
Oct 27, 2017
Both companies seem insecure regarding price talk and details (specially Sony).

I understand the current events. I would prefer a 1 year delay but let's not kid ourselves that Sony hasn't been super secretive much before the current pandemic.


Oct 27, 2017
Why should I care about any of that, let them tout their preorder numbers or don't, what difference does that make to me? Info now or in 3 months why should I care, all this covid have given some too much time on their hands and have seemingly made them very impatient. Are you concerned for the big companies or for yourself as a consumer?

People would've complained like this regardless. You don't understand my situation, so you're asking a question that makes no sense....on a lot of fronts.

This shouldn't be difficult to grasp:

1.) Everyone's argument is that "Sony and Microsoft owe you nothing".
2.) But Sony and Microsoft both want people to buy their products.
3.) So being especially limiting on information is probably not a good idea. Just expecting me to buy a product based off "hype" is...well, taking advantage of people.
4.) People want it all at once a month from release, but don't realize that many save up to afford consoles.


Aug 1, 2019
well, considering most of these launch title games will be playable on the current-gen consoles, we've seen nothing as far as showing us why we should upgrade. And in an economic recession, that's gonna matter big time. Both companies need to hit it out of the park in this regard during the summer reveals.
Right. But what is the potential problem, and what evidence is there of a potential problem? The article reads like Microsoft and Sony are inept and don't know how to do a console launch because we don't know everything on May 8th, 2020. I finished the article and immediately thought "I don't believe you". That cannot actually be a thing a Game Informer writer believes.

Deleted member 419

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Any announcements at the moment are marketing suicide. Coronavirus is gobbling up all of the headlines/mindshare, and dire economic conditions are not the time to sell people on expensive new nonessential toys.

This really is one of those situations where some people (apparently also ones at Game Informer) need to step back and take a look at the bigger picture. If you've been teasing big reveals, you don't want to dish them out in the middle of an unprecedented global disaster. Like honestly who actually thinks that's a good idea and what these companies should do? Use common sense.


Oct 27, 2017
Miami, FL
People would've complained like this regardless. You don't understand my situation, so you're asking a question that makes no sense....on a lot of fronts.

This shouldn't be difficult to grasp:

1.) Everyone's argument is that "Sony and Microsoft owe you nothing".
2.) But Sony and Microsoft both want people to buy their products.
3.) So being especially limiting on information is probably not a good idea. Just expecting me to buy a product based off "hype" is...well, taking advantage of people.
4.) People want it all at once a month from release, but don't realize that many save up to afford consoles.
No one is forcing you to buy at launch. If you don't have the information you need to pull the trigger, you have the fantastic option to wait. Even better for your savings and a win/win all around, no?

As noted by 99% of this thread, plenty of people are okay with the level of information we have relative to the announced launch period. I, for one, don't feel "taken advantage of" by any means.


Alt account banned
Oct 2, 2019
Any announcements at the moment are marketing suicide. Coronavirus is gobbling up all of the headlines/mindshare, and dire economic conditions are not the time to sell people on expensive new nonessential toys.

This really is one of those situations where some people (apparently also ones at Game Informer) need to step back and take a look at the bigger picture. If you've been teasing big reveals, you don't want to dish them out in the middle of an unprecedented global disaster. Like honestly who actually thinks that's a good idea and what these companies should do? Use common sense.
Hmm. Every single thing they announce regarding these new consoles is getting massive view counts and gaming websites say they get huge traffic. Sounds like most people are just fine hearing about these new consoles and quite eager to hear more.


Oct 30, 2017
People would've complained like this regardless. You don't understand my situation, so you're asking a question that makes no sense....on a lot of fronts.

This shouldn't be difficult to grasp:

1.) Everyone's argument is that "Sony and Microsoft owe you nothing".
2.) But Sony and Microsoft both want people to buy their products.
3.) So being especially limiting on information is probably not a good idea. Just expecting me to buy a product based off "hype" is...well, taking advantage of people.
4.) People want it all at once a month from release, but don't realize that many save up to afford consoles.
I know I said I didn't want to respond but you keep twisting my words.

1. Correct.
2. Irrelevant, as I'm not Sony or MS.
3. I have said from the beginning of this thread don't buy unless you have all the info, don't buy on hype, you can always wait until PS5/Xbox are released and read reviews/streams/impressions from people you trust. And no one stops you from doing that no matter how little info Sony/MS gives.
4. Here's an idea: save up now, if you don't want any of the consoles then you now have ~$500 extra to use on something else.

I hope that helps.


Oct 27, 2017
No one is forcing you to buy at launch. If you don't have the information you need to pull the trigger, you have the fantastic option to wait. Even better for your savings and a win/win all around, no?

As noted by 99% of this thread, plenty of people are okay with the level of information we have relative to the announced launch period. I, for one, don't feel "taken advantage of" by any means.

LMAO. Aight.

Deleted member 419

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Hmm. Every single thing they announce regarding these new consoles is getting massive view counts and gaming websites say they get huge traffic. Sounds like most people are just fine hearing about these new consoles and quite eager to hear more.
View counts don't translate into sales. The purpose of pre-release marketing is to establish a product in the audience's mindshare, convince them to buy it and then keep it relevant in their brain long enough for the product to release and for them to make the purchase. This is a terrible time to do that given the current news cycle and the financial hardship in society at large. People may tune in to next-gen info but nobody outside enthusiasts on places like Era are going to keep caring, there are too many other things on their plate at the moment. It makes significantly more sense from a business perspective to wait the virus out, do burst marketing close to release, and convert that hype into immediate sales instead of relying on more casual consumers to keep a $300-500 electronics purchase in their plans for at least 6 months while in the middle of a global pandemic.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 27, 2017
People in this thread acting like it's not their job to report on this. They know it's not necessary right now.


Oct 27, 2017
Miami, FL
You do?

I can explain why I don't:

1) I've spent a total of $0.00 on next gen so far.
2) I will know 100% of the info I need before I am forced to purchase. Not the other way around. Pre-orders aren't even open until relevant information is revealed.
3) Information is coming in the next few weeks/months.
4) A product doesn't just get better or worse based off of when I find out the details on it.

There's literally no argument to be made other than "I want it NOW!!!" unless I'm missing something.


Nov 2, 2017
I like the guys at Game Informer. They're pretty balanced in their coverage. They're off on this one.


Oct 27, 2017
I don't really understand what confusion the author was talking about. Why does he think Sony and Microsoft have to send out information in the manner that he deems appropriate? The 2 machines will eventually come out. When and how both companies provide information regarding to their products shouldn't matter. Just be patient.
Oct 27, 2017
The next gen consoles will go faster, give you better graphics and probably some more sequels to games you liked. And they'll go brrrr.

That's all the info I need.

Hire me MS and/or Sony.


Oct 27, 2017
Not really a surprise from a publication owned by an entity that has vested interest in getting customer preorders advertised as soon as possible.

ps3ud0 8)

Gay Bowser

Oct 30, 2017
Sony couldn't even show the new box yet?

They could, they've just chosen not to.

The promotion has to align with the November launches.

…exactly. Last I checked, November was six months away.

As a point of comparison, the entire concept of the Nintendo Switch was revealed less than six months before launch. I think it's just fine that we only know *checks notes* all the key hardware upgrades and the design of the controller for the PS5.

They'll almost certainly have a digital event showing off the box and some big first-party titles this month or next, and then suddenly they'll be "ahead" of super-transparent Microsoft in terms of announcing stuff. Not that it will matter in the long run one iota whether Microsoft shows off Halo in June or July. Because, again, these boxes aren't going on sale for months.

It matters much more that the games impress when they are shown. That's why neither Sony nor Microsoft want to rush things, no matter how much marketing experts on the internet convince themselves that showing off everything to "give us something to talk about" as soon as possible would be better.

Sony isn't just going to putt on a PS5 show to "give us something to talk about." They're going to do it in order to sell PS5s. And every decision they make will be in service of making the event sell as many PS5s as possible.


Oct 28, 2017
There's a lot of vitriol about this article that really just seems to be asking Microsoft and Sony for more info on their consoles.

As a consumer, it seems like an understandable request.

Gay Bowser

Oct 30, 2017
November is still far, far away. There's a lot of time for them to show us more.

It's remarkable how fast people turned this discussion into a false dichotomy. It's like, "Oh, you don't agree that it's a problem that we don't have first party software details six months before launch? Why do you think it's okay for these companies to ask people to spend $500 based on hype alone?" And, of course, nobody is advocating for that position.

It's almost like "they'll announce details over the coming weeks and months, and at the end of the day that is entirely reasonable for a product that isn't going on sale for months afterward" can't exist in some people's minds, as, like, a concept. Come November, no one will give a shit which console vendor announced which details slightly earlier in the spring and summer.

Penny Royal

The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
QLD, Australia
The article would be better titled:

'Gaming websites & journalists need Sony & MS to be clearer so we have something to write about to keep the clicks coming in.'

Back in the days of magazines & earlier internet there wasn't the same pressure to keep delivering content, especially as many website contributors are paid per article/clicks etc


Oct 27, 2017
I think the reason people are so thirsty for information is because we don't have E3 this year. In the past we were more patient because we knew at E3 we would find out everything. That's just not the case this year. None of us have a clue when Sony and Microsoft are going to give us all of the information that we want. Both of them have done a piss poor job of informing us of their plans.

We don't need all of the information, we just need to know WHEN we'll get that information.
Oct 27, 2017
1. There's a global pandemic. C'mon guys. No normal routine/timeline is applicable now.
2. IDK what the big deal is? We didn't know about Xbox 360 officially until May 2005, 6 months before release. Switch was revealed 6 months before, PS4 9 months with a blowout at 5 months left, and Xbox One in May 2013 i believe, again around the same time as now.

But also, outlets like GI need content before next-gen news, and so they have to make articles like this.

Lukas Taves

Oct 28, 2017
The author makes excellent points.
Not really. If Ms is making the games available on both consoles that's because they don't care if you are buying and playing them in the previous console. They want you in the ecosystem buying games and subbing to gamepass.

He says like he's found a loophole when it's precisely the goal of Ms strategy.


Nov 14, 2017
Eh, we're a little early to need to know everything about these consoles.

Do I want to know more? Yes. Do I want to see things that are actually making a case for next gen (Rather than what we saw the other day)? Absolutely.

But do I need it? No. Until I can put money down for either console, it's reasonable to not have the full story. I hope the next couple of months are very illuminating, because my excitement is pretty low right now.


Oct 31, 2017
Gamers seem so entitled even though it's cliche to say that it feels very true. I don't understand people freaking out about this stuff when they will obviously come out with enough marketing to try and get you to buy it before release. So many games and stuff already out to enjoy in the meantime. Maybe expand the genres you play or something. I don't understand all the concern from people as if they work for these companies.

It literally just takes patience and we will have tons of next gen stuff to look out in just a couple months. Guess people don't have much patience. This worry all won't matter when they do start showing things once they are ready.

Reminds me of everyone freaking out about Warzone leaks and Activision not marketing it. Now it is one of the most popular games and all that insanity was pointless.


Oct 28, 2018
Microsoft with the Xbox Series X did the job IMO. They showed the consoles, what inside the box, some features with lots of explanations, Next Gen games and recently a bunch of third party titles. More to come next weeks for both consoles.

Gay Bowser

Oct 30, 2017
Global pandemic officially over as of November 2020? Call the mayor!

The point isn't that coronavirus will be gone by November, it's that they're not actually taking money for people for these yet, and won't be for months. They're not, like, trying to sell people a mystery box here.

We'll know what the consoles looks like and what the first-party software story is months before anyone actually exchanges money for these. No one in November will care whether the vendors showed off their first-party titles in May or June or July.

Meg Cherry

Oct 25, 2017
Seattle, WA
The point isn't that coronavirus will be gone by November, it's that they're not actually taking money for people for these yet, and won't be for months. They're not, like, trying to sell people a mystery box here.

We'll know what the consoles looks like and what the first-party software story is months before anyone actually exchanges money for these.
The point is that MS/Sony can't be completely relieved of expectations by consumers, when consumers are still being expected to buy the machines under the same circumstances. Do I expect the marketing rollout to be different? Sure. But I still want to have a firm expectation of the upcoming product & software support.


Nov 12, 2017
With Series X, we've seen the console front, back dimensions and all the ports. We got a look at the controller and all the new features coming with it like decreased latentcy, the new share button and slight changes to the controller shape itself. We've seen features specifically created for Series X like fast loading, quick resume in specifically created demos. We got lots of info on the new velocity architecture, info on VRS, directml and ray tracing. Even demos show to point how incredible it can be with Minecraft etc. We were just shown a video on lots of third party games , indies coming to Series X. Even a trailer of first party game like Hellblade 2. We got a month reveal where first party titles will be shown - July. The only thing not revealed is the price which Spencer has many times hinted it will be competitive. Microsoft and Xbox has shown a wealth of information so far so it is baffling why MS is included in this.

Gay Bowser

Oct 30, 2017
Because the entire global economy's just gonna be back to super-normal by October?

Might want to get your expectations in check.

I don't know how you're repeatedly missing people's points so badly.

No one is saying that the economy is going to be back to normal in November. People are just saying that these products are not going on sale for months, so the vendors are not failing consumers by not releasing adequate information on them. We are still 6+ months away from anyone putting down money for these, and no, stating that obvious fact is not stating anything at all about whether or not coronavirus will still be a crisis in six months.


Oct 25, 2017
Both these consoles will sell out at launch, no need for them to 'do' anything. All we will get is x-gen stuff anyways.

Meg Cherry

Oct 25, 2017
Seattle, WA
They aren't selling the boxes yet though? You can't even pre-order them yet so what's the issue?
As previously stated, it's foolish to insist these companies can't be critiqued for bad marketing because of a global pandemic - when they are actively trying to sell people on these boxes during a global pandemic.

Even if the boxes aren't on sale, doesn't mean you're not hearing the sales pitch.

I don't know how you're repeatedly missing people's points so badly.

No one is saying that the economy is going to be back to normal in November. People are just saying that these products are not going on sale for months, so the vendors are not failing consumers by not releasing adequate information on them. We are still 6+ months away from anyone putting down money for these, and no, stating that obvious fact is not stating anything at all about whether or not coronavirus will still be a crisis in six months.

Perhaps what's being misunderstood is that revealing nothing but a logo, a controller, and vague spec information for a new console six months out from launch is a weak marketing strategy by any standard. And it's unreasonable to say that those standards need to be lowered, when the companies trying to make these sales still expect consumers to buy one this year.


Oct 26, 2017
As previously stated, it's foolish to insist these companies can't be critiqued for bad marketing because of a global pandemic - when they are actively trying to sell people on these boxes during a global pandemic.

Even if the boxes aren't on sale, doesn't mean you're not hearing the sales pitch.

So you're saying that the sales pitch needs to be a blow out even though the products in question isn't on sale yet?