
  • Good idea

    Votes: 112 37.2%
  • No

    Votes: 100 33.2%
  • Tango Gameworks shouldn't be the developer

    Votes: 72 23.9%
  • Gears should stick to overt action

    Votes: 17 5.6%

  • Total voters


Oct 13, 2021
Given Gears is getting spin offs like Gears Tactics, what's your opinion on a horror game developed by Tango Gameworks? Microsoft own them I think.


Prophet of Truth - One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
I mean yeah I wouldn't hate it but I don't think we need it.


Oct 25, 2017
I could dig it, it would be a fun way to revisit the way RE4 influenced the original Gears.

Would be especially cool if you played as an ordinary person trying to escape and survive and not a huge meat man with cool guns. Relatively weak weapons, scarce ammo, lots of situations where it would be better to cause a distraction and run through an area without directly fighting the Locust, stuff like that.


Oct 25, 2017
Let Tango do their own games, unless they directly ask to work on Gears, but I'd take a single player only survival horror game from The Coalition set on E-Day.


Oct 30, 2017
Why use the Gears IP and not let Tango do their own thing then?
The Gears universe is also not that appealing to me, so pass.


Dec 12, 2018
I don't find the Gears world compelling enough to want something like this. I'd rather Tango create that style of game in a more interesting and original world imo.


Sep 16, 2021
I would rather Tango did their own thing, but I'd love to see the concept by another developer. The potential for the genre in that setting has been there since that one Act in the first game.


Nov 1, 2017
United States
I'd play it for sure. Gears 1 had that survival horror vibe to it but of course wasn't really a horror game. I'd def be willing to give a Gears spinoff that was survival horror a shot.

I don't even think it needs to be Tango tbh. That would be a neat partnership but I'd be down just for the concept alone.


Oct 27, 2017
São Paulo, Brazil
Always thought about something like this but... not Gears....

A third person horror shooter on the Emergency Day in the Resistance universe. The chimera was freaking awesome for a horror experience


Jul 7, 2018
I want Tango to develop their own original ideas, but I'd love to see a straight up horror game outta Gears. That or something like Gears meets The Divison.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Anything better than the same gameplay that has barely evolved since the first. But I'd prefer the main developers to figure it out and make a new fun game.


Ban made permanent due to harassment of staff
May 27, 2020
That's certainly intriguing. I would play it.

I hope we eventually get a multiplatform The Evil Within 3. That series has a little too much promise to end after two installments IMO.


Apr 5, 2018
Don't think it works, you can't do a proper survival horror when then the threat is global and so large in scale. the way the gears game presents the locusts and how they engage in warfare just doesn't lend itself to survival horror without them completely changing how things are in the universe. Also, Tango without Shinji Mikami directing can't make a good survival horror game.

Evil Within 2 is a bad openish world game with some horror elements, it's not a survival horror game like the first game.

And I don't know what you would call Ghostwire Tokyo, from what I've seen of that game it's not even supposed to be a survival horror, but whatever it is I don't think it looks particularly great. In fact an alternative to what I said earlier could be Tango can't make a good game with Mikami directing it, at least going by the two games they've made.


Feb 4, 2020
I want a comprehensive reboot of Gears first - everything but the basic gameplay. Though I don't think we'll get that until after Gears 6.


The Pyramids? That's nothing compared to RDR2
Oct 27, 2017
No. Tango games have a unique feel and aesthetic. Don't saddle them with an IP they didn't create.


Feb 26, 2021
Maybe not by Tango Gameworks, but a civilian centered take on E-Day would be awesome. Gears is already scary enough when you're playing as a COG, I can't imagine what it'd be like for someone trying to steer their family out of that hellish scenario.
Oct 27, 2017
I wouldn't mind if there was a game set on e-day that featured multiple characters and perspectives intertwining and some of them could be more of the unarmed civilian type of perspectives, but I don't think an entire game that way would really work.

I also don't think that the gears games are entirely action necessarily, the first three had an extremely brooding an oppressive horror type atmosphere, and it really felt like a genuine fight for survival with characters who are brutally killing and being killed at a moments notice. That's pretty horror in my mind.


Oct 27, 2017
Could definitely be interesting. Start off in normal civilian areas and eventually the player gets captured and brought to one of those horrific locust torture facilities. From there you'll then make your way back to the surface. Could also include some elements that you don't necessarily want to get rescued by the COG as they'd instantly draft you to the frontlines.

I also don't think that the gears games are entirely action necessarily, the first three had an extremely brooding an oppressive horror type atmosphere, and it really felt like a genuine fight for survival with characters who are brutally killing and being killed at a moments notice. That's pretty horror in my mind.

The first game in particular also had the whole mechanic with those locust batswarms that instantly kill you if you step into a dark area. That light and shadow gameplay felt pretty horror-esque


Oct 28, 2017
Tangentially related: When Vanquish was originally revealed, I entertained the thought that it was a fake-out and that it wouldn't actually be a fast-paced action shooter. The main character's fancy armor and guns would break down early on in the game and it would turn into a survival horror game in space.


The Shrouded Ghost
Oct 27, 2017
It sounds kinda rad and I'd probably be down for it but, gotta be honest, the optics of putting your new Japanese studio straight on Gears of War would be horrible. They'd be destroyed for doing it, even if Tango were well up for it.


Nov 1, 2017
United States
Here's my pitch.

Act 1:
Reyna Diaz as a child escaping the Mount Kadar facility with her father. Sneaking between glowing green tubes of monsters with her father to make it out. She uses her telekinetic link to the locust at the end of the act to make it out and save her father's life.


Act 2:
Reyna as a young woman in hiding from the COG with her father. The events of E-day happen and Ukkon kills her father. Reyna is captured and Ukkon take the amulet that is in Gears 4 and 5. Ukkon knows who Reyna is but has no instructions about what to do with her. He gives her father a mortal blow and takes the amulet at this point. Her father tells some background about the amulet as he dies. Reyna is captured and has to escape Ukkon's 'house of horrors' in this act.

Act 3:
Reyna starts constantly having flashes of her link to the locust that are emerging everywhere from holes in the ground. She is on the run in ruined streets and broken buildings. At one point a locust is hunting her through a dark street about to kill her when she somehow links and takes it over and has it kill some of the others hunting her, allowing her to escape. This section of the game is her as a young woman trying to come to terms with what is happening to her now that the emergence of the locust is making her head go crazy and making her see crazy things. The act ends with a strange but familiar voice in her head. A commanding voices that seems to be telling the locust where to go and what to do. She speaks "to the precious little girl whose amulet I've taken."

Act 4:
Queen Myrrah starts to communicate with Reyna even more directly since she is out in the world again and can feel her presence. Myrrah believed Reyna to be dead and that is what started all of this in the first place. But Reyna doesn't know this and Myrrah appears to be 'hunting' her. In fact, she is trying to locate and communicate with her daughter. To bring her into the fold. Reyna continues to fight and kill locust as an untrained civilian. Fumbling through dark alleys and broken rubble just to survive. The link can be used as a mechanic to control locust to escape at times. It seems like she should be dead multiple times over but the truth is the locust aren't actually trying to kill her but find her. The more she uses the link the more Myrrah can communicate. Myrrah tries to explain through the bond she shares, much like what we see in Gears 5 with Reyna and Kait. We get more understanding of the locust medallion through Myrrah telepathically talking with Reyna. Reyna never believing that Myrrah isn't trying to hurt her.


Act 5:
The last act is Ukkon hunting for her directly. Myrrah is fucking pissed that Ukkon killed her baby daddy and let her daughter escape so it is on him to get her back. Ukkon is a mad scientist so this act sees some crazy ass locust horror that we have never seen before chasing her down like X or Nemesis from Resident Evils. Inevitably she DOES get captured again and placed in a torture pod. This is where Gabe Diaz finds her in Gears Tactics which leads to the woman we all know and love Kait Diaz. The scene of Reyna's rescue happens in higher fidelity to close out the game.
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Garcia el Gringo

Prophet of Truth
Oct 25, 2017
Oh wooooow. I love Gears and Japanese horror/games and want Gears to be as horror as possible and would ideally like to see Tango's take on the IP in a perfectly regionally balanced XGS, but I'd be gutted if Microsoft's sole Japanese studio took on an Americana IP, regardless of the tone of Tango's rendition (unless that's what they're passionate about post-acquisition). Especially just two gens after a number of Japanese execs seemed to be chasing Gears in an attempt at global appeal, to no impact outside of RE5.

If anything, I'd want western devs to support Tango's art/vision direction for a project number well beyond their studio size, if we're talking contributions/support, if Microsoft can't swing more blockbuster Japanese studio acquisitions or publishing.