
Oct 26, 2017
This is one of those cases where I wish I could slip a programmer at Gearbox 60$ for a build. Just so the money went to the people who deserve to be rewarded for their hard work, not that arrogant asshole Pitchford. Ah well, maybe it'll show up on Game Pass one day.

Smash-It Stan

Oct 25, 2017
Randy made it past colonialMarines where Sega was gipped millions of dollars, totally unscathed. I cannot believe Sega just has no idea the absolute scam they went through.


Oct 27, 2017
Yet Era (and everyone else) are falling over eachother to pre-order Borderlands 3.

I'm not going to be shamed out of liking a game series bc of this guy considering the number of people who work on these games. So yes, I will enjoy my preordered copy of Borderlands 3.
Oct 25, 2017
Las Vegas
Unfortunately, he's right about the internet response. The fact that every Borderlands 3 thread doesn't have a post outlining his abusive and heinous actions the way that we do it for THQ Nordic and other companies is extremely telling.

Borderlands is a lot more popular and liked than really anything that THQ is putting out. That's why.

But people have the right to play what they want to play. No judgement for me. My judgement is only reserved towards the actions of Pitchford.


May 7, 2019
fucking hell, ive already cancelled gearbox since aliens colonial marines and will never buy their trash ever again just on principle, but what the actual is this randy scumbag not completely shunned/banned from the industry yet? hes complete cancer. i hope bl3 flops hard like everything else gbx has released in the last decade, but thats not fair to the actual regular low-level employees that work there. fuck randy, hes a liar and a pedophile.


Oct 25, 2017
Unfortunately, he's right about the internet response. The fact that every Borderlands 3 thread doesn't have a post outlining his abusive and heinous actions the way that we do it for THQ Nordic and other companies is extremely telling.
So you're upset that every Borderlands thread doesn't get derailed? I'm sure everybody on Era knows the shit Randy's been accused of by now. Doing that would add nothing of worth.


Oct 25, 2017
There's a really bad precedent here of guilty until proven innocent.

He's having an issue with discovery and then he's being made out to be a pedophile. I can't imagine everyone here even knows what discovery is.

Can we chill out with the instant reaction hot takes. This is not a big deal at all.


Oct 27, 2017
I'm not going to be shamed out of liking a game series bc of this guy considering the number of people who work on these games. So yes, I will enjoy my preordered copy of Borderlands 3.
You missed the point but maybe that's my fault. Randy Pitchford is a grade A asshole and deserves whatever punishment is handed down to him especially if any or all the allegations can be proven. I am legit shocked that 2k/Gearbox has not in some way, even if surface level, removed his name from the project and distanced him as much as possible.

But to say if you purchase Borderlands 3 and play it you are directly responsible for his actions and are lumped together with him as being just as shitty a person is laughable and why most shit doesn't get resolved through communication now a days. If people knew the amount of shitty people involved with things we use every day then we would all just sit in our rooms and stare at the wall. But people use opportunities like these to elevate their personal ego and call out others as being pedophiles because they are purchasing a videogame created by hundreds of people.

Most of everything I have seen from Borderlands 3 when it comes to interviews have been entirely different people who are passionate about a project they have been working on for many years. So I have to shit on them and boycott their hard work because if I purchase Borderlands 3 I am now a pedophile because the CEO is one? Nah that's dumb and I don't agree with it at all. Not looking to change anyone's mind though, I have no issue with people who refuse to purchase the game due to the allegations against the CEO, but that is a personal choice.

It's just the idiocy to lump consumers in with the actions of one person when hundreds are involved is simply dumb. It's almost as if people can't appreciate the hard work that many others put into the project but still have issue with the CEO, hmmm...

Well written post. And definitely agree, be righteous all you want but don't force it unto others, people are free to buy what they want with their money.
Oct 27, 2017
So it's confirmed Pitchford had in his possession and USB drive with underage porno on it? Okay. That should easily be a deal breaker.

Coyote Starrk

The Fallen
Oct 30, 2017
You missed the point but maybe that's my fault. Randy Pitchford is a grade A asshole and deserves whatever punishment is handed down to him especially if any or all the allegations can be proven. I am legit shocked that 2k/Gearbox has not in some way, even if surface level, removed his name from the project and distanced him as much as possible.

But to say if you purchase Borderlands 3 and play it you are directly responsible for his actions and are lumped together with him as being just as shitty a person is laughable and why most shit doesn't get resolved through communication now a days. If people knew the amount of shitty people involved with things we use every day then we would all just sit in our rooms and stare at the wall. But people use opportunities like these to elevate their personal ego and call out others as being pedophiles because they are purchasing a videogame created by hundreds of people.

Most of everything I have seen from Borderlands 3 when it comes to interviews have been entirely different people who are passionate about a project they have been working on for many years. So I have to shit on them and boycott their hard work because if I purchase Borderlands 3 I am now a pedophile because the CEO is one? Nah that's dumb and I don't agree with it at all. Not looking to change anyone's mind though, I have no issue with people who refuse to purchase the game due to the allegations against the CEO, but that is a personal choice.

It's just the idiocy to lump consumers in with the actions of one person when hundreds are involved is simply dumb. It's almost as if people can't appreciate the hard work that many others put into the project but still have issue with the CEO, hmmm...
Well said.

It's perfectly fine to want to boycott the game, but choosing not to do so is equally fine. People are free to spend their money however they want. For example I personally don't eat at Chick-fil-A because I don't like their politics. But I am not gonna go after anyone and everyone who does. And there are several other examples I could use as well.

There is no need to go after people for buying something they enjoy.
Oct 27, 2017
I may have read it wrong. At the least, he did nothing at parties where grown men were showing their genitals to minors it seems.

Of course this is what the suit alleges.

Now that I re-read it, the suit does allege that he had child porno on the USB drive along with industry info. Again, not confirmed but that's a hell of an accusation to make if not true.

Hopefully we get to the bottom of this

For example I personally don't eat at Chick-fil-A because I don't like their politics. But I am not gonna go after anyone and everyone who does. And there are several other examples I could use as well.
I think a key difference between Pitchford and CFA is that Pitchford's still allegations.

CFA donated to Exodus International, who promotes gay conversion therapy so that money possibly resulted in actual people being tortured.
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Deleted member 11413

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
I may have read it wrong. At the least, he did nothing at parties where grown men were showing their genitals to minors it seems.
No, those are unsubstantiated claims from the guy being sued by Gearbox. The only source for that claim is Wade Callender, and his accusation is that he heard of these events second hand, presumably knew about them for years, and only decided to say something about it after being sued by Gearbox.
Oct 25, 2017
Las Vegas
Well written post. And definitely agree, be righteous all you want but don't force it unto others, people are free to buy what they want with their money.

If there is anyone out there that think that whatever game they are playing or supporting doesn't have assholes attached to it, then you're simply benefiting from ignorance. Because games are a product of hundreds of people - these people are sampled out of the general population. The expectation that everyone will conduct themselves entirely as you would want them to is highly unlikely.

But I have to admit though - Randy Pitchford is certainly a new and unique breed of asshole.
Oct 25, 2017
Las Vegas
I think a key difference between Pitchford and CFA is that Pitchford's still allegations.

CFA donated to Exodus International, who promotes gay conversion therapy so that money possibly resulted in actual people being tortured.

Yup. Its also the difference between perceived damage/toxicity versus actual damage/toxicity.

CFA actively caused real harm by what they did. The donated money to Exodus International, which likely used that money to ruin lives. Randy Pitchford on the other hand is a non-factor to 99.99% of people who buy Borderlands 3. Nobody knows who he is, or is being influenced by his inappropriate behavior.


Oct 27, 2017
Holy merciful crap at all these people coming out to defend this shit via their love for Borderlands.


Oct 27, 2017
Unfortunately, he's right about the internet response. The fact that every Borderlands 3 thread doesn't have a post outlining his abusive and heinous actions the way that we do it for THQ Nordic and other companies is extremely telling.
Then every thread about every game should have one, since there seems to be some shit bag everywhere that breaks some Era rule. Not dismissing what Randy dicknose has done or continues to do, but seriously, there was like 4 or 5 threads about sexual predators in gaming just today.


Oct 27, 2017
User Banned (permanent): trolling, inflammatory comparisons, history of severe infractions
The craziest part is that this game has essentially everything going against it.

Meme humor that is only relevant at release, Epic Games exclusive, and a CEO squandered by legal troubles and controversy. Not to mention that games like Destiny and The Division 2 have essentially beat them to the GaaS train while taking their game design with them. Borderlands 3 is going to have to try very hard to remain relevant without screwing up the company's image between now and release.
According to many that have played it it's already a better game than those two. Randy is the Trump of videogames, he hasn't hurt anything despite forum outrage.


Oct 27, 2017
By that logic, every game made by a large team needs support cause it's supporting hundreds of people. And why stop there. You can apply the same argument to any product made by a large company with a morally dubious CEO. Doesn't work like that fam.

People will buy what they buy, ain't no shame on that. But if I feel that my money is indirectly supporting a douchebag who so happens to be accused of being involved with underage kids (could be wrong on this)......yea fuck that noise, I ain't buying shit.
That was the argument in the RDR2 thread. Also have to buy so they can get their bonuses.


Oct 27, 2017
Athens, Greece
According to many that have played it it's already a better game than those two. Randy is the Trump of videogames, he hasn't hurt anything despite forum outrage.

Pitchford is a major league asshole for a number of reasons but he's not even as evil as Trump to justify the title "Trump of videogames" because Trump really hurts people and separates families.


Oct 25, 2017
So glad I don't like Borderlands games, gunplay never felt good to me and fuck Randy. Weird cunt.

Deleted member 51691

User requested account closure
Jan 6, 2019
Randy Pitchford is.. a character. If he wanted to do what's best for Gearbox, he'd resign and distance himself from them as much as possible.


Oct 29, 2017
Randy purchased Penn's ponytail for $25,000

Also Gearbox recently released a Penn & Teller VR game, and I think they remade that Desert Bus thing in VR too

Haha, what the hell? Penn did not mention that.

I knew about the VR stuff, that's why he was brought up on Penn's podcast.

Randy Pitchford is.. a character. If he wanted to do what's best for Gearbox, he'd resign and distance himself from them as much as possible.

It definitely seems like they've succeeded (I guess? It seems like Borderlands is there single big hit) in spite of him. He's like a shitty Peter Molyneux, his team doesn't even get the benefit of exciting press when he makes outlandish statements.


Oct 27, 2017
Washington DC
I'm sure that Gearbox employees found out what type of person Pitchford was before the general public. These employees have agency, they can find other work if they choose. They chose to stay at Gearbox. I don't think it makes sense to compromise one's morals because of concerns about the other employees at Gearbox. They aren't there against their will.

Deleted member 274

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Randy is the sleaziest cunt in the video game industry, at least publicly, and yeah seems extremely weird to me how people here and elsewhere pretty much handwave the shit he's done because lol I love shlooters haha
Oct 25, 2017
Randy is the sleaziest cunt in the video game industry, at least publicly, and yeah seems extremely weird to me how people here and elsewhere pretty much handwave the shit he's done because lol I love shlooters haha

There is no proof that he has done anything illegal. That is a fact that has nothing to do with Borderlands.


Oct 28, 2017
There's a really bad precedent here of guilty until proven innocent.

He's having an issue with discovery and then he's being made out to be a pedophile. I can't imagine everyone here even knows what discovery is.

Can we chill out with the instant reaction hot takes. This is not a big deal at all.

This is a bit of a different scenario from the other stuff reported recently. This isn't a victim coming forward with accusations but instead a scorned former employee counter suing his former boss and the guy is throwing everything he can at Randy to see what sticks. While claiming someone is a pedophile without being able to back it up is certainly a bold strategy there's something about this only coming out as a result of a countersuit that makes it difficult for me to just take this on merit.

Having said that, I think Gearbox makes universally trash games so I was going to pass on Borderlands 3 anyway which means things are hella easy for me. lol


Oct 28, 2017
If I used morality as a basis for every single purchase I make, I'd be living in a cardboard box. You really wanna start scrutinizing everything you buy, at that level? Have fun...

Gearbox is more than just Randy Pitchford. Hundreds of people busted their asses working on Borderlands 3. I'm not going to punish them or deprive myself of a good game over literally one dude who happens to be a douche.
We're talking about boycotting a videogame here. It's really not that hard. Besides, we've already played this exact game many times before (in the case of Borderlands there have been 3 other entries you've probably already rinsed?) so it really shouldn't be that difficult to take a stand against a shitty company. I say shitty company as the company itself doesn't seem to have any problems with Pitchford being at the helm?

Also buy Relic Hunters Legend instead.
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Arm Van Dam

self-requested ban
Mar 30, 2019
Update from PoliEra! The NRA has hired Wade as their new legal counsel head

The NRA has tapped Wade Callender, the former general counsel for Gearbox Software LLC, to replace David Lehman, who had served as deputy executive director and general counsel for the NRA's lobbying arm, two sources told CNN.

Lehman recently resigned from the organization amid a series of staff shakeups that have roiled the NRA.

The former Gearbox employee previously worked as a trial attorney in Maryland and served as a judge advocate with the Navy, according to his LinkedIn page. His registration with the Texas Bar lists his specialties as intellectual property and entertainment law.

Callender's hire, which was announced internally earlier this week, has already sparked concern within the organization.

A source said staffers are perplexed about why the NRA would hire someone with no apparent political experience from an industry LaPierre has demonized, particularly at a time when the issue of gun control is back in the news following a spate of mass shootings
An NRA official confirmed Callender's hiring but declined to comment further.

"I think that the NRA went out and found the best of the best," said Blake Beckham, an attorney for Callender. "He's a rock-solid individual, a man of high morals, strong Christian values, conservative politically, ex-military. He's exactly what the NRA needs."

During Callender's tenure as general counsel for Gearbox, from 2010 to 2018, the company released shooting games like "Battleborn," "Borderlands 2" and "Duke Nukem Forever."

In 2017, Gearbox released a remastered version of one of the games LaPierre had called out by name: "Bulletstorm: Full Clip Edition."

The NRA, meanwhile, has been under scrutiny from lawmakers and attorneys general in New York and DC. At issue is how the gun rights group has been spending its money and whether it has abused its nonprofit status.

LaPierre has faced blowback for using an NRA vendor to purchase hundreds of thousands of dollars in clothing from a Beverly Hills boutique and to foot the bill for travel to destinations including Italy, Hungary and the Bahamas. The NRA said the expenditures were all for business purposes.

The NRA also considered buying LaPierre a roughly $6 million mansion, along with a country club membership, drawing another wave of negative headlines.
At a time when the NRA is under serious legal and financial pressure, Callender brings along his own messy legal baggage.

He departed Gearbox on sour terms. Ever since, he and Gearbox CEO Randall Pitchford II (who also happened to be Callender's decades-long best friend) have been trading jaw-dropping accusations in lawsuits.

The lawsuit against Callender accuses him of using Gearbox as his personal piggy bank and lending agency.

"While Callender regularly used the Gearbox credit card for anticipated business expenses such as airfare and meals related to business travel, he also abused the privilege of credit card access by charging unapproved, wholly personal expenses, including family vacations, gun club memberships and firearms accessories, and trying to get six-pack abs," Gearbox attorneys alleged in their lawsuit.

Callender's attorney said the claims against his client are untrue.

"They are manufactured, trumped-up claims that are just all a show of vindictiveness," Beckham said.

According to the court filings, "... Callender incurred thousands of dollars' worth of charges from Disneyland, Frisco Gun Club, Gun Gear To Go, and, just to name a few."

Callender's former boss also accused him of taking a $300,000 loan from Gearbox to purchase a more than $900,000 Texas home and then failing to repay it, according to court filings.

Gearbox claimed it had fronted Callender more than $50,000 for legal fees for a separate lawsuit he's engaged in against his father in Maryland. "Callender took advantage of Gearbox's trust for his own personal gain," his former employer claimed in court papers.

Just before departing the company, Callender allegedly went to Gearbox's chief financial officer with an urgent request. He needed an increase on his American Express line of credit to pay $17,000 in legal fees surrounding the familial dispute in Maryland. According to court filings, Callender said he would reimburse the company for the payment.
"Callender's urgent press for payment of last-minute expense, however, occurred only hours before he emptied his office and resigned as General Counsel, and the $17,000 was never repaid," his former employer alleged in a court filing.

Callender, meanwhile, has shot back in his own court filings. He has accused the Gearbox CEO of secretly taking a $12 million bonus, as well as other transgressions.

Callender's attorney said that as soon as his client started voicing concerns about financial and other improprieties at Gearbox, the CEO turned on him.
Gearbox disputes that account.

"These false claims are nothing more than an attempt by a disgruntled former employee to distract from the theft and other misconduct that are the subject of protracted litigation against him by Gearbox," a spokesperson for Gearbox said in a written statement. "We look forward to the outcome of the litigation, through which we are confident our justice system will hold Mr. Callender accountable both for his misdeeds and for making allegations against Gearbox and its CEO that he knows to be untrue."

The suit is scheduled to go to trial in Texas in January.


Oct 27, 2017
Wow, and this guy is the singular source of all the allegations against Pitchford, right? Hmmm.


Oct 25, 2017

after reading all that

Oct 25, 2017
Yeesh, now that's a fucking twist. This the same guy that brought out the under-age parties accusations, right?
Oct 25, 2017
Miami, FL
and of syphoning profits from Gearbox to fund "Peacock Parties" where adult male guests "reportedly exposed themselves to minors, to the amusement of Randy Pitchford."

I'm sorry, what now?

Not touching another Gearbox product until I have some clarity and understanding of where my money is going.
Oct 25, 2017
I'm sorry, what now?

Not touching another Gearbox product until I have some clarity and understanding of where my money is going.

FYI the reason this thread got bumped was because the dude who made that accusation is now working for the NRA. Take that as you will but it does add to the story and at least makes me question if this dude isn't just a liar