Oct 28, 2017
I like the new format. I don't really stay super close to GB or gaming in general throughout the year, and I always end up discovering something I wouldn't have heard about elsewhere because they devote time to it. Case in point, Hypnospace Outlaw. Had no idea it even existed before I listened to yesterday's podcast and now I am very interested in buying it.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Nothing they've done has topped those goofy faux-CBS show episodes they put out for GOTY 2012. The 60 Minutes piece alone... Goddamn.

Still the best GOTY year in my book. I remember me and some friends trying to figure out what the hunkadunk track was about then that video dropped. Magnificent.

People going "I MISS THE OLD FORMAT, WHY WON'T THEY GO BACK" don't realize that a ton of us already went through that cycle when they stopped doing that style of GOTY videos (I don't blame them, they spent SO MUCH time on those).


Oct 26, 2017
Outer Wilds is so winning GotY.


Bonus shoutout to Disco for making it.


Resettlement Advisor
Oct 25, 2017
No new separate video today like Giant Bomb Feud on the schedule.


Vertigo Gaming Inc.
Oct 25, 2017
early next year I'm definitely buying tokyo highway and qe

they look like a blast, thanks for including them in your list! people always just list boring old video games on this site about video games
heck yeah, those are my faves for sure! Maybe I should have done a top ten boardgame list separate from my video games haha


Oct 25, 2017
New York, NY
I always enjoy Dan and Panzer's GOTY list. Plus them being huge Yakuza fans is a great bonus as a Yakuza fan myself. I wonder how much time they will squeeze into the Yakuza Remastered Collection next year. I'm sure it will get a shout out if nothing else. Congrats to the large boy.

As for the GOTY deliberations, I think the format is all right. I listened to it as I drifted off to sleep so I skipped a good chunk of it but it is basically East and West reiterating their thoughts on games. I did like that nobody talked over each other which is annoying in other gaming podcasts. I usually tend to fall off after listening to day one and wait for the website's GOTY list.

Honestly, I enjoy the written text articles more because it allows people to fully articulate their thoughts all the while being critical of games. But maybe that's because I enjoy the format more as a small-time writer.


Oct 27, 2017
Well GOTY is a wrap this year. Brad says that Outer wilds is one of the best games he's ever played.

Edit: Beaten. And yeah, thats going to win.


Oct 25, 2017
Remember the burn that Alex laid on Death Stranding, that it was as wide as a pond and deep as a puddle?

That's what these three first days are. Talking about the games of 2019 for 90 seconds to 15 minutes a game without anything particularly piercing insightful for hours and hours over three days is covering the year in gaming with the breadth of a lake and the depth of a puddle.


Self requested ban
Oct 25, 2017
Unless Jeff filibusters for Control, I don't see it winning GOTY.

Top 3 would be nice.

If Alex could get Judgment on the Top 10...


Oct 25, 2017
No complaints from me with the format. My only complaint is Abby's voice. I don't know if her mic is cranked way up or she's talking super close to it but her regular speaking voice sounds like she's yelling. And she's got a super shrill, ear piercing voice. Hard to listen to her at times.


Oct 25, 2017
Chesire, UK
Brad and Vinny have both said OW is one of the best games they've ever played, Abby says it made her feel things that no other game has, Alex says he was won over and impressed, Dan and Vinny have it at number 1 on their list.

If it doesn't end up winning, something really crazy will have to happen.
Last edited:
May 5, 2018
Gotta say, going by Mary Kish's list, Cowboy's list and Zandra's list, I'm pretty happy:

A Short Hike

is getting all of this love. Deservedly so.


Oct 26, 2017
I don't think we've ever had such an overwhelmingly obvious winner before- PUBG is the only other competition.
The Last of Us kinda ran away with it and Jeff didn't even put up a fight against it knowing how much everyone else was into it. Kinda what I expect to happen this year TBH.