Who is the best developer for FPS Gunplay

  • Bungie

    Votes: 324 34.8%
  • Valve

    Votes: 46 4.9%
  • 343i

    Votes: 44 4.7%
  • ID

    Votes: 303 32.6%
  • Respawn

    Votes: 137 14.7%
  • Other

    Votes: 76 8.2%

  • Total voters


Oct 25, 2017
I'd go with id but I think it's missing DICE. BF has always felt fun to shoot guns. Slick animations, great sounds and it's satisfying to control the recoil, especially at long ranges. BF is still the funnest game I've played to snipe in. The cross map sniping with slugs are fun too.


Teyvat Traveler
Oct 28, 2017
Bungie easily, there's nothing quite like gunplay in Destiny 2. Then ID, but mostly due to the flow, not gunplay per-se.

Rest is ok.


Jan 17, 2018
It's id Software and then Valve (Counter-Strike is a thing outside of consoles and both L4D and TF are rock solid).
Feb 9, 2018
I don't know about overall, but when it comes to just Halo, between Bungie and 343i I choose the latter. While Bungie made better campaigns, 343i was better when it came to weapon balance. Halo CE's weapons were fine in Campaign, but MP was dominated by that game's OP 3sk pistol, and in subsequent Halo games during the Bungie era the MP was likewise focused too heavily on mid-range "utility weapons" (i.e., the BR & DMR). 343i retooled the AR and pistol to where they're effective starting weapons but that still encourage map traversal and trying out weapons picked up off the map instead of constant cross-mapping with one's starting weapon. Halo 4 might have allowed for BR & DMR starts, those weapons weren't the end all, be all, and the AR could wreck them at closer ranges unlike in previous games where the AR was much weaker. While I have issues with Halo 5, it's mainly about the movement, not the weapons, which all felt great. And after playing the first test flight, Halo Infinite is shaping up to have perhaps the best gunplay in the series.

Outside of Halo, I have generally liked how id's games have played. Doom 2016 was amazing, and I still need to play Eternal.


Mar 18, 2019
It's Battlestate Games (Escape from Tarkov). Problem is, it's difficult to stay alive long enough to shoot the guns sometimes.

But I voted Respawn.


Aug 5, 2021
The Republic of Gamers
If were simply talking about the Animation, Sound and the look(not the MP Balance/mechanics) then this list feels lacking without developers like Dice/tripwire. Honestly the whole poll is kind of weird because, "Gun play" can illicit so many things. personally of the pool options I would go towards Respawn(or valve) since Dice is not an option. I do think that Insurgency: Sandstorm has some of the best sounding guns I've ever heard especially the Mosin at 1:23:00

Insurgency: Sandstorm | All Weapons

This video edit is inspired from Hectorlo.Subtitles inspired from frot. Animation Rating: 7.5/10i like this game0:00 BeginningPistol0:04 Makarov (I)1:30 M191...
Last edited:
Oct 25, 2017
Feel like the poll is dead on so far, I would say id then Bungie. Between the two they've defined the genre for me at least. Shout out to Machine Games, the Wolfenstein games are incredible when it comes to the core feel of the gunplay, and 343 are red hot as well but those two feel like direct lead ons from the first two so I'd go for that order.

Even though its not my core shit, I'd have to give it up to the Respawns and the Dices and Infinity Ward etc afterward for how tight and well done the military style shooters are.


Oct 27, 2017
If I have to choose only one it's Guerrilla Games solely for Killzone 2. It never felt so good to shoot a gun in a game again - not even in the sequels. And this is not only because of the awesome feeling and looking guns and reload animations, but also the enemy hit reactions and overall art style of the game.


Oct 28, 2017
it was bungie and id for me in term of the satisfaction of pulling the trigger but then once you take in a pvp environment consideration, bungie destiny all the way. responsiveness of shooting and receiving hit is good. id side only some what quake but the games nature is somewhat too fast pace to make any thoughts. felt like you just die too quickly or you kill folks quick too.


Jun 4, 2018
It's Bungie. Everything feels great to use in Destiny and Destiny 2. Bungie are masters of using underlying mechanics to give distinctive feels to individual weapons in ways that no other developer really has. It's fairly easy to describe in a general sense what these underlying mechanics are, and how they feel and work, but in the end it's a tangible thing - something you have to actually feel to understand the real difference being made here.

Followed closely by iD Software. Doom 2016 and Doom Eternal are fantastic games that focus on what they're good at - single-player arena shooter gameplay - and double-down on handling that extremely well.

After that, it's 343i. As much of a fumble as Halo 5 was with regards to the campaign and co-op - among the most important aspects of any Halo game - there's no denying that Halo 5 has some of the best-feeling core FPS gameplay the series has seen. I really wish there was a decent campaign that didn't end mid-cutscene that we could play with it in, but it's clear they had other priorities.

Valve has never really had good gunplay in any of their games, it's very basic and more of a vehicle for other gameplay mechanics to shine through. Respawn started off pretty strong with Titanfall, but fell off pretty hard in Titanfall 2 overall, even if gunplay was largely similar between the two.


Oct 25, 2017
This is clearly not a developer, and the rest of Guerilla's work has been "fine", but boy oh boy is the gunplay in Killzone 2's MP spectacular.


Dec 1, 2017
I'll reserve my judgement on Id as I only played a teensy bit of doom eternal but it's gotta be bungie by a long mile. Runner up is Warzone (I forgot which studio made that) and Respawn.


Oct 25, 2017
Long Island
I don't understand the iD voters? Are you playing on PC? The no ADS of Doom does not feel good as it never felt good in a post COD4 game.

when people talk about tight gun play the ADS is a major factor in that formula. A game that primarily hip fire is super boring AF

i would go in this order

Infinity Ward / Respawn (the game changing COD formula)
Bungie (halo before the ADS world, Destiny afterwards)


Jun 4, 2018
I don't understand the iD voters? Are you playing on PC? The no ADS of Doom does not feel good as it never felt good in a post COD4 game.

when people talk about tight gun play the ADS is a major factor in that formula. A game that primarily hip fire is super boring AF
Granted, I haven't played Doom 2016 or Eternal on a console, and did entirely play them on PC - but it also felt fantastic there.

Gunplay is about more than just the interaction of putting bullets somewhere, so ADS does definitely factor in, but it also necessarily takes into account the game in which those mechanics are being used. In the cases of Doom 2016 and Doom Eternal, they're very intentionally designed to not need to use ADS as a mechanic, and feel great because of that.

At least on PC. I'm not sure how the games would feel on a console, since the speed and precision needed for it don't really seem like it'd work all that well with a controller, but, again, I haven't tried it. There could be a lot of background workings going on there like what Bungie does in Destiny - the way aiming works in those games is actually pretty complicated, and definitely adjusted in a very different way when using a controller versus using a mouse.
Oct 27, 2017
I don't understand the iD voters? Are you playing on PC? The no ADS of Doom does not feel good as it never felt good in a post COD4 game.

when people talk about tight gun play the ADS is a major factor in that formula. A game that primarily hip fire is super boring AF

i would go in this order

Infinity Ward / Respawn (the game changing COD formula)
Bungie (halo before the ADS world, Destiny afterwards)
ADS sucks.

All it does is slow games and make them rely on another button to make things accurate instead of just... firing and hitting stuff.
Doom 4 did us a solid making guns have another firing mode (or three if we factor in the replacment of reloading into changing modes).

Not every game needs ADS and especially not a Doom game.
Granted, I haven't played Doom 2016 or Eternal on a console, and did entirely play them on PC - but it also felt fantastic there.

Gunplay is about more than just the interaction of putting bullets somewhere, so ADS does definitely factor in, but it also necessarily takes into account the game in which those mechanics are being used. In the cases of Doom 2016 and Doom Eternal, they're very intentionally designed to not need to use ADS as a mechanic, and feel great because of that.

At least on PC. I'm not sure how the games would feel on a console, since the speed and precision needed for it don't really seem like it'd work all that well with a controller, but, again, I haven't tried it. There could be a lot of background workings going on there like what Bungie does in Destiny - the way aiming works in those games is actually pretty complicated, and definitely adjusted in a very different way when using a controller versus using a mouse.
It works quite well on a controller. This guy is playing on Dual Sense:

Of course mouse is easier but you can definitely learn to get good with a controller.


Mar 24, 2018
I don't understand the iD voters? Are you playing on PC? The no ADS of Doom does not feel good as it never felt good in a post COD4 game.

when people talk about tight gun play the ADS is a major factor in that formula. A game that primarily hip fire is super boring AF

Are you serious?

Eternal, BTW, has indeed ADS.
Quick scoping with assault rifle is an advanced, crucial techinque if you wanna squeeze the formula:


Hasn't made a thread yet. Shame me.
Oct 27, 2017
I'd go with id but I think it's missing DICE. BF has always felt fun to shoot guns. Slick animations, great sounds and it's satisfying to control the recoil, especially at long ranges. BF is still the funnest game I've played to snipe in. The cross map sniping with slugs are fun too.

People really undersell how good guns feels in BF games, but DICE hands down has the best shotgun gameplay in gaming. From actually having more then 4 feet of range to having seperate ammo types with slugs and frags(even flechettes for when you want to commit so e war crimes), and post Bad Company actually having a fore rate greater then 30 RPM.

Hitting a headshot at like 400m with a shotgun slug on those bush camping snipers is pure bliss.


Oct 28, 2017
Easily other.

Tarkov and Hunt destroy any of the games from developers listed above. Also I think people forget about rainbow six siege having really good gunplay as well.

From the non-other listed, Apex puts Respawn high as it has very satisfying shooting.


Oct 25, 2017
Bungie's raw gunfeel outclasses everything else massively. They're just in a separate tier altogether.

When it comes to overall gunplay and gameplay, it definitely depends and I can see other developers getting much closer or coming out on teop depending on situation.

For the pure feel of shooting, though, Bungie are ahead.


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
Destiny, somehow despite being stuck in 30fps, is the best "feeling" first-person shooter I've played.


Someone is plagiarizing this post
Oct 25, 2017
Say what you like about Destiny. My god it's shooting and core gunplay is OUTSTANDING. Popping headshots with scout rifles feels absolutely incredible.


Nov 14, 2017
Id games, including the bad ones, have best-in-class gunplay. After them I would place Respawn just based on Titanfall 2.

Bungie is the best at mitigating the inaccuracies of analog stick aiming.


Dec 23, 2017
Cincinnati, OH
MW2019 gunplay is on another level. So Infinity Ward.

Destiny wins on the sci-fi side. Halo Infinite looks to be a solid challenger there though. Hard comparison though, since Halo sandbox is much more specific.