Taffy Lewis

Oct 27, 2017
German officials were so alarmed by Trump's conversations with Angela Merkel that they took extra steps to make sure they stayed secret, according to a CNN report
  • President Donald Trump's phone conversations with German Chancellor Angela Merkel were "so unusual" that German officials were prompted to keep them under wraps, CNN reported Monday.
  • Sources told CNN that Trump disparaged Merkel in a "very aggressive" manner, calling her "stupid," and accusing her of "being in the pocket of the Russians."
  • "He's toughest [in the phone calls] with those he looks at as weaklings and weakest with the ones he ought to be tough with," a source told CNN.
  • Though extraordinary measures were taken in response to Trump's conversations with Merkel, the German chancellor took the US president's comments "like water off a duck's back," a source told CNN.

German officials were so alarmed by Trump's conversations with Angela Merkel that they took extra steps to make sure they stayed secret, according to a CNN report

Sources told CNN Trump attacked Merkel in a "very aggressive" manner, calling her "stupid" and accusing her of "being in the pocket of the Russians."


Apr 11, 2018
'The US president's behavior was described as "humiliating and bullying" to May, after he called her a "fool" when it came to foreign and public policy decisions, one source told CNN.'

Well he got something right at least.


Oct 25, 2017
  • Sources told CNN that Trump disparaged Merkel in a "very aggressive" manner, calling her "stupid," and accusing her of "being in the pocket of the Russians."


Oct 25, 2017
'The US president's behavior was described as "humiliating and bullying" to May, after he called her a "fool" when it came to foreign and public policy decisions, one source told CNN.'

Well he got something right at least.

I think he wanted her to go scorched earth with European relations so I'm not giving him anything.


Fallen Guardian
Oct 27, 2017
The US should know the rest of the world knows that Trump is not the best president the US has to offer. Trump was a giant mistake, and I believe he will be replaced soon.

Deleted member 2533

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Biden's first year is gonna be other world leaders playing tapes of Trump and saying, "hey, we'd love to do a deal with the US, but come 2024, maybe we have to deal with another fucking moron, so it's gonna be cash up front and the penalties are on you if they're dissolved, kapish?"


Oct 27, 2017
The US should know the rest of the world knows that Trump is not the best president the US has to offer. Trump was a giant mistake, and I believe he will be replaced soon.

The world has learned a different lesson: that the US is capable of electing a Trump and therefore has lost credibility on its desire and ability to uphold norms, stability and allegiances over anything but a short time period.

People won't forget about Trump very soon, nor should they.


Oct 27, 2017
The US should know the rest of the world knows that Trump is not the best president the US has to offer. Trump was a giant mistake, and I believe he will be replaced soon.
But we also know that a big enough segment of the American population believe his behaviour is something to aspire to that we will see his like again, sooner rather than later.

Beer Monkey

Oct 30, 2017
Always remember that Trump wasn't elected by Trump supporters; they always vote terribly. He was elected by 'both sides' people, "independents", people voting third party, people staying at home.

They won't do it this year.

But they'll do it again.


Oct 28, 2017
The world has learned a different lesson: that the US is capable of electing a Trump and therefore has lost credibility on its desire and ability to uphold norms, stability and allegiances over anything but a short time period.

People won't forget about Trump very soon, nor should they.
Exactly. You can't rely on the United States as an ally if they elect the most dangerous, most compromised and most unsuitable person for the job every 8 years.
Oct 30, 2017
Your Imagination
I really do feel he is going to cause a diplomatic and security crisis when he loses and attempts to run to Russia. The secrets that he might know would not want to be given to foreign states.


Oct 25, 2017
It's hard to fathom how much this one administration has helped to destroy the US' standing in the world, especially for Western allies. It feels like the US could vote Democratic for decades only to start getting to where they were before 2016.


Senior Game Designer
Feb 6, 2018
Trump calling Merkel, who completed her school education with the best possible grade (1.0), graduated with magna cum laude and has a doctorate in quantum chemistry, stupid...that is quite something. Water off a duck's back indeed.

Beer Monkey

Oct 30, 2017
It's hard to fathom how much this one administration has helped to destroy the US' standing in the world, especially for Western allies. It feels like the US could vote Democratic for decades only to start getting to where they were before 2016.

You can't really fix it with a president. It could be fixed faster, or slower, but you have to get the SENATE and enact mass amounts of legislation, and appoint justices. It isn't about who wins POTUS alone. How long, or slow, it takes, depends on far more than the football game contest that is winning the presidency.


Oct 25, 2017
Always remember that Trump wasn't elected by Trump supporters; they always vote terribly. He was elected by 'both sides' people, "independents", people voting third party, people staying at home.

They won't do it this year.

But they'll do it again.
I wish I had your confidence. But everything I'm reading this year is just 2016 on repeat.


Oct 26, 2017
The Netherlands
Real talk, isn't this what his base and a lot of independents love about Trump, him being a lib-triggering wrecking ball? We're talking about these articles as if they're damning Trump but it's nothing we didn't already know or suspect since the days of McMaster... figured it would be priced into the equation for US voters by now.

That aside, him sucking up to tyrants is a far bigger problem for US national security and worldwide stability than being insulting to allies.

Deleted member 9241

Oct 26, 2017
As I read the details of this on an Internet message board, I canot help but reflect on how *super* shitty they are at keeping secrets.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Hope our EU leaders will wise up and learn that you can't 100% trust the US. We need to be entirely independent on all fronts.
Oct 26, 2017
The US should know the rest of the world knows that Trump is not the best president the US has to offer. Trump was a giant mistake, and I believe he will be replaced soon.
What we learned is that the US isn't viable for any long term stability or treaties. Every contract, treaty, signature or declaration is at best valid for 8 years.
That's no way to plan anything.


Oct 25, 2017
A part of me honestly hopes we never recover from this. I hope even after Trump is gone, we still have to hear about horrible shit he did as president that got swept under the rug. I hope other nations hold him over us as a mark of shame and a reason to never take the US seriously again, if we're capable of electing such a fucking idiot and incapable of removing him from office despite clear evidence of wrongdoing.

We shouldn't be able to just elect someone better and forget Trump ever happened. He needs to be a black mark against our history as a world power so the people who put him there think twice about doing it again. There need to be consequences.


Oct 26, 2017
A part of me honestly hopes we never recover from this. I hope even after Trump is gone, we still have to hear about horrible shit he did as president that got swept under the rug. I hope other nations hold him over us as a mark of shame and a reason to never take the US seriously again, if we're capable of electing such a fucking idiot and incapable of removing him from office despite clear evidence of wrongdoing.

We shouldn't be able to just elect someone better and forget Trump ever happened. He needs to be a black mark against our history as a world power so the people who put him there think twice about doing it again. There need to be consequences.
Even if he's not reelected, good luck to make him disappear from the american political landscape.

Deleted member 2595

Account closed at user request
Oct 25, 2017
'The US president's behavior was described as "humiliating and bullying" to May, after he called her a "fool" when it came to foreign and public policy decisions, one source told CNN.'

Well he got something right at least.
It's just depressing he'll have been like that with her because he's a misogynist and not because she's actually destructively rubbish


Oct 26, 2017
I mean on the one hand everybody is aware that this individual piece of shit is not representative of the US and it seems to be very much like governments around the world are basically sitting the shithead out.

BUT what will persist even after Trump leaves office eventually is a big hit to the States long term reliability in global/bilateral matters. For better or worse foreign governments will seek to build (additional) relationships and cooperations that they can rely on even in times the US is recessing from global politics and diplomacy. It will be hard for the following governments to gain back influence (other then the pure economic power the US will always have)