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Teyvat Traveler
Oct 31, 2017
I'm legit considering crowning Ganyu Q and Ayaka Q coz they hit hard on their respective setups. Both on talent lvl.8 now.

But maybe after I'm done building Raiden. Can't afford to go back to Mora hell at this time.


Oct 26, 2017
now we're at the end of 2.0 how are everyone's stats looking?

I think I've missed a few chests and my achievement count could be higher.


(got this from clicking battle chronicle on


Long story:

there is 1 month didn't played the game in (i think after 3 weeks from release till the end of first Klee run)
i was banned for cheating, i wasn't serious about this game, so i saw there is trainer that can give you unlimited stamania and unlimited HP and Zero cooldown for skills, i was really struggling with oceanids and could it beat it, and floor 3 in the abyss was very high to me in that time.

i relied on noel shield skill, which can make damage when used, so i keept spamming the shield, however there was a glitch, some time after i spam it 20 times, the cooldown become rally really high, like 100 second or more.

also spammed Amber doll, which let me deployed unlimted doll.

but i think i fucked up when there was an update to the game, after i activate the zero cooldown or unlimited stamania, after killing any boss or monster, i get really big number of EXP
like...10 million EXP or even more.
suddenly.. i see my self have enough EXP to get to AR60 (i was still on 20 i think).
of course the game won't let me reddeem the prizes, maybe because i need to do world quests or becuse this was a glitch)
after reloading the game, back to normal.

next day i found i was banned for 1 month.

after the 1 month, i started playing normal, i really needed pyro DPS and regreted cheating because i messed klee, and i hate Xiangling, so i realied on bennet, i was always wanted Diluc because he was cool.

and now i am here.


Dec 13, 2017
With regards to the livestreams, for me 2.0's stream felt incredibly classy and mature, hearing directly from the devs, Yu-Peng's performance, a touch of class compared to what we typically had. To transition from that to the 2.1 EN livestream, it felt like an absolute train wreck, especially when so many of us saw the CN livestream in comparison, because of the delays. The delays and misinformation undoubtedly didn't help, but I found the show insufferable. But I'm also in the minority of those who listen to with the JP audio, so I appreciate my views are not likely popular. But anyone blaming the EN VAs or giving them abuse is absolute trash.


Aug 8, 2021
Re-watching this today gave me some serious nostalgia.
The adventure with the Chalk Prince, the sense of wonder to explore a new region for the first time since launch... it made locked down Christmas memorable for me. 1.2 was such a wonderful patch.

First time at Dragonspine

The Chalk Prince and the Dragon (and the Festering Desire)


Paimon being cute
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Teyvat Traveler
Oct 27, 2017
Beating the Extreme difficulty of the new event for me is literally just cycling Bursts between Zhong Li, Kazuha, Ayaka, and Mona.

Zhong Li has 4 Piece Tenacity of the Mililith.
Mona has 4 Piece Noblesse Oblige.
Kazuha is the vacuum and elemental damage booster.
Ayaka's burst just hits like a truck.

Works for now at least. Maybe I might have to switch it up for another stage coming up.

While I'm here I have to say that I really have learned to appreciate Mona. Unlike Qiqi, her Constellations are actually useful, so if the game decides it wants to be hell bent on giving her to me every time I lose the 50/50 I won't complain lol.


Knights of Favonius World Tour '21
Oct 25, 2017
I hate myself for saying this, but this event has shown me what Jinjinx meant Zhongli being a "comfort" pick. His rationale was still unfairly skewed, but I understand, and agree with his sentiment now.


Knights of Favonius World Tour '21
Oct 25, 2017
He just makes the game easier and does everything I need. Is that what he means by comfort pick?
Sort of. The "endgame" is a dps check, and (C0) Zhongli adds minimal dps (10-20% resistance shread). Which means, outside of Geo comps, you only really want to take him when you're already hitting that dps check with your other three characters. If that is the case then having Zhongli as your 4th makes the run more comfortable as you rarely need to dodge or heal. But ultimately there are other units that offer a similar amount of utility while offering way more damage potential. Between Bennett's healing, and Xingqiu/Beidou's damage reduction and resistance to interruption, there's not really a reason to use Zhongli unless you want, and are in a place where you can have that extra comfort. This is what I believe he meant.

The reason I came to this conclusion was because I took Zhongli against today's trial quest and I realised that for me, he just didn't add anything. I then changed to my default Bennett Xingqiu Keqing team and cleared it fine.

Obviously this is an unpopular opinion, and I'm not trying to say he's bad by any means. I still use him alongside Ning. He's just not someone who's first on the team selection list anymore (for me).


Oct 25, 2017
I suppose at some point this week, since I'm fairly committed to pulling and using both Kujou Sara and the Shogun, that I should probably figure out some sort of team to actually use them with. Electro reactions being as they are and my team options being as they are, nothing's been jumping out to me as obvious groupings for either of them.
Might mix them into a Yanfei team? Most of my main DPS options that I could rotate along with Raiden are in weird spots that don't particularly benefit from each other, namely Ganyu, Diluc, and Keqing.

As always, the lack of ever getting Mona and leaving Xingqiu as my only worthwhile Hydro option continues to make this whole thing frustrating. I can't explicitly plan around getting Mona or Kokomi, though. Still no setup ever feels fully "right" in the meantime.


Apr 30, 2021
I suppose at some point this week, since I'm fairly committed to pulling and using both Kujou Sara and the Shogun, that I should probably figure out some sort of team to actually use them with. Electro reactions being as they are and my team options being as they are, nothing's been jumping out to me as obvious groupings for either of them.
Might mix them into a Yanfei team? Most of my main DPS options that I could rotate along with Raiden are in weird spots that don't particularly benefit from each other, namely Ganyu, Diluc, and Keqing.

As always, the lack of ever getting Mona and leaving Xingqiu as my only worthwhile Hydro option continues to make this whole thing frustrating. I can't explicitly plan around getting Mona or Kokomi, though. Still no setup ever feels fully "right" in the meantime.
Sara actually doesn't work too well with the shogun. Her buff lasts 6 secs. Baal's ult is 7 sec even if you discount the time for the zoom in animation.
She works well with snapshotters like Beidou.
In most cases you will be better of with Bennett.

I don't have any fancy 5*s. I'm mostly going to run Baal in a Taser sucrose team. Sara will probably sit on the bench.


Oct 26, 2017
He just makes the game easier and does everything I need. Is that what he means by comfort pick?
JinJinx's rationale is that you can do more DPS without Zhongli in your team by including a better (by better here he means a character that supplements your DPS more) support or sub-DPS. The flaw in this argument is that it doesn't take into consideration things like DPS uptime, resistance shred, crowd control... all of which Zhongli does really well and to a degree that there isn't really a comparable substitute. His secondary complaint is that the shield Zhongli provides isn't beefy enough, but anyone who has played a maxed Zhongli (Jinx has not) knows that this is simply untrue.

There is a reason he is in nearly every 9* clear team of Floor 12.

The biggest problem with Jinx's hypothesis however is that it assumes a few things. 1) That you will dodge every hit and 2) That you will not get hit by elemental reactions or be otherwise affected by floor debuffs. Dodging, over the course of a fight, greatly affects your DPS. If your DPS is high enough that you can beat a floor within 20 seconds or so, then this point is moot, because you won't have to dodge that much. BUT, if you aren't clearing floors this quickly, you will likely be dodging quite a bit, and any time you are dodging or otherwise not actively hitting the enemy, you are losing DPS. Zhongli alleviates this problem. With his shield, you do not need to dodge, improving your overall DPS uptime, as well as allowing you to play more risky where you otherwise might not.

From a purely mathematical perspective, Jinx is correct (certain teammates can theoretically replace Zhongli to provide more damage). From a practical perspective, he is very much incorrect.

Sara actually doesn't work too well with the shogun. Her buff lasts 6 secs. Baal's ult is 7 sec even if you discount the time for the zoom in animation.
She works well with snapshotters like Beidou.
In most cases you will be better of with Bennett.

I don't have any fancy 5*s. I'm mostly going to run Baal in a Taser sucrose team. Sara will probably sit on the bench.
Yeah, while Sara might be fun or cool to play, it's unlikely she'll contribute all that much to a team. Fischl will assuredly be a better pick than her in basically all circumstances unless she receives a substantial buff on release.


Teyvat Traveler
Oct 27, 2017
I suppose at some point this week, since I'm fairly committed to pulling and using both Kujou Sara and the Shogun, that I should probably figure out some sort of team to actually use them with. Electro reactions being as they are and my team options being as they are, nothing's been jumping out to me as obvious groupings for either of them.
Might mix them into a Yanfei team? Most of my main DPS options that I could rotate along with Raiden are in weird spots that don't particularly benefit from each other, namely Ganyu, Diluc, and Keqing.

As always, the lack of ever getting Mona and leaving Xingqiu as my only worthwhile Hydro option continues to make this whole thing frustrating. I can't explicitly plan around getting Mona or Kokomi, though. Still no setup ever feels fully "right" in the meantime.
Yeah, Mona is turning out to be essential for me these days. Without her, my Ayaka and Diluc would have to fight each other to death for Xingqiu. The hydro situation is dire for a game so focused on elemental reactions.


Dec 16, 2019
Also, I'd say people underestimate the power of his burst, my Zhongli's meteor when it crits in Bennett's burst makes something around 100k damage and that's with a deathmatch (namely a 4* weapon with a really low base attack): admittedly I crowned that talent tho. And even then, even if it wasn't that strong, petrifying the enemy for 4s is still very useful, especially with those burst that requires a bit of positioning to give their best, like Diluc's or Ayaka's.
I still believe Zhongli and Bennett are the best character all around but that may change in the future: I used to say Venti was the best, but at this point he has been dethroned by Kazuha in every situation where enemies can't be moved and regrouped by his burst, like the Kairagis or every enemy in the latest abyss
Oct 27, 2017
Zhongli is too good.

Number one benefit is of course, enabling others. Turning Albedo from Geo-Fischl into something much more useful. Also delivering needed shield, shreds and reactionless deployable damage to enable Physical.

In fact, without Zhongli, Geo can suck dick. Wasted element with reactions going against the flow of the game.

Albedo takes care of the Mililith buff, so I am running two Archaic, two Mililith on Zhongli.


Oct 25, 2017
The event is pretty lame, but i take it as its fast to clear with 420 Primos.
Did every challenge on extreme and challenge with Ayaka/Ganyu/Zhongli/Sayu. Mostly just rolling around with Sayu in Ganyu's Burst.
Didnt care to read the texts for the gimmicks. Today's challenge was just a joke with 5 Ruinguards.


Knights of Favonius World Tour '21
Oct 25, 2017
JinJinx's rationale is that you can do more DPS without Zhongli in your team by including a better (by better here he means a character that supplements your DPS more) support or sub-DPS. The flaw in this argument is that it doesn't take into consideration things like DPS uptime, resistance shred, crowd control... all of which Zhongli does really well and to a degree that there isn't really a comparable substitute. His secondary complaint is that the shield Zhongli provides isn't beefy enough, but anyone who has played a maxed Zhongli (Jinx has not) knows that this is simply untrue.

There is a reason he is in nearly every 9* clear team of Floor 12.

The biggest problem with Jinx's hypothesis however is that it assumes a few things. 1) That you will dodge every hit and 2) That you will not get hit by elemental reactions or be otherwise affected by floor debuffs. Dodging, over the course of a fight, greatly affects your DPS. If your DPS is high enough that you can beat a floor within 20 seconds or so, then this point is moot, because you won't have to dodge that much. BUT, if you aren't clearing floors this quickly, you will likely be dodging quite a bit, and any time you are dodging or otherwise not actively hitting the enemy, you are losing DPS. Zhongli alleviates this problem. With his shield, you do not need to dodge, improving your overall DPS uptime, as well as allowing you to play more risky where you otherwise might not.

From a purely mathematical perspective, Jinx is correct (certain teammates can theoretically replace Zhongli to provide more damage). From a practical perspective, he is very much incorrect.
Yup exactly. Completely agree with all of this. Especially the dodging dps up time component as that was my biggest complaint with that video. Well that and the C2 component. This is why I constantly emphasise that his rationale was bad/unfairly skewed, even though I believe that for me the conclusion is correct.

However, I should emphasise that (and this should be obvious but I'll say it anyways) I am not saying I think his conclusion is correct in all situations for all players. It is very much dependent on the teams you are building imo. For me, between Xingqiu and Beidou's ults, the only thing that has stopped me from attacking with Keqing has been a big hit from a heavy (so one that paints a circle on the ground usually). So for me there are few times where I'm actually losing dps uptime, and I don't lose enough health that it's a concern for me. But choosing Zhongli over any one of those guys means I'm losing damage, which with Keqing I can't afford to do until/if Electro gets buffed. Meanwhile if I was using Vape Hu Tao then I have more room for that. So I understand his sentiment, and believe it is correct, for me. Imo it's hard to say something is completely objectively right in a composition based rpg.


Teyvat Traveler
Oct 31, 2017
Yeah my strongest Keqing team is Keqing/Beidou/Kazuha/Bennett
If I replace Beidou with Zhongli, it's a DPS loss.
If I replace Kazuha with Zhongli, it's a DPS loss.
If I replace Bennett with Zhongli, it's a DPS loss (since Bennett buffs Beidou and Keqing, also the shred from geo shield is redundant with VV unit on the team already)
If I replace Keqing with Zhongli, it's no longer a Keqing team.

But that's because Keqing is no hypercarry and needs help from the teammates.

My Hu Tao, Eula, Xiao team can run Zhongli and still run him to this day since they're hypercarry and deal enough personal damage. So that's that.


Oct 25, 2017
Sara actually doesn't work too well with the shogun. Her buff lasts 6 secs. Baal's ult is 7 sec even if you discount the time for the zoom in animation.
She works well with snapshotters like Beidou.
In most cases you will be better of with Bennett.

I don't have any fancy 5*s. I'm mostly going to run Baal in a Taser sucrose team. Sara will probably sit on the bench.
Yeah it's...admittedly kind of weird, while semi-theorycrafting I have been getting a sense from Sara's kit that reminds me of Xinyan, in that I'm not entirely sure how miHoYo is intending for her to be used in a team. The main utility and unique aspect of her kit seems to be the attack buff brought by the tengu feather detonating, but the short buff duration combined with the requirements for the main feather to work in the first place makes it sound very not-worth-it unless you're setting up to buff a single-shot hard-hitting burst attack. To use the buff you have to swap to Sara, use her backdash skill to put her in the cover state, then fire a charged bow shot (granted she seems to have an ascension talent that speeds up charge time after using her skill, but still), then swap to whoever you want to receive the buff and stay close enough to be within the effect. All for a six second buff. That's a lot of time invested for a short payoff.
She's in a weird spot, but I love her design too much to not try and find a spot for her regardless. Raiden will still have build priority early on but ideally I'll find a spot for both of them, even if they're on different teams.


Knights of Favonius World Tour '21
Aug 8, 2018
I thought I opened a lot of chests until I saw some of the stats here.

I've used the Liyue and Mondstadt treasure finders religiously for a long time and neither have pinged any chests for me in ages.

problem with the treasure gadgets is they don't ping for hidden chests like buried ones or light-the-fire puzzle ones.


Nov 18, 2017
Yeah it's...admittedly kind of weird, while semi-theorycrafting I have been getting a sense from Sara's kit that reminds me of Xinyan, in that I'm not entirely sure how miHoYo is intending for her to be used in a team. The main utility and unique aspect of her kit seems to be the attack buff brought by the tengu feather detonating, but the short buff duration combined with the requirements for the main feather to work in the first place makes it sound very not-worth-it unless you're setting up to buff a single-shot hard-hitting burst attack. To use the buff you have to swap to Sara, use her backdash skill to put her in the cover state, then fire a charged bow shot (granted she seems to have an ascension talent that speeds up charge time after using her skill, but still), then swap to whoever you want to receive the buff and stay close enough to be within the effect. All for a six second buff. That's a lot of time invested for a short payoff.
She's in a weird spot, but I love her design too much to not try and find a spot for her regardless. Raiden will still have build priority early on but ideally I'll find a spot for both of them, even if they're on different teams.

Totally agree. I'm not sure where she's going to fit into a lot of teams. She looks rad, but six seconds is painfully short. Raiden's burst is short, but she's going to smash things up like crazy while refilling everyone's burst in that window.

There was a lot of talk of making Raiden's sword last longer, but I think Sara's boost was in much greater need of an extension and it doesn't seem like she's got it.


Oct 29, 2017
Question, I have a PS4 and was thinking of dusting it off for Alloy. I remember something about Mihoyo introducing cross-save between PS4 and PC, so would it be possible to link my PC account to PS4 to claim Alloy and her Weapon in 2.1 or do I remember wrong?


Teyvat Traveler
Oct 25, 2017
Question, I have a PS4 and was thinking of dusting it off for Alloy. I remember something about Mihoyo introducing crossplay between PS4 and PC, so would it be possible to link my PC account to PS4 to claim Alloy and her Weapon in 2.1 or do I remember wrong?
As long as you never logged in on PS4 prior to 2.0.


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
Yeah it's...admittedly kind of weird, while semi-theorycrafting I have been getting a sense from Sara's kit that reminds me of Xinyan, in that I'm not entirely sure how miHoYo is intending for her to be used in a team. The main utility and unique aspect of her kit seems to be the attack buff brought by the tengu feather detonating, but the short buff duration combined with the requirements for the main feather to work in the first place makes it sound very not-worth-it unless you're setting up to buff a single-shot hard-hitting burst attack. To use the buff you have to swap to Sara, use her backdash skill to put her in the cover state, then fire a charged bow shot (granted she seems to have an ascension talent that speeds up charge time after using her skill, but still), then swap to whoever you want to receive the buff and stay close enough to be within the effect. All for a six second buff. That's a lot of time invested for a short payoff.
She's in a weird spot, but I love her design too much to not try and find a spot for her regardless. Raiden will still have build priority early on but ideally I'll find a spot for both of them, even if they're on different teams.

Sara is not good.

The nature of her buff being so short and parts of her kit tied up in other characters being electro is just too limiting, like they think an all electro team is viable or something. She's another bad 4*. She won't be as bad as Xinyan, unless she too comes out broken and buggy (Xinyan still isn't fixed btw), but she's just not good. Even the original mistranslated 10s was dubiously short but she's literally worth less and harder to use than a Dragon Tails Barabara.

They just aren't making good 4*s any more, and I think expecting any of them at this point to match up to launch 4*s or Diona is just expecting too much.

Sayu had some hype around her rolling but when you actually look and analyze her kit, beyond the novelty of the gimmick... she's not actually particularly good. A field hogging support/sub-DPS/healer just isn't going to scale well, its the same problem Kokomi's bewildering kit is soon to run into as a massive problem. Rosaria is basically a worse option vs. Chongyun or Kaeya, and not to even mention Diona completely running circles around everyone. Yanfei is like alright but she's not all that good and her resource management is a struggle. And Xinyan is just terrible.

The four post Diona 4*s so far have just not been worth much beyond novelty. Sara is another to that pile unless she receives some serious buffs, and I don't see this trend ending. So few people care for or chase these 4*s, and to MHY making them good is basically just losing money on shiny hyper expensive 5*s they could instead sell for much more.


Teyvat Traveler
Oct 27, 2017
I haven't turned on the darned thing in over 2 years, so that would be a no. Never played Genshin on PS4.

Alloy and her weapon would transfer over to PC too, right?

Aloy will, the weapon is a different story. It will be usable on PC, but the effect will be disabled effectively making it useless.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Sara is there to blossom into a great character if they ever truly buff electro one day (though that'll also mean that Fischl and Beidou could get out of control as well)


Teyvat Traveler
Nov 9, 2017
What do you mean by the effect will be disabled? As in it's main stats?
It will ONLY have its main stats on PC.

The secondary effect of the weapon (which is like... dealing cryo damage increases normal and charged attack damage) wouldn't work on PC. At that point, you're basically using a 3* weapon that is JUST its base attack and secondary stat (ATK % or whatever).

It essentially makes the weapon pretty useless.


Teyvat Traveler
Oct 27, 2017
Already bracing myself for all the caveats Yae's kit will have. I wasn't expecting them to sell these new electro units without making adjustments to the element.
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