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Oct 25, 2017
(CNN)Republican Sens. Kelly Loeffler and David Perdue hold an early advantage over the airways in their two runoff races in Georgia that will determine the control of the Senate next year.
Political groups have already spent or reserved more than $126 million to advertise for the 63-day campaign, with Republicans exceeding Democrats $77.2 million to $49.3 million, according to Kantar's Campaign Media Analysis Group.
The campaigns wasted little time to influence the two crucial contests after Perdue and Loeffler failed to hit the 50% threshold on Election Day, setting up elections against Democratic challengers Jon Ossoff and Raphael Warnock on January 5.
Loeffler leads the pack, spending or reserving nearly $42 million in ads for her runoff race, compared to $24.4 million from Warnock. And Perdue has set aside $19.3 million, while Ossoff has marked $13.7 million for ads.

Republicans hold $28 million ad advantage in Georgia Senate runoff races

Republican Sens. Kelly Loeffler and David Perdue hold an early advantage over the airways in their two runoff races in Georgia that will determine the control of the Senate next year.

President Trump has lost reelection, and now Democrats have a shot at taking back the Senate with two runoff elections in Georgia. As a born and bred Southerner with more than a few Democratic campaigns under my belt, I have some advice for out-of-staters eager to help the Democratic candidates in Georgia: Stay home.
If there is anything the party should have learned in the past four years, it's that when Democrats try to nationalize a competitive race, the effort often backfires. It happened earlier this month: That's why Susan Collins is still a Republican senator from Maine and why Democrats Amy McGrath in Kentucky and Jaime Harrison in South Carolina won't be going to the Senate.

Now I'm afraid Democrats will make the same mistake in the Georgia runoffs on Jan. 5 between Republican Sen. Kelly Loeffler and Democrat Raphael Warnock, and Republican Sen. David Perdue and Democrat Jon Ossoff. Flooding the state with what feels like enthusiasm and support could be a roadblock for the Democratic organizers and field workers who have dedicated themselves for years to this effort. Former Georgia congresswoman and gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams in particular has moved mountains to give these Democrats a chance of winning.

Before an army of national celebrities and Twitter warriors swarm Georgia, they should keep in mind that they don't know the state, the people or the political dynamics. Everyone just wants to help, but imagine a 19-year-old Oregonian spending her Christmas break from Yale University knocking on doors and trying to tell someone in Atlanta how to vote. Imagine having your phone ring every night with people apparently calling from Boston or Brooklyn explaining what's best for Georgia.

Oct 25, 2017
Mr. Biden won Georgia by a little over 14,000 votes out of nearly five million cast, with the Atlanta suburbs delivering huge Democratic margins compared with 2016. But the political dynamics are expected to be very different in January.

Republicans are hoping to duplicate their turnout in rural and conservative-leaning areas, despite not having President Trump on the ballot to pull his impassioned supporters to the polls. And Democrats worry that Black voters will not come out in the same numbers as they did this month — turnout in runoffs almost always falls sharply — and that white suburban voters around Atlanta, who rejected Mr. Trump so resoundingly, will not be as eager to deliver a Democratic Senate to Mr. Biden.

"There will be some dissipation of the anti-Trump venom in Georgia," Mr. Perdue predicted in a private call last week with donors and Ms. Loeffler, according to someone on the call who shared details of what was said. Some elements of the call were first reported by The Washington Post.
In a sign of the uphill fight for Democrats, Mr. Ossoff received nearly 100,000 fewer votes than Mr. Biden on Nov. 3, while his opponent, Mr. Perdue, received 700 more votes than Mr. Trump. Closing that gap is one reason Mr. Ossoff recently aired an ad linking himself to Mr. Biden, promising to work with the president-elect on issues like managing the coronavirus pandemic.
Some major Democratic donors, who requested anonymity to speak candidly, are downbeat on their party's chances. Despite out-raising Republicans across most of the Senate map in 2020, Democrats lost several key races on Nov. 3 that party strategists had seen as winnable, including in Iowa, Maine, North Carolina and Montana. Yet those same donors said they were continuing to contribute to the Georgia contests because of the sheer significance of the outcome.

With Senate Control Hanging in Balance, ‘Crazytown’ Cash Floods Georgia (Published 2020)

After the state went blue in the presidential race, more than $135 million in TV ads have been booked in two Senate runoff elections.

meowdi gras

Feb 24, 2018
Two doom articles sandwiching a ray of Stacey Abrams light, lol.

I hope she can pull this off with her genius. I'm really worried.
This is why folks who really want the Dem candidates to win need to donate their money to her and other grassroots progressive voter outreach programs, not the candidates themselves. The former represent proven, positive results at the polls; the latter, not so much.


Nov 27, 2017
Two doom articles sandwiching a ray of Stacey Abrams light, lol.

I hope she can pull this off with her genius. I'm really worried.
I mean them upping their advertising feels they could backfire a bit. The tonal dissonance thanks to Trump and the divide in the GAGOP could cause a ton of damage and that's sending out waves just as strong as the marketing. If Trump says one negative thing about the two of them that'll cause a ton of damage and drown out a ton of the advertising


Oct 30, 2017
This is why folks who really want the Dem candidates to win need to donate their money to her and other grassroots progressive voter outreach programs, not the candidates themselves. The former represent proven, positive results at the polls; the latter, not so much.

thats a good point. I am going to start donating to her from now on


Oct 28, 2017
Vote for who you want to vote for, voting is a good thing to do, it's free and it's your right so exercise it.


Oct 27, 2017
Absentee Georgia voter here.
Still waiting for my runoff ballot. :(
Anyone else GA absentee and still waiting?
Gonna contact my county registrar this weekend and see what's up.
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meowdi gras

Feb 24, 2018
Absentee Georgia voter here.
Still waiting for my runoff ballot. :(
Anyone else GA absentee and still waiting?
Gonna contact my county registrar this weekend and see what's up.
We requested ours just yesterday. Back in September, our absentee ballots for the November election took two weeks to come in following processing date.


Oct 28, 2017
Yes. Vote for the ones trying to stage a coup right now! As long as you vote it's just fine!

I'm a Canadian, I don't care who wins either way.

The thing about voting is it's not a freedom if you're forcing people to VOTE ONE WAY, despite how awful things can be if they don't VOTE THAT ONE WAY, then you're restricting a freedom, which is hypocritical.

You still need to at least PRETEND to be IMPARTIAL, this is how you try and UNITE instead of DIVIDE.

SO in voting there IS NO WRONG ANSWER.

Deleted member 70788

Jun 2, 2020

I'm a Canadian, I don't care who wins either way.

That's stupid. You should. It will still greatly affect you and the future of the planet.

The thing about voting is it's not a freedom if you're forcing people to VOTE ONE WAY, despite how awful things can be if they don't VOTE THAT ONE WAY, then you're restricting a freedom, which is hypocritical.

You still need to at least PRETEND to be IMPARTIAL, this is how you try and UNITE instead of DIVIDE.

SO in voting there IS NO WRONG ANSWER.

Who said anything about forcing people? No one is trying to disenfranchise voters, or say that their votes shouldn't count, or say that one side is cheating, or try to appoint faithless electors.



Oct 27, 2017
Still trying to get used to my state (I live in GA) being a political battleground. I'm getting tons of political ads in the mail, texts, and folks even coming to my door. Crazy stuff. Now I guess I know what other states have gone through in the past.

Deleted member 70788

Jun 2, 2020
Still trying to get used to my state (I live in GA) being a political battleground. I'm getting tons of political ads in the mail, texts, and folks even coming to my door. Crazy stuff. Now I guess I know what other states have gone through in the past.
Do us proud


Oct 25, 2017
Is there something I can do besides giving money?

I'm not the greatest socially so talking to people is probably out of the question, but is there anything else?


Oct 28, 2017
Even if you aren't directly effected by the shit in US, you should still care... It will trickle out and effect everyone.

Esp when one party consists of literal Nazis...

Holy fuck, talk about people taking a line and running with it.

That line was meant to counter people thinking that my moderate approach to voting wasn't PRO TRUMP.

I'm simply saying VOTING IS GOOD, get out and VOTE, but people in this thread seem to be pushing people to vote a certain way. This is NOT how you UNITE a broken country.


Oct 27, 2017
Holy fuck, talk about people taking a line and running with it.

That line was meant to counter people thinking that my moderate approach to voting wasn't PRO TRUMP.

I'm simply saying VOTING IS GOOD, get out and VOTE, but people in this thread seem to be pushing people to vote a certain way. This is NOT how you UNITE a broken country.

I agree with you. I'm really happy that Joe Biden has take a unification approach and I hope that starts to catch on. I'm so sick of this "us vs them" mentality. I've never seen the political landscape so toxic in this country (mostly due to Trump). But this country desperately needs some healing and that is going to take effort from both sides of the aisle.


Oct 28, 2017
I agree with you. I'm really happy that Joe Biden has take a unification approach and I hope that starts to catch on. I'm so sick of this "us vs them" mentality. I've never seen the political landscape so toxic in this country (mostly due to Trump). But this country desperately needs some healing and that is going to take effort from both sides of the aisle.

All of this, look half your country voted for Trump, telling them that they're stupid and ignorant and bad people is NOT going to unite anything, it's going to cause more division, it's going to take alot for one side to be the "bigger person" and open up an honest dialog where you can start to see the differences and try to understand where each person is coming from to heal this mess. Level heads are what is needed.


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
Holy fuck, talk about people taking a line and running with it.

That line was meant to counter people thinking that my moderate approach to voting wasn't PRO TRUMP.

I'm simply saying VOTING IS GOOD, get out and VOTE, but people in this thread seem to be pushing people to vote a certain way. This is NOT how you UNITE a broken country.
In theory I agree with you....

But when one side literally tries their best to discourage certain groups from voting and fucking them over, those groups have a lot of difficulty getting out there vote.

I'm glad that Biden is trying to reach out to Republicans voting blocks that could be reach. I like to believe (even if foolishly) that some can be reached. Esp since some are single voter issues and those persuaded by bad properganda.

Don't get me wrong, I'm 100% not saying certain people shouldn't vote. I'm def happy that people get out there and vote/etc.

Just concerned by you saying you don't care who wins...

Anyways, we're getting off topic.
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Book One

Oct 25, 2017
good faith is required to believe that the problem is just 'listening to a different opinion'. At some point you have to understand when you are being conned.

you can only be Charlie Brown for so long

Book One

Oct 25, 2017
What does what you said actually mean?

Republicans are not coming to the table in the good faith that's necessary to 'unify'. Governing or making decisions under that premise is to be played for a fool. Govern with a clear understanding of what you are actually dealing with now, instead of continuing to be the sucker.

ie, don't be Charlie Brown who gets convinced that this time Lucy won't be pulling that football away, she promises.

one can only hope


Oct 27, 2017
the best thing that you can do is wait when it's official official and then Trump cult goes crazy, to then start feeding them their own lies on how voting is worthless to hopefully they don't show up to vote anymore.


Oct 27, 2017
Republicans are not coming to the table in the good faith that's necessary to 'unify'. Governing or making decisions under that premise is to be played for a fool. Govern with a clear understanding of what you are actually dealing with now, instead of continuing to be the sucker.

ie, don't be Charlie Brown who gets convinced that this time Lucy won't be pulling that football away, she promises.

I see what you mean. Biden seems genuine though and I hope he is sincere when he says he wants to be the President for "all" of America. Trump divided this country in an extreme way.


Oct 27, 2017
Seems really easy to take the fringe and pretend it applies to the majority. It simply does not. On either side.


Nov 27, 2017

The dumbass got Covid. It's a shame, really.

Perdue is 71, so... He might want to get away.

It's too late, they likely got it together at the event with Rick Scott last week. Even surviving that's 2-4 weeks off the campaign trail(if they make the mistake of trying to show up when in a weakened sick state that'd be an even worse image for them than recovering in private). And some nasty tools for certain parties


▲ Legend ▲
Sep 12, 2019
Stacy Abrams' Fair Fight organization is doing great work. It's not a political campaign, they're helping disenfranchised people of Georgia get registered to vote in one way or another.
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Mar 3, 2019
As the election showed, high turnout doesnt necessarily favor democrats since republicans were voting in record numbers. I feel like the odds are very slim that dems manage to get both seats based on how the previous races were going. Georgians don't take kindly to large amounts of outside money coming into to try and sway the vote one way or another so I could see that backfiring


Nov 27, 2017
As the election showed, high turnout doesnt necessarily favor democrats since republicans were voting in record numbers. I feel like the odds are very slim that dems manage to get both seats based on how the previous races were going. Georgians don't take kindly to large amounts of outside money coming into to try and sway the vote one way or another so I could see that backfiring
I mean sure but that's on both sides. Meanwhile one GOP candidate is off the trail for at least two weeks recovering, the GOP is disenfranchising their own voters, Trumps own lackeys are bashing the gop candidates and it's likely Trump himself goes nuclear in 2-3 weeks. This isn't a normal runoff by any means
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