
Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 25, 2017
One of the stand out games for me, looks refreshing and can see the change in direction Rod spoke of after Gears 4. Superb.

And the visuals are some of the best ive seen, wow at the lighting. DF are going to buzzing i think over this.


Oct 25, 2017
Absolutely amazing. The highlight of the show for me. I love everything about this reveal.

Edit: Literally cannot get over the graphical quality. The IQ is insane!
Oct 25, 2017
It does look like they gave JD more of a personally this time, I'm guessing you're gonna jump between playing as JD and Kait. I'm also gonna guess the dead guy was Kait's Uncle.


Prophet of Truth
The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
Lol, I was super confused. I thought the dead guy was JD and the other fenix guy (who was apparently JD) was his brother.

They all look so different now.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 25, 2017
Wow, the change-up with Kait as the lead and JD with a shaved head was a surprisingly refreshing change that raises my excitement significantly.

Heavily looking forward to Gears 5.


Jun 9, 2018
I think this looks great.

Gears 4 was good but you could tell they wanted to try and play it safe.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 25, 2017
Got any quotes or links? Not doubting you, I'm just curious what he said.

"We came in a little bit tentative because we felt we needed to prove ourselves," adds Fergusson. "When I started here there were lots of great innovative ideas that I felt were just too outside the box, for a studio that hasn't proven itself. There's a lot of room now to push the campaign further, mess with the formula a little bit, because people will just see it as the natural growth of our game, versus messing with it in order to mess with it."

He elaborated on this a bit more in other places, which i will need to dig up.
Apr 21, 2018
This looks awesome. Really love the tone. I find myself way more excited for this than I've been since Gears 1. I hope we see more at e3. Microsoft is going to have a great 2019.


May 8, 2018
I didn't think I'd actually give a shit about these characters after Gears 4. Hated the saturday morning cartoon vibe with Gears 4. I guess enough time has passed where they're effectively different characters. Though Marcus is still looking good, so, I don't know.


Oct 27, 2017
First gears game I've been excited for in years. This looks incredible. If it's half as engaging as it looks, I'm a happy camper.
Oct 25, 2017
Idk. It seems like JD is a bit of an antagonist and you'll just be kait

That seemed more of fluff to drive some conflict between the characters, he will probably be antagonistic towards Kait throughout the game but, end up reconciling at the end. It's still a Gears their plots never really deviate from the unexpected in terms of how the characters grow and change in the games. Also I don't see Gears a dudebro shooter fully committing to an all female led game, its probably gonna jump between both being playable. I could be wrong, but we won't know fully until they reveal more.

Toa Axis

One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
I've never been much of a Gears guy. I've played all the games and while fun (Judgment doesn't count), I never really got a sense of investment in the world or characters. However, if the quality of the narrative remains as strong as the snippet we've seen today, then this might end up being my favorite Gears game.

I'm also glad they realized that Kait was the character who was actually somewhat interesting and had us play as her instead :P


Oct 27, 2017
Story seems like a stinker but man some of the places in that little montage they did.... looks like a great sci-fi romp.


Oct 27, 2017
The reveals gives me hope after the average campaign of the previous game. I like the new design of the characters, Del and Kait are way more serious than before.

Alright sure maybe we'll go to some UIR facilities but I'm 100% certain we're going to the New Hope Research Facility. I just rewatched the trailer and put on a video of Gears 2 and compared the hallways and there is absolutely no doubt it is the same place. I'm also sure New Hope Research Facility is the place Marcus tells Kait to go to and the place "where it all started".

So exciting, yay.


Can't wait to see where this leads.


Oct 27, 2017
I was out of Gears with the latest game (still need to play it actually), but this announcement has greatly increased my interest into one of my favorite series on the 360!

Zeta Ori

Oct 25, 2017
That seemed more of fluff to drive some conflict between the characters, he will probably be antagonistic towards Kait throughout the game but, end up reconciling at the end. It's still a Gears their plots never really deviate from the unexpected in terms of how the characters grow and change in the games. Also I don't see Gears a dudebro shooter fully committing to an all female led game, its probably gonna jump between both being playable. I could be wrong, but we won't know fully until they reveal more.

Idk, the description we have makes it seem like the game is purely about Kait's journey:

The world is crumbling. Humanity's reliance on technology has become their downfall and enemies are uniting to wipe out all survivors. As Kait you must journey across the biggest, most beautiful Gears world to uncover the origins of the Locust, and fight with your squad to protect what's left.

So outside Del for co-op, I'm thinking this is gonna be all her show.

As it should be.
Oct 27, 2017
Las Vegas
And not play Kratos-JD? That would be a crime. I don't know, I totally see the separate ways from Gears of War 3 making its return.

Agreed. I also think that way too much has happened in the time between Gears 4 and Gears 5 to just explain it away as a little synopsis. I kind of feel like we need to see things from JD's point of view as well.

Zeta Ori

Oct 25, 2017
And not play Kratos-JD? That would be a crime. I don't know, I totally see the separate ways from Gears of War 3 making its return.

Maybe a prologue chapter going into previous events like Gears 4 did at the beginning, but based on that trailer id say that we are going to be following Kait for at least 90% of the story.
Oct 25, 2017
Idk, the description we have makes it seem like the game is purely about Kait's journey:

So outside Del for co-op, I'm thinking this is gonna be all her show.

As it should be.

Hmmm, this raises a good point, however I just don't see this game without a playable Fenix, and JD in particular as he is a crucial character in the same right. I'm gonna have to fully see it to believe it.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Nov 20, 2017
So wait is JD the one in thr Fenix armour? Im so confused as to whos who everyone looks older and almost unrecognizable outside of kait.

Deleted member 19782

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
My friends gave up after having that Gears Funko collaboration as well as that Gears XCOM game. I knew I was right having a hunch of Gears 5 being the secret game this year (not thanks to Walmart of course).

So wait is JD the one in thr Fenix armour? Im sonconfused as to whos who everyone looks older and almosg unrecognizable outside of kait.

He is.
Jan 4, 2018
Its only him though.

Del, Kait and Marcus (who looks younger) are recognizable

Yeah, everyone seemed pretty recognizable to me. Even with JD I could tell it was him almost immediately.


Love the redesign, honestly. Everyone in Gears 5 looks great, although I'll miss bearded Marcus.


Jan 24, 2018
Seems like they heard how bland and uninspired the original gears 4 cast was. Playing through co-op with a friend now and jokes go over like lead balloons plus Del is annoying. JD was the most bland whitebread gears character ever. Kait really was the best character.