. But, hey, opinions: they can and will differ pretty wildly on this subject.
But I didn't say that? The problem is that there's not enough meat and potatoes in UC4. The game feels more like a travel guide than a TPS. Then again, speaking of, I'm not really feeling the shooting part of things either. I'm about ten hours in and all of the occasional combat encounters have been really basic and do little to changes things up from what I did before on the PS3 (the rope stuff is really underused). In a way this game feels almost dated already. And I put hundreds of hours into UC2 and UC3 multiplayer. Maybe I've outgrown the way Uncharted does things, or just cover shooters in general, unless they give me something else, such as more interesting weaponry or mechanics. I was a huge fan of TLOU too, and honestly having played UC4 makes me a little weary for the sequel. I hope they're changing/evolving things up more than UC4 did.

That aside, I also don't get why the game has so many of these "mash triangle" QTEs. Enough of this, goddammit. And enough of making me push crates.
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The Flagpole is Wider
Oct 25, 2017
I must be the only one who hated the combat scenarios in U4, the enemies were such bullet sponges and way to many encounters.


Oct 29, 2017
Uncharted 4 is a reaction to everything people hated about Uncharted 3 and loved about TLOU. They went out of their way in an already troubled development to create a game tasked on top of that with the goal to end the Drake's series. It wasn't the change some people wanted, but nonetheless it was a fine departure from the previous formula.

The real problem, and I agree there, is that Uncharted as a series belongs to bygone days. As good and influential as it was, it feels limited when compared to TLOU or (let's reconduct this) something like God of War. Its success is more than justified on all levels, but whatever comes next needs to evolve in drastic ways. Thankfully, that's not a priority for many years to come.
Oct 27, 2017
Honestly I don't think I'll be bothering with Lost Legacy.

But I didn't say that? The problem is that there's not enough meat and potatoes in UC4. The game feels more like a travel guide than a TPS. Then again, speaking of, I'm not really feeling the shooting part of things either. I'm about ten hours in and all of the occasional combat encounters have been really basic and do little to changes things up from what I did before on the PS3 (the rope stuff is really underused). In a way this game feels almost dated already. And I put hundreds of hours into UC2 and UC3 multiplayer. Maybe I've outgrown the way Uncharted does things, or just cover shooters in general, unless they give me something else, such as more interesting weaponry or mechanics. I was a huge fan of TLOU too, and honestly having played UC4 makes me a little weary for the sequel. I hope they're changing/evolving things up more than UC4 did.

That aside, I also don't get why the game has so many of these "mash triangle" QTEs. Enough of this, goddammit. And enough of making me push crates.
I suppose you didn't exactly say that. A lot of people do, however. And now it sounds like you are saying that, haha.

It seems like you're really pretty early in the game before many of the chapters that start opening things up more. But, man, the combat, from arena design to stealth mechanics to the rope and everything in between, feels like a sizable step above everything in the series, before. Maybe you just really aren't feeling cover-based third-person shooters the way you used to.


Oct 27, 2017
i think i'm a bit more than half way through

game is very good, though i feel it is let down by some padding. there are many times in this game where you have to repeat the same action a few times and it's starting to bother me.


Oct 25, 2017
I gotta say, having played and completed the game I find Waypoint's criticism about misogyny really bizarre, and it makes me understand why other reviewers or those in the press didn't even mention it.
I'm going to assume that they were referring to Magni and Modi, who said some shitty things about Faye. But they're villains. They aren't portrayed in a positive way whatsoever. They're assholes. You can see the gulf between how they speak about her compared to how everyone else views her. Brokk and Sindri have nothing but nice things to say about her. Kratos views her as being far better than he ever could be and constantly lavishes her with praise. And she effectively raised Atreus up to the point of her death. So, it's strange to me that villains shitty views would actually be a negative. I can totally understand why someone would get upset if a main character had racist, misogynistic or homophobic views. Since you're obviously playing as them and meant to relate to them on some level. But villains? I just don't get that.
Oct 27, 2017
I gotta say, having played and completed the game I find Waypoint's criticism about misogyny really bizarre, and it makes me understand why other reviewers or those in the press didn't even mention it.
I'm going to assume that they were referring to Magni and Modi, who said some shitty things about Faye. But they're villains. They aren't portrayed in a positive way whatsoever. They're assholes. You can see the gulf between how they speak about her compared to how everyone else views her. Brokk and Sindri have nothing but nice things to say about her. Kratos views her as being far better than he ever could be and constantly lavishes her with praise. And she effectively raised Atreus up to the point of her death. So, it's strange to me that villains shitty views would actually be a negative. I can totally understand why someone would get upset if a main character had racist, misogynistic or homophobic views. Since you're obviously playing as them and meant to relate to them on some level. But villains? I just don't get that.

Hm, is the portayal of misogynistic behaviour misogynistic?
Oct 25, 2017
Surprised so many people think Lost Legacy isn't at least Uncharted 2 tier in pacing. U2 actually drags a lot around the monastery, just waves and waves when the story is begging to come to its climax already. By the time I finally get to the city, I'm just kinda burned out and want it to end.

No matter how many times I replay it and expect that to happen, the pacing in the final third still drags a lot.

The game is still incredible, don't get me wrong, but if anything I think the pacing in Lost Legacy is a bit tighter. Its biggest issues are all related to it starting development as a DLC, like the smaller scope, too many reused assets, not a lot of variation in environments, this kind of stuff. The only big creative issue I have with the game is
the final setpiece being basically a more elaborated version of Locomotion. The level itself was great, but considering they couldn't actually reuse anything from Uncharted 2, they just had a lot of work doing something that was already done before. Should have found a different thing to do.

Overall, I can't really rank my favorites, but the top 3 are definitely 1 Remastered, 2 and Lost Legacy. I've always liked Chloe because her actress is great and she was so charismatic, but I actually love her as a character now. Really hope they give her a new game.


User requested permanent ban
Oct 27, 2017
LL its really a charming game. Chloe have so much potential. Hope they continue her sage.


Oct 25, 2017
Hm, is the portayal of misogynistic behaviour misogynistic?

Big spoilers about the game

They primarily just taunt Atreus about her to get under his skin. At one point you find Modi again after Thor has beaten the shit out of him. He can't really do much at that point aside from taunt Atreus. So Atreus is ready to kill him and Kratos stops him to which Atreus says they're gods so they can do whatever they want. Modi replies by laughing and saying "that's what your mother said...right before I gave it to her.". I'm assuming that's the stuff they're referring to.


Oct 25, 2017
Sorry to be off topic, but anybody who likes the portrayal of Kratos in this game and how the narrative has progressed from the previous games and also has any interest in the old "Karate Kid" movies needs to go and watch the new Cobra Kai TV series on YouTube Red. It's a really really great show.

I write this here because I played God of War and watched this show back-to-back and found lots of comparative qualities between these two works from a narrative sense. I loved both these things. What a time to be alive.


Oct 25, 2017
I gotta say, having played and completed the game I find Waypoint's criticism about misogyny really bizarre, and it makes me understand why other reviewers or those in the press didn't even mention it.
I'm going to assume that they were referring to Magni and Modi, who said some shitty things about Faye. But they're villains. They aren't portrayed in a positive way whatsoever. They're assholes. You can see the gulf between how they speak about her compared to how everyone else views her. Brokk and Sindri have nothing but nice things to say about her. Kratos views her as being far better than he ever could be and constantly lavishes her with praise. And she effectively raised Atreus up to the point of her death. So, it's strange to me that villains shitty views would actually be a negative. I can totally understand why someone would get upset if a main character had racist, misogynistic or homophobic views. Since you're obviously playing as them and meant to relate to them on some level. But villains? I just don't get that.
That's some navel gazing bullshit.
Oct 27, 2017
That's interesting. I think I had read something like that before, guess I forgot. There are still so many non-interactive or pseudo-interactive sequences in this game, platforming aside, more than any Uncharted game before it, or TLOU for that matter. I've been playing for three~four hours so far and only now am I getting to actually putting my brain cells to use. It's mostly been just walking, and talking, and cut-scenes. The pacing has been terrible.

Yeah, I love UC4 overall but the first third of the game is very tedious. A big part of the reason why I think The Lost Legacy is a better game overall.


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
I gotta say, having played and completed the game I find Waypoint's criticism about misogyny really bizarre, and it makes me understand why other reviewers or those in the press didn't even mention it.
I'm going to assume that they were referring to Magni and Modi, who said some shitty things about Faye. But they're villains. They aren't portrayed in a positive way whatsoever. They're assholes. You can see the gulf between how they speak about her compared to how everyone else views her. Brokk and Sindri have nothing but nice things to say about her. Kratos views her as being far better than he ever could be and constantly lavishes her with praise. And she effectively raised Atreus up to the point of her death. So, it's strange to me that villains shitty views would actually be a negative. I can totally understand why someone would get upset if a main character had racist, misogynistic or homophobic views. Since you're obviously playing as them and meant to relate to them on some level. But villains? I just don't get that.
Actually you're mistaken, seems these mentions of misogyny revolve around the fact that Kratos's dead wife doesn't appear in the game and doesn't have a voice actor.

It's really that nonsensical.


Oct 25, 2017
Actually you're mistaken, seems these mentions of misogyny revolve around the fact that Kratos's dead wife doesn't appear in the game and doesn't have a voice actor.

It's really that nonsensical.

And that's why they used a word that means a hatred a women? I was actually looking for things that showed a contempt toward women in the game, and all along it was that? I don't even know what to say.


Oct 31, 2017
Big spoilers about the game

They primarily just taunt Atreus about her to get under his skin. At one point you find Modi again after Thor has beaten the shit out of him. He can't really do much at that point aside from taunt Atreus. So Atreus is ready to kill him and Kratos stops him to which Atreus says they're gods so they can do whatever they want. Modi replies by laughing and saying "that's what your mother said...right before I gave it to her.". I'm assuming that's the stuff they're referring to.
in other words, those writers are mouth breathing morons


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
You do realize that writing the script for an asshole character doesn't make the writer an asshole right?
What!? Are you also going to tell me that actors playing an asshole and highly dislikable aren't really like that IRL and don't deserve my hatred!? No! I'm not having any of that!


Apr 2, 2018
420 tho, but still, I think 90+ is a deserved score, GoW still has a story to present in the next installments, probably much bigger in scope than the first one


Oct 28, 2017
Uncharted's more like walk walk walk, drive a jeep, spot some ruins, latch onto a tree, swing into a group of enemies in slow motion, shoot a barrel, slide down a hill, jump onto an enemy, start my ascent into the ruins, climb climb climb, get to the top, spot some treasure, solve a puzzle. See I can do it to.
Come agian? What you say? It's not just walking?
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