
Oct 28, 2017
No nationality, race, or culture is a monolith. I'm not Japanese, but I have the same concerns as Japanese critics I've read who don't like the imperialist message of the narrative. The fact that it was well received by Japanese game critics doesn't invalid this critique in any way.

I am a historian by background, and very much opposed to the official telling of history that often prevails in pretty much any nation state focusing on 'big men' and 'big events'. However, I don't see the way the story is portrayed as especially problimatic versus say most other big budget games. For instance, do you take the same issue with say AC games, with their distorting of all the periods they touch, historical figures, architecture not always true to the period, etc. What makes the message here particularly pro Imperialist? I mean samurai were very much revered in Japan historically, or at least accorded priviliged position. I am not arguing that was a good thing by the way. Just slightly baffled why historical sensitivity comes up particularly with regards to this game, particularly when Japanese developers also contain a lot of fairly distorted content about the West - and vice versa. At the time this game was based, the Mongols were also the vastly greater power, just a number of factors some induced by the Japanese, others seeming luck, resulted in the failure of their invasion.

Nocturne: I understand what you are saying and where you are coming from, and largely agree. I don't think the way you make your argument is going to bring those who don't to your perspective though. Of course, Wild Bill say was very influential in creating the skewed image of the Wild West. And Samuries and Knights did have their codes, but they also occupied priviliged positions in their respective societies, and peasants were continously subjegated manipulated and oppressed. People today are also kept in their place, even while not always being aware how that comes about, and that there is a great deal of continuity with the past. However, I think part of your criticism is a general one, and can be levelled at most games, which construct the hero figure, when in fact individuals mostly play a small (but important role) in changing society for the better. Most is done by collectives and a great deal of graft.
Oct 25, 2017
I've heard criticism from Japanese twitter users that condemn the game for propagating 'the myth of the samurai' and perpetuating imperialist propaganda, which is very blatant in some videos from the game I've seen.
I'd be able to ignore it if I played it but knowing that the "honorable samurai, honorable japan" weebery is done unironically is a little troubling. Not a big fan of glorifying warrior cultures like that


Oct 28, 2017
Responses like this always feel the same as when conservatives bring out two black people to show they aren't racist because Diamond and Silk agree. A cheap and flawed way to dismiss criticism for something you like.


Nov 18, 2017
Answered your own question. Samurai were not good guys. Glorifying a military class that could legally kill lower classes over practically nothing (kiri-sute gomen) and was mythologized for pro-imperialist and pro-nationalist propaganda is... definitely objectionable.
Yeah that's what i was sorta implying, I should have made it more clear. Most people would love to have to have their history and culture depicted solely in a positive light and that's not always a good thing


Happy New Year!!
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
That's great in that it's not offensive. I dunno if it means more beyond that to specifically highlight Japanese critics though.

Like, a game about America glorifying America would get praise from some American critics. A game being critical (but accurate) would also get praise from some American critics. What would the takeaway from a (game) Is Being Praised By American Critics article supposed to be?
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音楽オタク - Comics Council 2020
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
A mountain in the US
Echoing what Nocturne said, read this, people:

Bushido: Way of Total Bullshit

(ノ`m´)ノ ~┻━┻ Everything you've been told about bushido and samurai honor is a lie. Find out what 20th century writer created the bushido mythos and why.

it's really fucking pathetic how fans here pat sony on the back for how they 'went woke and records broke' but the slightest hint of criticism that a game might not be 'woke' after all and all of a sudden the response is indistinguishable from pompous alt-right shitheads whining about over-sensitive westerners. asian diaspora are going to have different opinions than some japanese critics. we are not a monolith.

this is why this article fucking sucks ass and i have no clue why it was published other than running interference in the exact way it's being deployed here already. japanese video game critics are paid to critique video games. most of them do not have history degrees, it may surprise some people here, but many japanese people know about as much about samurai as people in the west do. the entire popular concept of the samurai and bushido as noble warrior poets sold to the west was the same lie later sold to the japanese people by its' fascist government. how much does the person reading this know actually know about cowboys, american revolutionaries and soldiers in the civil war besides movies and what grade 9 history taught you? do you think that would give you the exact same license to assess the historical accuracy or potential harm of something for someone who has actually studied these things? or maybe someone who's culture was irreparably impacted in some way because of american imperialism?

i'm not going to bother trying to continue arguing over this because this community truly does not give a fuck about any opinion from a marginalized person unless that opinion happens to make them feel real good about their current favourite video game. i'm sorry i think ghost of tsushima subscribes heavily into a nationalist retelling of japan's history popularized by a brutal empire we are not even a hundred years removed from. but yeah sure it's all faux outrage.

i am truly fucking sick of this.
Such a good post. Thank you. I literally just copied the URL of that article to post it here myself!

I had the same reaction to Ashcraft's article. The timing of it made me feel that he only did it to silence the asian diaspora in Japan and abroad taking issue with the game.
Yeah that's what i was sorta implying, I should have made it more clear. Most people would love to have to have their history and culture depicted solely in a positive light and that's not always a good thing
Oh, I get you! I didn't read your post as sarcastic, and I think there are a ton of people that would be like "What's wrong with cowboys???"

Spine Crawler

Oct 27, 2017
There's JP voiceover, it's just that it's not synced to that language, only English, so the characters are speaking Japanese but the lips move based on the English voiceover. It's one of my major gripes with the game, but after a few hours I've just gotten over it.
yeah i mean why would japanese voice over not be the default


Oct 16, 2018
That's great in that it's not offensive. I dunno if it means more beyond to specifically highlight Japanese critics though.

Like, a game about America glorifying America would get praise from some American critics. A game being critical (but accurate) would also get praise from some American critics.

I was trying to think of an analogy, and I'd guess it'd be if like Team Ninja made an action-open world game about Daniel Boone that presented the revolutionaries in a purely positive light, hand-waved away slavery, and presented the Native tribes as dangerous "others" that you had to deal with.

Maybe it'd be an amazing game, and maybe it'd be largely positive about the U.S. (if not entirely accurate) but in 2020 there's a lot to be interrogated about how that story's being told.


Oct 25, 2017
I didn't claim that the consensus among Japanese people who have played it was negative. I do take issue with the silencing of Japanese voices who may disagree with the consensus with remarks like "I'd wager that many of those people were not Japanese themselves," when I was reading Japanese mixed race critics getting attacked on twitter for calling shit out in the game by trolls saying they weren't "real Japanese."

Ya, didn't mean you yourself were trying to claim. Totally get what you're saying.


Oct 25, 2017
To be expected in a work of historical fiction. At least according to the Kings and Generals video I watched, in reality Tsushima got absolutely ROLLED by the Mongols. A game about fighting a losing battle might be interesting in theory, but would be hard to do right and still feel satisfying.

Like, I don't watch Hamilton or Braveheart expecting to get the real story. Even Chernobyl, which was masterful btw, made things up in order to better fit both the narrative they wanted to tell and the medium they worked in.

It's good to see that GoT falls into the camp of respectful representation and not exploitation.

I'm more talking about some of the smaller things. The story itself is fine, it's merely the back drop. It's things like Haiku being in the game when the idea of Haiku didn't exist in 13th century Japan (would have been Renga I think), or the fact that Katana wasn't the sword of choice for Samurai at the time. I don't have a problem with it, personally, just stuff I've seen some commentary on.

Despite those supposed inaccuracies they seem to have done something that resonates with a lot of Japanese people and that's fantastic.


音楽オタク - Comics Council 2020
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
A mountain in the US
I am a historian by background, and very much opposed to the official telling of history that often prevails in pretty much any nation state focusing on 'big men' and 'big events'. However, I don't see the way the story is portrayed as especially problimatic versus say most other big budget games. For instance, do you take the same issue with say AC games, with their distorting of all the periods they touch, historical figures, architecture not always true to the period, etc. What makes the message here particularly pro Imperialist? I mean samurai were very much revered in Japan historically, or at least accorded priviliged position. I am not arguing that was a good thing by the way. Just slightly baffled why historical sensitivity comes up particularly with regards to this game, particularly when Japanese developers also contain a lot of fairly distorted content about the West - and vice versa. At the time this game was based, the Mongols were also the vastly greater power, just a number of factors some induced by the Japanese, others seeming luck, resulted in the failure of their invasion.

Nocturne: I understand what you are saying and where you are coming from, and largely agree. I don't think the way you make your argument is going to bring those who don't to your perspective though. Of course, Wild Bill say was very influential in creating the skewed image of the Wild West. And Samuries and Knights did have their codes, but they also occupied priviliged positions in their respective societies, and peasants were continously subjegated manipulated and oppressed. People today are also kept in their place, even while not always being aware how that comes about, and that there is a great deal of continuity with the past. However, I think part of your criticism is a general one, and can be levelled at most games, which construct the hero figure, when in fact individuals mostly play a small (but important role) in changing society for the better. Most is done by collectives and a great deal of graft.
From reading this, it doesn't appear to me that your historical or cultural knowledge of Japan in particular is too deep, so I'm not really interested in your perspective as a historian.
"I'm tired"

lmao. twitter sure is a thing.
After reading her feelings on that, this is all you had to say?


Oct 25, 2017
Scenery-wise its actually giving me exactly what I've always wanted. I've imagined playing a game with these visuals my entire life so I'm glad.

Thats just the scenery and not the other stuff. I don't have any room to talk about that as I haven't done any research.
Oct 27, 2017
Answered your own question. Samurai were not good guys. Glorifying a military class that could legally kill lower classes over practically nothing (kiri-sute gomen) and was mythologized for pro-imperialist and pro-nationalist propaganda is... definitely objectionable.
Is it really any difference for the reverence for Knights and chivalry and all that? Or the numerous Western military shooters?


Oct 28, 2017
it's really fucking pathetic how fans here pat sony on the back for how they 'went woke and records broke' but the slightest hint of criticism that a game might not be 'woke' after all and all of a sudden the response is indistinguishable from pompous alt-right shitheads whining about over-sensitive westerners. asian diaspora are going to have different opinions than some japanese critics. we are not a monolith.

this is why this article fucking sucks ass and i have no clue why it was published other than running interference in the exact way it's being deployed here already. japanese video game critics are paid to critique video games. most of them do not have history degrees, it may surprise some people here, but many japanese people know about as much about samurai as people in the west do. the entire popular concept of the samurai and bushido as noble warrior poets sold to the west was the same lie later sold to the japanese people by its' fascist government. how much does the person reading this know actually know about cowboys, american revolutionaries and soldiers in the civil war besides movies and what grade 9 history taught you? do you think that would give you the exact same license to assess the historical accuracy or potential harm of something for someone who has actually studied these things? or maybe someone who's culture was irreparably impacted in some way because of american imperialism?

i'm not going to bother trying to continue arguing over this because this community truly does not give a fuck about any opinion from a marginalized person unless that opinion happens to make them feel real good about their current favourite video game. i'm sorry i think ghost of tsushima subscribes heavily into a nationalist retelling of japan's history popularized by a brutal empire we are not even a hundred years removed from. but yeah sure it's all faux outrage.

i am truly fucking sick of this.
Your well-reasoned perspective is as valid as anyone else's, but my initial post in this thread is specifically about the Westerners that take it upon themselves, prematurely, to decide whether or not something is going to be deemed problematic or offensive to a particular group, ethnicity, or culture. I don't use the word "woke", whether that's to pat myself on the back, or attack someone else for "not being woke enough".

And you're right: I'm an American, and I don't actually know that much about the Old West, besides what some old movies have shown of the time period. Regardless, I can still admire and appreciate a good Western (with The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly being my favorite film of all time), while also being completely aware of the fact that the Old West wasn't just a bunch of gunslinger archetypes. I'm also part Japanese via my mom's side, and similarly, I can enjoy games like Yakuza and Sekiro while being fully aware that these are over-the-top video game depictions of Japan, and thus, not actually representative of what Japanese history and society is all about, nor the way my Japanese relatives live. That's just common sense. I know that the real yakuza are not actually like the ones depicted in SEGA's Yakuza series of video games. I know Kazuma Kiryu is a completely unrealistic, almost mythical depiction of an "honorable criminal".


Oct 26, 2017
Dallas, TX
I think it's more a split on level of expertise and political engagement than what actual culture they're from. Most people of any country are going to have a pretty broad strokes view of their history, and are going to care more about hitting a certain vibe than any actual historical accuracy or deep dive into the thematic implications. And, hey, a studio hitting that vibe well enough for a culture they're not grounded in is impressive. But also actual academic experts and people with more defined political ideology, who can really come from inside or outside the culture, are going to dig in and find things that are maybe questionable or problematic.

And some of that will come back on the devs not being grounded in the culture. They can do all their research into the period, but without being on the ground in modern Japan they may miss how turning Tsushima into this sort of East Asian Thermopylae plays into modern Japanese nationalism, even while respecting the period just fine. But ultimately, in the same way the average Westerner doesn't really pick up on the ultra conservatism of it all when they watch something like 300, and just sees yeah cool soldiers stop the bad empire, the average Japanese person probably isn't going to pick up on it here either.


Unshakable Resolve
Oct 27, 2017
Man. I just started this game. It's gorgeous. I'm digging the combat. Story just got started but seems pretty standard...

I don't understand why people are so mad at each other over how they personally feel about this game (or really any game). It's a personal opinion... this has to be exhausting...

So some Japanese critics like it and some don't. What's the takeaway here?

NCR Ranger

Oct 25, 2017
I am enjoying the game so far, but fuck me if the game isn't a big blow job for the mythos that surrounds the samurai so far. I don't know how the Japanese themselves feel about it, but I ain't a fan. I feel the same for all the myths of chivalry and stuff that surrounds western knights.


Oct 25, 2017
Devil World, Toronto
Kind of surprised to read that all the in game text even on signs and textures is translated properly when even to me, with an entry level of understanding of Japanese, could tell the original main menu was translated super wrong.


Oct 30, 2017
Why would Japanese people dislike it?, it basically glorifies samurai culture. It would be like american's getting mad because someone made cowboys too cool.
Pretty much. I know cowboys aren't good guys but I'd be lying if I would not eat up a gun-totting cowboy John Wick movie right about now.

Pretty positive people in the upper class; in this case, Samurai saw themselves as noble and heroic. Even if they were as bad as anyone they encountered.


音楽オタク - Comics Council 2020
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
A mountain in the US
Is it really any difference for the reverence for Knights and chivalry and all that? Or the numerous Western military shooters?
Please don't use whataboutisms to distract from the conversation. I didn't endorse any of those shitty military structures, either.
But western critics told me the game is problematic
A number of perspectives on a piece of media can exist at the same time, and you can think for yourself. Your comment to me feels very dismissive of fair critiques of pro-imperialism, pro-nationalism, and xenophobia.
Kind of surprised to read that all the in game text even on signs and textures is translated properly when even to me, with an entry level of understanding of Japanese, could tell the original main menu was translated super wrong.

It's actually kinda funny. I saw a lot of comments in Japanese talking about how the menu was fine and only non-native speakers thought it was weird. I'm admittedly a non-native speaker that thought some of it was weird.
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Oct 27, 2017
glad that suckerpunch did their work

they came a long way from creating a fake Native American tribe and having Troy Baker voice a Native American MC

Yeah, I heard that too. Shame but it looks like SP is just too engrossed in Japanese history to know better
It would be maybe better if the sequel was based on an internal conflict. Maybe 16th feudal century and the rivarly between clans. But it would take tremendous effort considering the map would be significantly bigger (the whole of Japan is in the realms of fantasy it's like at least 100 times bigger than Tsushima itself).

Empyrean Cocytus

One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
Upstate NY
Japan is typically a hyper-nationalistic country so anything that portrays them in a positive light is always great, even better if it comes from the west.

I just find it interesting that a game made outside of Japan is far more respectful of Japan's history then most media made IN Japan.
Oct 27, 2017
When Assassins Creed Valhalla releases I'm going to write an article like this, you made a good game about our insane ancestors, good job!

I'm really enjoying the game but there is some stuff that had me going "huh" during playing it, the whole I'm your lord and I do exactly what I want I want with you. There have been some moments to say the least, so I where the critics are coming from.


Nov 5, 2017
To be expected in a work of historical fiction. At least according to the Kings and Generals video I watched, in reality Tsushima got absolutely ROLLED by the Mongols. A game about fighting a losing battle might be interesting in theory, but would be hard to do right and still feel satisfying.

Like, I don't watch Hamilton or Braveheart expecting to get the real story. Even Chernobyl, which was masterful btw, made things up in order to better fit both the narrative they wanted to tell and the medium they worked in.

It's good to see that GoT falls into the camp of respectful representation and not exploitation.

The initial part of the invasion is pretty much how it went down. The Mongols used a much larger force to steam roll through much of the island. It ended with the Japanese fortifying in a defensive position. During the final battle the Japanese wound the mongol general(it is believed he was sniped by an arrow let loose from a samaurai long bow) who then order a full retreat back to the boats. There is even speculation that the stord during the first envasion wasn't strong enough wipe out an army and was only used by the mongols as a way of saving face . I personally wouldn't call that getting rolled especially since they were outnumbered.

I have not finished the game(still on act 1) but I kind of expect it to end in a similar fashion.


Oct 28, 2017
Good to hear. Although in the minority, I remember there were some who took it upon themselves to decide that Ghost of Tsushima would somehow disrespect Japanese history. Ironically, I'd wager that many of those people were not Japanese themselves.
To be fair, those same people probably have watched a few seasons of anime so they are experts.


Oct 25, 2017
Shame to see some of the hostility in this thread. It's great that a lot of Japanese people appreciate the depiction of their culture in this game, but it's also worth discussing those of Japanese descent or heritage that don't agree with the depiction. Their opinions are just as valid. You can't seriously

At the end of the day, you can like Ghost of Tsushima and appreciate it's great depiction of a culture while accepting how elements of it can be seen as problematic by some. That doesn't take anything away from the game, it's just an interesting point of discourse that deserves a platform. Christ, people.

Deleted member 15311

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
Echoing what Nocturne said, read this, people:

Bushido: Way of Total Bullshit

(ノ`m´)ノ ~┻━┻ Everything you've been told about bushido and samurai honor is a lie. Find out what 20th century writer created the bushido mythos and why.
Thanks for the link, me, like many europeans i have a big curiosity about samurais and Japanese culture pertaining to that time. I worked with Japanese engineers and geologists for 3 years and naturally we traded opinions, experiences,stories etc. I quickly realized that when i talked about samurais and such, one of the guys that worked closely with us, tended to avoid the subject.

He later told me that his family had samurais, in fact they had a banner which only appeared on the japanese version of wikipedia which he showed me and he said that the armor worn by the last samurai representative of his family is on display on his parents home, and that's when he told me not to believe everything i see portraid in movies, games etc., mainly because it was heavily romanticized and skewed. To be honest never really gave any thought until now, when i read your posts, what he said makes perfect sense.

That said, i would be lying if i said this game doesn't appeal to me. In fact it might be the only game on Sony lineup that would make me buy a PS4, well maybe Bloodborne too.


Oct 26, 2017
Imagine if SP, a Western developer, actually tore into Japanese mythos and depicted a more realistic take on how Samurais operated.

Sony would never sign off on that, lmao

Deleted member 82

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
No nationality, race, or culture is a monolith. I'm not Japanese, but I have the same concerns as Japanese critics I've read who don't like the imperialist message of the narrative. The fact that it was well received by Japanese game critics doesn't invalid this critique in any way.


It's one thing to preemptively chastise the game and being convinced it's gonna be shit historically speaking just because it's made by Westerners. And it's one thing to assume that the Japanese at large will hate it. Both those things are dumb and reek of weebery.

But it's another thing entirely to raise concerns about overromanticization of the samurai, making them behave like they're this caricature of honour, as if the bushido was a historical reality - it wasn't. To raise concerns about representing Mongols as these savage beasts. That's legitimate criticism, especially in a game that, by its very presentation, looks like it's trying to be a fairly realistic representation of what it's depicting. In many respects, it's not. Kinda like the Assassin's Creed games have the aesthetics of historical accuracy, but are really just goofy fun with gorgeous visuals where the only thing that's realistic is the architecture.

Japanese video game critics - some of them anyway - praising the game for its realistic portrayal of historical Japan doesn't speak to the game's historical accuracy. It speaks to those critics' lack of perspective on Japanese history. Which, I don't necessarily blame them for it - I suck at history -, but still. I think the way the first quote in the OP is quite telling: " Japanese historical dramas have been thoroughly studied and brought to life in a world that is very close to how we picture his period of Japan in our minds." How we picture... in our minds. Not how it actually was.

Again, it's like Western reviewers praising the Assassin's Creed historical accuracy. I don't care if the praise for, say, AC Unity comes from a French reviewer. That doesn't automatically make them a scholar on French history. That's just praise out of ignorance and/or possibly a vague misplaced sense of nationalism.


Oct 28, 2017
So some Japanese critics like it and some don't. What's the takeaway here?
If we are to be respectful to the subject matter of a game we enjoy, we must also be respectful to the people of the culture it originates from. That includes all Japanese voices, in this instance, not just the ones we agree with. I think that's quite fair, and I think it's also important that we don't brush opinions under the rug, whether they praise the game, or be critical of it. As someone else noted earlier in the thread, that's like the conservative that brings out his two black friends that agree with him, and ignore the many black people that don't.
I am enjoying the game so far, but fuck me if the game isn't a big blow job for the mythos that surrounds the samurai so far. I don't know how the Japanese themselves feel about it, but I ain't a fan. I feel the same for all the myths of chivalry and stuff that surrounds western knights.
It's a continually recurring thing, the idea that a culture take its historical archetypes and sort of play with them, depict them in a more virtuous sense, because we all like the idea of cowboys, knights, samurai, ninja, the yakuza, etc. but if we're going to play as them, we'd rather be "one of the good ones". See: Arthur Morgan, Kazuma Kiryu, and more. Even Days Gone does this with its biker protagonist. Biker gangs aren't exactly known for being virtuous, or honorable.


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
its set in japan and not even in the meiji era where at least some japanese people speaking english would be plausible. i mean good for you if it doesnt bother you but for me this is big.
The characters aren't actually speaking English between them, you know. This is really no different than your average historical Hollywood movie or TV show set hundreds or thousands of years in the past where everyone speaks English. The game is primary in English because it's an American production.

If you want to play it in Japanese, set it to Japanese.


音楽オタク - Comics Council 2020
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
A mountain in the US
Thanks for the link, me, like many europeans i have a big curiosity about samurais and Japanese culture pertaining to that time. I worked with Japanese engineers and geologists for 3 years and naturally we traded opinions, experiences,stories etc. I quickly realized that when i talked about samurais and such, one of the guys that worked closely with us, tended to avoid the subject.

He later told me that his family had samurais, in fact they had a banner which only appeared on the japanese version of wikipedia which he showed me and he said that the armor worn by the last samurai representative of his family is on display on his parents home, and that's when he told me not to believe everything i see portraid in movies, games etc., mainly because it was heavily romanticized and skewed. To be honest never really gave any thought until now, when i read your posts, what he said makes perfect sense.

That said, i would be lying if i said this game doesn't appeal to me. In fact it might be the only game on Sony lineup that would make me buy a PS4, well maybe Bloodborne too.
Thanks for the reply! Samurai have been heavily mythologized, and it's not just people outside of Japan who believe in those myths.

I don't think there's a problem with wanting to play the game. I just want more people to be open to some of the criticism. Play it, have fun, and think about it. Not sure why a lot of people online are so against that idea.
At the end of the day, you can like Ghost of Tsushima and appreciate it's great depiction of a culture while accepting how elements of it can be seen as problematic by some. That doesn't take anything away from the game, it's just an interesting point of discourse that deserves a platform. Christ, people.
This is what I'm saying. People want to put their heads in the sand when something they like is criticized, and I don't get it. You can love the game and learn some historical/cultural context for why others might take issue with it at the same time. It's like people think that critics are trying to get the game banned or something.


Jun 22, 2018
When Assassins Creed Valhalla releases I'm going to write an article like this, you made a good game about our insane ancestors, good job!

I'm really enjoying the game but there is some stuff that had me going "huh" during playing it, the whole I'm your lord and I do exactly what I want I want with you. There have been some moments to say the least, so I where the critics are coming from.

Hey, you never know. the Ass Creed games never shied away from portraying unsavory parts of their settings such as George Washington being Awful to the Native American MC in 3

Spine Crawler

Oct 27, 2017
It would be maybe better if the sequel was based on an internal conflict. Maybe 16th feudal century and the rivarly between clans. But it would take tremendous effort considering the map would be significantly bigger (the whole of Japan is in the realms of fantasy it's like at least 100 times bigger than Tsushima itself).
has been done to exhaustion. see sengoku musou, sengoku basara etc.

Spine Crawler

Oct 27, 2017
The characters aren't actually speaking English between them, you know. This is really no different than your average historical Hollywood movie or TV show set hundreds or thousands of years in the past where everyone speaks English. The game is primary in English because it's an American production.

If you want to play it in Japanese, set it to Japanese.
but the lip sync is messed up.