Oct 27, 2017
I hope there aren't too many errors in my translation but I had to share this story:

Essonne district: policemen donate stolen consoles to sick children

The machines were meant to be destroyed but will now delight the young patients of the Corbeil-Essonnes hospital.

The children of the Centre Hospitalier Sud Francilien (CHSF) in Corbeil-Essonnes (Essonne district) are getting a nice Christmas present. For several weeks now, the gendarmes of Mennecy (a town near Paris) have been trying to find the owners of four PlayStation 4 consoles, spotted on classified ads website LeBonCoin and allegedly stolen.

Newspaper Le Parisien said that after an investigation and a search was done at the receiver, the machines, new and packaged, were seized along with €4,000 in cash. The suspect was unable to justify the origin of the consoles.

The officers then went up the distribution chain up to Le Havre, the city of their arrival on French territory. No theft was reported there and "the public prosecutor decided to destroy the consoles, as is customary with this type of seizure" website Actu.fr underlines.

Instead of the planned destruction, the policemen chose to entrust the consoles to the hospital, where they will be used for therapeutic purposes.

"It's one way to get them to relax and avoid anxiety and pain," says a spokesman for the hospital.​
On the gendarmes' side, the good deed is described with a smile since, as one of the officers admits, "for the first time, we're redistributing stolen goods".

"It's means a lot for their stay here. It's also a way to distract them during a painful act. It's a well-known analgesic method."​
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Oct 29, 2017
I read that as detonate. I was thinking there are some real sick fucks in this world lol.


QA Tester
Oct 25, 2017
building stone people
Très bien maintenant les enfants peuvent jouer avec leur consoles. My French is still terrible but if there's one thing gaming is good for then it's forgetting pain and problems for a while. Of course it depends on the issues but it's nice to read good gaming related news once a while.


Oct 26, 2017
A nice story. It's too bad they couldn't find the original owners, but at least it'll make some children happy :).


Game Designer
Nov 5, 2017
This is very good.

There's a nice charity in the UK which takes donated used games and donates them directly to children's wards in the UK. They also repair broken systems and generally make sure the hospitals have a good working setup for the children.


Oct 27, 2017
Well Played French Police. Why destroy the game consoles when they can be used for something better? In this case, it is nice that they were donated instead so that the kiddos can have something to enjoy during their stay.


Oct 25, 2017
That's great. I just hope they didn't donate headset for voicechat. No one needs to hear the racist crap being spewed out there.