Oct 28, 2017
Its an art house movie that I'd describe as a heavy metal tone poem on acid. Don't go in expecting a typical movie lol. That said it works much better seeing it on the big screen in the darkness with the volume all the way up.

Yup, still sounds horrible. But sometimes you find something really branching out to things you think you won't like! Definitely seeing it in a theater, no worries there. I'm not going to watch anything with action scenes or this kind of atmosphere at home.


Oct 25, 2017
This was a bad, bad film. Not even ''so bad it's good", just slow, plodding, terrible acting from everyone involved, and lacking not only a plot but any kind of cohesive structure. Seriously people hyping this garbage should be embarrassed
Made it 20 minutes. It's one of those really pretentious nonsense films. Let's have a scene that could be 5 seconds be 5 minutes of two people staring at each other.


Oct 27, 2017
Wow. Glad I saw this in a theater. Fantastic score and sound mixing. So much to unpack. Really enjoyed it. A unique experience and I hope a cult classic. The more often this returns to the big screen for new people to see the better.


Oct 26, 2017
Funny you mention Hobo with a Shotgun as that had very similar characters to the Bikers in Mandy. It was the biker characters with the noose guns called The Plague. Even their purpose in story was similar.

This is exactly what I thought as soon as those bikes started rolling up.

I really don't have much to add that hasn't been said beyond I enjoyed the first half more than the second. The (welcomingly glacial) pacing just went out the window in a really unsatisfying way. If the beats were a little more punchy in the last act I'd probably love it. As is, it was fine.

Weird suggestion but if you want to play the feeling Mandy gives you at its most tense, have a look at Thumper:

Chuck Noblet

Oct 27, 2017
Anyone know if it's getting a wider theatrical release? I know it's already on vod and releasing on Blu-ray next month. Deciding on if it's worth the drive to see it in theaters.


Oct 29, 2017
Just watched it, great sound, ace visuals, very atmospheric. Felt a bit like cotton candy or soda pop with no meat just sugar high. Almost like a primer, but for what it is it seemed to do it well. I was (for no good reason other than a few things I'd heard and my imagination) expecting a bit more horrific elements or suspense.


Oct 29, 2017
In terms of gore is it on a par with Bone Tomahawk? I think that is just about my limit. THAT scene made me feel a little queasy.


Oct 25, 2017
Is this more horror or thriller? Wanting to kick off the Halloween season tonight between this and Hereditary


Oct 25, 2017

Tom Penny

Oct 26, 2017
movie took waaay to long to get going. Can't have a movie start with over thirty minutes of nothingness..

Violence Jack

Drive-in Mutant
Oct 25, 2017
Just watched it. I have a new contender for my worst film of 2018. Hated it with a passion. The first half takes way too long trying the build the characters of Mandy and Red while not really setting any kind of tone. Then the movie came to even more of a halt once the cult is introduced. Filled with scenes of unnecessarily long, nonsensical dialogue that spends so much time focusing on trying to display how weird the Jesus freaks are, that there is almost no time left for the story.

Speaking of the story, it was a simple premise that felt dragged out. Also, some character motivations made no sense. For example,
why would want to burn someone alive after talking about how badly you needed to have them with you? I get that they're crazy, but wanting to kill drugged up Mandy because she laughed at Jeremiah when he was naked after all they went through to kidnap her? That seemed poorly thought out.

I'll give it points for the vivid color scheme, the soundtrack, and the use of practical effects. Really felt like it came from the 80s. The girl who played Mandy was very good and intriguing, and no one else could have played Red other than Nic Cage. But the rest of this film was such a mess, that it was a struggle to get through. I found it to be terribly boring, pretentious, and very much lacking in both tension, story and substance. If there was supposed to be a deeper meaning to this film, then it was completely lost on me.

I struggle to even call this a horror film. Felt more like a violent revenge flick closer in tone to something like Mad Max 1 or Death Sentence than a revenge-type horror movie like The Hills Have Eyes or Last House on the Left.


Oct 25, 2017
Just finished it.

Meh, didn't think it was all that great. A little overhyped imo.

I'm still trying to decide if there was any supernatural elements in it or not.


Oct 25, 2017
Vancouver, BC
I just got back from a showing. I'm not quite sure how I feel about it yet. It's definitely interesting, and has burrowed into my mind. I'll be thinking about it for a while. I just need to digest it a bit. Unlike most, I think I may have enjoyed the first half more than the latter half. It's a great slow boil that builds a sense of dread. You just know things won't go well for Mandy or Red.

One thing I'm certain of is the music and cinematography, they were both a treat. So many shots could be framed and put on a wall. Just gorgeous.

For example,
why would want to burn someone alive after talking about how badly you needed to have them with you? I get that they're crazy, but wanting to kill drugged up Mandy because she laughed at Jeremiah when he was naked after all they went through to kidnap her? That seemed poorly thought out.

I think it makes sense in that Jeremiah's whole character is ego personified. Specifically the fragile male ego. Like most fragile and toxic men, he would quickly burn a woman he so desperately sought rather than live with humiliation and rejection.

Deleted member 28461

User requested account closure
Oct 31, 2017
Watched this with a pair of Beyerdynamic cans on. The audio in this movie is insane. It was vibrating my body without being loud enough to be uncomfortable on the ears. I was consistently in awe of the use of music and sound.

I went into this totally blind and loved the hell out of it. Before the credits finished I had ordered the director's other movie Beyond the Black Rainbow.


Oct 28, 2017
The first half was certainly stronger. The second lost the incredible visual style that really carried the movie and replaced it with pretty unmemorable shlock aside from one fight scene and the very end.

Overall, I was really disappointed. They took the biker story in the most boring direction possible. Most scenes could have had significant chunks of time removed - the pacing was overall atrocious, particularly the scenes with Jeremiah rambling and yelling at people. I was excited for an ambitious Nic Cage movie but the director seemed more interesting in creating something to satisfy memelords on reddit than actually put Cage to use.

It felt like a movie with a first and second act but no third. Each half should've been significantly trimmed and they should've delivered on the cosmic dark fantasy they were foreshadowing at the start.

4/10, not good.


Dec 5, 2017
This movie kicked ass. I absolutely loved it. Just whacked out in all of the right ways.

I definitely think its a film you have to go into with the right mindset though. If you are expecting a realist vision. This is not going to be it.

Deleted member 11822

user requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
I really don't understand why Mandy is getting so much hype.

Visuals are beautiful.
Good soundtrack.
Forced / poor attempt at overacting.
Trying way too hard for that 'B movie' vibe.
Throw away dialogue.


Oct 29, 2017
Watched this with a pair of Beyerdynamic cans on. The audio in this movie is insane. It was vibrating my body without being loud enough to be uncomfortable on the ears. I was consistently in awe of the use of music and sound.

I went into this totally blind and loved the hell out of it. Before the credits finished I had ordered the director's other movie Beyond the Black Rainbow.

I rewatched with my Sennheiser 650's and I agree. I feel the sound design on this is being lost on mediocre setups, even at low rent theaters.

Violence Jack

Drive-in Mutant
Oct 25, 2017
I think it makes sense in that Jeremiah's whole character is ego personified. Specifically the fragile male ego. Like most fragile and toxic men, he would quickly burn a woman he so desperately sought rather than live with humiliation and rejection.

That's a good point. I didn't take that into consideration.


Oct 26, 2017
Pensacola, Fl
Beautifully shot. Never seen anything quite like it. Everything else? .... Lol.

It's like David Lynch, Takashi Miike and Darren Aronofsky in his early days all went to a local coffee house, dropped a few pounds of acid and suckered someone into loaning them a ton of money for production. I would have loved this movie when I was 16 and waiting on a call back about my application to HotTopic.

Bring on the condescending "you just don't get it maaan (puff puff choke)" posts!
Feb 10, 2018
I was going to say that scene at the end was WHAT THE FUCK tier.

Just saw it, it was like drive angry mixed with evil dead and Constantine.
It was ok, I would of like a bit more story about the drugs and why the bad guys were talking in a inhuman way.
I prefered drive angry, which had a similar plot but was more fleshed out. Mandy was more dark but the darkness of it didnt hold much weight when the voilence was of the unrealistic kind.


Oct 27, 2017
Great movie. I kept thinking to myself "Jeremiah Sands isn't who I think he is, is? No it can't be" AND IT WAS lol.

Andrea Riseborough is so unbelievable captivating in this in some scenes, like she's not even real.

Johan Johansson did the music for this? Ok, now that part makes a lot of sense to me. Definitely thought of the arrival soundtrack while watching.


Oct 27, 2017
More like Meh-ndy. Lots of potential, but it feels like they only went 70% of the way there.
And calling out Bill Duke and Cheddar Goblin in the thread title, when they're basically nothing in the film, should be a bannable offense.


Oct 25, 2017
In an interview with Cage posted earlier in this forum Cage says he was originally approached to play the role of Jeremiah. i actually would have loved to see that version as well.


Oct 27, 2017
Great movie. I kept thinking to myself "Jeremiah Sands isn't who I think he is, is? No it can't be" AND IT WAS lol.

Andrea Riseborough is so unbelievable captivating in this in some scenes, like she's not even real.

Johan Johansson did the music for this? Ok, now that part makes a lot of sense to me. Definitely thought of the arrival soundtrack while watching.

I could feel what Blade Runner would have been like if he did the music


Oct 27, 2017
Great movie. My guess with what the director was going for with the tonal and artistic shift:

The first half of the story is seen/told/astrally projected through Mandy. And when she dies, it is then being seen/told/astrally projected through Red.


Oct 25, 2017
Just finished it. Very good.

What movie were some of you watching? "Not very gory" lmao my ass

Its not very gory if you ask me. There are even several places they could have gone really over the top like the chainsaw fight where they were actually pretty restrained. Even the "kill" is something you don't actually see but is heavily implied.
Oct 28, 2017
Terrible film. People saying Cage did well are kidding themselves. The only scene he was believable in was the scene he was drinking in.

The story was nonsensical and altogether simple. It made no sense. Characters dropped in and out of nowhere and for no reason.

The fight scenes were poor too. The first act was certainly stronger, but I was confused as to what tone was trying to be set.

I'm sure some people will say this is trying to comment about religion or masculinity or something. I don't see it. If meaning was intended, the film failed as it was too far hidden to learn a thing.

Also, having a notable soundtrack does not mean you have a good soundtrack. But maybe that's because I didn't enjoy the tone.


Jul 21, 2018
Just saw this with a group of friends in a completely empty theater , half of us (including myself) absolutely loved it and the other half hated it.

The visuals were incredible and Nic cages performance was extremely intense I was pulled in for the whole 2 hours


Oct 27, 2017
Oh shit, I remember seeing a trailer for this months ago and couldn't wait to see it but completely forgot about it. Thanks OP!