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Crossing Eden

Oct 26, 2017
I platinumed the game recently on PS5, I never once experienced bugs were individuals yeeted through the air or air humped a tree. No one is saying it is as polished as Sony's other games, well nearly no one. Again, the individuals that continually engage in this thread have countless times said it is flawed and isn't a masterpiece. What exactly do you want fam?

Who are you trying to convince?
I'm sorry do I need your permission to post or?
Oct 25, 2017
I'm sorry do I need your permission to post or?
No, why would you think that? I'm just generally curious who is it that you are trying to convince. The game launched to below average acclaim, the individuals who are continually posting in this thread have continually said it is a flawed game. Those individuals generally agree with the OP video.

I honestly don't understand what your complaint is at this point.


Oct 26, 2017
Just what was needed an articulate 'takedown' of a game that is already critically acclaimed. Oh, wait a minute.

Just curious, who are you trying ton convince here?

It's another video on the same topic, presented differently. And having seen it before, it touches on some of the exact same structural issues as the video in the OP. Implying someone is deluded because they're engaging with the thread topic is probably more revealing about how you're approaching it than them. You don't need to be defensive when media is criticized.


Oct 29, 2017
Haven't played the game, but loved the video, and I appreciate Shelby and Matt for not holding back.
Oct 25, 2017
It's another video on the same topic, presented differently. And having seen it before, it touches on some of the exact same structural issues as the video in the OP. Implying someone is deluded because they're engaging with the thread topic is probably more revealing about how you're approaching it than them.
What are you talking about, I have continually said the game is flawed, I said I would rate it a 7-8 at best post PS5/PC patch. This is not a controversial opinion. The game has major issues with pacing, it has a one dimensional character that is on a flat redemption arc, and has many of the traditional problems that plague open world games. I've said this time and time again. Are we just talking past each other here?

I enjoyed it for what it was.

You're not arguing in good faith by asking who i'm trying to convince, as if I need to convince anyone. 🤷‍♂️

I would honestly appreciate it if you would elaborate on this.


Oct 26, 2017
What are you talking about, I have continually said the game is flawed, I said I would rate it a 7-8 at best post PS5/PC patch. This is not a controversial opinion. The game has major issues with pacing, it has a one dimensional character that is on a flat redemption arc, and has many of the traditional problems that plague open world games. I've said this time and time again. Are we just talking past each other here?

You are having an embarrassingly different conversation. You made what amounted to a personal attack on someone for sharing a topical video, and I responded to that. Now you're sharing unprompted review numbers that you think the game really deserves.


Oct 27, 2017
Days Gone was a god damn bore, and it takes so long for anything of interest to happen. As soon as the plot gets rolling, someone tosses a spanner into the works and everything starts to drag again. I was bummed to drop it since I had high hopes, but when a friend told me it doesn't pick up steam for hours after where I dropped it, I moved on to better stuff.
Oct 25, 2017
You are having an embarrassingly different conversation. You made what amounted to a personal attack on someone for sharing a topical video, and I responded to that. Now you're sharing unprompted review numbers that you think the game really deserves.
I literally do not even understand what is going on at this point. Ya'll have a great one.


Visited by Knack
Oct 25, 2017
I think this video is the most worked-up anybody has ever been about Days Gone, good or bad. It really isn't a game that deserves any kind of extreme reaction IMO.

I played it on PS5, and I thought it was a good time.


Oct 26, 2017
I think this video is the most worked-up anybody has ever been about Days Gone, good or bad. It really isn't a game that deserves any kind of extreme reaction IMO.

I played it on PS5, and I thought it was a good time.

To be fair, a writer I have a ton of respect for did a full-throated defense of the overall game in a way that left a real impression on me. I've seen this kind of sincere back-and-forth a lot, especially since the PS5 BC patch and PC version gave it a post-launch technological bump.


Visited by Knack
Oct 25, 2017
To be fair, a writer I have a ton of respect for did a full-throated defense of the overall game in a way that left a real impression on me. I've seen this kind of sincere back-and-forth a lot, especially since the PS5 BC patch and PC version gave it a post-launch technological bump.

It isn't that the game isn't worthy of being defended; I think it's a very solid open-world game, especially when played on PS5 or (presumably) PC. It's just that there's really no part of the package for me that elicited any kind of strong reaction. It's a game with modest highs and modest lows. How anyone could come away from it with either seething hatred or ecstatic joy is a little beyond me.


Oct 25, 2017
I literally do not even understand what is going on at this point. Ya'll have a great one.
If you re-read that exchange from the top you'll probably see it. You were weirdly antagonistic to users just participating in the thread. And you keep acting like everyone in the thread already agrees the game is a 7, which is clearly not the case.


Oct 26, 2017
It isn't that the game isn't worthy of being defended; I think it's a very solid open-world game, especially when played on PS5 or (presumably) PC. It's just that there's really no part of the package for me that elicited any kind of strong reaction. It's a game with modest highs and modest lows. How anyone could come away from it with either seething hatred or ecstatic joy is a little beyond me.

Oh absolutely. I've seen plenty of people make good cases for why they enjoyed the game (and plenty more who outlined why the design made it hard to enjoy at all) without it being some big scene. My guess is some of it is just people's rhetorical styles amping each other up. There's that smaller subset of people who lash out when they see someone else criticizing it, and I'm not even sure those people are aware they're having that reaction; Sort of a subconscious "only I'm alowed to criticize it, because I do it right" rationale.

One thing I've seen people point out consistently is being disappointed about things that could have easily been the game's high points falling flat in the particulars of execution, or just being artificially drawn out to a point where the overall experience doesn't "land" with any impact. That can be really frustrating to realize when a game is so competent in other areas.

Edit: May the record show, I'm talking about discussion around the game, not the Girlfriend Reviews video. This video was really well made, and was entertaining while outlining real substance.
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Flappy Pannus

Feb 14, 2019
I platinumed the game recently on PS5, I never once experienced bugs were individuals yeeted through the air or air humped a tree. No one is saying it is as polished as Sony's other games, well nearly no one. Again, the individuals that continually engage in this thread have countless times said it is flawed and isn't a masterpiece. What exactly do you want fam?

Who are you trying to convince? Actually curious, have you played it since the PS5 update?
Yeah I don't get the focus on enemy clipping either. It's definitely happened several times in my games, along with sometimes the physics whacking out and an enemy goes flying, but we're talking a handful of glitches across 50+ hours. The video makes it sounds like Skyrim on PS3.

There are some PC-specific bugs from what little I've played of it, but that's due to graphics/performance, not bugs that affect characters from what I can tell. Perhaps that changes later on.
May 19, 2020
User Banned (2 Weeks): Trolling over multiple posts, multiple prior bans for similar behavior
only "articulate" takedowns of the aw shucks vroom vroom biker male circlejerk zombie game are acceptable folks. those are the rules
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Oct 28, 2017
Days Gone is the closest any video game has ever come to capturing "White Culture", and why it is so painfully uninteresting.

Bikes, Booze, tattoos, and skull rings you can get at the county fair. And if you think BOOZEMAN and DEEK ain't droppin N bombs on the reg off camera I have an airbrushed Motely Crue bandana to sell you.
Apr 25, 2020
I wouldn't call it "bad" or "awful", just straight up mediocre, and really not worth spending time on when there are far better games out there to expend that time on. It's in the same camp as Biomutant, in other words.
Oct 25, 2017
why is there like a fierce defense force for the goofy biker redneck zombie game that bombed lmao
the longest and strongest video essays in the world can be defeated by this simple statement. such power

i'm convinced, the biker buddies zombie vroom vroom game is good now.
look pal you're not allowed to enjoy it because it's unfair/mean/nitpicking to the game i like
dunking on days gone is fun
only "articulate" takedowns of the aw shucks vroom vroom biker male circlejerk zombie game are acceptable folks. those are the rules
Solid commentary.

Eden, I'm watching the video in between MTGA matches. It is a solid critique, sorry I was reactionary.

20 minutes in. I think without much doubt that Noah has put far more introspection into this game than the developers ever considered.

Lets start from the top.

The first part, the game is 100% in a tired genre of a game. Days Gone without much doubt completely rested on the narrative that came before it. I think this is one of the reasons why Sony and Days Gone attempted to placate their audience by saying it wasn't a 'zombie' game it was a freaker game. No one bought that for obvious reasons.

Yah, that opening section of the game is either going to be love it or hate it. If you are tired of the genre as a whole I imagine this is going to be point where you bail out. You have been here done that and you really aren't seeing anything new...much less the fact that this section of the game drags forever. Especially considering the fact that it is a game that completely negated any real origin story on the virus, characters, and/or setting....not to mention why you have completely lost all aspects of 'armor' via your bike. Yes, they tried, but no...

The pacing. Zero doubt, this was and still is the most grievous complaint for me. Not even finished with the video yet, but it does a significant job of highlighting the pacing issue. No one is going to defend this. It takes far too long for the game to get moving, it shackles you down and forces you to X, Y, Z before you can do something else. If I'm being honest, none of this bothered me that much, for me it was a zombie game and I had no problem shutting down. It is a general open world flaw. Does it have more flaws than most, sure, I don't know I don't play a great deal of open world games anymore (AC primarily). Yelling at the radio was odd...didn't really think much of it other than old man yells at radio.

Personal criticism of the linear storyline, is as Noah states the modern equivalent of a Netflix. This is an apt observation, maybe I'm getting old, maybe I don't give a shit anymore. Not everything that I consume needs to be a stellar or hell even retrospective, sometimes I want to just play a game and binge? I think that is honestly a valid look at Days Gone. Its for people wanting a Netflix-esque experience? IDK.

Dealing with the camp structure of the game, I enjoyed this, I liked the fact that I was given some illusion of choice. I didn't want to send people I found to Tucker because she was a slaver; upgrades be damned*. Individuals I found I sent to lost lake, regardless of the fact that I didn't personally need anything there. Did they drop the ball here, sure, I don't think there is any doubt. The game is filled with these banal choices.

Bend made a significant effort to presenting these ideological choices for players. Send people to Copeland and they will survive if they can, send them to Tucker and they will survive but they will be enslaved, send them to Lost Lakes and they will survive and live in Shambhala. The player is given some degree of agency here, I sent all survivors that I could to Lost Lake. It is where I would want to be, and I felt it was home...

Lost Lake, yah this is the 'love letter' in terms of what Bend was going for here. I honestly enjoyed the hell out of this section of the game. It is probably the best portion of the narrative structure. I enjoyed (not the demonic torture) but the revelation that this 'harmonious' community was butted directly up against the end of days community that St. John directly facilitated through the torture of Carlos and thus the creation of the reapers. This entire portion of the game is built around St. John 'finding' himself all the while you are shown that he is a piece of garbage.

Personally speaking, the reason for the distinction between zombie/freaker should be readily apparent. Sony, TLOU, and general fatigue. Is this really a criticism. Again, no one went into this game, least I hope no one, expecting an revolution much less an evolution on the format. Design fumble or not, personally I don't find this to be the issue as represented, maybe difficulty level?

His critique is losing me. Is it the scotch? No really, this section of the game is easily the worst. First we completely skip the introduction camp that leads us to the official Deschutes camp. The fetch quests and the seemingly forced choice between research or firebombing was dumb as a whole. I find it comical, this is the portion of the game that I would assume most would say let it end. So odd.

*I recall the discussion you had regarding enslavement, I would have to play this section again, but even in the video it seems to be that the presenter is alluding the fact that the narrative changed. That St. John, didn't have a full understanding of the camp at first glance and it changed over time.

Done. In a nutshell, its a zombie game that is attempting to provide a narrative structure that feels new in 2019-2021. Good luck with that, it doesn't kill my puppy and it isn't a masterpiece. 7-8/10. Can't we all just be friends?
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Oct 27, 2017
Osaka, Japan
Wow, I didn't know IGN gave it such a low score as well.
The game deserves it though. It's utterly mediocre. It has its moments, but it's largely repetitive and boring.


Aug 21, 2018
wellington , new zealand
i lived their TLOU2 review but this i can't agree with .. i enjoyed DG alot.

i think alot of review scores really tie into how the reviewer feels about the subject matter ... if they really can't get on board with being a bikey and roaming the wilds on your hog i expect that takes a bunch of the enjoyment outta it


Oct 27, 2017
Wow, I didn't know IGN gave it such a low score as well.
The game deserves it though. It's utterly mediocre. It has its moments, but it's largely repetitive and boring.

Repetitive and boring? What open world game isn't repetitive, the gameplay is great though and it isn't overfilled with bloat. Upgrading the bike is a ton of fun as well as upgrading weapons and hunting hordes.

One thing I disliked was the radio messages playing after you leave a camp / area, just talk to me whilst I'm there. The inability to slide down ladders was annoying as well.


May 20, 2018
Meh thought the game was really good and immersive. Closest thing we got To being an open world walking dead game


Nov 3, 2017
I don't care what other people think of this game. I love it. I've already clocked 300 hours across many playthroughs.

Can only recommend to try the game yourself and decide for yourself whether you like it.


Oct 25, 2017
Critics and scholars alike have argued for years, if not decades on what the "Citizen Kane of video games" is. We might never come to a consensus on what it is or if it even exists in the first place, but I think, at this point, we can conclude one thing: Days Gone is the Thor 2: The Dark World of video games, a work that is the definition of unremarkable, yet seems to compel all to remark nonetheless.
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Shamed a mod for a tag
Oct 27, 2017
Here's a brief summary of my time with Days Gone:

"I have to craft health items?"
"S U R V I V A L W H E E L"
"Why does Deacon, who ten minutes into this game comes off as a grumpy dumbass, have Batman's detective vision?"
"S U R V I V A L W H E E L"
"Deacon, you unrelenting dumbfuck, you had your friend serve as bait after taking his shotgun?!"
"And now whackjob cultists are blowtorching your friends tattoos off. If only he had a shotgun to defend himself with."
"What...oh no. a stealth combat tutorial?"
"OK, I screwed that up, and I'm not sure how or why. I'm good. I'm out."

Also, the only times I died, other than the stealth combat tutorial I botched, in the short time I played were due to QTE prompts that are impossible to see the first time they're run. I realize I played a miniscule portion of the game, but nothing I experienced left me with any desire to play any further beyond that. The game feels dull, the crafting system is an unwelcome complication, and Deacon St. John is an idiot whom the writers appear to have put more thought into his ludicrous fictional character name than in making him interesting or likeable.


At least it was on PS+ so I could even say this much about it.

Mass One

Oct 28, 2017
I'm subbing this vid was great. But days gone was fine. I literally fine in the most neutral way. Imo it was unfortunate it was a Sony exclusive since expectations were high.

Basically, 5/10 Sony game. 7-8/10 AAA

There isn't a complaint I have with Days gone that isn't found in any other AAA open world fest.


Oct 25, 2017
Just what was needed an articulate 'takedown' of a game that is already critically acclaimed. Oh, wait a minute.

Just curious, who are you trying ton convince here?
Takedowns of games don't need to be relegated to just critically acclaimed games. It's a more serious heavy criticism of the game, which is the theme of the original video of this thread, so it's as relevant.
Oct 25, 2017
Takedowns of games don't need to be relegated to just critically acclaimed games. It's a more serious heavy criticism of the game, which is the theme of the original video of this thread, so it's as relevant.
No joke, I bet 99% haven't even watched the video they linked in full (it was longer than plenty have said they even spent with the game), I just did and provided my thoughts. In a nutshell, I don't think the criticism is remotely new at all. That isn't to say it isn't valid, it completely is, it has been said much more succinctly but whatever.

Deleted member 20986

Oct 28, 2017
Critics and scholars alike have argued for years, if not decades on what the "Citizen Kane of video games" is. We might never come to a consensus on what it is or if it even exists in the first place, but I think, at this point, we can conclude one thing: Days Gone is the Thor 2: The Dark World of video games, a work that is the definition of unremarkable, yet seems to compel all to remark nonetheless.

I think it's just the excellently chosen thread title.

Deleted member 7948

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
User Banned (1 Day): Accusations of Astroturfing
This game made me believe that ERA is full of astroturfers.
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