
Apr 25, 2019
Bloodstained, it has the bones of SOTN. But man that game is ugly as hell. Outside of a few, most of the enemies look terrible.

Why didn't they make curse of the moon a Metroidvanis and put all the Kickstarter funds into that instead.

Black Mantis

Oct 30, 2017
Cyberpunk 2077. I enjoyed my time with it overall and would give it a 7/10, but it could've been so much better.

Oscarzx n

May 24, 2018
Santiago, Chile
Pokémon XY, I played the DS entires so much and got so much out of them, that I thought that better hardware meant better games, plus all the stuff they were showing like the megas looked super cool and the game has to this day the highest Metacritic scores out of all the Pokémon games, for some reason.

Then I played it and I think everything except the online was worse than on the DS games, boring story, horrible characters, too easy, not the most interesting region, bad pacing and after finishing the main story I thought that I saw everything noteworthy it had to offer, and even some of the good things it did were poorly implemented, like the Megas which there are like 2 characters that have on in the main story. It still hurts honestly.

Second place would be Blazing Chrome, I was expecting a Contra game but the overall pacing and level design is weird and not the best for a game like this. Not a bad game but I think they changed things to make it different to Contra and all of them were for the worse.

Digimon Cyber Sleuth too, I saw hundreds of people saying it was incredibly amazing and better than every Pokémon game and, idk, it has some good stuff but is a very amateur RPG in many ways with a mediocre story and an awful overall pacing, boring.
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Jan 9, 2018
Currently playing it with friends, and we're having a good time. There are some design choices that are kinda confusing, but overall the gunplay is still fun and entertainment. The story and humor are the ones I think really missed the mark on this one.

Yeah I don't find it as fun or funny as 2.
The gunplay took me a little bit to get use to compared to BL2? I don't know, but I kinda like it now.

I think its becuase I had been playing Division 2 and max leveled and had the guns I liked, then I start playing BL 3 and have to grind to get anything and all the guns I had were shit and thats not ever fun.


May 7, 2021
Borderlands 3.

I played soooo much BL2 and BL and loved both for different reasons. I was really excited about BL3 but I bounced off it HARD.
Only got to level 15 with Moze and it just felt kinda meh. LIke a retread of BL2.

I have revisited it recently as this week and I'm kinda getting into it.

Forgot about this one. Yeah, totally agree with you. I sank I don't know how many hours into BL2, and my hype was through the atmosphere for BL3. Pre-ordered the super deluxe edition, could not WAIT to play it. Hated the writing (Killavolt quest was so cringeworthy I had to play that one mute), and I detested the villains. At least Jack had nuance. Troy and Tyreen were just obnoxious douchebags. I finished the story because I'd paid for the game, but could not wait for it to end.

Big G

Oct 27, 2017
Resident Evil 5.

My most-wanted game which I followed religiously for at least a few years, and it never came close to living up to its initial gameplay trailer. Just a staggering drop off in quality compared with RE4.

Others that come close: Zelda: Wind Waker, Metal Gear Solid 4, Red Dead Redemption 2, Resident Evil 3 remake, Deadly Premonition 2 (seriously wtf?)
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Sep 18, 2018
Pikmin 3 (Bingo Battle redeems it a bit though)

Kingdom Hearts 3 (wtf how did they screw up the Frozen world? And all the build up from other games, but mostly Frozen)

Twilight Princess

Skyward Sword

Super Mario Sunshine (I never owned 64 and wanted it to be like 64)

Epic Mickey 2 (I actually really liked the first one)

I always wind up more into the hype cycles for Smash games than the games themselves too, though I do enjoy them.


Oct 25, 2017
Seven Samurai and Yojimbo are probably in my Top 10 Films of all time, hyped as all hell for Ghost of Tsushima - hell they even have a Kurosawa mode and Japanese VO - now a Directors Cut with lipsync, and before that, it had a 60 fps update and.....I don't want to play it. Just not hooked by the story at all, I have barely scratched the surface but I just bounce off every time I try it. So my hype was huge but I am more disappointed in myself more than the game as it's clearly not a bad game. Just don't want to play it. So I don't.


Jan 9, 2018
Forgot about this one. Yeah, totally agree with you. I sank I don't know how many hours into BL2, and my hype was through the atmosphere for BL3. Pre-ordered the super deluxe edition, could not WAIT to play it. Hated the writing (Killavolt quest was so cringeworthy I had to play that one mute), and I detested the villains. At least Jack had nuance. Troy and Tyreen were just obnoxious douchebags. I finished the story because I'd paid for the game, but could not wait for it to end.

I couldn't even do that.
Giving it another go right now and finding it a bit easier to stomach. Maybe I'm just ignoring the story.


Apr 2, 2018
CP 77, obviously. Shadow of War was also boring af after 6 hours (90% same content as the original, except now with upgrades , fml)

The Far Cry series has been pretty dumbed down, esp AI. Gameplay is pretty much brain dead at this point.


Oct 25, 2017
MGS4, by far.

First, all the weird commercials and cutscenes at the start. Okay, fine, cool, I can dig weird shit, but when do I get to start playing, exactly?

Then two chapters of pretty good gameplay, interspersed with very overlong, overdramatic, awful cutscenes. Story is already a complete write off. Which is okay for me, if the game is fun to play.

Chapter 3, I'm just tailing a dude for an hour before an absolutely awful shitty boss fight and then a super-fucking-long cutscene.

Chapter 4, nostalgic fan-service, but the gameplay sucks and the cutscenes get longer and worse-r.

Chapter 5. A series of corridors, followed by an overlong final boss fight with confusing mechanics. Then hours of ridiculous and horrible cutscenes.

Especially after MGS3, fuck MGS4.

MGSV was a breath of fresh air, shove that shitty story into optional casette tapes, be fun to play, let me play the whole time.


Oct 27, 2017
Breath of the Wild must be the biggest. Extremely hyped and while it was all right, it didn't do anything for me. It just felt like a game without aim.


Aug 22, 2020
Trails of Cold Steel 3 is probably the biggest disappointment for me. While I wasn't all too big on Cold Steel 2, 3 was also a sequel to one the phenomenal Crossbell games and I expected a comeback from Falcom. Ended up being a total dive in the opposite direction and one of the absolute worst JRPGs I've ever played.


"This guy are sick" and Corrupted by Vengeance
Oct 25, 2017
Echoing the Assassin's Creed 3 mentions. At the time it came out, AC was still kinda mentally poised as perhaps one of my favorite franchises on the market. AC3 started a streak for me of just a sense of mediocrity that lasted until I picked up Syndicate some years later. I actually didn't even like AC4 that much, against popular opinion, but I don't count that one since I also didn't look forward to it with a lot of anticipation either.

Infamous: Second Son looked amazing graphically for its time but it ended up feeling like a 6/10 game to me by the time I beat it. I had looked forward to it as the first huge exclusive that appealed to me in the PS4 cycle. It ended up coming and going and feeling kinda as forgettable in my mind as Killzone: Shadowfall did at launch, but I didn't really look forward to Killzone that much since I hadn't really gotten super into any of the previous KZ games I played. It was just launch window and I wanted more to play.

Soulcalibur IV felt bad to me, as a casual fan who had spent hours upon hours putting time into both Soulcalibur II and III in the years leading up to IV. I was actually kind of excited for the Star Wars guest characters. But in the end, IV just ended up feeling super lame overall.

Finally, Tales of Graces f was the last Tales of game prior to the upcoming Arise that I actually had a decent amount of hype leading up to release. But prior to Graces f, I was already on kind of a downer streak with Tales of (after getting into the series late with Symphonia and loving Abyss and Vesperia in its wake). While I haven't bought every game in the series right at launch since then, I have eventually tried every North American release out and I have found them all to be mediocre. Arise feels very promising judging by the art style, boost in fidelity, and the demo -- I'm not expecting a straight-up GOTY level game but I'm finally back on Tales day-1 hype after Graces f was the start of the bummer run with the series. I know this is unpopular opinion among Tales fans too -- I believe Graces f is generally quite lauded for having a great combat system, but I honestly couldn't stay into the game due to how much I disliked the story and characters, and it's generally felt that way for every Tales game since... They all just seem kinda flat. I hope Arise delivers on my renewed hope.
Oct 28, 2017
Metal Gear Solid V.

Two open worlds that were mostly barren, a campaign largely composed of filler missions that served little to no purpose plot-wise, with a huge chunk of said plot being confined to audio tapes instead of cutscenes or contextualized missions, an incomplete ending, a second half that repeats many of the filler missions with some difficulty modifiers, a bunch of time-wasting mechanics. For all the greatness its actual gameplay offers, the game itself feels like an unfocused mess.


▲ Legend ▲
Jun 23, 2021
Final Fantasy XV was the first game I really followed. I went to special forums and theorized with other fans, I pored over every piece of news and footage. I checked every day for new information.

And then it came out. And I was disappointed.

Final Fantasy XV was the last game I really followed.

Sumio Mondo

Oct 25, 2017
United Kingdom
Metal Gear Solid 4. Such a disappointment after MGS1-3. Explains too much and gives bad answers with silly characters and half the cast were nothing like they were in previous games.

Resident Evil 6. Really enjoyed RE5, loved RE4, then this released. Yeesh.
Oct 27, 2017
Miami, Florida
I'll leave this little gem here:

Jan 27, 2020
Washington, DC
Final Fantasy XII. So I actually came to this game late, because I didn't have a PS2. I tried playing it when the Zodiac Age edition came out. I was hyped because I love the Ivalice setting from FFT, and the plot sounded like it was along the same lines. The gambit system also sounded very interesting.

I did enjoy the story and the setting, but it was spooled out far too slowly. And the dungeons are an absolute bore, regardless of the battle system, and not even the fast forward could save it (I think trying to navigate and move your character on 4 or even 2x is not fun). I think I made it like 2/3 through and I doubt I'll ever finish it. I think the gambit system is merely serviceable and I think the visuals are a bit on the bland side to boot. The saving graces are the characters and plot, but there's just not enough of that to pull me along.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 25, 2017
Skyward Sword and Dark Souls 2. Never again.


Oct 26, 2017
Oh so many like MGS V (unfinished mess), Metroid Other M, TLOU 2 (I just didn't enjoy the direction the story went), FF 13 (So much nonsense. I do Lightning though)


Feb 25, 2020
Destiny 2 vanilla. I still can't imagine how those decisions were made, it's the straight opposite of what makes Destiny fun.


May 18, 2019
Marvel's Avengers
Resident Evil 3 Remake
Cyberpunk (I bought a copy for Ps4, Xbone AND PC, and ended up returning all three)

I find myself easily disappointed in games, which is probably my own fault, but it is what it is.


Mar 2, 2021
Kingdom Hearts 3 is my number one by far. It was an average game and never really lived up to the expectations I had for it. I preferred several games in the series over it. And I don't even think I had that high expectations because FF7R was a game I had hyped up even more and I absolutely loved it despite all the flaws

Fallout 4. This was my first experience with the franchise. I only got into Skyrim for about 10-15 hours before dropping it but thought it had was really well made world and thought a shooter RPG would be a perfect fit for me but I couldn't stand this game lol. I met the Brotherhood, played for another hour, and then dipped

Yakuza 0. I just tried this game for the first time last year and I don't like the combat at all lol. I might try it again in the future but this was a series I really wanted to like and was excited for and I had such a crash when I actually played it. I think Yakuza 7 with turn based combat might be a better fit for me

Lot of people mentioning Cyberpunk but this is one game where I can gladly say I didn't think was going to be good before launch. Way too many removed features, and CDPR constantly changing shit about the game for me to have any faith in them
Apr 3, 2018
FFXIII-- realized the series, by and large, isn't for me anymore. I know it's never going to reach the heights of FFIX, but it's just been a steady decline. FFX was meh, FFXII was an improvement, but FXIII got me to stop caring about the mainline entries altogether.


Nov 15, 2017
There have been a few disappointments here and there, but by far the biggest was:

Uncharted 4
- awfully paced, lacking what made the previous UC games so good.


Oct 25, 2017
White Knight Chronicles. An RPG where you get to make your own avatar and fight with large knight mechs? Sold! It...kinda sucks that you're the secondary protagonist and don't get any speaking lines, but the game will still be fun, right?

Nope. It had one of the most cliche and boring stories I'd ever seen in a game, the worst and most forgettable characters to ever grace the screen, and combat that was so slow and tedious that I nearly fell asleep playing it. It was lucky it had an online mode that let me play with my brother who was another unfortunate soul who was excited about the game so there was a reason to dick around in it at the very least.

Thank God that series bombed and will never see the light of day again. Killing the servers for it and its sequel was a mercy and may I never be tricked by the allure of interesting concepts in a game alone ever again.
Jul 20, 2020
Recent: Cyberpunk & Returnal

I was expecting the next step in RPGs similar to what the Witcher 3 did for mid 2010s or Skyrim did for early 2010s. Instead we got an okay open world game with okay RPG elements placed in a superb setting. I stopped playing once to wait for the next gen version, and I know its not a bad game but they fed into the extremely high expectations so I'm not going to blame myself for having high expectations because a game like The Last of Us II met them.

Returnal is a great game, but it's a bit too self serious for me. Even the gloomiest game needs something to break the monotony of the mood and it just doesn't have that. It just felt like a drag playing despite the combat being great that while it speaks to me mechanically, the atmosphere was fairly disappointing and I had to put it down. I do want to beat it one day and hope my opinion changes, but where I'm at in my life, a game like that doesn't speak to me.


Jun 8, 2021
At least I'm only the third person to say BotW I guess. Wii U owner who was hyped all through 2015, 2016, up to release in 2017. Huge Zelda fan who loves dungeons and puzzle solving coming off of TP and SS which were high points in the series in both regards.

BotW as we all know is nothing like that. Aimless wandering, boring easy "puzzles", repetitive combat. It just wasn't what I was looking for going in. I want to give it another shot because I feel like if I tried it again KNOWING what I'm in for going in I'll appreciate it much much more.
Wha?! Why?!


Oct 28, 2017
Doom Eternal
It is okay that it is harder than Doom 2016 and I liked the jumping sections and even what they tried with the story was okay for me. But I wasn't a fan of the new graphics, the gameplay loop and the scarce ammunition.

Wolfenstein 2 - The New Colossus
Somehow stealth didn't work anymore but at the same time you died way to quickly so there were a lot of annoying difficulty spikes, Somehow the game wasn't fun like The New Order and The Old Blood. What the hell went wrong?


9 Million Scovilles
Nov 12, 2017

Uninstalled it without finishing. Just wasmt fun enough to warrant seeing it through.

Elden Ring don't let me down baby.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
Smash Ultimate

The input lag
The excessive input buffer
Short hop aerial command with no option to turn it off
Tilts being much harder to get out for whatever reason. I have to use tilt c stick for the first time ever and it is fucking with my 20+ years of muscle memory. I can still pop in older games with no problem, it's just Ultimate that's screwing with me (can't wait for someone to tell me about the sensitivity settings, like I'm an idiot)

Online is the worst it has ever been; yes, even worse than my experience with Brawl.
Fuck "Preferred Rules". I still get stamina games and sweaty shitheads trying to cheese their way into Elite Smash with running away on giant stages or super short time limits. It unacceptable to tell the player that they don't have control over the modes they get to play.
The moment there is more than two players, the game starts shitting itself. Nowhere near comparable to when I play PS3/4 online or when I played Smash 4.

And of course, because they've spent all their time shoving out all this DLC they still haven't done any basic quality of life changes like fixing the loading times for character colors (there's clearly something wrong as Pyra will load her colors instantly while other dlc characters take over 9 seconds to load). And they still haven't noticed My Music is bugged when playing online in that it's tied to who's ruleset is chosen when that has never been the case in the series where every player would hear their own music choices. Brawl did it, Smash 4 Wii U did it, and even Smash 4 3DS did it. I just want this last DLC to come out so this game can finally end.
Oct 25, 2017
Top 3:

BoTW - Not sure I have ever been this hyped for a game, and even bought a new system for it (even though I had a Wii U). Outside of the opening plateau section which I liked a lot, I loathed this game. It's my least favorite Zelda and the furthest from what I want from the series. No real dungeons, a laughable amount of enemy variety, just nah. I am going to give it one more shot soon though as I am doing a Zelda series playthrough.

Destiny - Super hyped, loved what Bungie did with Halo, and I played the game for about 10 hours and never touched it again, boring, repetitive, just not fun.

Final Fantasy 15 - I love FF, was super hyped for this, and it's the only FF I have never completed as it just didn't do it for me. The combat was okay at least but I got bored pretty fast.


One Winged Slayer
The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
Fable 2. I actually loved the original Fable but the sequel was a buggy, clunky mess. I recall my character getting stuck partway in the ground and I just gave up there. I didnt even bother with Fable 3 but from some of the reviews I saw of that I wasnt missing much. I'm really apprehensive about whatever the next Fable is.


Oct 27, 2017
Honestly? Metroid Other M and Metroid Samus Returns. I wanted to like them, but the series has had a tough time keeping my attention. I honestly felt embarrassed playing through Other M.


Oct 27, 2017
Cyberpunk 2077 is a weird one, technically my hype kept going down the more they showed of the game but it went up when the reviews first went up so I played it day one and what a fucking mess that ended up being.

Horizon Zero Dawn, has potential but filled with mediocre and tedious parts for the sake of its open world.


Oct 30, 2017
cyberpunk for sure! i eagerly followed the development for YEARS only to be left with a bitter taste in my mouth when i played it. i honestly hope that one day they finish it to the standard they advertised.


Chicken Chaser
Dec 28, 2017
Clearwater, Florida
Kingdom Hearts 3.

I've been disappointed by games before and, to a lesser degree since, afterwards, but KH3 had the potential to be special and it was such a mess it almost turned me off the series in general, going forward. Luckily Remind at least proved that the team can create interesting combat scenarios, but god is the game not good, despite some of its parts being good.

Luckily, as far as 'dream' games go, Psychonauts 2 and Neo Twewy both were great.


Nov 8, 2017
Final Fantasy Type-0 had years of hype from importers and the HD version was the first retail PS4/X1 game I really cared about (yes, really, nothing in the first year and a half of those consoles did much of anything for me). Game has very few redeeming qualities. Awful story, bad gameflow, weirdly inconsistent difficulty, corridor level design, easily breakable combat.


Oct 25, 2017
Final Fantasy Type-0 had years of hype from importers and the HD version was the first retail PS4/X1 game I really cared about (yes, really, nothing in the first year and a half of those consoles did much of anything for me). Game has very few redeeming qualities. Awful story, bad gameflow, weirdly inconsistent difficulty, corridor level design, easily breakable combat.

Oh yeah, that's a good one. I really didn't enjoy the game even a little bit.


Mar 30, 2018
The original Fable broke me. Now, I temper expectations for nearly everything and I am never hyped for anything.

Major Byson

May 18, 2018
Aliens: Colonial Marines is a pretty strong number one in this category for me, and it's unlikely to ever be beaten. In fact, it was this very game that caused me to stop pre-ordering games full stop.

100% this for me as well. I had been following aliens colonial marines from the early leaks and was convinced it was going to be amazing.

I can remember standing in the store waiting in line to pick up my pre-order and contemplating buying the season pass because I was so sure that I'd love it.

Thankfully isolation was the complete opposite!


Oct 25, 2017
Final Fantasy XII - I love FFX and was hyped for 12, but man, I just couldn't get into it. It was so bad.

Brutal Legend - An action platformer with Jack Black? Sign me up. But then the RTS sections happened. I gave the game away.

Mighty Number 9 - An essentially all new Mega Man was hype as all hell, but that game pretty much single-handedly made me stop using Kickstarter for video games.


GOTY Tracking Thread Master
Oct 26, 2017
Crysis 2
Killzone Shadow Fall
The Order 1886
MGS V The Phantom Pain
Final Fantasy XV
Deus Ex Mankind Divided
Cyberpunk 2077