
Oct 25, 2017
Theoretically I understand this but were I a woman I feel a 50 year old online dating would be kind of an alarm. 30? Yeah. 40? Sure. 50? I dunno...


Oct 25, 2017
Maybe it subconsciously has to do with fertility? Aren't women most fertile in their early twenties?

I believe the common thought is it's an innate behavior that goes back to the basic functions of men and women: Men, on a biological level, seek to spread their seed far and wide to the most fertile hosts possible. Women seek to find a single dependable partner to help raise their sole or relatively few children. Obviously this is all jumbled up in the modern world, but I think it's these basic functions rearing their ugly head from time to time.

Deleted member 4346

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Oct 25, 2017
18 is pretty young. Yikes.

Pretty sure you are wrong.

I am pretty sure after a certain age sperm quality goes down as you get older.

Its better to have kids when you are young for both sexes. That said that is not always feasible nor does it have to be encouraged but that is my understanding of how that works.

It does, but not drastically, and while "men can have children at any age" is a myth, male viability to father children is a gradual decrease rather than dropping off a cliff like with women:


Powdered Egg

Oct 27, 2017
Having to talk to an 18 yr old just sounds like hell. I've always dated women my age so I really can't wrap my head around dating someone younger.
I guess if I were in the game, 26 would be ideal. It's a somewhat mature/carefree hybrid age range.

50 for a man sounds off. Another factor for the older man preference is young dudes are wack and selfish in bed for the most part.


Oct 25, 2017
The Hundred Acre Wood
There's still a strong cultural hold on women wanting to not "settle" for somebody "beneath" them which is measured on maturity (age), earnings, experience, education, ability to provide, etc. All of these things trend the desired male age upwards or at least tracks it even with the woman's age. Men don't have the same cultural or societal pressures -- you aren't seen as "settling" for a young hot body because women aren't "expected" to provide, to be well-educated, etc etc.

Host Samurai

Oct 27, 2017
I'm 35 and have all my dating apps set to 40+. I don't have the patience for younger women and I find older women so much hotter.


Oct 27, 2017
Women peak at 18? Wtf? I'm in my 30s and wouldn't consider dating anyone younger than late 20s.


Oct 25, 2017
Pretty sure you are wrong.

I am pretty sure after a certain age sperm quality goes down as you get older.

Its better to have kids when you are young for both sexes. That said that is not always feasible nor does it have to be encouraged but that is my understanding of how that works.

The quality of sperm is said to go down as men age.Their is a study that reports that, but it is not conclusive.


After conducting a systematic review and meta-analysis of the studies' data, researchers from the University's Departments of Zoology and Anatomy found consistent age-related declines in semen volume and sperm performance and increases in malformed and DNA-damaged sperm. Semen quality is regarded as a proxy for how fertile a male is.

"While female age is well known to have negative effects on fertility, reproductive success and the health of offspring, the influence of male age on a couple's fertility has been largely neglected.

"The effects of declining semen traits with increasing male age have largely been ignored due to inconsistencies in the literature, but our work now suggests that male age affects a variety of traits. It is well recognised that reduced sperm performance can affect pregnancy success, but it is less well known that the quality of the sperm, particularly DNA quality, could affect the development and health of the offspring," Dr Johnson says.

"Older males contribute to increased risk of obstetric complications, miscarriage, and offspring disorders such as autism, Down syndrome, epilepsy, and schizophrenia. In addition, increasing male age may be an overlooked component of couple infertility, leading to our increased use and dependency on fertility treatments, such as IVF."

Overall, the authors advise that clinicians and the general public need to be aware of the risks associated with male age on fertility outcomes.

The authors suggest that clinical analysis of the percentage of DNA-fragmented sperm cells and a greater focus on how well sperm swim may lead to better patient outcomes during fertility treatments of aging couples.

"These are likely more accurate and consistent predictors of a man's fertility status than commonly clinically measured traits such as semen volume, sperm concentration and total sperm count," Dr Johnson says.

I'm going off what article says, but the study could have issues

I also read somewhere that it is very possible to have younger man and older woman to have healthy babies and the opposite is also true.


â–˛ Legend â–˛
Oct 27, 2017
I guess I'm not surprised by the male preference.

But how is the female preference 50? I think they really need to break down the female preferences by the age of the women. My immediate guess is that there were more older women using the dating apps, skewing the ideal male age higher.
Quite the opposiye really, most man prefer woman in the low twenties, if we go by an earlier study.


And for Woman.
Yeah see this seems to fly in the face of that.


Jul 14, 2018
Women my age look largely older than men my age, in the small pool of people in my general current area. As harsh as it is, I would be more likely to pursue someone younger than I am than the same age. This is all anecdotal of course, and there are always outliers.


More helpful than the IRS
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
20 year old women are not dating 50 year old men because the men are more physically attractive than others. 50 year old men are not as physically attractive as their 20 year old equivalents.

Preference isn't the same thing as physical attractiveness, for women. I would say, for people, but lol.

Your peak physical attractiveness passes at youth (holding all other factors equal). Obviously if you're a slob who doesn't work out at 20 and then gets ripped at 40, no. But, if you put the same amount of work on your physical attractiveness at both 20 and 50, your 20 year old self is going to win every time.

Deleted member 31333

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Nov 6, 2017
I could see 25 for female and 40 for male. 18 seems too young but yeah general younger is hotter when it comes to girls. They just don't age as well as dudes.


Mar 18, 2018

But then, I know a surprising number of women dating guys much older than them (3 off the top of my head, a family member included). All are uncomfortable to see and all are horrobly unsuited for each others personalities. But it ain't my place to tell them I think that (I'm right though).

Personally, I couldn't fathom actually going out with someone much younger than me. Like I look a few years younger than I actually am so I could get away with it without a question. But just the mental/personality differences would be too unbearable even I imagine if it was like I'm 40 and they're 30.

I mean I talk to people just two or three years younger than me and often all I can think is "holy shit, you dumb fucking child." There's that much difference between us.

Powdered Egg

Oct 27, 2017
I could see 25 for female and 40 for male. 18 seems too young but yeah general younger is hotter when it comes to girls. They just don't age as well as dudes.
By mentioning "hot" I assume you are talking looks only, how the hell doesn't younger is hotter apply to men? 50 yr old Bowling ball belly is hotter than a 25yr old 6-pack?

Elderly Parrot

Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Aug 13, 2018
20 year old women are not dating 50 year old men because the men are more physically attractive than others. 50 year old men are not as physically attractive as their 20 year old equivalents.

Preference isn't the same thing as physical attractiveness, for women. I would say, for people, but lol.

Your peak physical attractiveness passes at youth (holding all other factors equal). Obviously if you're a slob who doesn't work out at 20 and then gets ripped at 40, no. But, if you put the same amount of work on your physical attractiveness at both 20 and 50, your 20 year old self is going to win every time.
Tell that all the Bonds, Clooney, Depp, Downey Jr.


Oct 25, 2017
If I were dating, I wouldn't want to date anyone more than 5 years my junior (that being 27). I prefer older women in their upper 30s and 40s.
Oct 25, 2017
My life experience says women 30+ stop giving a shit and enjoy the moment. It's not about looks but attitude and being just relaxed. It's not about stats on apps.


Oct 27, 2017
The headline here is probably misleading. I'm guessing a lot of this is a function of how the study is constructed. The 50-year old guy messaging 40-something women is obviously going to get higher response rates than a 30-year old messaging 20-something women. So the study rates the 50-year old higher - but all other things being equal the 50-year old dude is not going to be more desirable to most women in the dating pool.


Oct 27, 2017
I think people on any dating sites are more interested in me at 30 than when I was 20, but I still look like I'm 20, so... Could be either or. I don't get many messages anyway, but more than when I was younger.

I tend to get "you mean you're 20, right???" a decent amount, in any case.


Oct 25, 2017
I'm 23 and at this point 20 is even pushing it

Idk why I'd want to date someone under 21, we wouldn't be able to go anywhere cool

Deleted member 9838

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Oct 26, 2017
I just hope as you get older you lose interest in women in their young twenties cause 20-25 is when mama is usually the most fire.


Oct 25, 2017
Kinda creepy that the peak is teenagers.

Like what the fuck. 27 here, and anyone under 22 just comes off as immature.


Jan 8, 2018
Omg, no. As a nurse, many of my collegues are of that age. 18 or a bit older. They are so, so young. I find this statistic disturbing. :/

Edit: I'm 35 myself.

Khaos Prime

Oct 27, 2017
Pretty sure this has been a thing for years or centuries even. Women almost always lose their desirability as they get older, which of course is related to their physical appearance. Men, for years, has their desirability based on whatever is they have. However, society was structured around only men having wealth. I think despite our advancements in society; people still view things like they were years ago.
Bout sums it up.


Oct 27, 2017
Tell that all the Bonds, Clooney, Depp, Downey Jr.
If you remove the makeup team, none of those guys would look good. You're letting Hollywood makeup fool you. I've met RDJ without makeup, and dude is less than average in terms of physical appearance. Like, he really doesn't look good at all. It's a huge difference between how he looks in the recent Infinity War for example, where the dude looks decent. But that's a big Hollywood blockbuster, with expert camera work, and likely a full team on making him presentable on-screen. And even with makeup, I can see Tom Cruise's age desperately trying to break through. Even he looks average at best without that shine. Dude ain't got nothing on his younger self in terms of appearance.

In general, women look best in their mid to late twenties, and men tend to look best in their late twenties to early thirties. Some may continue to look decent in their 40s, but once you hit 50, shit is gonna change. And it's gonna change quick regardless. There are very few exceptions around that age.
Oct 25, 2017
Is it fair for a study like this to equate desirability with sexual desirability? I'm talking in academic terms, I'm not sure if you can just say if the greater the number of messages one age group gets means that it's the most sexually desirable.

Edit: ok, shame on the nyt for this article. The paper is actually about "Aspirational pursuit of mates in online dating markets", basically about how studying online dating tends to show that people will try to message people "out of their league". It does not mention sexual desirability at all, but rather uses the age curve to identify who the most "desirable" people are in their respective genders as a tool to show that people tend to message people who are more desirable than they are.

This article has really drawn a lot of conclusions on this paper to really spice up a headline. Now feel free to correct me if I'm wrong about the paper, it is pretty late here so I may have missed some stuff.
Last edited:
Oct 27, 2017
this might be a dumb question. but do older adults (say late 30s onwards) even use dating apps? i thought it was more of a younger adult thing. but i have been out of the dating scene for a very long time.

Beer Monkey

Oct 30, 2017
Theoretically I understand this but were I a woman I feel a 50 year old online dating would be kind of an alarm. 30? Yeah. 40? Sure. 50? I dunno...

As a 50 year old who deleted his OKCupid and PlentyOfFish eight years ago, and who has never had a Tinder, I get told on a weekly basis I'm a fool for trying to meet people in real life in 2018 and I that I should be online dating. That online dating is the de facto method of meeting people that are interested in dating and that most interested singles will only use online dating, regardless of age.

Elderly Parrot

Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Aug 13, 2018
If you remove the makeup team, none of those guys would look good. You're letting Hollywood makeup fool you. I've met RDJ without makeup, and dude is less than average in terms of physical appearance. Like, he really doesn't look good at all. It's a huge difference between how he looks in the recent Infinity War for example, where the dude looks decent. But that's a big Hollywood blockbuster, with expert camera work, and likely a full team on making him presentable on-screen. And even with makeup, I can see Tom Cruise's age desperately trying to break through. Even he looks average at best without that shine. Dude ain't got nothing on his younger self in terms of appearance.

In general, women look best in their mid to late twenties, and men tend to look best in their late twenties to early thirties. Some may continue to look decent in their 40s, but once you hit 50, shit is gonna change. And it's gonna change quick regardless. There are very few exceptions around that age.
Interesting but man I go to the same gym as Bautista and dude looks exactly the same as in the movies and is ripped as fuck


Oct 27, 2017
18-22 year olds are obnoxious as fuck. No thanks.

And I don't mean that in a disrespectful way, I was obnoxious at that age, still can be at times, but most people will grow out of it, and I want that.


Nov 8, 2017
The implications here for age gap relationships definitely creep me out tbh. But I suppose I'm a bit hypocritical since I'd probably date a woman 30 years older than me or whatever, I just wouldn't want to be the significantly older one. But I guess that just means it's the older men who are the creeps.
Oct 28, 2017
Does it even matter? It the end of the day, despite a lot of men having a preference for younger girls they will still respond to girls their age.


Oct 26, 2017
32 and currently dating a 23 year old. It's a good time.

I wouldn't go any younger though. I can feel the age difference. She's bright and fun but it's clear we're at different stages of life.