
Oct 27, 2017
I have two for ya. If my memory serves me well, I believe they were both on the NES. One was an action game that had some car chase stages and shooting stages where you had to plug in the Light Zapper (which crushed me as a kid when mine died and I realized I couldn't play the game anymore). I believe the main character looked like Crocodile Dundee?

The second was a platform with a weird looking character in a full body red jumpsuit and a pogo stick? Part of me wants to say it was the mascot for Domino's (that could be my brain just making crap up though)


Oct 25, 2017
I have two for ya. If my memory serves me well, I believe they were both on the NES. One was an action game that had some car chase stages and shooting stages where you had to plug in the Light Zapper (which crushed me as a kid when mine died and I realized I couldn't play the game anymore). I believe the main character looked like Crocodile Dundee?

Gotta be Bayou Billy

The second was a platform with a weird looking character in a full body red jumpsuit and a pogo stick? Part of me wants to say it was the mascot for Domino's (that could be my brain just making crap up though)
And while I've not played it, I've heard an awful lot about Yo! Noid.


Oct 27, 2017
Portland, OR
The point-and-click from the previous page made me think of one:

Point-and-click adventure game more in the style of Myst from what I recall. I'm guessing here, so add or subtract a couple years, but probably played it around 1996 or 1997. I want to say there was some sort of time traveling as I vaguely recall a western themed world that you had to get or create dynamite (I believe to blow open a mine perhaps?). And another "world" was more Victorian and maaaaaybe there was lawn bowling or something that took place?

And nevermind. Before hitting submit I think I found it as Connections: A Mind Game. I should have Googled it from the start but I typed the above out so maybe it'll help someone else if any of that sounds familiar and they couldn't remember the game. I appear to be wrong about the lawn bowling from the little bit I read but much of the rest was kind of accurate.


Associate Producer
Oct 29, 2017
I remember a game, on Macintosh.
You started in a child room (first person camera) and it was just all about physics and problem solving. But I just can't remember the name..


Oct 27, 2017
I remember in Companions of Xanth you have to solve a puzzle set by the Com-Pewter (ah, a Piers Anthony pun, with all the subtlety and elegance of a sledgehammer to the groin), which required adding a letter to a word, then scrambling it to get the answer to the puzzle, several times over - and the final puzzle you don't have the letter tile, so you had to use the tee instead (i.e. as a T),

Given how closely that matches the description (Being 'quizzed' and the answer being a 'tee'), it wouldn't surprise me if that's what you're thinking of.

It also fits the framing story - your in-game character is transported into Xanth through playing the game "Companions of Xanth" on their PC.

(I don't recall a fleeing bucket, but it's been a very long time since I played it).

Yesssssss, after a quick google, this was it. Like I said my memories had become a little muddied so the details were rough. Looks like it's free to download now, I might have to give it a go. Cheers :)


Oct 30, 2017
Okay so this is kind of a though one. I very distinctly remember the game, and in fairly certain I remember the name too. The game would have come out, I believe, in the mid to late 90s, it was an arcadey flight combat game where you for an alien ship after a botched invasion of Earth. The game was 3D, and the alien ships you flew looked organic, and kinda like manta rays. The ships had some basic customization, with you able to change the body, wings, and tail. The game could be played in third person and a first person cockpit view. You fought alien ships similar to your own along with fighter jets like F16s and such.

On startup of the game you get a cheesy CG opening explaining the plot, that you and your alien comrades are stuck on earth, and in order to get back home you have to fight your alien comrades for energy to power portals, while also fighting off the earth military. The portals looked like saw blade discs, like what's used in a rotary saw, but more like a ring, less like a disc. This was also the game's logo and the art on the CD ROM.
Now I'm pretty sure the game was called OZone, however any searches yield no results. I was like 9 or 10 when I played this so I could be misremembering the name. This game has been bugging me for years but no matter how I do I search I can seem to find no record of it.


Oct 25, 2017
Okay so this is kind of a though one. I very distinctly remember the game, and in fairly certain I remember the name too. The game would have come out, I believe, in the mid to late 90s, it was an arcadey flight combat game where you for an alien ship after a botched invasion of Earth. The game was 3D, and the alien ships you flew looked organic, and kinda like manta rays. The ships had some basic customization, with you able to change the body, wings, and tail. The game could be played in third person and a first person cockpit view. You fought alien ships similar to your own along with fighter jets like F16s and such.

On startup of the game you get a cheesy CG opening explaining the plot, that you and your alien comrades are stuck on earth, and in order to get back home you have to fight your alien comrades for energy to power portals, while also fighting off the earth military. The portals looked like saw blade discs, like what's used in a rotary saw, but more like a ring, less like a disc. This was also the game's logo and the art on the CD ROM.
Now I'm pretty sure the game was called OZone, however any searches yield no results. I was like 9 or 10 when I played this so I could be misremembering the name. This game has been bugging me for years but no matter how I do I search I can seem to find no record of it.

There's some information floating around about this game, but not much. It also has a pretty generic name that gives all sorts of search results, but there are definitely no ingame screenshots of the game.
Here's someone on the EA forums pasting the readme.txt from the game, and there's a screenshot of the title screen on pcgamingwiki. I'm also seeing some mention of the game written as "O-Zone" as well.
There's also some info about the developers here and here.


Oct 28, 2017
An arcade beat em up/brawler where there was a boss that kept saying "Tickets please" using a giant ticket puncher as a weapon, fighting on top of said train. Remember it being pretty bizarre on enemy design.


Oct 30, 2017
There's some information floating around about this game, but not much. It also has a pretty generic name that gives all sorts of search results, but there are definitely no ingame screenshots of the game.
Here's someone on the EA forums pasting the readme.txt from the game, and there's a screenshot of the title screen on pcgamingwiki. I'm also seeing some mention of the game written as "O-Zone" as well.
There's also some info about the developers here and here.

Holy crap, I've asked about this game on multiple other forums and nobody has ever been able to deliver anything. I had no idea it was an EA game. But yeah that's totally it. So I wasn't wrong about the title, but it seems like the game was basically lost to time.


Oct 25, 2017
Holy crap, I've asked about this game on multiple other forums and nobody has ever been able to deliver anything. I had no idea it was an EA game. But yeah that's totally it. So I wasn't wrong about the title, but it seems like the game was basically lost to time.

There's an ISO image of the game floating around (not gonna post any links for obvious reasons, although the game might be abandonware at this point) but haven't had any luck with managing to successfully run the game. Here are a few screenshots of the intro movie at least:







Vague Rant

Oct 28, 2017
Melbourne, Australia
I played a black and white Macintosh game as a kid (some time in the mid-'90s, most likely) that I've been trying to remember for like 15 years now. The name I always come back to is like, "Mouse House", or "Mouse About the House", or something like that. It hasn't helped that I don't really remember the style of gameplay, whether it was point-and-click or direct control or what, but it was certainly in an adventure sort of vein. You played as a mouse in an ordinary household and had to gather various items from around the rooms of the house, while avoiding the pet cat who prowled around at the same time. There may have been some sort of real-time mechanic involved, but I'm really stretching my memory. I remember cheese, one of those little mouse holes in the wall like in cartoons, and the cat, and that's really about it.


Oct 30, 2017
There's an ISO image of the game floating around (not gonna post any links for obvious reasons, although the game might be abandonware at this point) but haven't had any luck with managing to successfully run the game. Here are a few screenshots of the intro movie at least:






Oh man you're awesome. This really brings me back. I used to play the game so much when I was younger.


Oct 26, 2017
I remember playing a 3D game on my PC, in which the levels consisted of cubes. It had a level editor (you could place blocks and decide which kind of block to place). I think it was a platformer. The player character may or may not have been some sort of green blob. Also the camera controls were fucked up.


Oct 25, 2017
I played a black and white Macintosh game as a kid (some time in the mid-'90s, most likely) that I've been trying to remember for like 15 years now. The name I always come back to is like, "Mouse House", or "Mouse About the House", or something like that. It hasn't helped that I don't really remember the style of gameplay, whether it was point-and-click or direct control or what, but it was certainly in an adventure sort of vein. You played as a mouse in an ordinary household and had to gather various items from around the rooms of the house, while avoiding the pet cat who prowled around at the same time. There may have been some sort of real-time mechanic involved, but I'm really stretching my memory. I remember cheese, one of those little mouse holes in the wall like in cartoons, and the cat, and that's really about it.
There was a BBC Micro edutainment-ish title named 'Albert's House', which kinda fits the description. I've no idea if it also made it to the Macintosh - I know a number of BBC titles from then were remastered somewhat for PCs, at least, so Macs may have also been on the receiving end.

Edit:A-ha! Absolutely no content other than an entry in a database... but it's something.

Edit 2: A second bit of evidence to suggest a Mac version existed.

If you hunt around a bit you can probably find more about the BBC version, which will look a bit odd to you (for one thing, it's not monochrome!), but might possibly spark a memory.
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Vague Rant

Oct 28, 2017
Melbourne, Australia
There was a BBC Micro edutainment-ish title named 'Albert's House', which kinda fits the description. I've no idea if it also made it to the Macintosh - I know a number of BBC titles from then were remastered somewhat for PCs, at least, so Macs may have also been on the receiving end.

Edit:A-ha! Absolutely no content other than an entry in a database... but it's something.

Edit 2: A second bit of evidence to suggest a Mac version existed.

If you hunt around a bit you can probably find more about the BBC version, which will look a bit odd to you (for one thing, it's not monochrome!), but might possibly spark a memory.
Brilliant, yes, this is definitely it! Bonus bit of evidence: I'm Australian, and so is this game. Explains why it would be installed on the Macs we had at school at the time. (My school's overall crappiness explains why we were playing 1987 Mac games in the mid-'90s.) Thank you so much for this, I've been coming back to this trying to find it at least a couple times a year for well over a decade.

Also amusing me: Googling 'bbc micro albert's house' turns up a front page full of people asking if anybody knows the name of the game about the cat and mouse in the house. Apparently a lot of us played this game and promptly forgot what it was called.

Thank you again!


Oct 30, 2017
Maybe an early PS2, where you play as a Japanese guy with a big great sword, you can enter small ryokan houses and the game had alot of breakable objects, you eat food to regain your health and i also think there was a stamina bar.. not sure tho.


Oct 28, 2017
I don't remember on what it was, Atari ST maybe.
If my memory is correct you played as a guy with a Tiki mask, the camera angle was kinda similar to games like landstalker or light crusader and i do remember you'd find a baby jaguar/panthera that would follow you around and depending on how slow you were (i assume it was related to speed at least) you could find it's mom either alive or dead. That's pretty much all i remember, we ended being stuck and never went back to it back then.
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SaGa Sage
Oct 25, 2017
So there was this dos/windows game my cousin had in the mid 90s that the main things that stand out to me was that it seemed to have a bunch of mini games and was either just a mini game collection of was also an adventure game. It also had what I remember being really nice hand drawn graphics. The mini game I remember the most featured a couple of Hanz and Franz style body builders having you shrink down Incredible Jouney style to go into their bodies to destroy the horse steroids they accidentally took. The mini game itself was an asteroids style game where getting hit would make you larger and risk failing, but you also got stronger. Failing the game cause the body builders to then turn into horse men.


Oct 25, 2017
I don't remember on what it was, Atari ST maybe.
If my memory is correct you played as a guy with a Tiki mask, the camera angle was kinda similar to games like landstalker or light crusader and i do remember you'd find a baby jaguar/panthera that would follow you around and depending on how slow you were (i assume it was related to speed at least) you could find it's mom either alive or dead. That's pretty much all i remember, we ended being stuck and never went back to it back then.
Could easily be Voodoo Nightmare.
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Oct 26, 2017
Okay guys

There was this SHUMP on Sega Genesis. The box art was an orange (?) spaceship in space. I think.

That's literally all I can remember. You shot really big lasers.


Oct 30, 2017
Here is some

  • It was a game that i played on win 98, that was in a small window, like, visual boy advance window small. It was a space shooter game, 2d, you had 3 weapons and could only chose one, but they all had upgrades. The game also had more stages if you played in harder difficulties(it was pretty short). You could play coop.
  • Another space game, but this one was 3d. You were a comander in a big spaceship, spend most of the time on the bridge, but could pick up the position of a smaller spaceship, but cold only play that position with a controller. I remenber that the first mission was really inconsistent, sometimes you would complete it, and them wait forever for the next one, or was surrounded without futher warning for a dozen of enemies spaceships. I remenber that this was a annoying game because you could only play with the disk on the drive.
  • A flash game that followed a adventure style, bat also had action moments. It was about a blue robot on a futuristic setting(i swear its not megaman).
That's all for now. Thanks.


Oct 27, 2017
Searching for an old PC game I played around windows 95/98 era.
It was a windows non-dos game and it's layout and graphics looked very similar to minesweeper.
It was a puzzle game where you have to move mirrors, angle blocks, and other objects to clear a path for a laser beam to reach it's goal.
Once you think the puzzle is prepared you clicked on the turret and fired the laser.
If it successfully reaches the goal you move on to the next level.

It had an editor that allowed you to make your own puzzles.
Unfortunately the version I had was a demo and didn't allow you to save your edited levels.


Oct 26, 2017
Searching for an old PC game I played around windows 95/98 era.
It was a windows non-dos game and it's layout and graphics looked very similar to minesweeper.
It was a puzzle game where you have to move mirrors, angle blocks, and other objects to clear a path for a laser beam to reach it's goal.
Once you think the puzzle is prepared you clicked on the turret and fired the laser.
If it successfully reaches the goal you move on to the next level.

It had an editor that allowed you to make your own puzzles.
Unfortunately the version I had was a demo and didn't allow you to save your edited levels.
Maybe check this list.


Oct 26, 2017
I've been looking for this one for years, so I doubt anyone will remember it!

It was a LucasArts style adventure game, I believe programmed by a single person. It came on one of those "1000 Games for Windows" CD's and may have actually run in DOS as opposed to Windows 98. You played as a rat in a run down New York style neighbourhood finding things like needles for drug addicts etc. I played it at a young age and had no idea what any of this meant, but I would love to see how messed up it really was!

It may have been simply launched from "Rat.exe" or something similar, but I imagine as a lot of these type of games were, that it's likely to have gone by several different names over time!


Oct 28, 2017
This should be an easy one.

I think I played it on Dreamcast but I'm sure it was available on other consoles and pc. It was a first person military shooter and the big hook was the gore and blowing off limbs and rag doll physics.


Oct 30, 2017


Oct 26, 2017
I'm trying to remember the name of this bootleg PC Pokémon game that was on a PC demo/100 games type thing disk from either the late 90s or early 2000s.

The disk had demos of Battle Beast, Battle Pets, and FFVII, as well as a load of other stuff.

The Pokémon game was 3D, and you were in Pallet Town. I remember the characters being quite tall, and I think there were Electrodes maybe.