Next camping trip?

  • 2/15/19

    Votes: 2 22.2%
  • 2/16/19

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  • 2/17/19

    Votes: 2 22.2%
  • Other.

    Votes: 5 55.6%

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Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 25, 2017
Figured I'd start this up for the new Era. Games still a ton of fun if you got a regular group.

I've started a discord to help coordinate private matches, not many people have joined but here's hoping! Couple of ex gaffers are there and I literally mean a couple haha
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Managing Editor ‑ Press Start
Oct 25, 2017
Yeah, I''ve been having an absolute ball with it lately. There's still some server issues but those aside, it.'s damn good.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
They finally put out a patch that fixes/changes some important things. Especially making Tommy worth playing.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 25, 2017
Agreed. I'm especially excited for the grab changes. I wish I wasn't stuck at work!


Oct 25, 2017
That patch sounds great. Did someone ever figure out how to unlock the tapes? I've never found one.


Saw the truth behind the copied door
Oct 25, 2017
I just bought the swimsuit pack because I want more costumes. Can't wait for the Halloween pack (even though my A.J. Main has a not very exciting Skeleton one)


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
I need to jump back in, but dont want to do it with randos. Any groups here still doing it fairly regularly?
Oct 25, 2017
Upstate NY
I was stubborn enough to wait until there was a physical release, so I picked this up for the PS4 on Friday the 13th.

Honestly, I love this game. Objectively, I don't think it's 'amazing' or anything, and I would have a hard time recommending this to a wide audience, but as a fan of the film franchise, this is the game I want to play. They're really nailed the whole 'Jason going after counselors / counselors trying to escape Jason' thing.

I haven't actually partied up with any regulars, and instead have just been trying the luck of the draw with random players. I like playing with random people because I just never know what's going to happen. I could come across some vindictive person that hurts me so they can get away faster, I could end up scared and alone while watching everyone escape without me, or I could be central to everyone's escape. Having the cards always shuffled, so to speak, means I'm always sitting on the edge of my seat because I truly don't know what to expect.

The downside is that there's people who will leave, even if they're the host. That's a bummer. It also can take too long to find a game sometimes. I've heard the PC player base is even lower, but maybe the STEAM sale will help with that. Also, I have to imagine that people are cheating on PS4… having a friend tell them where the remaining counselors are or something. I've had Jasons that spawned so close to me they were able to grab and finish me off. Heresy.

But overall, I'm having a blast with this. I really like that there's multiple opportunities for you to escape, so if one plan fails, you can always work on another. Car becomes useless? Try the boat. No boat? Call in Tommy Jarvis. Can't find that radio? See if you can call the cops. Definitely keeps things interesting.

Fans of the film franchise shouldn't hesitate to hop on this. Everyone else… maybe see if a friend has it so you can try it out.


Oct 25, 2017
Vernon Hills, IL
I honestly feel like Jason is too underpowered now. Not to say patching the grab was a bad idea, but most matches I've played yesterday resulted in the counselors easily overcoming Jason


Oct 25, 2017
I only see that if they gang up on Jason and to me, that's fine. Plant your traps wisely (Car, phone box) and use the stalk power (SO underused) and you should be fine. Keep practicing with knives to deal with people who obviously want you to grab them or run away to protect others. Listen closely to everything since the game tells you everything that is being fixed. I still have a blast with it. I just wish Fox and the other counselor got new costumes as well.
Oct 26, 2017
Any uk players here? Backed it on kickstarter and played it non stop for months. Took.a long break, tried jumping back in recently and it was horrible playing with randoms.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 25, 2017
I only see that if they gang up on Jason and to me, that's fine. Plant your traps wisely (Car, phone box) and use the stalk power (SO underused) and you should be fine. Keep practicing with knives to deal with people who obviously want you to grab them or run away to protect others. Listen closely to everything since the game tells you everything that is being fixed. I still have a blast with it. I just wish Fox and the other counselor got new costumes as well.
To add to this, destroy the power boxes! Don't rush, unless it's a small map then feel free to be aggressive, watching the counselors from afar with stalk on really messes with people.


Saw the truth behind the copied door
Oct 25, 2017

New teaser for the new game mode, 'Paranoia'.
Reddit thinks it's a someone is the killer but no one knows kind of game mode.


Oct 27, 2017
I need a good price drop so that I can get this game. I have way too much fun simply watching people play...I want to actually play it myself, haha.


Oct 25, 2017
Seattle, WA
I wonder if you'll get to become Jason for kills or if your counselor character will do them. Then, do you have the abilities of a counselor only or some of Jason's powers too? Many questions - this could be a completely awesome mode.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 25, 2017
So out of nowhere they announced a new game mode coming called paranoia, guess we're getting Roy after all.

Beaten like Mrs Voorhees


Oct 25, 2017
I am almost certain these grab changes will be a mistake. Especially since camp counselors are going to have more consistent options for escape.

I know a lot of people asked for these grab nerfs, but Jason was already in for a rough time when dealing with a group of competent counselors. I think we are going to see a lot of Jason's get blown out now...

Can the game be fun is Jason isn't scary? If he isn't an ever-present threat? I have my doubts...


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 25, 2017
He's still a big threat, a competent Jason vs competent counselors is a fun match up. Even against my friends (who I feel are really good) I can go 6/7 out of 8 but sometimes I'll only get 3 or 4 because now they don't have to worry about me grabbing them across a rock.

Heath V

Oct 27, 2017
I have been having a lot of fun with this game. This is a horror fan,s game come true, they really nailed the atmosphere!

Btw, first post. Hello everyone!!
Oct 27, 2017
Snagged the Part IV Jason kills, Halloween costume, and Emote party pack DLC today. Honestly been one of the only games I've been playing since it launched in May. Really enjoying the updates they've released.


Saw the truth behind the copied door
Oct 25, 2017
I want the Halloween pack so bad but gotta wait till 30th for EU. :(


Oct 27, 2017
This is one of my favorite games on Xbox atm, they fixed so many bugs that's it's actually playtable. If anyone is on Xbox, hit me up to play.



Oct 27, 2017
What have they done with the framerate for the Xbox version in the last 2 update, its like below 20fps most matches!. Hope this gets an Xbox One X performance patch as it friggin needs it!!


Oct 27, 2017
What are considered the top tier Perks for the councilors?, im at my max now and still dont have a good idea as to whats considered keepers!?


Oct 27, 2017
Does it have a good community on PC? I wanted to get this on the Steam Halloween sale but I've heard mixed things about the game.


Oct 27, 2017
I like spawning with walkie, having two uses of a first aid, and whatever the perk is that reduces your fear while in the dark.

Walkie talkie really, find that useless as alot of times no one uses it, i tend to go for more stamina based ones but some of the perks are a bit vague on how they actually work


Oct 27, 2017
- Light Foot
- Marathon
- Restful

These I use on most counselors, but if they are already high in Stamina or Stealth, I'll swap it out for Hypochondriac.

So if a counselor has like 10 for stealth would adding a perk related to stealth boost that stat beyond 10 or is it a waste to use a perk type that your councilor already has a maxed stat in that skill set??

I didnt know if there was a guide anyway that tells you what perks to use for each counselor to get the best setup?
Oct 25, 2017
PS4. I'm always up for a game.

If anything, I'm hoping to see more players get involved. It's very much on par with what we've seen PUBG do, word of mouth alone can do wonders for a game that's not quite there, mechanically.

I can't quite recommend the game wholeheartedly, there's still glaring issues with the game that new players now probably wouldn't accept, but the blow is cushioned when you have a ripe and vibrant playing group such as this place.

Also, the general playerbase has had time to adjust to the game's idiosyncrasies so instead of a rampaging Jason Voorhees vs sexed up defenceless campers you now see............the Scooby Doo gang making a fool of the villain and running rings around him. Ruh Roh Rason!

That's not necessarily a bad thing though. Overall it's a fantastic concept that the developer team (who are also active in the 'official' discord) has crafted here, but as I said, fresh meat is always needed.

Camper tip: always find your friends early on

Jason tip: take out player's objectives by any means necessary early on

Overall tip: Mic up, but judge from match to match whether it's going to be worth using it. This goes double for matches with loud or obnoxious lobbies. This does not apply to private matches, where you are encouraged to participate. The other players may have just come off of five matches in a row of screaming swearing children, so they will probably welcome the change of pace.


Oct 27, 2017
So if a counselor has like 10 for stealth would adding a perk related to stealth boost that stat beyond 10 or is it a waste to use a perk type that your councilor already has a maxed stat in that skill set??

I didnt know if there was a guide anyway that tells you what perks to use for each counselor to get the best setup?
I never tested it, but searching for an answer only got mixed results at best, so I just go on the assumption it won't go past 10.


Oct 28, 2017
Complained about it on gaf before this thread but this patch broke a lot of jason's abilities like warp on xbox which really really hinders your ability to get around the map.

Additionally, they promised dedicated servers for this month and not a word about them as we head into November. Host quitting has been an issue for months and I'm baffled that theyve neglected it this long all the while pumping out DLC. I was so lenient with this game for months on end as a day 1 buyer but its about a 50/50 chance of whether I have a good time everytime I boot it up now.


Oct 25, 2017
Bought Mario and AC on release day, but this is mostly what I've been playing all weekend (hell pretty much this whole month). The patch from this past Thursday helped solidify that (Fox!!).

Took a pretty long break from this game at some point during the summer, but the patches and build up to the content updates this month have comepletly sucked me back. So if anyone is interested in grouping up in matchmaking or private matches than feel free to add me. My PSN ID is, jtrov. Already joined the discord posted above, so hopefully we'll gain some more users and get some private matches going. Being able to play without the added fear from the inevitable host rage quit would be nice.
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Oct 27, 2017
Manchester, UK
You just have to get lucky for the tapes. They are extremely rare. I'm level 34 and have only found 1.
I've been playing since release and finally found my first tape last week. I was even lucky enough to escape with it, and have the match end without the host disconnecting. My luck didn't last however as when the match summary screen came up, there was no mention of the tape, and it wasn't in my collection afterwards.

The heartbreak was real.


Oct 25, 2017
How is the community these days? I loved watching people play this on PC and bought the PS4 digital copy a while back but after only a few games of being team killed instantly I just couldn't play it and can't bring myself to suggest this game to my Destiny group at a 40 price point.