
Oct 25, 2017
It looks like a very different film than Fury Road, which is understandable given the circumstances. I hope it can be good on its own right and that people will get over it. We'll always have Fury Road.


Oct 30, 2017
It looks like a very different film than Fury Road, which is understandable given the circumstances. I hope it can be good on its own right and that people will get over it. We'll always have Fury Road.

Yeah, I mean Furiosa spans years for a start. The very structure of the movie is different to Fury Road.


Oct 25, 2017
Looks better than the first trailer imo, but still a couple shots that look worse than Fury Road, oh well if the movie is great otherwise I'll gonna witness it in cinema for sure.

Fury Road was like a one in a million masterpiece, pretty hard to follow up on that.


Oct 27, 2017
I think it's the CG that's throwing people off, especially considering how practical Fury Road was
yeah, no.
fury road in 4k has the exact same visual "quirks" as this trailer: all of the sky/background is replaced with vfx which gives it a weird look. the cg-replacements (cars, people etc) look out of place and there are a lot of them. night scenes are shot in daylight and then "darkend" in post.
the only difference in style/look, is that this looks very digital. and fury road uses a ton of vfx/cg:


Oct 30, 2017
yeah, no.
fury road in 4k has the exact same visual "quirks" as this trailer: all of the sky/background is replaced with vfx which gives it a weird look. the cg-replacements (cars, people etc) look out of place and there are a lot of them. night scenes are shot in daylight and then "darkend" in post.
the only difference in style/look, is that this looks very digital. and fury road uses a ton of vfx/cg:

Like the thread for the first trailer, I think there's going to be a LOT of folks continuing to misremember just how shoddy some of the stuff in FURY ROAD actually was.

Still a Top 10 all time greatest movie, but hardly infallible.

I just wish this had more "grit" in its frames.
Oct 30, 2017
I know that Fury Road also had tons of CGI, but this one just looks... bad? Can't pinpoint why (maybe because it's just bad).


Oct 27, 2017
Like the thread for the first trailer, I think there's going to be a LOT of folks continuing to misremember just how shoddy some of the stuff in FURY ROAD actually was.

Still a Top 10 all time greatest movie, but hardly infallible.
yep. i was shocked when i saw fury road in 4k for the first time. it looks super artificial and "CG". people that complain about furiosa have probably never watched fury road in a long time or never in 4k.

Sir Wiart

Mar 11, 2024
Like the thread for the first trailer, I think there's going to be a LOT of folks continuing to misremember just how shoddy some of the stuff in FURY ROAD actually was.

Still a Top 10 all time greatest movie, but hardly infallible.

Agree and I'm a new member, long time lurker even before resetera was born.


Weekend Planner
Oct 29, 2017
Wrexham, Wales
Yeah my expectations are definitely lowered after these 2 trailers. It looks so plastic and digital compared to Fury Road (which I know had a lot of VFX, and I have seen it recently). I just don't buy the peril of the characters, I'm constantly having my attention drawn to it being shot on a green screen. It seems like way more of the set-piece design is centered around entirely digital elements rather than a mixture of practical/CGI.

From a practical perspective I don't blame 80-something-year-old George Miller for going this route, but as a result I think it's gonna feel a lot less impactful than FR.

I don't think it's gonna be bad by any means but I'm expecting more of a 6-7/10 now.

Wasn't Fury Road's trailers also terrible? I remember that between that and countless stories of how much of a nightmare the shoot was that it wasn't until reviews dropped and people saw it that anyone realized it was any good.

Not saying that will happen again necessarily, but still waiting and seeing on this one.

Uhhhh no the Fury Road trailers were pretty much universaly acclaimed

Last edited:


Oct 25, 2017
I also think this trailer looks much better than the first, although I wasn't as big of a downer on the first as some. And yeah, I absolutely adore Fury Road, but it's VERY stylized in sections, and the undercranking is used a bunch (and I honestly think that's one of the bigger things people are noticing in the trailers for Furiosa). It definitely looks WEIRD, but I'm still super excited for it.


Dec 19, 2017
People should sit down and rewatch Fury Road if they think it looked more 'real' or 'gritty' or whatever. It had lots of obviously fake shit splattered on screen, with plenty of dodgy composition where your brain is telling you the cars are not actually driving on a real location in some scenes but are in front of a fake backdrop. This is most apparent during the canyon sequences, and practically any smooth zoom-in shots of drivers faces.

This trailer looks exactly in line with the soft rebooted world of Fury Road, it's hyper stylised and almost feels like a comic book come to life. And just like all the worry about Fury Road evaporated when it released, I expect the same with this sequel, which will be nice because the complaints every thread are getting tiresome to wade through.
Oct 25, 2017
I'll take this looking a bit more artificial so that it can actually release this century and not result in insane injuries/risk of death for the stunt performers.

Folks clearly don't know how rough Fury Road's production was.

This. We rightfully criticize working conditions in the gaming industry, it would be ridiculous to ask for another Fury Road shoot.
And I'm optimistic Miller has another awesome movie in him.


Oct 27, 2017
The look + Anya Taylor Joy probably means a skip for me.
Or maybe a rental while grimacing


Visited by Knack
Oct 25, 2017
Judfiufrom the trailer that has been showing in the cinemas this month, I'm going to have my eardrums blown out in either IMAX or Atmos. Can't wait.


Oct 25, 2017
some of the CGI sheen on this is not great and doesn't pop like Fury Road trailers did. but the style and madness of it all looks sick and really refreshing compared to everything else coming out honestly. Im in for sure

I hope theres still plenty of practical stuff in here though. that shot at the end of her car jumping over the sand dune and crashing into a bike was fire.


Oct 25, 2017
Clearly Miller didn't want to endure another shoot like Fury Road and opted for an easy production with significantly more CG. You can't really blame him, Fury Road was hell to make, but it's disappointing for sure.

It's sad, but I get it. Only a couple shots looked rough. Just watched Fury Road again this weekend so I'm interested in catching this.


Oct 27, 2017
Whatever, less "real" than Fury Road. I'll still be there Day 1. Stop complaining.

Visually it still looks amazing, it just has more CGness to it.


The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
Am not to worried about how it looks, the first trailer looked amazing on the IMAX screen, also I trust George Miller.

The Pot

Oct 25, 2017
Some of that looked great, some looked pretty bad. Will watch at some point.
Liked it more than the last trailer.


Oct 28, 2017
I think this looks fantastic. Very different tone from Fury Road, and I'm not yet sold on whatever Chris Hemsworth is doing here, but I will be there day 1.


Oct 26, 2017
don't know what happened here, looks like the direct to dvd sequel. the fury road trailer was from a different universe.

the man who sold the world cover is fire though


Oct 29, 2017
Ah damn it. I thought it looked pretty good until I rewatched that Fury Road trailer.


Oct 25, 2017
The first Fury Road trailer was incredible.

No, Fury Road had some of the best trailers in recent memory.

Uhhhh no the Fury Road trailers were pretty much universaly acclaimed


I looked back at trailer threads circa and pre-2015 at the old place, and you're all right. Not sure where I got the notion that the trailers weren't well-received from.


Oct 25, 2017
This was a much better trailer than the last one, also visually. I'm fine with the CG now, and I wasn't before. It was also a more interesting trailer. Definitely looking forward to this, the story and the lore, the places and the characters.