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Jun 10, 2018
This is factually incorrect - Please read the books. There are whole sections about the Dragons becoming less strong. We have no idea where on the power scale Dany's dragons fit other than knowing they are way way smaller than Aegons.

Um, no. It was never suggested that the dying of the pre-Dany dragons would have any bearing on how big hers would get. Jorah straight up says that given food and freedom that they never stop growing, so they could very well approach the size of Aegon's three. Tyrion (and probably one or two others I can't recall) talk about their scales as well.

It's heavily implied that they're damned near invincible when healthy and grown.


Developer at Pixel Arc Studios
Oct 26, 2017
Harrisburg, Pa
This video makes me realize how one-dimensional Euron is, and how on-the-nose he is for pure exposition. The guy never has a "down" scene where you actually find out about his character. He is just there to condense the plot down.

It reminds me of the biker gang they introduced at the end of Breaking Bad. Same type of deal. I wasn't all down on last week's episode (episode 3), but this one left me a bit down. Just a lot of weird turns for characters (Bronn, Jaime, etc...) and it feels... strange? They are having these characters do complete 180's and create drama, but there's only two episodes left.

Although, I suspect the Jaime thing is a fake out and he actually ends up killing Cersei. We shall see.


Unshakable Resolve
Oct 27, 2017
Such a disappointment. The writers just threw logic out the window and are just making shit happen to get to where they want to get. So many characters doing nonsensical things it's sad to watch. To me this the clear lowest point of the show.


It's Pronounced "Aerith"
Nov 4, 2017
No they didn't, D&D wanted this to end.

There may have been some complications with extended the contracts for the remaining actors, but we don't know anything because... well, D&D were the executive actors in telling HBO when the show would end basically.

Then everyone involved screwed up, this show needed more time to breathe.

Because they wanted to move on to Star Wars, which was probably something they were proposed as ep 7 was being made or just released and all the hype around it.

This makes it hurt more :(

Deleted member 17952

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
What do you think I did for my screen shot? They were going around the plateau, to the left.
Your screenshot is wrong, Dany already turned around after that.
Hey, look at these, I can do screenshots too!

Initial scene, we can see dragon's vantage point with the front-leftish completely clear:

Then, magical arrow suddenly appears, specifically from the front-leftish (same spot where we saw that there was completely nothing) out of nowhere!


Oct 25, 2017
Danerys should catch a bullet and die right away. The dragon should level Kings Landing by hitting wildfire. Jaime should kill Cersei and get mega fucked by the Mountain. The Hound should save Jaime long enough to hear a message for Brienne. Hound should watch him die, say "Fuck's sake" and ride north again to find the woman that kicked his ass... The End.


User requested ban
Oct 25, 2017
I'm still working my way through the thread, but can someone PLEASE explain how ghost shrunk down to a regular sized dog?

I swear he was gigantic at one point, or am I confused?


Jon: ghost go away, I have a Dragon now........lmao
Ghost as never as large as the rest. He was the runt. Which is why Jon got him. He was alwsys shown to be a large dog size compared to greywinds near horse size

The Artisan

"Angels are singing in monasteries..."
Oct 27, 2017
It's really wired they didn't even mention Night King. I really hoped for more information about him, they really passed that phase, it's all about fucking iron throne now isn't it.
It's so bad that none of the other kingdoms had to suffer a damn thing from the winter war

The Unsent

Oct 25, 2017
Next episode begins 5 minutes later, we see ballista arrows everywhere and Dany's corpse lying next to Vary's and Tyrion's. "What the fuck were they thinking?" as Euron gigggles to Cersei. :D


Oct 25, 2017
London, UK
Regarding point # 2:

Because of the prophecy that Cersei got from the fortune teller. She was told she would have only three children, all of whom would die. So far, this came true.

This would be her fourth child. She's legitimately fearful of Tyrion's threat that her next child would never be born in accordance with that same prophecy. So when he threatened her unborn child, she held off from initiating the attack.

But killing Missandei is still gonna lead to an all out attack on Kings Landing and an attempt on Cersei's life.

Deleted member 1635

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
It's really wired they didn't even mention Night King. I really hoped for more information about him, they really passed that phase, it's all about fucking iron throne now isn't it.

Seriously no closure at all on that whole epic chapter. They are working at full speed to just wrap shit up and have entered cliff notes mode. It makes me tempted to just go read the spoilers for the remaining episodes, since the show is now basically just a series of "this happened, and then this happened, and then this happened." without bothering to have any of it make sense within the logic of the world they built or show how any of it affects that world.

Punished Goku

Oct 25, 2017
Y'know Jon better be schemin and not doing his dumbass honor shtick. Dumbass should've known that Sansa was gonna blurt.


Oct 25, 2017
Euron scene is still blowing my mind

- Rhaegal is shot down out of nowhere
- Dany gets angry and pissed and flies head on to the scorpions which just killed Rhaegal
- She dodges some arrows and makes an angry frown face and flies off
- Euron's fleet destroys Dany's ships by just shooting straight
- Can't even show them capturing Missandei, wasn't she on the same ship as Tyrion and the others?

Why didn't she fly around and attack them from the back while they were busy attacking her fleet? She's just gone

Also if the ballistas are so accurate, why didn't they target the bigger dragon with Dany on it the first time lol


Oct 25, 2017
Have you ever duck hunted? You know where they are currently, and when they come up into view, you shoot.

That is because you have practiced and you have a weapon that can reliably fire accurately at 200-400 yds. A ballista on a ship is not hitting a dragon at that range. Even if we pretend they could, it still does not explain how they got away or why Danny did not flank them while they destroyed part of her fleet.

Ziltoidia 9

Oct 25, 2017
It reminds me of the biker gang they introduced at the end of Breaking Bad. Same type of deal. I wasn't all down on last week's episode (episode 3), but this one left me a bit down. Just a lot of weird turns for characters (Bronn, Jaime, etc...) and it feels... strange? They are having these characters do complete 180's and create drama, but there's only two episodes left.

Although, I suspect the Jaime thing is a fake out and he actually ends up killing Cersei. We shall see.

That's the thing, all the consequential scenes are being put on the fast road because they have no time anymore. It also causes moments of things being told off screen, for instance Bran telling Sansa and Arya about Jon's real parents. Then they spend 80 minutes on a battle in episode 3 that was just a way to get rid of the WWs.

Well, I mean they could cut all the drinking and partying, but ha.... they don't really know how to use the time left that they have.

Similarly, just have Bronn run in and do 3 minutes of "telling how it is going to be" to just move the plot forward as quickly as possible. I do see how it is within charactor, as I see him as being tired of having to deal with all this shit, he just wants to move on and live without fighting.

HBO should have told DnD, "No, we will just get someone else to show run and you can go off and do star wars".

I was really fearful when I heard about shorter seasons, and then a big ass break between them.

Anton Sugar

Oct 27, 2017
im thoroughly enjoying the shit show. i literally can not tell whats bad or good anymore because it all hilarious to me
Same. There were parts of the episode I really enjoyed (there are a few nice character moments early on), some I hated (more poorly thought out battles), and some that were just what the fuuuuuuuck (Did Jamie just hit-and-quite virgin Brienne??).

Chitown B

Nov 15, 2017
Dragonstone is an island with an elevation far, far lower than the flying height of the dragons (obviously). It was silly, absurd writing.

that's all your opinion. The ships and dragons were all coming in together. So, think what you want but it's on you. You could also just say Dany should've just burned everyone everywhere for anything because it guaranteed a win. But that's not good TV.


Oct 25, 2017
Next episode begins 5 minutes later, we see ballista arrows everywhere and Dany's corpse lying next to Vary's and Tyrion's. "What the fuck were they thinking?" as Euron gigggles to Cersei. :D
There can't be any other ending than that. Cersie has KL protected by deadly ground to air coverage. Dany being able to fly more than a few hundred feet into range is going to be stupid as fuck. Just give it to Cersei she won, just put me out of my misery.

Chitown B

Nov 15, 2017
That is because you have practiced and you have a weapon that can reliably fire accurately at 200-400 yds. A ballista on a ship is not hitting a dragon at that range. Even if we pretend they could, it still does not explain how they got away or why Danny did not flank them while they destroyed part of her fleet.

OK. I guess you know what you'd do in that fantasy situation.


Oct 31, 2017
Euron scene is still blowing my mind

- Rhaegal is shot down out of nowhere
- Dany gets angry and pissed and flies head on to the scorpions which just killed Rhaegal
- She dodges some arrows and makes an angry frown face and flies off
- Euron's fleet destroys Dany's ships by just shooting straight
- Can't even show them capturing Missandei, wasn't she on the same ship as Tyrion and the others?

Why didn't she fly around and attack them from the back while they were busy attacking her fleet? She's just gone

Also if the ballistas are so accurate, why didn't they target the bigger dragon with Dany on it the first time lol
I think it's worse than that, how did anyone survive the onslaught? Even if a group leapt off their ships and swam to shore, shouldn't they be immediately eviserated? The only one left should be Dany.

Ziltoidia 9

Oct 25, 2017
That is because you have practiced and you have a weapon that can reliably fire accurately at 200-400 yds. A ballista on a ship is not hitting a dragon at that range. Even if we pretend they could, it still does not explain how they got away or why Danny did not flank them while they destroyed part of her fleet.

I think Dany turning away at the last second is because if she loses her last Dragon, she will have nothing, and no reason for anyone to ever follow her. It also shows that she is a coward. Which links back to the tension of her listening to people talking about how great Jon is.


Oct 25, 2017
This show is trying to make me root for Cersei.

She wiped the extremist religious group in King's Landing.
Protected the city from Dany's overwhelming army and god damn dragons.
United everyone or eliminated all the threats below the North.
Didn't waste resources on some dumbass fight with the "Night King".
Has a BF that can teleport.

She's doing pretty well all things considered.

Anton Sugar

Oct 27, 2017
it's pointless to argue with people determined to hate it. I believe that's the definition of insanity. on to other things.
lol dude

We're not even swimming against the current here. A lot of people and critics thought this ep was the dregs. You don't have to take the side of "well, the other side is being completely unreasonable, so I won't even engage" when we're making criticisms that are echoed by a lot of other people.

You don't have to carry water for this show. It can have bad episodes. Most shows do.

Deleted member 1635

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
that's all your opinion. The ships and dragons were all coming in together. So, think what you want but it's on you. You could also just say Dany should've just burned everyone everywhere for anything because it guaranteed a win. But that's not good TV.

I always thought people came to "serious dramas" like GoT and other HBO/Netflix stuff because they are sick of traditional "good TV" with convenient plots that constantly make no sense and ignore the rules of the worlds they are in that are set up to make us care about the consequences in the first place.

Deleted member 17952

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
Euron having a magical horn that can control dragons in exchange for the soul of the horn-blower would make a lot more sense than this contrived mess.


Oct 26, 2017
Houston, TX
The Bronn scene was just pathetic. He's been one of my favorite characters and they just throw him into that scene? I completely get why Bronn would not fight at Winterfell. That completely fits his character. But I'm going to waltz in here with mah crossbow and demand a bigger castle and leave? Bronn want's money, sure, but he also calculates. He said as much in the damn scene, that he knew Cersei lost when he saw the dragons. So the best idea he has is to go threaten his biggest advocates? If anything, he could have had the same damn conversation over a few pints and say "Look you two fuckers, I still don't have my castle, so now I get my pick." Give Tyrion the crossbow as an ironic present from his sis. The writing, it's just killing me this season.

What is the point of the fucking cross bow too? Dude could have walked in there with his small of the back dagger in its sheath and it would have brought a lot more tension even if they wanted to keep the same beats.


Oct 25, 2017
The primary story question now is: how can they kill Cersei/Mountain/Qyburn/Euron without destroying the whole city.

Varys pretty much sets the outline for the last two episodes right there.

And Arya is probably the only one who can run a Spec-Ops to do it.


Community Resetter
Oct 25, 2017
Honestly one of the worst episodes in the history of the series. The writing is a disaster.


Fight Sephiroth or end video games
Oct 28, 2017


I'm gonna go look up the leaks

This is my official notice to the thread, i hereby waive my right to speculate without ban
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