
Oct 25, 2017
Most impressive to me will always be Rogue Leader, it was a launch game that looked like it was made at the end of the generation.



Nov 5, 2017
Golden Sun. Couldnt believe what I was playing when it came out on GBA, everything looked unreal



Best answer

Also demons souls when it was new


God help us the mods are making weekend threads
Jul 30, 2018
United States
I'm replaying Binary Domain and it's incredible how RGG (Yakuza studio) made a competent cover-based third person shooter to presumably get in on the trend of them being the biggest games that generation (X360 & PS3). It plays better than its contemporaries which I recently replayed, has some actual charm with its characters, and somehow didn't turn into a dumpster fire like Quantum Theory (Koei Tecmo's similar cash-grab that's on PS Now if you're brave enough).


Editor at Nintendo Wire
Oct 27, 2017
For some reason I was blown away by the install screen of Binary Domain.

Yeah I have no idea.

Similarly, poking around the Don Quijote store in Yakuza 3 on PS3.


I think eventually I was so used to giant set-pieces that having something that emulated real-life was impressive.


Nov 28, 2018
Fez and The Witness for me. My mind just doesn't work in that puzzle way so trying to think of how people create these things blows my mind.


Feb 15, 2018
I'm replaying Binary Domain and it's incredible how RGG (Yakuza studio) made a competent cover-based third person shooter to presumably get in on the trend of them being the biggest games that generation (X360 & PS3). It plays better than its contemporaries which I recently replayed, has some actual charm with its characters, and somehow didn't turn into a dumpster fire like Quantum Theory (Koei Tecmo's similar cash-grab that's on PS Now if you're brave enough).
The world needs more Kane and Bo


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Xenoblade on the Wii. Just... Just the entire thing somehow working on the Wii.
Nov 5, 2017
Getting GTA5 to a totally playable state on the PS3 was absolutely mind blowing for me. All this detail and the huge, consistent open world on a toaster with far less then 256MiB of usable RAM. Astonishing.


Oct 27, 2017
V-Rally 3 on the Gameboy Advance. A 3D racing game with a cockpit view. On the Gameboy Advance. I played it as a kid and didn't even understand what the difference between 2D and 3D was and always wondered why other games couldn't be "like that".
Jan 13, 2020
Breath of the Wild is so effortless in its world building. It doesn't feel like something that was designed; just an organic, living, breathing world that was magicked into existence. The combination of all the systems blows my mind.


Oct 30, 2018
For me it's Xenoblade X on the WiiU, the sheer scale of it is unlike ANY other game i've ever played. I came back to it after beating The Witcher 3 and it's expansions, and despite having played 200+ hours of Xenoblade X previously and returning to it after playing another big open world, i was still impacted by the scope of Mira.


Feb 28, 2018
I was gonna say Skyrim on PS3 but I would hardly call that a fully playable experience.

SotC on PS2 was nuts, I have no idea how they got that to work.

GTA SA on PS2 didn't look amazing but it's impressive that an open world game with that much mobility and shit going on worked at all on the platform.
Oct 29, 2017
RDR2 on base last-gen consoles

This from recent memory.

Black magic fuckery. The whole thing. We had beautiful games like TLoU2 but the scope of RDR2 makes it so much more amazing.

Also comparing GTAV to GTAIV on 7th gen. What a step up (except for animation/physics).

PSP as a whole too. It was like a PS2 in your hands. What the hell. Crazy shit back then.

MS Flight Simulator is the most recent one. Unbelievable.


Character Artist
Oct 25, 2017
Dead or Alive 3 and Dead and Alive 2 Ultime on the original Xbox. The super fast and fluid action, very high polygon character models, effects like bloom lighting, reflective water or water and snow displacement, swirled up leaves or petals, destructive stage parts and its huge, multilayered stages were unrivalled in the genre and even 20 years after they hold up well.

Last edited:


Oct 22, 2018
I played RDR2 in a base xbox one, not only did the xbox not blow up like a expected, it also runs at a steady framerate (way better than OG GTA V).

Some black magic had to be involved.


Oct 25, 2017
I've said this before-

There is nothing more complex that humanity creates right now than a big budget AAA game. Even rockets and supercomputers aren't nearly as complex as what needs to be done to create something like RDR2.


Oct 29, 2017
Dublin, Ireland
Ridge Racer on the PSX made me feel like I had an arcade cabinet in my bedroom, absolutely blew me away that I could play a near arcade perfect game at home.


Oct 27, 2017
Your thread title is not well thought out because people can understand it in two majorly different ways.

On a technical level I'd add Xenoblade Chronicles (Nintendo Wii).
Even beyond the world itself, the first time I fast traveled blew me away. How the fuck is it loading so fast?!

I'm often blown away by games. Most recently I tried Powrslave on the Saturn and how quick and smooth the movement was shocked me.


Oct 27, 2017
A lot of good mentions here already like Uncharted 2 and Silent Hill 3...

But there's one I want to bring up that I don't think anyone mentioned yet.

Rage on X360 and PS3

Say what you will about the game and the repeated levels...

I never understood how they got those levels of graphics on 360 and PS3 at 60FPS when we had ever stutter in other games of the era like Dark Souls or Far Cry 3...

The smoothness of the experience combined with Amazon graphics for the time was magical even if the rest of the game wasn't.
Dec 11, 2017
Playing Super Mario 64 in late June or early July of 1996 at an import shop that got a Japanese Nintendo 64 was incredible. 12 or recently turned (depending if it was before or after July 7th) 13 year old me was absolutely blown away.

I knew before I played it that I really wanted an N64 that following September, but that moment some three months earlier truly pushed me over.


Oct 27, 2017
Toronto, Canada
GG Aleste 3

Sure you are playing the game in a collection but the actual game itself was written for Game Gear. M2 even brought the game running on a GG to demo events.