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Teyvat Traveler
Oct 27, 2017
Haha I actually had a few attempts at the Blizzard Strayer domain, up in Dragonspine, before I needed my resin elsewhere. Is it worth just holding out for AR45 before I bother in that sense? Both teams sound great honestly, and have me using both characters I've come to know and love and some that I haven't touched yet, or haven't played much since the earlier hours of my journey.

Yes, it's best to wait until AR45 when you can start guaranteeing 5* artifact drops. It also looks like you've been spreading your resources a little too thinly. It's best to focus on just a few characters until they are at max acension, have good talent levels, level 90 weapons, and good artifacts. After that you can start bringing more characters up to speed.


The Favonius Fox
Nov 8, 2017
Yes, it's best to wait until AR45 when you can start guaranteeing 5* artifact drops. It also looks like you've been spreading your resources a little too thinly. It's best to focus on just a few characters until they are at max acension, have good talent levels, level 90 weapons, and good artifacts. After that you can start bringing more characters up to speed.
I got you, I'll wait until AR45 to get into artifacts then 👍 I definitely have been as well. That was a lot of the basis for that post, as I wanted to get my head around what characters and weapons will set me up well moving forwards, so I'm putting resources where they're most useful.


Oct 26, 2017
Random but Yoimiya is useful for getting fowl as well, since you charge the held-down shot and shoot one bird and then the other shots hone in on the birds flying away and take them out. Like seeker missiles lol.
yeb, also the easiest* way to get that achievment for killing a flying bird.


Teyvat Traveler
Oct 25, 2017
For Leyline overflow, I've forgotten if we're supposed to use condensed resin on it or not?

Good art.



goddamn I love this


Oct 27, 2017
For months I've been using this google doc that I stumbled upon (on reddit i think) to help me build my characters, its been a godsend, and it seems to be updated pretty quickly when new characters come out. It might help out some of the newer folks.

Its nice that it shows different build types you can go for, and gives a vaguely ranked list of options so you can make the best use of what you have available. And if you want to go for unusual comps you can see other viable artifact sets which might work for you.


Oct 27, 2017
Whoa, good day for weekly bosses for me. Got 3 dream solvents and 1 more spear to make another Crescent pike.


Teyvat Traveler
Jan 24, 2018
Over the weekend I finally did it! I cleared Spiral Abyss for the first time! I'm actually making progress!


"This guy are sick"
Dec 16, 2017
Two QOL I'd love to see added to Genshin:

1. Turn off Burst animations.
2. Nearly every Burst have a "hold function" where we can position where it goes.

I'm tired of not being able to see where the enemies are during the animation, and I'm tired of certain Bursts uselessly being sent in a direction they shouldn't be going. Whenever the animation breaks and I CAN see where the Burst is hitting/see where the enemies are, it brings a smile to my face.
I second being able to disable the camera changes for bursts. They're not always in my way, but their crappy camera system not returning to where it was pre-burst is not helpful and this would at least help mitigate it.


Teyvat Traveler
Oct 27, 2017


Oct 28, 2017
Why do some people keep the primogems as primogems instead of converting them to fates? Is it just to minimize the temptation to roll?

Because it's too easy on mobile to accidentally tap the roll 10 fates button in the bottom right so I keep them as primos. I really wish they'd add some sort of "are you sure you'd like to use 10 fates" pop-up.

It actually happened to me on the Yoimiya banner when I wanted to check my roll history and see how close I was to a 4 star pity so I could maybe try for Sayu. Then my finger accidentally brushed the bottom right. I've never been more scared that my guaranteed pity was going to be broken, it wasn't phew, no Sayu though lol.


Character Artist
Oct 25, 2017
Speaking of Thoma and polearms, it was actually pretty badass of him to throw one right at Raiden's head.


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017

This video is entertaining. Hu Tao is obviously a monster. Diluc actually does very good with those times considering he's slower, doesn't have a Crit DMG 5* weapon like the other two, and is an older unit with a long burst animation. Yoimiya also does fine. I guess she really only needs a few kit adjustments. And in Abyss with a full team they pretty much do the same.

First time I watch one of the IWinToLose videos and I like it. He's fun, and it's interesting to see this kind of experiment, even if it's in a realm that isn't relevant to the majority of players (C6 5* with refined 5* weapons). Him calling those Diluc artifacts "hot garbage" made my head spin though, lmao. I'd kill for those.

Her issues aren't obvious on large bosses as they obscure the bugs/broken elements of her kit.

Even the robots aren't really a good example of this though he does hit up on it when the smaller robots pop up.


Teyvat Traveler
Jan 24, 2018
Congrats! It feels great to be able to beat it. Which teams did you use?

It's said he'll be a polearm user, but it's not confirmed.
I can't completely remember who I used on the earlier floors, I think it was (Bennett, Ganyu, Xiangling, and Noelle) and (Eula, Fiscl, (I think Rosaria), and Diona) for the first two floors

The teams for Floor 11 was (Hu Tao, Xingqiu, Yanfei, and Diona) and (Bennett, Ganyu, Barbara, and Noelle)

Floor 12 was (Bennett, Ganyu, Xiangling, and Noelle) and (Hu Tao, Xingqiu, Kaeya, and Diona)

I kinda just been smashing head against a brick wall until it finally crumbled :p


Oct 28, 2017
Kazuha has been a godsend for the hardest difficulty in the current event. It still takes me a few tries to clear it, but if it weren't for this cc skill and his burst I don't think I'd have a chance in hell to do it in the short time the game gives you
But also, can we please get some combat challenges that don't have timers attached Mihoyo?
Awesome Diluc, Thoma and Zhongli cosplay:

Must. Resist. Urge. To. Make. A. Thirsty. Comment. About. Thoma's. Arms
(great cosplays though)


Teyvat Traveler
Jan 23, 2019
Wow this is all super helpful, thank you for taking the time to go into it for me. I really appreciate it. If we were looking past immediate benefit would you still suggest the Solar Pearl? Abstract question I appreciate, but just want to be sure that I'm pulling the one that's best longer term. Mainly because I notice Ningguang wasn't a steadfast recommendation in the team comp, but then again if I've already got solid weapons for the others I suppose it's worth having that great catalyst in general.

I don't think there is a "must" priority order on the pass weapons at all, only what you need
Ningguang isn't of any use to your teams so I would strongly recommend against the Pearl especially as you have Widsith, catalyst users also have the 3 star fantastic weapon "Thrilling Tales of Dragon Slayers" so catalyst users are not struggling for good weapons
To me claymores and spears probably have the most restrictive regular weapon pools
You only have Xiangling for spear though and you have good options so Deathmatch isn't worth it (also next patch has a free ER spear)
Serpent Spine is great for any DPS claymore user like Beidou freeing up the energy recharge weapons for Chongyun and Sayu, (there is a free claymore next patch that has an elemental burst DMG bonus though)
Black Sword is a great weapon, but you have Mistsplitter, so you probably don't need it right now (but it is great on many characters in the long run)
Viridescent Hunt is a good pick for Fischl/support archers, but again you have Thundering Pulse so you probably have decent bows freed up
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Teyvat Traveler
Feb 25, 2021
Calling it, Yae is one of the previous electro archons. That's why she is an "old friend" of Zhongli.

Ooh this is such an interesting idea! I like it! Makes me wonder if Raiden has maybe been convinced to steal Yae's gnosis for the Fatui? That would both (a) dovetail neatly with the Vision Hunt Decree. After doing one horrible thing, instead of admitting fault or dealing with her guilt, Raiden just... doubled down. Hard.

I know a lot of people dislike the story/writing but I find it so fun to speculate that I feel like they must be doing *something* right.

Mains: Akaya, Bennett, Diona, Xiangling, Chongyun
Follow ups: Yoimiya, Fischl, Ningguang
  • Looking at the weapons I have and the characters I'm using, what Battle Pass weapon should I pick?
  • What weapons would you suggest in general for the above out of those I have (or can easily get)?
  • For Xiangling in particular – Prototype Starglitter base or Dragon's Bane R3?
  • Do you think, looking at the character chart below, the above focus is decent for going into WR5+ and 70+?

I agree with the previous poster about Solar Pearl for Ningguang. Right now, most of your mains are best with non-BP weapons. Ayaka prefers the Inazuma craftable, Bennett wants an ER sword with high base attack (his healing scales off attack, but only his base attack + weapon, no artifacts or multipliers... IIRC but I think i do...), Diona wants ER & preferably the Sacrificial Bow, dunno about Xiangling really, Chongyun wants the sacrificial greatsword.

I ended up nabbing a Viridescent hunt eventually, to complete my collection & because I figure a crit bow has to be valuable, but it's still level one so.

I convert because it makes it much easier to know how many wishes I can actually make.

It's also a reality check. Sometimes seeing the big primogem numbers makes it seem you have more than you actually do.

Ditto for me exactly.

Just don't be that guy who accidentally converted all his primos to blue fates

This only happens when you save up the primos as primos, though. I convert primos to fates every time I get 320 in the bank. I get two fates, save one & spend one. Therefore, the absolute most i could waste is... 320 primos.

The accidental ten pull is a bigger risk. I, too, did that once & it sure did make me feel like a big dummy. Have been rather paranoid since.


Oct 25, 2017
Finished Tatara Tales and I think it was pretty good! and the outcome for Xavier was actually kind of funny.

The quests in Inazuma are way WAY better than the ones in the previous areas so far and I actually like the real time gated quests that make me go back to some places each day like Tatara Tales or the crazy samurai near the Orobashi head in Yashiori Island.

Speaking of Yashiori... that area is just amazing because the lore of it so soooooo good and moody and the quests there just flesh that place so much more from Kaji quest to clean the place so his friends and family come back to Chouji being thrown into the world of the adults and the lil tidbit about his mother and family friend's.

Also I am cackling at the revelation that the Tatarigami outbreak in both MIkage Furnance AND Yashiori were lowkey cause by the rebels or at least a more deranged faction and also the implication that Kokomi is unaware of this

Kazuha has been a godsend for the hardest difficulty in the current event. It still takes me a few tries to clear it, but if it weren't for this cc skill and his burst I don't think I'd have a chance in hell to do it in the short time the game gives you
But also, can we please get some combat challenges that don't have timers attached Mihoyo?
Same, Venti and Sucrose are cool but Kazuha short cooldwons, CC AND EM boost to my Ayaka and Beidou just make this event a breeze.

Not trying 4th difficulty anymore tho, its making me SWEAT how precise you need to be to complete it.


Teyvat Traveler
Feb 25, 2021
Ningguang isn't of any use to your teams so I would strongly recommend against the Pearl especially as you have Widsith, catalyst users also have the 3 star fantastic weapon "Thrilling Tales of Dragon Slayers" so catalyst users are not struggling for good weapons

Sorry for the double post here but this is not wrong, really. The first BP weapon I got was the Solar Pearl, for Ningguang, who I abandoned soon after. It's been sitting on her ever since, unused.

If you don't plan to use Ning over the long haul, then another weapon might be better. Death Match, Black Sword, or Spine?


Teyvat Traveler
Jan 23, 2019
Sorry for the double post here but this is not wrong, really. The first BP weapon I got was the Solar Pearl, for Ningguang, who I abandoned soon after. It's been sitting on her ever since, unused.

If you don't plan to use Ning over the long haul, then another weapon might be better. Death Match, Black Sword, or Spine?

Yeah, I could see the use on a full geo Ning, Noelle, Zhongli, Albedo team
But otherwise I don't really see the point
Oct 27, 2017
Also I am cackling at the revelation that the Tatarigami outbreak in both MIkage Furnance AND Yashiori were lowkey cause by the rebels or at least a more deranged faction and also the implication that Kokomi is unaware of this

I will assist Raiden in executing the rebels, after I discover that Kokomi and her faction is indeed, the true villains of Inazuma. Justice will be served!


Teyvat Traveler
Nov 9, 2017
when anything gets hard in this game I just call on my Xiao, Jean, Albedo and Zhongli wreck team
Ugh that's like my dream team.

...sadly I don't have Xiao, or Jean, or Albedo. I do have Zhongli though!
Those Albedo and Xiao rerun banners can't come soon enough, and surely I'll "lose" the 50/50 at some point and get Jean, right? Right? D:


Oct 27, 2017
you guys actually use ley lines for books? lmao come on people, I thought we learned this lesson many OT's ago. Fix your aura and go after the Mora

Ugh that's like my dream team.

...sadly I don't have Xiao, or Jean, or Albedo. I do have Zhongli though!
Those Albedo and Xiao rerun banners can't come soon enough, and surely I'll "lose" the 50/50 at some point and get Jean, right? Right? D:

that team is my cheat button. sometimes I play with other parties to mix things around, but anytime this game throws some bullshit event/hard content my way I light up the bat sign for them to come wreck it. Super fun too. Hopefully they'll run those banners again soon.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Narukami 100%... Kannazuka 100%... Yashiori 100%... y'all got any more of them Inazuma islands.

Can't believe Raiden's finally about a week away! I haven't gotten a new 5 star since Eula.... feels like 2 years ago at this point.


Teyvat Traveler
Nov 9, 2017
There's absolutely nothing wrong with oxygen if you need to breathe. Come on. That was a tongue in cheek post.

but do not go for books. I repeat, do not go for books. Mora >
My 11 million Mora won't level up Raiden or Sara next week! :p

What good is all that Mora if I don't have books to level new characters!

Deleted member 1594

Account closed at user request
Oct 25, 2017
Im at 100/98/100 for the islands. Im not sure what it considers 100%. No idea what I could be missing in the 2nd island. But all I know is that I'm pretty much all out of stuff to do.

My tree is level 20 and I have 73 spare electro sigils waiting for the next update (I know people with more than that even).
Dec 27, 2019
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