
Oct 31, 2017

"Nintendo Switch is our strongest platform to date." He went on to explain that at the moment, the Switch has a 3:1 ratio of sales compared to PC, and a 4:1 ratio against PS4. He does clarify that they're still waiting on Xbox One sales numbers.

As for the development process as it pertains to Switch, Oschner, in a stark contrast to the dark days of the Wii and Wii U, says that it's been relatively smooth: "Unity was our engine of choice, which made developing Fox n Forests for multiple platforms a relatively comfortable task. All platforms were more or less similar in terms of challenges and workload."

Another Switch success!


Oct 25, 2017
Oh, Fox and Forests, not Five Nights at Freddy's.

I was going to be like "That seems incredibly improbable."


Oct 27, 2017
I did not even know about the existence of this game and I visit Steam almost on a daily basis....


Oct 27, 2017
Hmmm, what kind of game is this? I think I'm getting close to wrapping up Hollow Knight...


Brand Manager
Oct 27, 2017
Would have been helpful to spell out the game's title in the thread name, as I don't think this game or acronym are household names tbh


Oct 27, 2017
I've never even heard of the game. I wonder if all these Switch success stories boil down to people simply being aware that X game even exists in the first place, and as a corollary, whether these success stories will continue once the Switch library is flooded with indie titles.


Oct 27, 2017
Hopefully it sold well, there's not that many reviews on Steam for it. It looks neat.

I've never even heard of the game. I wonder if all these Switch success stories boil down to people simply being aware that X game even exists in the first place, and as a corollary, whether these success stories will continue once the Switch library is flooded with indie titles.

Well, that's one part of it. It's easier to see what's new on the Switch, especially with the smaller library, but you also have stories of games that are well-known on all platforms that still sell best on the Switch, people love that portability.

I still think that eventually Switch might get to the point that so many games release for it that they start to get lost in the shuffle, or they won't update their search engine and you won't easily be able to find hidden gems.


Banned for use of an alt-account
Jul 2, 2018
I've never heard about this game, but from the screenshot on the article, I must say that the game does look good.


Oct 27, 2017
Yep. The biggest downsides to having a lot of stuff are:

1. Huge hassle and extra expense when moving. That leads some people who'd like to move around the country/world to feel trapped by their possessions.

2. Added cost and environmental waste from having a bigger home to make room for all your stuff. Like I lived in 1 bedroom apartments, rentend single rooms etc. for ages, got rid of all furniture when moving long distance for a job (rented a furnished place first few years). Then I met my wife and she was in a house with dogs and we've rented houses since (still have one dog). A 4 bedroom house is kind of ridiculous for 2 people not having kids.

But we've amassed a lot of stuff and both being introverted need our own spaces in a place so it's a tough thing to figure out, though we'd like to downsize when the dog goes and we don't need a yard any more. It's just hard as we do best having at least a room for her office, a room for my office/gaming and a media room for her to watch her shows and us to watch stuff together. We can probably scrap the media room and go back to having a TV in the living room (she likes having that just be chairs and houseplants--a chill and read, hangout with people over etc space). But that still leaves us needing a master bedroom, her home office and my office/game room. Meh, maybe we can find a small 3 bedroom house I suppose.

Oh, Fox and Forests, not Five Nights at Freddy's.

I was going to be like "That seems incredibly improbable."

Came into this thread thinking the same exact thing. Didn't think FNAF still had that kind of pull.


Author - NES Endings Compendium
Oct 26, 2017
OP, it's okay not to fit the entire premise of the thread in the title, and it's also okay to actually spell out the name of the game instead of using an acronym.
Last edited:

Filament Star

Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 25, 2017
I've never even heard of the game. I wonder if all these Switch success stories boil down to people simply being aware that X game even exists in the first place, and as a corollary, whether these success stories will continue once the Switch library is flooded with indie titles.

That's definitely part of it. Those other platforms just have way more games on them


Prophet of Truth
Oct 26, 2017
[EDITED] *looks at Steam page: 42 reviews, of which 20 are English, hence my initial error*

Firstly: yep, OP should not have used an acronym in the title.

Secondly: using the rule of thumb of 1 Steam review equalling about 70 sales, that would indicate that the Steam version has sold approximately 2,940 copies, which would therefore suggest that the Switch version has sold approximately 8,820 copies and the PS4 version has sold about approximately 2,205 copies.

Extremely rough numbers, but that should be an indication of what "success on Switch" means in this case. It ain't Minecraft numbers.


One Winged Slayer
Dec 28, 2017
Oh, Fox and Forests, not Five Nights at Freddy's.

I was going to be like "That seems incredibly improbable."
Lol I read the thread title and was like "Five Night is on Switch"?

I haven't heard of this game. Happy they're seeing success though

*looks at Steam page: 20 reviews*

Firstly: yep, OP should not have used an acronym in the title.

Secondly: using the rule of thumb of 1 Steam review equalling about 70 sales, that would indicate that the Steam version has sold approximately 1,400 copies, which would therefore suggest that the Switch version has sold approximately 4,200 copies and the PS4 version has sold about approximately 1,050 copies.

Extremely rough numbers, but that should be an indication of what "success on Switch" means in this case. It ain't Minecraft numbers.

Wouldn't be a Switch indie thread without someone having to downplay success almost immediately. It's like clockwork at this point
Oct 27, 2017
Not surprising, the amount of indie games on ps4 is so crazy saturated. I highly doubt any of them are successful unless you get exposure.

i mean just going trough the store there are so so many games i've never heard of, even this until now.


Oct 27, 2017
The Milky Way
That's definitely part of it. Those other platforms just have way more games on them
The eshop's flaws help new indie releases.

When you go in to the PSN Store, you have to jump through hoops (all the 'featured' stuff) just to get to the final list page which shows all the new additions, which means that if an indie game hasn't paid to be featured in the new releases section, it'll go largely ignored.

Whereas the eshop being so basic, means it's quick and easy to view the latest releases and every game gets a fair chance of a sale.


Jan 24, 2018
Yeah I really don't want to be Mr. Negative, but these switch stories need numbers. I get everyone wants to celebrate switch success an all but this game literally could have sold 1,000 copies on switch and 500 on PS4, Xbox, or Stream. While numbers like that make be record for the devs it's pretty insignificant in the bigger picture.


Games User Researcher
Oct 28, 2017
On PS4, within a week it was buried by random games.

It doesn't help that new games pages are now buried under several pages of pre-orders.


Oct 25, 2017
Yeah I really don't want to be Mr. Negative, but these switch stories need numbers. I get everyone wants to celebrate switch success an all but this game literally could have sold 1,000 copies on switch and 500 on PS4, Xbox, or Stream. While numbers like that make be record for the devs it's pretty insignificant in the bigger picture.
True, hollow knight was impressive cause they dropped some figures. Don't tell me it's bigger unless you talking digits.


Oct 25, 2017
This is honestly not that impressive. Switch users are starving for games, besides it was always going to sell about half a million to fans of this well established series. There's a lot of visibility on the e-shop, even though people claim it's a cesspool already. Nobody ever heard of the game, googling something is hard, this adds to its marketing value and sales pitch. Nintendo has been pushing this totally unknown title since they are having a drought. Even though Nintendo sales are three times as high as the PC sales, if the game only sold a hundred copies, there's no reason to celebrate. Switch is just a fad, the saturation of games will hit any day now.


Feb 2, 2018
a Socialist Utopia
This game is ok. I haven't finished it yet, but what I've played so far is pretty good while not lighting the world on fire. In the grand scheme of things it's probably very average.

I bought it on Switch, because I had pretty much just picked up a Switch and it seemed like a good fit. Following new releases is still infinitely more easy on Switch. Discoverability on Steam is extremely bad, I often see games online that I had no idea existed even though I visit Steam frequently. The onslaught of average indies and total garbage games flooding in on Steam every single day makes finding the most interesting smaller games on Steam alone utterly impossible. I just put my trust in users online and sites like this pushing the good stuff up to the surface.


May 23, 2018
Would have been helpful to spell out the game's title in the thread name, as I don't think this game or acronym are household names tbh

Exactly, who the fuck knows what "FnF" is? I mean, it's one thing if you're talking "MGS" or "GTA," but this is an indie game no one's heard of and this dude is using initials in the thread title like the its a series that has been around for 20 years at the top of the charts.

That said, okay good for them.


Oct 27, 2017
[EDITED] *looks at Steam page: 42 reviews, of which 20 are English, hence my initial error*

Firstly: yep, OP should not have used an acronym in the title.

Secondly: using the rule of thumb of 1 Steam review equalling about 70 sales, that would indicate that the Steam version has sold approximately 2,940 copies, which would therefore suggest that the Switch version has sold approximately 8,820 copies and the PS4 version has sold about approximately 2,205 copies.

Extremely rough numbers, but that should be an indication of what "success on Switch" means in this case. It ain't Minecraft numbers.

That's an interesting rule of thumb, is there any info on how that number came about?

Obviously it's rough numbers but it'd be cool having a simple estimate since Steamspy isn't really reliable anymore and I like to know how some games are doing.

o Tesseract

Oct 28, 2017
On PS4, within a week it was buried by random games.

It doesn't help that new games pages are now buried under several pages of pre-orders.
Yeah I think this is something that Nintendo handles very well on their store. They separate 'New Releases' and 'Coming Soon' games so you can always find something new and actually available to play.

I have bought and played through more indie games on Switch than I have on any other platform as of recent. Switch has been great at breathing some sales life into these lesser known devs and I'm glad for it.


Jan 14, 2018
Yeah I really don't want to be Mr. Negative, but these switch stories need numbers. I get everyone wants to celebrate switch success an all but this game literally could have sold 1,000 copies on switch and 500 on PS4, Xbox, or Stream. While numbers like that make be record for the devs it's pretty insignificant in the bigger picture.
For some reason people get all worked up if you ask about numbers. Did the dev even say if switch sales were good? Or are they just not as awful as the other platforms?