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Oct 25, 2017
I've spent all week playing 50v50 and loving it. It's a shame it'll be gone soon.

I want to support the game with the battle pass but I don't really care for any of the other modes to keep playing.


Oct 25, 2017
We all bought the Battle Pass to support, a little disappointed the "good" cosmetics are still locked behind really outrageous prices. I think the weekly one costs $20? But either way it's about supporting a game we've all put 30+ hours into already and gives us a little more reason to do the dailies. Not sure I'll buy it every season, but I like that the option is there to buy it after having leveled.


Oct 26, 2017
Anyone else sometimes use building as little as possible? I've won games without building a single thing. Sometimes it just feels like it'll bring way too much attention to you. I like to let other people see each other and fight, then take advantage of the chaos.
Nov 13, 2017
Anyone else sometimes use building as little as possible? I've won games without building a single thing. Sometimes it just feels like it'll bring way too much attention to you. I like to let other people see each other and fight, then take advantage of the chaos.
I use building offensively and defensively. Having the elevation advantage is key in this game. Here's are 2 examples from ImTheMyth on how to use building in combat:

Building into a guy's base

Building to get the elevation advantage


Oct 27, 2017
Anyone else sometimes use building as little as possible? I've won games without building a single thing. Sometimes it just feels like it'll bring way too much attention to you. I like to let other people see each other and fight, then take advantage of the chaos.
The better at building I've gotten, the higher I finish. It's science. Yes, you can sit in a bush and wait for people to pick each other off, but to have a true advantage, you need height and cover.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 26, 2017
Anyone else sometimes use building as little as possible? I've won games without building a single thing. Sometimes it just feels like it'll bring way too much attention to you. I like to let other people see each other and fight, then take advantage of the chaos.

I won my 4th game last night (which for as much as I play is NOT GOOD), 2 times I totally stealthed it to win, timing my "gotcha" moments to perfectly coincide to when #3 and #2 just finished shooting the crap out of eachother. 2 times I built small things, one or two stair cases high and won. Once was just a messy build and the guy lost where I was, and I was able to literally flank his much nice base, and shoot him from the side as he was still shooting at my base, and one time a guy tried to do the same, but I saw him coming and got him.

Picking my time to finally win again last night was perfect, got that new winter umbrella.

Bought the pass, seems like it'll pay off, I want that last Dark Knight bad, so I'll grind. But after one day I'm at tier 10, and with boosts along the way, I think I'll get there.


Oct 27, 2017
Loving the new update. Was playing some solo's last night and got a second place that just had my heart beating so hard it hurt. It was so tense, there was a final three with a super tiny circle. One guy was building, the other was hiding inside one of those brick shacks and I was on the outside of the brick shack. The first place guy rocketed into the guys shack killing him, then started building up so he had a flat base covering the circle. I started building up to his base so he couldn't just pick me off but he got a rocket down and got me down to 75 health or so. Then it became a shot gun battle on my unorganized ramps below his base. He ended up getting me before I could, but man, final 3 with such a small circle, getting rocketed and then a shotgun fight on an obstacle course. My heard hasn't pounded that hard in awhile. Not sure if that is healthy, lol.

Then my final match of the night I won and only had 1 health left, lol. Crazy night. Fall damage brought me down to 1 health, not sure if that was a glitch or how it is supposed to be or I just so incredibly lucky that the math really dropped me down to 1 health left.


Oct 27, 2017
I keep forgetting about the Discord app for some reason. I will be more active, I would much rather play in squads that solo all the time.


Oct 25, 2017
I can't play this on PC anymore.

For some reason, when I use a headset (which has a mic and audio combo), sound effects (directional audio, footsteps, gunshots) comes from one ear only

Im going insane trying to fix it.

Im running my headset through my DualShock because my PC cant seem to work both the mic and headset without USB.

Do I need to buy a splitter? Basically, combining the mic and headset ports on my tower into my headset? Will that work?

This one ear problem only happens in fortnite. Epic has been dead silent on this issue, and it turns out its existed for a minority of people since before Battle Royale.

The only way the audio works is if I plug in my headset without the mic, and set it up as headphones, and not a headset with mic. But for some reason the sound quality is shit. Wonder if thats a problem with my PC tower.
Oct 25, 2017
I can't play this on PC anymore.

For some reason, when I use a headset (which has a mic and audio combo), sound effects (directional audio, footsteps, gunshots) comes from one ear only

Im going insane trying to fix it.

Im running my headset through my DualShock because my PC cant seem to work both the mic and headset without USB.

Do I need to buy a splitter? Basically, combining the mic and headset ports on my tower into my headset? Will that work?

This one ear problem only happens in fortnite. Epic has been dead silent on this issue, and it turns out its existed for a minority of people since before Battle Royale.

The only way the audio works is if I plug in my headset without the mic, and set it up as headphones, and not a headset with mic. But for some reason the sound quality is shit. Wonder if thats a problem with my PC tower.

Have you tried submitting a ticket to customer service? I think it's worth a shot if you haven't yet. I haven't heard of this issue before, but maybe they have a list of troubleshooting you can try out to see what the issue is if it's on your side. If not, maybe it'll get some attention to the issue.

Another thing that works, that people might underestimate, is sending feedback from in game. That is not the only way to give feedback, but they've said it is the fastest way. I've been a part of the game since alpha and I've talked to other alpha people who said they reported a bug one week in game to have it fixed in the very next patch. So they do listen to that feedback.


Oct 25, 2017
Have you tried submitting a ticket to customer service? I think it's worth a shot if you haven't yet. I haven't heard of this issue before, but maybe they have a list of troubleshooting you can try out to see what the issue is if it's on your side. If not, maybe it'll get some attention to the issue.

Another thing that works, that people might underestimate, is sending feedback from in game. That is not the only way to give feedback, but they've said it is the fastest way. I've been a part of the game since alpha and I've talked to other alpha people who said they reported a bug one week in game to have it fixed in the very next patch. So they do listen to that feedback.
Thanks Ill send a ticket!


Oct 26, 2017
They really need to remove guns in the pre lobby.

Edit: Just hit someone close range with the tactical shotgun 7 times and they survived with 33 health. 7 times. This game can be really fucking frustrating.

Last edited:
Oct 25, 2017
^you probably weren't landing optimal shots

News on the shooting changes are up...
Let's talk about the new shooting model.

In November we mentioned that we've been internally playtesting an overhaul of the current shooting model in the State of Development Blog v3.

Our plans have changed a bit. We won't be testing this publicly in 2017, and are planning for early 2018. Our initial plan was to offer an opt-in PTR (Public Test Realm) where players can test out the new shooting model, but we've decided to feature the new shooting model as a Limited Time Mode. This change gives us a bit more time to tune and refine the feature and allows console players to participate.

This means the PTR will be put on hold for the foreseeable future. Thanks for understanding everyone!

In the meantime, we want to hear your thoughts on the current shooting model, and suggestions for the future.
Nov 13, 2017
So to reach the max tier for battle pass, you pretty much have to do all the daily challenges. Which means grinding out a TON of squad games. Ugh. That's really annoying....
Oct 27, 2017
Las Vegas
Two big things stopping this game from being truly enjoyable.

First is how brokenly overpowered the rifles are. Why the hell do they kill in 3-4 bullets when we're talking about a weapon with a 20 bullet magazine that shoots full auto? It makes no sense.

Second is the bunny hopping shotgun bullshit. Way too effective of a tactic for how cheese it is and really takes no skill at all to do.


Oct 26, 2017
So to reach the max tier for battle pass, you pretty much have to do all the daily challenges. Which means grinding out a TON of squad games. Ugh. That's really annoying....

Which squad based daily challenge have you had so far? I've only seen "be in the top 6", which took one game. Top 30 really since squads tends to die together.

Two big things stopping this game from being truly enjoyable.

First is how brokenly overpowered the rifles are. Why the hell do they kill in 3-4 bullets when we're talking about a weapon with a 20 bullet magazine that shoots full auto? It makes no sense.

Second is the bunny hopping shotgun bullshit. Way too effective of a tactic for how cheese it is and really takes no skill at all to do.

The shotgun bunny hopping is bullshit and absolutely needs to go. If they have a shotgun and you don't, there's nothing you can do.

a stray cat

Nov 13, 2017
Bay Area
Two big things stopping this game from being truly enjoyable.

First is how brokenly overpowered the rifles are. Why the hell do they kill in 3-4 bullets when we're talking about a weapon with a 20 bullet magazine that shoots full auto? It makes no sense.

Second is the bunny hopping shotgun bullshit. Way too effective of a tactic for how cheese it is and really takes no skill at all to do.
ARs feel way less broken when you get used to building as soon as you get shot at. After you get used to building immediately, and you start fighting people who build immediately, ARs feel significantly less powerful.

I feel OK about bunny hopping shotguns. It actually feels way less RNG than AR fights.
Oct 25, 2017
Shotgun bunnyhopping is pretty easy to defeat since their trajectory is easy to predict when they jump. But it is still pretty annoying and overused. I'd make strafe shooting stronger in response.


Oct 26, 2017
Did they change the shooting model already or, have they changed/optimized how players upload/download data? Up until the update I had no issue winning or coming near the top in the majority of games, and since the update I can't hit anyone and they all have laser beam guns that take me out across the map. I'm pouring clips into people and they just aren't getting hurt. Even with the legendary rifle. This simply didn't happen before the update.

Edit: Also it seems to be glitched now that whenever I do get a kill, my auto aim gets completely stuck on where they died for at least half a second.
Oct 25, 2017
Did they change the shooting model already or, have they changed/optimized how players upload/download data? Up until the update I had no issue winning or coming near the top in the majority of games, and since the update I can't hit anyone and they all have laser beam guns that take me out across the map. I'm pouring clips into people and they just aren't getting hurt. Even with the legendary rifle. This simply didn't happen before the update.

Edit: Also it seems to be glitched now that whenever I do get a kill, my auto aim gets completely stuck on where they died for at least half a second.

^you probably weren't landing optimal shots

News on the shooting changes are up...

I don't even need to edit original post since it fits :P


Oct 27, 2017
Two big things stopping this game from being truly enjoyable.

First is how brokenly overpowered the rifles are. Why the hell do they kill in 3-4 bullets when we're talking about a weapon with a 20 bullet magazine that shoots full auto? It makes no sense.

Second is the bunny hopping shotgun bullshit. Way too effective of a tactic for how cheese it is and really takes no skill at all to do.

Which squad based daily challenge have you had so far? I've only seen "be in the top 6", which took one game. Top 30 really since squads tends to die together.

The shotgun bunny hopping is bullshit and absolutely needs to go. If they have a shotgun and you don't, there's nothing you can do.

ARs feel way less broken when you get used to building as soon as you get shot at. After you get used to building immediately, and you start fighting people who build immediately, ARs feel significantly less powerful.

I feel OK about bunny hopping shotguns. It actually feels way less RNG than AR fights.

Shotgun bunnyhopping is pretty easy to defeat since their trajectory is easy to predict when they jump. But it is still pretty annoying and overused. I'd make strafe shooting stronger in response.
Lol on timing of talking about bunny hopping shotgunners. This just happened to me. I suck :(
Nov 13, 2017
The problem people have with bunny hoppers is trying to track them in the air. Slow down your shooting. Wait til they land. You know where it will be. Time a headshot.

It just takes practice. I don't even jump around much anymore. I just slow down and time my shots.

Sometimes I jump though =)

I orinally recorded that though because I wanted to play it back and see how he had any shield left at all after that grenade. I guess it's because it blew up outside of the shack?


Oct 25, 2017
Dont mind bunnyhopping, but it clearly only works for shotguns and makes them extremely versatile.

Id much prefer if they got rid of some low end shotguns. Remove white pump, keep pump green.

Remove green semi, keep purple and blue and orange.

By doing that, CQC gameplay can diversify with pistols and even SMGs, which are always going to be traded for the shotguns versatility.


Oct 26, 2017
I know this isn't a game to care about KDR, but out of curiosity, what is yours?

For me:

Solo: 1.712 (108 matches)
Duo: 1.779 (161 matches)
Squad: 1.455 (132 matches)

Clearly Squads is my worst game in terms of getting kills in.


Oct 25, 2017
Reinstalled the game on my PS4 after beating a few games and cleared hdd space.

I wanted to try 50v50 to see how it is. The new control scheme messed me up on my first game and I had fill on which matched me up with some kid who I think was streaming and talking to his audience. Got killed much earlier than I usually had in the past.

The second game I was undone by the new controls when it came to building. I couldn't figure out how to switch materials.

Third game was great. Met up with a couple of players after the first circle closed. Then met up another group of three than another group of three. Ran with them to my first 50v50 victory. Contributed by getting a few on the opposing team.

The battlepass seems like a good deal, I don't know if I would get all the way to lvl 70. I got bored around level 35 last season. I might pick it up depending on what is on sale on PSN next week.

I see they probably aren't going to budge on those prices for seasonal event costumes. Still too rich for my blood.

I also appreciated the updated graphics. The quality of blades of grass stuck out to me.


Nov 1, 2017
Reinstalled the game on my PS4 after beating a few games and cleared hdd space.

I wanted to try 50v50 to see how it is. The new control scheme messed me up on my first game and I had fill on which matched me up with some kid who I think was streaming and talking to his audience. Got killed much earlier than I usually had in the past.

The second game I was undone by the new controls when it came to building. I couldn't figure out how to switch materials.

Third game was great. Met up with a couple of players after the first circle closed. Then met up another group of three than another group of three. Ran with them to my first 50v50 victory. Contributed by getting a few on the opposing team.

The battlepass seems like a good deal, I don't know if I would get all the way to lvl 70. I got bored around level 35 last season. I might pick it up depending on what is on sale on PSN next week.

I see they probably aren't going to budge on those prices for seasonal event costumes. Still too rich for my blood.

I also appreciated the updated graphics. The quality of blades of grass stuck out to me.
You can switch the controls back, just so you don't lose it :D


Oct 26, 2017
Saw someone with the Tier 56 skin when playing yesterday. Must of spent a few V Bucks to get that.

I managed to get to Tier 12 from playing with my friends and getting 30 - 45% XP boost from them along with my 60%. So hopefully I should get near there by the end of the season.


Oct 26, 2017
Saw someone with the Tier 56 skin when playing yesterday. Must of spent a few V Bucks to get that.

I managed to get to Tier 12 from playing with my friends and getting 30 - 45% XP boost from them along with my 60%. So hopefully I should get near there by the end of the season.

I seen someone with the black knight on day one. I'm guessing he must have been a developer.


First game of the night: duo, 11 kills for me, 4 for teammate and a win secured. Good start.

False Witness

Oct 25, 2017
The get Top 50 in Solo challenge is hilarious. You get that just by jumping out of the bus and immediately hitting the glide button to slowly descend to the ground. Half the population will be wiped out by the time you hit land.


Oct 27, 2017
Got my winter umbrella with a squad round in which we had 17 kills (I had 8 of those). Felt like we were a steamroller.

Sir Guts

Use of alt account
Oct 26, 2017
Downloading the game. Saw a couple of gameplay videos and liked what I saw. Especially the art style and animation
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