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Oct 25, 2017
I know this might sound unlikely but I actually got into crypto some years ago with the intention of giving most of the gains away to good causes. I don't believe in buying expensive cars etc. In fact I consider it immoral.

If only there were some other way to improve the world without taking part in an environmentally damaging system that is "full of scams."


Oct 25, 2017
"I'm scamming people and destroying the planet in the process because I'm just not into fancy cars and these are my only two options".


Oct 30, 2017
I know this might sound unlikely but I actually got into crypto some years ago with the intention of giving most of the gains away to good causes. I don't believe in buying expensive cars etc. In fact I consider it immoral.

But actively promoting a Ponzi scheme setup to exploit the vulnerable and burn the planet is A-OK?


Dec 12, 2018
I know this might sound unlikely but I actually got into crypto some years ago with the intention of giving most of the gains away to good causes. I don't believe in buying expensive cars etc. In fact I consider it immoral.

You know what the best "good cause" would be? Not supporting a ponzi scheme that exploits vulnerable people. That'd be a good thing to do.
Jun 10, 2018
The continual conflation that buying crypto is the same as buying a stock is an intentional ploy by cryptobros to get the unknowledgeable buying into their Ponzi scam.

Sorry, BTC cratering in price isn't the same as GOOG or AMZN getting pulled down by an overall market downturn. One asset class actually has something quantitative to point to which will indicate those equities are still producing profits/valued products despite the lower price. The other is the equivalent of continually sticking a finger in your ass, you looking at the brown covered index with your nose covered, and trying to convince everyone else it's chocolate.


Jan 8, 2019
The faster this dies, the fewer poor people in the future can get scammed into losing their money. I'm sorry to say, but most of these people effectively lost their money a long time ago. This was always where this was headed, and the longer it went on the more people were going to get hurt

You don't think there are people holding onto their crypto waiting for it to go up? If it falls further they may sell at a greater loss. I have seen it happen in the past. Don't assume they have all sold out.


Prophet of Truth
Oct 29, 2017
Keeping 250k on a crypto exchange, given the hacks that have happened historically, is insanity.

Yeah, at least with regulated banks your savings and investments are protected up to a limit.

This is what you get with unregulated finance. Nothing is protected. No recourse. No government agency that will help you to get your money back.

Even if the cryptocurrencies are going up in value, there is always a risk of all of it collapsing completely. Because of that cryptocurrencies are never going to function as currencies, store of value, or inflation hedge.


Oct 25, 2017
You don't think there are people holding onto their crypto waiting for it to go up? If it falls further they may sell at a greater loss. I have seen it happen in the past. Don't assume they have all sold out.

"The most vulnerable people should HODL, actually. That I benefit from this just a coincidence."
Oct 27, 2017
absfuckinlute W I L D S H I T we have been yelling at these fuckers for decades+ about how unsustainable this is and not even the technology is here for it and they've been throwing out waves of bullshit terms and stuff to deflect from today

people concern trolling us in this thread this is carthartic, we told these fuckers fiat was enough but noooooooooo


Jan 8, 2019
If only there were some other way to improve the world without taking part in an environmentally damaging system that is "full of scams."

Yes if only. But it's not like we don't need something better.

There are countries where hyperinflation made savings go to zero overnight. In other countries people's bank accounts are confiscated.

I am not denying the problems of crypto but don't deny the problems of fiat.


Oct 25, 2017
these pro crypto accounts literally sound like bots. it's the exact same checklist of bullshit every single time.


Oct 25, 2017
There are countries where hyperinflation made savings go to zero overnight. In other countries people's bank accounts are confiscated.
how does crypto fix this

like don't tell me the ~hypotheticals~ , give me an example of crypto actually fixing this problem instead of just trading it out for "whoops it just had a massive market crash because it was reliant on pure bullshit and the bluff got called" and "you're just insolvent because the nature of how crypto works in reality incentivizes people using third party exchanges that don't have sufficient backing for them".

and generally the solutions I've seen for fixing those just leads us to "ok so you realize you've invented [the modern financial system] but worse, right?"

(because for some weird reason a lot of crypto stuff just keeps ending in "ok so you've just made X but it's worse. Why am I supposed to be using this again?")


Oct 29, 2017
You could have …you know… just donated the money or given to a food pantry instead of partaking in environmental disaster of crypto.


Nov 6, 2017
Yes it is. It might make someone feel good by going into denial and saying that all the poor people have already sold but that doesn't make it true.

Nobody on earth believes everybody has bottomed out and pulled out lmfao. You're really salty about your personal losses and the victory lap around crypto right now and you're trying to pretend it's moral high ground you're coming from. Yeah it's unfortunate good people are losing money right now… thanks to crypto bros. Don't want to assume too much but given your responses in this thread you've probably helped sell crypto to others yourself.


Oct 27, 2017
Gentrified Brooklyn
Yes if only. But it's not like we don't need something better.

There are countries where hyperinflation made savings go to zero overnight. In other countries people's bank accounts are confiscated.

I am not denying the problems of crypto but don't deny the problems of fiat.

Yeah but we all know the issues with fiat. Crypto was sold as a replacement and improvement on fiat and so far all it's done is prove why you need regulation (where lack of regulation was its biggest selling point) because even if a large amount of people (i loathe to say investors) parked their cash into it with the best of reasons the grifters are the ones who pushed it off a cliff.
Oct 30, 2017
Always felt gold was a stable (ish) way to hold money outside of financial institutions To avoid scenarios such as hyper inflation. Not crypto

At least it's value is held to something material.
But I've never had enough spare cash to warrant investigating
Oct 26, 2017
Yes if only. But it's not like we don't need something better.

There are countries where hyperinflation made savings go to zero overnight. In other countries people's bank accounts are confiscated.

I am not denying the problems of crypto but don't deny the problems of fiat.

"We need something better but since we don't have that, I'm gonna participate in something worse."


The Fallen
Jan 11, 2018
I have long since lost empathy for the people who continue to ruin themselves financially because of crypto. Hopefully this is one more domino for the crypto market to finally crash.
Jun 10, 2018
So, in order to fix fiat, cryptobros want to replace it with something.......that fluctuates even more than fiat and can be wiped away at any point without discretion?



Jan 8, 2019
how does crypto fix this

like don't tell me the ~hypotheticals~ , give me an example of crypto actually fixing this problem instead of just trading it out for "whoops it just had a massive market crash because it was reliant on pure bullshit and the bluff got called" and "you're just insolvent because the nature of how crypto works in reality incentivizes people using third party exchanges that don't have sufficient backing for them".

and generally the solutions I've seen for fixing those just leads us to "ok so you realize you've invented [the modern financial system] but worse, right?"

I have provided a link about people fleeing Ukraine with crypto. As far as hyperinflation is concerned, ask the Venezuelans how much they lost. The crypto supporters believe that once the market cap is large enough the prices will stabilize. In the meantime BTC has lost less than the Bolivar.

In the end even if you think holding crypto is unwise you can use it to trade between actual fiat currencies. E.g. remmitances. The video talks about this. Under sanctions you can buy crypto send it abroad and then the recipient sells it.

BTW I refrain from promoting crypto in my personal life. I know how volatile it is but I will defend it online without telling people to buy it.



Sep 29, 2019
United States
Man, considering the past two years of growth, gonna be surreal if the bottom falls out for all of this. Never thought I'd see Bitcoin below even 20k again. Always assumed enough people would've been buying the dip to prop it up.

Lobster Roll

signature-less, now and forever™
Sep 24, 2019
Also let's just get out ahead and dispel this whole "but normal people will lose money" stuff. Yes, this is true. But people always use these "think of your common man" type or narratives whenever something fails and it always falls flat. For example, the devil that is Nestlé deserves to fail and we should all celebrate if it failed. A number of everyday people larger than 0 will be affected, but Nestlé deserves to fail. And you can use the "but everyday people" logic for basically every terrible institution on the planet.


Oct 25, 2017
There must be an awesome currency if it gets compared to the Bolivar and it's promoted as great for breaking the law (working around sanctions). A really moral investment.
Oct 25, 2017
I know this might sound unlikely but I actually got into crypto some years ago with the intention of giving most of the gains away to good causes. I don't believe in buying expensive cars etc. In fact I consider it immoral.

So your plan is to scam poor people so, at some undetermined point in the future, you can give an undetermined amount of money to an undetermined good cause. And this is ok because you won't buy an expensive car.

This never works, but I am going to level with you anyway. You are being scammed. No one wants to hear that and so, whenever people tell them, they double down. It's how scams truly get thier hooks in folks.

People involved in Crypto fall into 3 general categories:

* Some are marks who are being scammed.
* Some are scammers who are preying on marks.
* Most are a mix of both.

Scammers who stay involved long enough will eventually become marks for someone else. Because thier motivations are very easy to understand and exploit. Marks who stay involved long enough become scammers as a means to survive. Because the whole thing is a zero sum game and they have to figure out a way to get someone else to hold the bag.

The only smart move is to walk away.


Deploying the stealth Cruise Missile
Oct 27, 2017
Man, considering the past two years of growth, gonna be surreal if the bottom falls out for all of this. Never thought I'd see Bitcoin below even 20k again. Always assumed enough people would've been buying the dip to prop it up.
If the whole economy wasn't spiraling into another recession thanks to war, famine and sky-high fuel prices, I think there would be a lot more dip buying.


Oct 25, 2017
Doesn't the research show that most crypt holders are middle class white people? Who can afford to sink money into a scheme like this?


Oct 25, 2017
Leeds, UK
"The solution to bad governments and finances in this world is to not have governments at all and maybe everyone will just behave themselves financially and do the right thing through the app." Nevermind that by trading in this nonsense you're mainly dodging tax which means you're not even correctly properly funding the area in which you reside because Tech Angels think they know whats best?

Saw the crash of this live to 17k which was fun. It's been a surreal decade of make believe tech-libertarianism run amok, but here's hoping gravity has finally, definitively started to kick in.
Jun 10, 2018
The video talks about this. Under sanctions you can buy crypto send it abroad and then the recipient sells it.
So in other words...crypto in itself has no value OTHER than what someone else is willing to pay for it. Which means it's a commodity - not a currency.

So, if something I hold isn't being used intrinsically of itself as a recognized form of tender but as a means to get recognized forms of tender via selling, and the environment around such a commodity is to ONLY buy and hold in the belief the value of it is only going to go up......

....I don't know, sounds to me like GFT in action.


Oct 25, 2017
I have provided a link about people fleeing Ukraine with crypto. As far as hyperinflation is concerned, ask the Venezuelans how much they lost. The crypto supporters believe that once the market cap is large enough the prices will stabilize. In the meantime BTC has lost less than the Bolivar.

In the end even if you think holding crypto is unwise you can use it to trade between actual fiat currencies. E.g. remmitances.

when your best examples are:

1) that same anecdotes I already remember seeing near the start of the war about people treating it as a volatile asset that was conveniently portable that they could trade for things they actually needed rather than it being actual currency trading almost as if crypto's major worth for people fleeing was being an object of value they could trade for others in a cinch rather than something they themselves would use as a currency (man it's like crypto's really bad as a currency or something)

2) a country where it's really weird that specific people talk about the financial problems happening in a vacuum as though there isn't a United States of America sized elephant in the room that would need to be talked about

because I gotta say after how many crypto promises turned out to be crap in practice, I'm somewhat skeptical of the scenario that Venezula going all in on crypto would've actually helped much with the major problems they're facing causing said economic problems beyond what crypto's status of "it's like gold but worse in so many ways!" has done already.

Like I can't see a scenario where the alternate hypothesis of "what if they were all on the gold standard" wouldn't have provided similar effects from having an asset that could be traded when the currency itself has usage problems.

Everything about this just keeps repeating the same conclusion in my head: that in the end, the best crypto has managed to be is gold but worse

all that time and effort and god knows how much waste has been produced by it and the biggest effects it can have for people is being portable gold that comes with more dumb consequences for its existence being a thing
Oct 27, 2017


Apr 19, 2020
You don't think there are people holding onto their crypto waiting for it to go up? If it falls further they may sell at a greater loss. I have seen it happen in the past. Don't assume they have all sold out.
I will never sell because it's dropping. It's either zero or retirement ( that was my goal since day one). I didnt invest more than i could lose. I dont care about having fancier things. I care about not having to work. If it ends up mooning again then great, if it goes to zero it sucks but nothing in my life will change and i'll just keep working until retirement like i would without crypto.


Oct 31, 2017
It's the Valve definition of soon™
Ironically, even Valve has managed to put out three games since then lol

And yes BTC is bad for the environment and deserves to die. Other better things will come to replace it.
This is also something I told myself in 2017. As you can see, nothing has replaced BTC and the fact that even back then there was no plan to actually incentivize miners to stop mining BTC was one of many red flags about this entire crypto ecosystem.

If people are buying into BTC purely for speculation, then its underlying utility doesn't matter and there's no reason to move on to tech that is more eco-friendly. Especially for people who bought mining rigs at 2021 GPU prices.


Jan 8, 2019
I think the technology of trading USD to Euro and whenever I change it to RMB when I am in China doesnt really exist yet. I have to use crypto for that.

I once sent
So your plan is to scam poor people so, at some undetermined point in the future, you can give an undetermined amount of money to an undetermined good cause. And this is ok because you won't buy an expensive car.

This never works, but I am going to level with you anyway. You are being scammed. No one wants to hear that and so, whenever people tell them, they double down. It's how scams truly get thier hooks in folks.

People involved in Crypto fall into 3 general categories:

* Some are marks who are being scammed.
* Some are scammers who are preying on marks.
* Most are a mix of both.

Scammers who stay involved long enough will eventually become marks for someone else. Because thier motivations are very easy to understand and exploit. Marks who stay involved long enough become scammers as a means to survive. Because the whole thing is a zero sum game and they have to figure out a way to get someone else to hold the bag.

The only smart move is to walk away.

I am no scammer. I may be wrong about the tech.

I respect you for warning me. I don't pretend to have certainty about crypto but I do believe that it or something like it will bring good in the future. Too many wars have been funded by fiat. And no I am not a libertarian.


Oct 27, 2017
Gentrified Brooklyn
Doesn't the research show that most crypt holders are middle class white people? Who can afford to sink money into a scheme like this?

Sadly no.

Why the crypto crash hit black Americans hard

African-Americans are more likely to own cryptocurrencies

Arguably the now very low barrier to enter now with all the exchanges making it easy as an app has had an an influx of minorities, marginalized, and poor with the selling point of 'Now WE get to get ahead of Wall Street' being extremely powerful.
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