
Oct 28, 2017
I'm fine with playing Animal Crossing one hour every day until something grabs my interest. Hopefully Paper Mario is worth it, nothing seems super interesting to play at the moment.
Even on the indie front, there's no critical darling this year. Where are the Baba Is You or Untitled Goose Game of this year?

Comrade Grogu

Jun 20, 2020
Lately I stare at my backlog and just feel like games are more work. They stopped being fun for me. I was halfway through TLOU2 and have not picked it back up in over a week. For some reason, I just can't play games for long than 30 mins tops anymore. They don't hold my attention, and with COVID, and I thought I'd be playing more, but when I look at my games it just seems daunting and uninteresting to me. Is anyone else going through a quiet period with games, or is getting bored easily? I still like gaming, but I am finding it hard to be interested right now, even with new consoles coming. Plus, the rampant sexual harassment and predatory behavior coming from all facets of the industry certainly isn't helping me want to partake. I know I can't be the only one who feels this way.
That's actually a good thing.

Every now and then you have to take a break from video gaming and give up on your current backlog.

But if it bothers you, do what I do and play games for an hour or two a day instead of constantly playing them for hours on end.

Don't be a gamer; just be someone that happens to play video games.


Jun 16, 2018
Every now and again I get into a fairly long depressive state where I can't really enjoy anything and feel this "fog" in my brain that keeps my attention span short and my conscience very unfocused. I can usually shake this feeling off by playing an old game that I love or by playing a new game that happens to interest me.

I also noticed that starting new games right after I wake up in the morning and playing another 3 hours in the evening helps me get into games easier for some reason. I think its all about finding a routine that works for you.


Oct 30, 2017
Bel Air MD
I get into gaming droughts every once in a while. I tend to binge on Kdrama, and recently picked up painting models for Warmachine.


Oct 27, 2017
I'm the same tbh. Can only play a game for like 2hrs a day unless it's some megaton addicting game. Last time I played a game for 5hrs straight was with devil may cry 5.

I was the same with TLOU2 (it's amazing but it gets boring) until I reached the second half. Much better imo


May 11, 2018
I feel you bro. I've been going through the motions since my little boy was born 3 yrs ago. I buy and play a lot of things but they rarely 'cut it' for me. Everything is so samey, nothing grabs my attention long enough. Sure, it's also got to do with the fact that by the time I want to play something 10 pm-ish I'm always too tired to invest proper time into it.
But I've learned to live with it. I buy games on deals mostly and if something clicks, great, if not, too bad. I've bought NFS Heat since there was this Deluxe ver. deal and I have to say, I'm having a lot of fun with it. Can't recall the last time I've been so glued to my living TV.
But I've also bought a lot of semi-uninteresting games in the past months that I've barely played so it's a matter of finding the right game for the time, I guess.

Salty AF

Oct 30, 2017
Sounds like you hit the same point I did about a year ago....I say take a break and put your energy to other things and see how it goes.

For me personally, I realized that my gaming habit, which was consuming a shit load of my time and focus, wasn't really that fun most of the time and it was actually more stressful. I hit a breaking point with it and I yanked myself away from the group of people I was regularly playing with and I noticed almost immediately after that things started turning around in a big way. I started spending more time with my wife and son, for one thing, instead of dodging them on the weekends to play games. I also ended up making the most money I've ever made in my career in the last year and bought a car (I live in NYC so haven't had a need for one until Covid hit). We are now looking into buying a house soon. In general, I just became healthier and happier.

Funny enough, I actually enjoy reading up on game development and discussions on Resetera more than playing games these days. I absolutely cannot sit in front of the TV and play for long stretches anymore without feeling like I'm wasting my life away.


Oct 27, 2017
Take a break, as other have said.

Also, take some time to see if maaaaaaybe you're suffering from a bit of depression because the lack of interest, energy, etc, sounds like depression to me. Or boredom! Sometimes closely linked. ;)

Dr. Mario

Oct 27, 2017
Modern big cinematic games are overly long and predictable. The scenery changes but the things you do and the cadence doesn't. I'm getting yearly bouts of ennui around this time as well. Playing Nintendo games usually helps me, if nothing else because lying on the couch with a switch is a different kind of mindset than installing yourself in front of the big TV for Serious Gametime.


Oct 25, 2017
If you're not feeling it you're not feeling it. You should probably walk away for a while. Come back when you feel that strong desire return. If you don't feel that strong desire return that is okay too.


Sep 29, 2018
I feel you OP. I don't feel tired of gaming at the moment, but there are so many reasons as to why I don't see myself doing this my entire life. With digital becoming more prominent, prices of gaming going up and other things, my gaming days are definitely numbered.

Another thing too, I seem to simply enjoy passive media like music, movies or TV much more than games. There are days where I don't got the patience for this gaming shit and in some cases, I find more pleasure in watching a DF analysis of a game over actually playing it. My passion for games is definitely below the average for this forum as I don't feel like games are essential for my day to day entertainment.

Magical experience? Revive interest in video games with DarkSouls? Wow, you should be a masochist! LOL!

That game would make me throw my controller out of the window and not play any games ever!
Same here. If I was on the brink of almost quitting games and someone suggested me to play a game like Dark Souls or Bloodborne for the purposes of bringing back my joy of games, then that type of experience would definitely just push me even further away from the medium.


Oct 29, 2017
It's weird, I was sort of at the point where you are OP. But I played LOU2 and it brought back my gaming joy. I beat the game and even binge played a ng+ run over the course of 2 days. I even replayed the last few levels again last night because I enjoyed them so much.

I am very stoked to play Ghost of Tsushima next.


Nov 21, 2017
I think TLOU2 broke something inside me whereby I really don't feel like committing to new game, it was such a negative experience.

Want to play something familiar and fun.


Oct 25, 2017
Take a break and find another hobby. I remember going deep into music and litterature back when I got tired of video games ten years ago.

Deleted member 46493

User requested account closure
Aug 7, 2018
I took a month long break from games, and have done so in the past (sometimes longer). It's normal. I've actually been tired of an entire genre for a while (JRPGs).

Playing short indies or short action games helped me get back into it.


Oct 27, 2017
I feel the same, but games have changed, and they do feel more like work to me now. Last game i really enjoyed was Zelda BotW, cause it let me do whatever i wanted, without giving me 100 quests, and having to do this and this, before i could go to this area and so on.


Aug 1, 2019
Whenever I feel too tired I go back to Death Stranding. Something about the main loop of deliveries is extremely relaxing, and my progression in that game couldn't be slower because of it since it's become basically my game to take time off other games and I mostly play the side-quest deliveries instead of main ones.
Oct 28, 2017
Thanks for the insight all.

I don't want to turn this into a LOU2 thread, but I just don't have the desire to finish that game right now. I think there's some nagging feeling that I HAVE to finish it ASAP to be a part of the gaming community or discourse or whatever. I have bad ADHD too and can drop things super quickly even if they interest me. However, I was enjoying TLOU2, but something happened where I just don't want to return to it right now. I do play a lot of Dota 2 because I can sort of turn my brain off and listen to music. Maybe I will browse game pass and find something smaller to play.

For reference in LOU2 I
Just got rescued by Lev
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Deleted member 15311

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
Went through the same some weeks ago, it doesn't help that work has been chaotic and it just wears me out. I was going through pillars of eternity and i stopped, i played some CK2 and stopped because i was bored, same with Dark Souls III.

I went through my backlog and decided to try Borderlands 2, shit, i'm having fun like i didn't had in a while.Also desinstalled DK3 and i'm thinking of installing DK2:SOFS.

jakob ben-oni

Oct 27, 2017
Games are work, utterly pointless and useless work, but work nonetheless. Most games subvert the dopamine reward systems to keep you coming back. If you know those two things, even if it is subconscious, then system stops working.

It is a good thing, or at least it can be, because you can use the reward system for irl work with irl results. Or you can just shift to social media and forums.


Oct 27, 2017
Magical experience? Revive interest in video games with DarkSouls? Wow, you should be a masochist! LOL!

That game would make me throw my controller out of the window and not play any games ever!
It depends why your in a funk about gaming. Dark Souls did revive my interest in games at the time I first played just because it's aims mechanically where a lot different to most AAA design at the time and so it was a breath of fresh air. Sometimes you need a change from what's become overly familiar whatever that may be.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
I have a period each year where I drop most or all games tbh. Im about there again now. I cancelled my FFXIV sub for a while again a couple days ago and currently am either doing a few hands of poker on RDR, one match on battlefront 2 or a couple matches on Rocket League and thats me done for a while.

I passed on TLOU2, I'm now debating passing on Ghost of Tsushima as I've been largely out of the loop and don't really even know what type of game it is. Looking like I'll be largely inactive until Hitman 3 tbh.


Chicken Chaser
Oct 27, 2017
As with every medium maybe take a break from it and go back later. There is no time limit and only play while you enjoy games.


Oct 27, 2017
Take a break, read some books. Variety is the spice of life, and an entertainment backlog is not a thing. You can make it go away incredibly easily. Unless y'all being paid, you do not have to play a thing.


Oct 27, 2017
I've found that playing games based on a backlog gives me too much anxiety anymore. I can't do it. I have a backlog but I never look at it anymore and just play whatever I feel like.


Jun 2, 2020
try some smaller and different games, indies for example. i recommend you Eastshade and Islanders.

it's okay to give a pause on hobbies :)


Nov 23, 2017
Nice to see that others sometimes just don't feel like playing games even though they really love them. I definitely take months-long breaks sometimes, and recommend just leaning into it rather than forcing yourself to do something you don't feel like. You'll definitely come back to it.


â–˛ Legend â–˛
Oct 27, 2017
I know that feeling.

I stopped playing the FF7 remake 80% of the way just because... I love the game but i just can't play it right know it seems.

TLoU2 on the other hand i finished in record time and are deep into my new game + run. Loving every second. Strangely i didn't feel like stopping for even a moment.

It happens. I'm 50-80% finished with Days Gone, Doom Eternal and at least 10 other games i really enjoyed.

As long as i'm having fun, and i am, i don't see a problem going back to these games later.

Sometimes it helps playing something completely different. After playing through a lot bjg AAA singleplayer gmaes i lost interest and played a few indies and visual novels. Had a great time and started again playing AAA games.

Balance it out and sometimes even stop for a few weeks. You don't have to play.


Oct 25, 2017
There are years that I barely play any games, and that desire comes back with time. Needing to be part of the zeitgeist of conversation ruins some things for me, like TLOU2


Oct 25, 2017
I quit playing games for a long time. I felt like I was wasting my time. There was so much I could have been doing. Other hobbies, time with my family and girlfriend, studying. Whatever.
Every now and then I'll come back and binge through a game as fast as possible so I can get it over with but that's not a healthy thing either. I like the idea of enjoying something while not spending an excessive amount of time on it.

this year I've played through Batman Arkham knight for the first time, assassins creed origins and unity. I didn't really do any side shit or collectables. I enjoyed my time playing through the story, finished it and never looked back. Haven't played anything else.

at some point this year I may play assassins creed syndicate and tlou 2 but I'm not rushing into tlou 2


Oct 28, 2017
United Kingdom
There is no such thing as a gaming backlog just like there isn't a movie or a novel backlog. They are supposed to be entertainment; and that's not supposed to be daunting my dude. So treat yourself to something else that amuses/relaxes you. It will all be there whenever you want to return.


Jul 3, 2020
Taking a break is fine. I take one every now and then and my gaming enthusiasm comes back strong every time.

Deleted member 56752

Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
May 15, 2019
I'm not getting tired of games, I'm just not investing as much time into them as I used to. I prefer MUCH shorter games.


Prophet of Truth
Oct 27, 2017
Take a break or stop playing popular super marketed AAAA by-the-norm games. There's so much engaging stuff to play at any given time if you dig deeper. And the concept of videogame backlog checklist is the most stupid thing, just play what entertains you at any given time.


Oct 27, 2017
This is the side effect of open world / RPG lite elements / checklist maps and many other bullshit in nearly every game. Games feel like "work", not entertainment.

Miss the days of enjoying a 7-8 hour linear game and be done with it, now you have to keep being engaged and preferably keep on spending money.


Oct 28, 2017
This usually happens to me towards the end of a console generation. I haven't been playing my consoles much lately, but I picked up an Oculus Quest during quarantine and I've really been enjoying working through a surprisingly long list of great VR content.


Oct 25, 2017
Hobbies wax and wane. I had a period of a few years where I barely played anything. Do other things you enjoy, and then come back whenever it seems interesting again.

Also, less AAA games.


Jan 20, 2018
Denver co
I was going through the same, but I replayed Dark Souls and it made realize that games can still be a magical experience.

I always say "souls games ruined all other games for me"

I'm in the same boat OP. Halfway through FF7R and can't get back into it or any other game right now. I get so bored.

I'm hoping next gen will help with this. I love to look at crazy good graphics, that's what keeps me interested.


Dec 4, 2017
I'm 42 yo with 13 and 6 year old boys who love gaming,im going through something similar, just can't get motivated to start any new games but I've been watching a bunch of streamers play NBA2K20 which funny enough my son plays a ton of but I've never played and have no real interest in playing.

I've got a Xbox One X with a few $100 worth of games in my backlog(Witcher 3,Latest Forza Horizon,Gears 5,Red Dead 2,Civilization)that I finished varying amounts of and enjoyed to a point but just got distracted with other stuff like life or work and never picked back up.

My 44 yo wife of 20 years who never played games even when I begged her to try them 15 years ago broke her ankle last year and ended up getting into Fornite. She now plays at least an hour a day but I hate that game with a passion so I don't play it with her.

It really sucks,I still have interest in games,check the new releases every week but I just never pull the trigger on anything because it ends up just sitting there and being a waste of money while I watch streams of a game I've never played.

Ive been sitting in front of my TV with my Xbox on the home screen for over an hour now contemplating trying to finish Red Dead 2 which I'm about 60% through the story of.

Try some duos with your wife! I HATED it too. Like seriously could not stand it, my son talked me into giving it a real shot and now we play every night.


Mar 2, 2020
Add another for take a break. It's what I did after I finished my last long game. I've spent most of my time watching shows or reading, been enjoying my free time a lot more because if it too! Don't be upset with yourself for not wanting to play video games.

John Rabbit

Oct 25, 2017
Take a break OP. I got to the same place you're in now several years ago. Stopped playing games for like 8 months. Eventually the desire came back and it's been good so far.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Can't say I relate to 'getting tired of video games', but I will say that a good chunk of TLOUII was a slog, so I definitely feel ya there OP.


Oct 27, 2017
I find one thing is to not worry about your backlog. If a game isn't calling to you, don't play it. Clearing your backlog is just mechanically going through it out of some sort of obligation. That's not fun and it turns into a chore. Clear it out by just shelving it and moving on.