Mars People

Comics Council 2020
Oct 25, 2017
Sony need to get of their goddamn high horse.

They lose nothing at all by allowing cross play. Nothing.

Instead they get access to a wider player base which means people stick around playing their games longer.
Not to mention the good press and goodwill they will accumulate.

At the moment they just look like childish arseholes.

bbq of doom

Oct 25, 2017
It amazes me that so many people are against cross play between xbox, ps4, and switch. I mean it only ends up benefiting you and also the developers. If lawbreakers was out for xbox and switch wouldn't fans of that game on ps4 want cross play with those system? If you enjoy a game that has a tiny active player count this would help keep your game alive with a bigger pool of players. We know the game is dead on PC so I am assuming on ps4 there isn't a bunch of people playing it.

Currently Xbox players are not having issues finding a game for fortnite. I played it last night and it matches in seconds. There isn't a necessity for xplay on the xbox with how popular fortnite is but I can see why the developers would want it. They can keep players engaged on all different types of platforms. If I could play my same dude on PS4, Mac, iOS, and Xbox that would make me play more, buy more stuff. Also they could even create more playlist that would split their pool of players, but with a bigger pool they would have more people playing each of the different playlist guaranteeing people matching with each other.

One last thing, I see people talking about MS deal with PUBG. That game is unfinished and is in the preview program. Sony doesn't offer this program to game developers, (some how epic can do it but so far that is it). Once PUBG hits 1.0 on the xbox I am sure it will be coming out on ps4, and you better believe people will be talking about xplay again.

100% agree with the bolded.
Oct 25, 2017
"Obligation" is a loaded word, but I would think we can agree that policies that [make the environmental better for publishers] [without compromising the basics of the platform's business] should be ideal, right? Users aren't being "protected" from anything; it's a better environment to sell games in, and it's a better environment to play in.

I definitely agree, but I'd be lying if steps to improve that hasn't been happening. I think I would agree if Sony stance on cross play from the beginning of time has been no. If anything, they are the ones that really opened up the possibility of cross play with consoles in general. So from that, it tells me that this environment is something that they support. As for cross platform play, this is something they are cautious of as their action entails. I just disagree that they are the real problem. They just don't want it for whatever particular reason and that has not slowed down any development of games or the environment that is always being predicted would end. For example, cross platform play didn't kill Fortnite and it wasn't the reason why it got big. So there's a lot of air here for something that is not universally a norm in the industry yet.

Publishers are the ones primarily raising the issue, because the Sony policy is complicating how they do business, and audiences are picking up on it because it makes it easier to play games with people they know. Would you be able to explain, aside from buying into some long-game meta-strategy that everyone else in the industry is "stealing" Sony's players, how this would harm Sony?

I actually haven't seen any major Publisher say this is a issue or how Sony's singular policy has been holding anything back for them. This again is saying as if Sony has no actual cross play entirely, when they do. Does PC, Android, iOS and others not count all of a sudden as cross play? Let's start with the fact that cross play and cross platform play, isn't a standard yet and it's something that everyone is jumping off the rooftops to support. A game still has to be good enough to hold an audience which we have seen games like Destiny or Lawbreakers fail at, that cross platform play wouldn't change. There's a lot of talk of cross platform play fixing these issues and that's not the case.

I'm pretty confident the overlap of people who own multiple consoles is exceedingly high; people aren't "Sony only" and "Nintendo only" players like you're imagining. Every single person with more than one of the current systems, or who knows anyone with a different platform, benefits. Happy players engage more. Invested players spend more. If Sony's needs are at odds with that idea, then you should understand the problem immediately.

Tbh, many people can have multiple systems. Many people however may not have multiple subscriptions, especially when it comes to console. Even if this were the case, where many people had multiple systems, then there wouldn't be such a gap between how many people own PS, XB, and SW, but there is, so from that, I'm confident that many people may own 1 or 2, but not 1 or 2 that they are playing simultaneously. I don't disagree that people don't benefit, but there just isn't any stats that show that so many people benefit from half of the arguments placed here that have yet to actually play out the way they are stated. At this time, there is no major game that is being held back by this policy that it is affecting their core audience. I think the core audience just doesn't care that much. Obviously I'm down if the policy does change, and Sony says yes....but at this time, I don't think that there is a big issue that needs to be resolved on Sony's end because they are not causing this ruckus.


Oct 25, 2017
I actually haven't seen any major Publisher say this is a issue or how Sony's singular policy has been holding anything back for them. This again is saying as if Sony has no actual cross play entirely, when they do. Does PC, Android, iOS and others not count all of a sudden as cross play? Let's start with the fact that cross play and cross platform play, isn't a standard yet and it's something that everyone is jumping off the rooftops to support. A game still has to be good enough to hold an audience which we have seen games like Destiny or Lawbreakers fail at, that cross platform play wouldn't change. There's a lot of talk of cross platform play fixing these issues and that's not the case.
It's not so much the publishers as it is the devs. Psyonix being the most vocal and who was very clear on multiple occasions Sony was the roadblock. Epic has also been vocal. CDProjekt Red as well in regards to Gwent. If you count Nintendo as a publisher, they've also expressed (and followed through) with vocal support.


Oct 28, 2017
Well, I have 430+ ps4 games and I support all my interested titles on Day 1, I vote for my wallet.

I have posts introducing party games for couch playing with more than 300000 visits in my local gaming forum.

I just focus more on games than put shit on other game companies.


Am I the one that prevents gaming from growing up? Of course not!

Come on, I do more things than complaints, more meaningful things.

I guess if you're going to go all in, don't do it in 1/2 steps, huh..

The fanboy'ism of your posts aside, I can appreciate English is perhaps not you're first language, but with the "more meaningful things" quip is essentially still thread whining.

"why are we talking about this when we should be focusing on how awesome Sony and their first party is" is basically how it is coming across.


Oct 25, 2017
San Francisco, CA
The main issue with crossplay is just the competitive advantages within the console market. At this point, there really are only two advantages in the console space:
  • Developers exclusive to your platform
  • Communities or friend groups exclusive to your platform
Cross-play is effectively asking Sony to completely give up the second without anything in return.


Jan 7, 2018
Sony as a corporation, what is the benefit to them allowing cross play? why should they open up their millions of players to xbox players? are the benefit of cross play equal between microsoft and sony?


Oct 25, 2017
Lmao any other company pulls anti consumer or greedy bullshit and people bitch and moan

Sony does it and there is this overwhelming rush by so many people in here to protect this multimillion dollar company's bottom line


Oct 25, 2017
Look, debate all you want, but once it becomes clear that the only one not in the cross platform play ecosystem is Sony (which is happening sooner rather than later) they'll eventually bite.


The Shrouded Ghost
Oct 27, 2017
Sony as a corporation, what is the benefit to them allowing cross play? why should they open up their millions of players to xbox players? are the benefit of cross play equal between microsoft and sony?

I don't think anyone on this forum should care how it benefits Sony 'as a corporation'. We should care how it benefits users of their console and we should strive for better.

Deleted member 6733

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
They did and MS said no. And no one cared but now somehow Sony are evil and MS are angels lmao.

That doesn't matter. We're in a space now where players want it and devs want it. And it's easy to implement. It doesn't matter which company is saying no, that's beside the point. The point is that everyone should be saying yes but one isn't. Put your platform loyalty aside and you'll see this.


Oct 27, 2017
This should be taken further, buy a license for a game, install anywhere. The double dipping must stop.


Oct 26, 2017
This should be taken further, buy a license for a game, install anywhere. The double dipping must stop.

That's actually at odds with how licensing fees from software motivate the different platform holders (re: improving their own marketplace/feaures to keep more buyers interested in gaming there). Games like Minecraft and Fortnite now carry over your DLC purchases regardless of platform (which is a massive improvement), but the original game license does depend on platform. It's annoying, but it makes sense, especially since different versions are often developed by different companies. In a perfect world though? Oh heck yeah.


Oct 27, 2017
That's actually at odds with how licensing fees from software motivate the different platform holders (re: improving their own marketplace/feaures to keep more buyers interested in gaming there). Games like Minecraft and Fortnite now carry over your DLC purchases regardless of platform (which is a massive improvement), but the original game license does depend on platform. It's annoying, but it makes sense, especially since different versions are often developed by different companies. In a perfect world though? Oh heck yeah.

Can still work, if you buy it on PSN,they get the cut. Just like any retailer out there. PSN will need to compete with other retailers to get the sales, therefore providing incentives in an open market.


Oct 29, 2017
That doesn't matter. We're in a space now where players want it and devs want it. And it's easy to implement. It doesn't matter which company is saying no, that's beside the point. The point is that everyone should be saying yes but one isn't. Put your platform loyalty aside and you'll see this.

Well i replyed to a post were it matters so. I cant force you to think like those who dont care about cross-play and vice verca.
We are having a discussion about different aspect of this topic so in the end everything about this topic matters.

My loyalty aside? Thats rich coming from you.


Oct 25, 2017
I'm a bit confused, so PS4 lets you use mouse and keyboard natively. If it notices you are using a KB/M on PS4 does it automatically pair you up with PC players? Doesn't seem fair otherwise, and I wouldn't want it thinking PS4 is just a nomal console, I'm confused how this crossplay all goes down.


Oct 26, 2017
Can still work, if you buy it on PSN,they get the cut. Just like any retailer out there. PSN will need to compete with other retailers to get the sales, therefore providing incentives in an open market.

Sort of a "first in" sort of thing? That might work, I'm curious how it would play out in the wild.


Oct 27, 2017
MS burned that bridge with Crossplay Sony tried to make it happen. MS said no in fact MS refused Crossplay even with PC. People need to stop making it personal If it was my Buisness I wouldn't do it at this point.

The same reason MS didn't do it because it only truly benefits Sony at that time. 360 had such a large MP user base. Well it's the same for Sony now It benefits MS more now with less than half the install base.


Oct 25, 2017
MS burned that bridge with Crossplay Sony tried to make it happen. MS said no in fact MS refused Crossplay even with PC. People need to stop making it personal If it was my Buisness I wouldn't do it at this point.

The same reason MS didn't do it because it only truly benefits Sony at that time. 360 had such a large MP user base. Well it's the same for Sony now It benefits MS more now with less than half the install base.

What's your point? We're doomed to repeat console warrior mistakes? Nah. Was shitty when MS did it. Shitty now when Sony is doing it. Will be shitty in the future when X company is doing it. Who did what and when is irrelevant really. We're talking about right now.


Oct 26, 2017
MS burned that bridge with Crossplay Sony tried to make it happen. MS said no in fact MS refused Crossplay even with PC. People need to stop making it personal If it was my Buisness I wouldn't do it at this point.

The same reason MS didn't do it because it only truly benefits Sony at that time. 360 had such a large MP user base. Well it's the same for Sony now It benefits MS more now with less than half the install base.

In the 360 generation, there was at least Lost Planet CE, Shadowrun, FF XI, and Universe at War: Earth Assault that had cross-play between 360 and PC.


Oct 27, 2017
What's your point? We're doomed to repeat console warrior mistakes? Nah. Was shitty when MS did it. Shitty now when Sony is doing it. Will be shitty in the future when X company is doing it. Who did what and when is irrelevant really. We're talking about right now.

Point is it's not personal for me I'm not ignorant to think any of these companies care about us. I'm fortunate enough to run my own business I would not do anything to benefit by competition. Thats it point blank companies don't do anything to be consumer-friendly it's about the bottom line.


Oct 25, 2017
Point is it's not personal for me I'm not ignorant to think any of these companies care about us. I'm fortunate enough to run my own business I would not do anything to benefit by competition. Thats it point blank companies don't do anything to be consumer-friendly it's about the bottom line.

I mean, this is obvious as shit. The point being that if people want to see any sort of change they need to create a big enough stink that actually impacts Sony's earning and/or repuation to such a degree that Sony is forced to respond. In other words, DON'T STOP BRINGING THIS UP, at the very least.

Not sure why this is such a difficult concept for people to grasp. Now, will there ever be a big enough backlash that it forces Sony's hand? I dunno. Doesn't mean it's not worth trying.


Oct 26, 2017
Point is it's not personal for me I'm not ignorant to think any of these companies care about us. I'm fortunate enough to run my own business I would not do anything to benefit by competition. Thats it point blank companies don't do anything to be consumer-friendly it's about the bottom line.

You'll struggle if you don't understand the concept of mindshare and matching competition (or keeping your "suppliers" happy). It's not about "benefitting competition," it's about serving the audience, and catering to the needs of those upstream from you. You're right in that it's senseless to expect benvolent intentions from any company, but acting like there's no grounds to keep par with realities of the market (in a platform/publisher relationship) is setting the bar too low. And respectfully, you're missing some context around the background of the feature (and consequently making fundementally iffy assertions).
Oct 27, 2017
North Carolina
I mean, this is obvious as shit. The point being that if people want to see any sort of change they need to create a big enough stink that actually impacts Sony's earning and/or repuation to such a degree that Sony is forced to respond. In other words, DON'T STOP BRINGING THIS UP, at the very least.

Not sure why this is such a difficult concept for people to grasp. Now, will there ever be a big enough backlash that it forces Sony's hand? I dunno. Doesn't mean it's not worth trying.
and there are very few people in this 27 page topic who are outright against it, so... I don't understand the point of making it seem like there is this huge push back against it.


Oct 27, 2017
In the 360 generation, there was at least Lost Planet CE, Shadowrun, FF XI, and Universe at War: Earth Assault that had cross-play between 360 and PC.

This is how I remember it also. And all the articles about console users being trashed by PC players.
They tried it, and it didnt work out so well.

That was then, this is now.
Lets try it again.


Oct 26, 2017
Look, debate all you want, but once it becomes clear that the only one not in the cross platform play ecosystem is Sony (which is happening sooner rather than later) they'll eventually bite.
I give it to PS5 launch, I think they'll reconsider then, especially if MS use a PS5 Minecraft version as leverage. I think once they accept 1 the floodgates open.
Unless they get huge widespread backlash, they aren't going to care this gen. No Fortnite cross-play with Xbox picked up quite a bit of steam it seems, but still not enough yet.


Oct 28, 2017
Sony is not against crossplay, doing it with PC countless time or here with Android or IOS.
They just don't want to do crossplay with Xbox.
Fine by me, it's their most obvious competitor, why handle them 10 years of building this treasure chest of player base?
Of course it looks greedy, of course it's bad PR but is that THIS important? MS doesn't have better business to talk about like show actual games?

Also Spencer jumping on this Xplay talk all the time is getting old, we know you're the good guy and the other is bad not letting Xplay, and we know this is also the perfect PR instrument for Xbox like "why can't we all be friends" type of BS from another big billion dollar company.


Oct 27, 2017
I mean, this is obvious as shit. The point being that if people want to see any sort of change they need to create a big enough stink that actually impacts Sony's earning and/or repuation to such a degree that Sony is forced to respond. In other words, DON'T STOP BRINGING THIS UP, at the very least.

Not sure why this is such a difficult concept for people to grasp. Now, will there ever be a big enough backlash that it forces Sony's hand? I dunno. Doesn't mean it's not worth trying.

Frankly I don't think enough people care about Crossplay. The average player is gonna come home and turn of Fortnite. They aren't gonna care what platform the other person is on. You can't force movements enough people have to genuinely care to make an impact.

Good luck to you guys if Crossplay is what you guys want I hope you get it. For me personally I really don't care about it.

Ploid 6.0

Oct 25, 2017
If Microsoft want it bad enough, they missed a good opportunity to be the first to announce that Fortnite with mobile, PC, and Mac were cross play with Xbox. They should have been had Xbox + PC/Mac going a long time ago along side PS4 + PC/Mac. Then they should get cross play with Switch happening often, even if it means getting more third party games on Switch somehow, helping the competition. In doing this they make PS4 looks like it's not part of a party.

Even though Fortnite doesn't totally combine the poll of players on those platforms into 1 or 2 (for PS4 or Xbox crossplay), and other games could be the same, it will still look like PS4 is missing out. Currently it doesn't seem like PS4 is missing much, that's the problem with getting word out. Helping Switch get multiplatform third party games could continue putting Xbox in a hole since all Xbox first party games are on PC now, but it would be for the players. Switch players would probably end up buying Xbox over PS4 because of it if they don't have a PC.

Edit: And again, Xbox + Switch + PC/Mac + Android cross play on certain games should be a good goal for now, in more games. PC + PS4 has been good enough for me, and I wish more had those two. Console platforms usually have the bigger player pool for console port PC games, so either Xbox or PS4 would be nice in those games for PC players. Since console port games are usually designed for controller it's even better for this situation. PC players are the ones who need help.

Adopt a PC multiplayer pool today for only the price of a serving of Cup Noodles.
Last edited:


Oct 26, 2017
I'm a bit confused, so PS4 lets you use mouse and keyboard natively. If it notices you are using a KB/M on PS4 does it automatically pair you up with PC players? Doesn't seem fair otherwise, and I wouldn't want it thinking PS4 is just a nomal console, I'm confused how this crossplay all goes down.
It supports it natively, yes, it doesn't force you onto PC servers as far as I can tell. My friend does it and I've not noticed anything different when playing with him. Also, there's a lot of PS+ Skins running around, I know you can get it on PC too, through cross-progress, but I pretty never see a default skin, so I'm gonna assume it's not that common on PC.

Cross-play works like this.
A PC player can invite a PS4 player and the PS4 player will be playing on PC servers if they join.
PC players cannot get on PS4 servers.

Ploid 6.0

Oct 25, 2017
Paragon was the one that paired PC and PS4 players together automatically. PS4 players could see who the PC players were, but PC players couldn't see the PS4 players icon. Even if they could, you couldn't tell if they had keyboard and mouse to try to take advantage of a console player playing a ranged character.


Oct 30, 2017
Not sure why people can't figure out why Sony doesn't want to do it. They are currently the king and have nothing to gain from cross console play and everything to lose. Microsoft has nothing to lose and everything to gain with crossplay. It would be the dumbest business decision to allow this.
Oct 29, 2017
I just really don't get how Sony has something to gain with PC cross play but nothing to gain from console cross play . Can someone explain the difference other than Sony doesn't feel PC are "competitors " which in this case shouldn't they ?


Jan 7, 2018
Oct 27, 2017
User Warned: Console war post / Inappropriate offensive content.
There seems to still be quite a lot of people defending a very unconsumer friendly decision....

If I look at roblox and Minecraft those games have no issues between and iOS.. and kids love to play them

As these kids get old they start to ask why they can't play with their friends on xxx third party title
And these kids will be the target market for gaming companies

I think things will change..but as long as sony is number one I don't think it will.

Mod edit: removed a nsfw meme.
Last edited by a moderator:


Oct 29, 2017
Sony is not against crossplay, doing it with PC countless time or here with Android or IOS.
They just don't want to do crossplay with Xbox.
Fine by me, it's their most obvious competitor, why handle them 10 years of building this treasure chest of player base?
Of course it looks greedy, of course it's bad PR but is that THIS important? MS doesn't have better business to talk about like show actual games?

Also Spencer jumping on this Xplay talk all the time is getting old, we know you're the good guy and the other is bad not letting Xplay, and we know this is also the perfect PR instrument for Xbox like "why can't we all be friends" type of BS from another big billion dollar company.

This is the only truth in this thread.

Others just focus on something like good guy/bad guy.


Nov 22, 2017
Fucking Sony. A lot of my friends have a PS4 and Fortnite is the perfect game for cross play. I have both systems but I prefer the Xbox controller.


Oct 25, 2017
Their continued reluctance to allow cross okay is irksome. It does nothing to benefit me as a consumer, and I can't imagine why people defend Sony on this. There is no downside to crossplay as a consumer.


Oct 28, 2017
User warned: Console war behavior/bait
This is the only truth in this thread.

Others just focus on something like good guy/bad guy.

I'll add that nobody hears PC or Switch players wanting badly crossplay with Playstation, they don't give two fucks about crossplay.
Only Xbox seems loud about it just to make the competition looks bad.
Oct 25, 2017
There seems to still be quite a lot of people defending a very unconsumer friendly decision....

If I look at roblox and Minecraft those games have no issues between and iOS.. and kids love to play them

As these kids get old they start to ask why they can't play with their friends on xxx third party title
And these kids will be the target market for gaming companies

I think things will change..but as long as sony is number one I don't think it will.

Mod edit: removed a nsfw meme.

Wow....... This content is approved now. Hmmm okay.
Last edited by a moderator:


Jan 7, 2018
Sony is not against crossplay, doing it with PC countless time or here with Android or IOS.
They just don't want to do crossplay with Xbox.
Fine by me, it's their most obvious competitor, why handle them 10 years of building this treasure chest of player base?
Of course it looks greedy, of course it's bad PR but is that THIS important? MS doesn't have better business to talk about like show actual games?

Also Spencer jumping on this Xplay talk all the time is getting old, we know you're the good guy and the other is bad not letting Xplay, and we know this is also the perfect PR instrument for Xbox like "why can't we all be friends" type of BS from another big billion dollar company.

I agree. Why is cross play so important? There are other good things ms can do like remove paywall completely or remove paywall for F2P games. Why are they going in so hard on cross play?

Fucking Sony. A lot of my friends have a PS4 and Fortnite is the perfect game for cross play. I have both systems but I prefer the Xbox controller.

I think that is the point. Sony wants you to play on PS4 rather thanXbox . They don't want to lose consumers. Frankly who does?


Oct 28, 2017
Their continued reluctance to allow cross okay is irksome. It does nothing to benefit me as a consumer, and I can't imagine why people defend Sony on this. There is no downside to crossplay as a consumer.

It's stupid to be against crossplay, and it'll come one day, but let's be real at this point MS being overly vocal about it is just free PR for them.