
Oct 25, 2017
Incredibly, that thread title might even be underselling it. Lee Wilson was a storyboard artist and cinematic designer and lead who contributed to Halo: Combat Evolved and Halo 2 as a freelancer before becoming a Bungie employee and working on Halo 3, Halo: Reach, and Destiny. Well, a couple of days ago he unloaded a ton of storyboards from work-in-progress versions of Halo 2. They cover not just the entire game, but multiple versions of the entire game, and there are all kinds of differences and new things in here. An intro and an outro to the cut "Covenant Ship" mission! The Chief and the Arbiter seemingly meeting on Delta Halo! And then getting attacked by a "Flood Hulk!" Cortana appearing to die after Chief jumps for the Forerunner key ship on High Charity! And probably most importantly, the cut ending! For any Halo obsessives, this is one hell of a Christmas gift. If you're going to dive in, some notes before you do:
  • There's no dialogue in any of the boards. Just shots, action, and camera movements.
  • Scene numbers appear to increment whenever there's a location change.
  • There are intros, outros, and "intras," i.e. cutscenes that happen in the middle of levels. In the final game, there are a lot of mission pairs that are essentially one big level. Think Outskirts and Metropolis. These "intras" usually take place between the two missions.
  • Because "intra" comes before intro alphabetically you'll see the "intra" for a mission before the intro, if you're going through the ArtStation page.
  • There appear to be at least two different versions of the game represented in the storyboards, if not three. So the level numbers get a little screwy at times, I think because some storyboards come from when the level Alpha Moon still existed. Most appear to be from after it was cut, though.
  • About halfway through the ArtStation page, the level numbers start beginning with an "X" and go back to the start of the game. I believe these are from later in the development process as the events they depict are closer to those in the final game, but there are still differences and even entire alternate versions. And this has the full cut ending.
Here's the description Wilson included when he uploaded these storyboards:

Halo 2 storyboards
As I began working on the Halo 2 boards, it was clear that the script was not quite ready for shooting boards. You'll see by the sheer volume of boards, that they were going through many script revisions at Bungie. I probably ended up boarding the entire cinematic script two to three times. In light of this, I opted to present them in a quick, hybrid storyboard/comic panel style.
I emphasize the word 'quick' to hopefully forgive some of my embarrassingly poor figures. I drew these directly in pen to remove the temptation of erasing and redrawing them until they looked good to me. The purpose of these boards was simple communication, not to display on a wall.
Back then, the Arbiter was still called Dervish, and the updated Cortana was described to me as like a naked female hologram, which I clearly took literally.
I was still freelance at this point and working remotely. In fact, at one point, I did not receive payment from Microsoft for six months. Chasing up money was one of the many pitfalls of being freelance. My advice to younger freelancers out there - pay your estimated taxes and set some money aside for when a big company decides to claim the interest from your earnings.

Before we get to the ending, here are some things of interest I've noticed going through the other boards:
  • In many of the boards, the orbital station from the beginning is called the Torres Vedras instead of Cairo.
  • There are two different intros for the cut Covenant Ship mission.
  • There's an outro for that mission that includes the Chief driving a Ghost out of the ship as it careens towards the Earth. He jumps out of the Ghost and kicks it away just like he does in Halo 4, except this time he's free-falling to Earth when he does it. Then he skydives into a Pelican where he's greeted by Sergeant Johnson.
  • The Warthog run at the end of High Charity is here.
  • There are two Scarabs patrolling in front of the control room on The Great Journey. At one point you were supposed to fight them in the Scarab that Johnson commandeers.
  • There are storyboards for an "intra" for The Great Journey that show an early design for the Scarab. That same design pops up in other storyboards for the outro to Metropolis.
  • There's an outro for an unknown level 09 that makes my head spin. It's Chief and Arbiter meeting and nearly coming to blows before being interrupted by a "Flood Hulk" who crashes into the "thermal outtake platform" they're on, sending all three falling into a pit. The best guess is that this is an alternate version of the cutscene that takes place in the index room since both Johnson and Miranda Keyes are there and not in Covenant custody. Except the Chief is there. And there's that Flood Hulk thing.
  • There's an alternate outro for what appears to be the level High Charity. Instead of the Warthog run, or the cutscene in the final game, this would have had Truth stranding Mercy (who's still alive in this version) outside the Forerunner ship. The Chief then defeats Mercy in a boss fight. After that, the Chief jumps onto the Forerunner key ship as it starts to leave. But Cortana has been plugged into a docking arm nearby and is left behind, although it appears to be unintentionally this time. Spartan 117 reaches out for her, but just as he's about to grab her chip from the plinth it's in, a pack of Brutes blows it to smithereens and she fades away. Chief then tucks himself into the ship and it enters slip-space.
  • At one point there was going to be some type of gameplay in the control room after the boss fight with Tartarus. It almost appears to be a fight between the Arbiter and Johnson/Keyes.
Now let's get to the biggie: the ending. I'm trying to piece this together from the boards here, but that's not entirely straightforward. I'm assuming that most of these boards are from the same version of the story, but that might not be true. I'm also assuming that some boards that appear to be from an earlier version of the game still depict events as they would have occurred in this version and that might not be true either. That's why some of the level numbers bounce around a little at the beginning. Okay, let's do this. Each storyboard links to an Imgur gallery with all the boards for that cutscene.

Master Chief is in the Forerunner key ship as it exits slip-space and flies towards Earth. He makes contact with Lord Hood and they discuss their next moves. The ship hurtles towards the Covenant fleet and into the atmosphere. As the ship begins to enter the atmosphere, the Chief throws a grenade at a hatch, blowing it away. He then runs and jumps out of it.

Meanwhile, back on Earth, a group of Marines is pinned in a shallow creek bed by Covenant cannons on the African Savannah outside New Mombasa where the Ark has appeared. The Forerunner ship appears and flies over their heads towards the ark and the artillery. Suddenly, there's a small explosion behind them. They look back to see a cloud of dust. And from the dust walks the Master Chief. After a moment of shock, the Marines jump out of the creek bed to attack the Covenant, led by the Chief. Fade to gameplay.

The Chief crests a ridge close to the Ark. There's an army of Brutes on a narrow plain between him and the Forerunner installation. They look at him and the Marines that have joined him and roar. They prepare to charge and the Chief readies his weapon. Just then, a group of Covenant cruisers shimmers into existence above them. Particles around the Chief and the Marines start rising as the cruisers' plasma beams charge. The humans dive to the ground and cruisers open fire. But they're firing at the Brutes. The entire army is wiped out by the powerful plasma bolts and the Chief and the Marines watch in amazement. This triggers seven gigantic pillars to erupt from the ground around the Ark. Each of the pillars begins emitting an umbrella-like shield from their tops. The Covenant plasmas blasts smack into the shield but don't penetrate it. Chief turns to see seven Covenant dropships speeding towards him. This is Miranda and Johnson arriving with reinforcements. They dive down to the ground as they rocket towards the rapidly growing shields, which are now starting to link up with each other. The first three dropships make it under the shield. Miranda and Johnson's ship just barely scrapes in. The last three aren't so lucky. They slam into the shield and explode. Miranda and Johnson bring their dropship over to the Chief as the others pass over his head. In the back of one stands the Arbiter, with 343 Guilty Spark floating alongside him. Their ship dives into a trench surrounding the Ark. Fade to gameplay.

In the control room of the Ark of the Forerunners, the Arbiter approaches the Prophet of Truth, who's staring at a holo-display. Truth turns around to face his former warrior. The Chief and 343 Guilty Spark appear behind the Arbiter. The Prophet and the Arbiter get into a heated discussion. The Arbiter takes off his helmet and tosses it at Truth's feet. He then raises his gun at the Prophet. Fade to gameplay.

The mortally wounded Prophet of Truth lies on the floor as the Arbiter approaches him and puts a hand around his neck. The Arbiter snaps his neck then gets up and looks at the Chief, who's at the holo-display, an excited 343 bobbing around him. Symbols for five active Haloes blink rapidly. The Chief looks back at the Arbiter, who nods at him. He slams his hand on a control on the display to deactivate the Halo array. Outside, the energy shield being projected by the seven pillars flickers then disappears. The tops of five of the pillars slowly open to reveal massive energy cannons. The control room shudders as they do this. The cannons then each fire a gigantic energy flare into the sky. The flares race through the atmosphere, towards the Covenant fleet situated about the Ark. One of the flares appears to pass right through a Covenant ship, leaving it unharmed. But its shields flicker and fade and it starts falling to the Earth. As the flares pass by the human orbital stations, they each disappear into five separate slip-space ruptures. The Chief and the Arbiter watch on the holo-display as five lines representing the flares approach the five Halo rings. In space near Gamma Halo, all is quiet. Then a flare appears from a slip-space rupture and streaks towards the ring. It reaches the center of the ring, but for a moment nothing happens. Then the flare explodes into thousands of energy bolts that shoot out to points on the surface all over the halo. The halo shudders and deactivates in a giant flash of light. The Arbiter and the Chief watch on the holo-display as all five rings are deactivated by the flares. After all five icons change status to indicate that they are offline, a deep metallic groan fills the control room. The central generator is collapsing, dragging all the pillars with it. Outside, one-by-one each of the pillars tumbles to the ground. Back in the control room, 343 flies towards a passageway as debris starts falling all around. The main door to the room opens to reveal a squad of honor Brutes. The Chief and the Arbiter give each other a brief look before going off in separate directions, Chief towards the Brutes and the Arbiter towards the monitor. Fade to gameplay.

The Chief races through the entry hall to the Ark as it collapses around him. He sprints towards the bright light of the exit. As he runs, the white light slowly engulfs him. Cut to a big ceremony in the assembly hall of the orbiting station, just like the beginning of the game. Only this time, the Chief is out of his armor and in a dress uniform. Lord Hood pins a medal on his chest, then stands back and salutes. There are Marines in the crowd cheering and Sergeant Johnson whistles. Outside, space fighters deploy fireworks. The Chief is looking out the window at the fireworks. Johnson walks up and briefly talks to him before Miranda shows up. Johnson leaves them alone. Both of them stare out the window as the Covenant fleet departs Earth. Fade to credits.

The Arbiter enters the data vault in the Ark as it continues to collapse. The room seemingly has no ceiling, rising over a kilometer into the air. 343 Guilty Spark flits from one data array to another. An explosion rocks the vault causing a giant piece of rock to come tumbling towards a sarcophagus in the middle of the room, smashing into it. Dust fills the vault. The Arbiter searches through it for the monitor. He takes a couple of steps and bumps into the sarcophagus, which is now broken and open on the floor. He reaches towards it to find... a human skeleton. 343 finds the Arbiter and they have a brief conversation. Then there's another rock slide and this one blocks the entrance. 343 looks around and tells the Arbiter to grab onto him. He flies up the shaft as the Arbiter holds on. The screen fades to white. Cut to the main hall of a Covenant carrier. The Arbiter heads down the hall, which is filled with Spec-Ops Elites saluting him. He walks to a viewing platform where the Spec-Ops commander waits for him. He places a hand on the commander's shoulder as they both look out the viewing window at Earth. Fade to credits.


The Cortana/Gravemind stinger from the final game is also included in the ArtStation page, but I left it out. I don't entirely know what to make of the duel fades to credits. Maybe the credits would have been split in two. Maybe the player would get to choose who to play as for the final mission, or maybe the credits would be shown twice like this was a Hideo Kojima joint. Several things Bungie employees have mentioned over the years as part of the ending aren't here. There was a medallion that figured into the ending in some way, but doesn't appear here. Joe Staten, the cinematic lead, talked about there being Scarabs on top of the Ark, but they're not here. It's possible he was conflating the multiple Scarabs from the earlier version of The Great Journey with the missions on the Ark. But maybe not. Now we just need Marty to post either the original script he has or the dialogue that was recorded for the ending :P


Prophet of Regret
Oct 29, 2017
I would say "well that confirms that Forerunners were humans" but actually the original trilogy already confirms this even without this new ending sequence. This just shows it instead of only saying it in dialogue. I would have vastly preferred that compared to what we got.


Oct 25, 2017
I love how the Scarab is sometimes drawn as the Spider Tank from Ghost in the Shell in these storyboards



For comparison:

Dec 20, 2017
Huh I wonder if there was a build of the game where the Chief's and the Arbiter's missions were explicitly split up into separate campaigns. Maybe you beat the chief's campaign, and then got to play through the Arbiter's side of the story. Would explain the presence of two separate endings, that don't easily lead into each other.


Oct 27, 2017
It sounds like a lot of the ending was repurposed for Halo 3 outside of some obvious stuff (such as no betrayal, Johnson and Miranda, and Chief's fate)


Prophet of Truth
Oct 28, 2017
It does sound like a lot of that became the basis for Halo 3, so I don't necessarily think it's terrible that they cut it. Playing through H2:A now and it still holds up as a phenomenal game.
Dec 25, 2018
I love how the Scarab is sometimes drawn as the Spider Tank from Ghost in the Shell in these storyboards
"Mr Bungie your Shirow influence is showing again!" I imagine its common when concept art isn't finalised (or even exists depending on how early the board artist starts) for them to make something up or use something familiar that gets the idea across.

Neat when stuff like this is able to see the light of day, offers insights into the different narrative ideas that where considered and dropped.


Prophet of Truth
Nov 29, 2017
United States
Oh look, more proof that humans were Forerunners. Not that this should be an argument because Bungie employees have said that humans are forerunners. But, it looks like at some point you explored a forerunner vault with a sarcophagus and found human remained in the coffins.


Oct 25, 2017
Oh look, more proof that humans were Forerunners. Not that this should be an argument because Bungie employees have said that humans are forerunners. But, it looks like at some point you explored a forerunner vault with a sarcophagus and found human remained in the coffins.

They were but plans changed. The terminals in Halo 3 say the opposite and that's what everything after was based on.


Prophet of Truth
Nov 29, 2017
United States
They were but plans changed. The terminals in Halo 3 say the opposite and that's what everything after was based on.
The terminals were also written by Frankie who also wrote some of Halo 3's marketing that showed forerunners and humans as separate. So the only things that show them as different species all come from him, so I feel like either there wasn't communication from the story writers to frankie about it or vice versa. But it created a mess.


Oct 25, 2017
Honestly on first impression that ending sounds pretty bloated and less satisfying than the cliffhanger Halo 2 had, but maybe I'm just bias by what we have and not really minding Halo 2's story. I guess the human in the coffin would've been a shocking reveal but otherwise if they shut down the Halo array and killed the prophets it makes me question what the hook would've been for Halo 3? Just rescuing Cortana?


Oct 25, 2017
The terminals were also written by Frankie who also wrote some of Halo 3's marketing that showed forerunners and humans as separate. So the only things that show them as different species all come from him, so I feel like either there wasn't communication from the story writers to frankie about it or vice versa. But it created a mess.

It's more complicated than that.

I'd recommend reading this.
Jan 4, 2018
That's fascinating but I think I prefer what we got.

The Prophet of Truth being killed as soon as Halo 2 is a big no. Though having Mercy as a boss would have been fantastic.

I wonder what would have been Halo 3 in this scenario. The High Prophets are dead, the Covenant invasion of Earth is a big failure and the Ark is secured, so what would have been the main point of Halo 3 ? Rescuing Cortana from the Gravemind ?


Prophet of Truth - You’re my Numberwall
Oct 26, 2017
Honestly on first impression that ending sounds pretty bloated and less satisfying than the cliffhanger Halo 2 had, but maybe I'm just bias by what we have and not really minding Halo 2's story. I guess the human in the coffin would've been a shocking reveal but otherwise if they shut down the Halo array and killed the prophets it makes me question what the hook would've been for Halo 3? Just rescuing Cortana?
Halo 2 was supposed to be the last game IIRC. Halo 3 is described as being the cut final act to Halo 2.


Oct 25, 2017
Storyboards that Lee Wilson made for Halo: Combat Evolved were uploaded to Bungie.net years ago. A YouTuber took those storyboards for Halo 1, animated them, matched them with dialogue and sound effects, and scored the whole thing with music from the game. It's a very impressive effort. Wilson actually commented on the video and it appears that it is why he uploaded the Halo 2 storyboards. He also said that these are all the boards he has for the game and the ones that start with X are from later versions of the story.
