
Nov 6, 2017
As the US prepares to grapple with potential holiday Covid-19 surges, hospitals across the country have reported more than 100,000 patients for the 26th day in a row.

December has been a devastating month for coronavirus spread in the US. More than 63,000 Americans have died so far this month -- the most since the pandemic began -- bringing the total to more than 333,000 people lost to the virus in the US, according to data from Johns Hopkins University. With a total of 19.1 million people infected, there are now 118,720 people currently hospitalized, the Covid Tracking project reported.

And with waves of holiday travel, health experts expect cases will only grow. More than 1.1 million people were screened at airports on Saturday, according to the TSA. More than 616,000 were screened on Christmas Day alone, and hundreds of thousands more traveled in the days leading up to the holiday.

Dr. Anthony Fauci described the potential impacts of the holiday season as a "surge upon a surge."

With vaccines likely not widely available until the summer, a number of experts have cautioned Americans not to let their guard down as vaccinations begin and to continue wearing masks, social distancing, avoiding crowds and gatherings, and regularly washing their hands.

For vaccines to really take hold and achieve herd immunity from the virus, 70 to 85% of the population would need to achieve immunity to it, Fauci said Sunday.

Fauci acknowledged that the statement was moving the goalposts, which he had previously set at 70 to 75%.

Increase in coronavirus admissions prompts a Los Angeles hospital to use chapel and gift shop for patients

Martin Luther King Jr. Community Hospital sees so many patients it might have to consider how it adapts to treat them all.


Oct 25, 2017
With vaccines likely not widely available until the summer, a number of experts have cautioned Americans not to let their guard down
When you see numbers like this, when has the guard ever been up? There really need to be stricter regulations otherwise US hospitals will be drowning til there's a vaccine. As harsh as it may be, travel between states should've been blocked. No doubt a whole lot of people will have invited other families for Thanksgiving/X-Mas/New Year's which is just going to snowball in weeks to come. Here any kind of gathering during the holidays was not allowed and honestly strict rules like that are the only way to make numbers go down.


Wrong About Cheese
Sep 21, 2020
My wife has lost 3 patients this week and she's just done with life. It's so heartbreaking. She has never been this affected by her work, and she was already typically working in senior heavy units before this year.


Oct 27, 2017
When you see numbers like this, when has the guard ever been up? There really need to be stricter regulations otherwise US hospitals will be drowning til there's a vaccine. As harsh as it may be, travel between states should've been blocked. No doubt a whole lot of people will have invited other families for Thanksgiving/X-Mas/New Year's which is just going to snowball in weeks to come. Here any kind of gathering during the holidays was not allowed and honestly strict rules like that are the only way to make numbers go down.

Back near the end of July, after having stayed isolated from pretty much everyone since the end of January, I made an allowance for my best friend. Made it clear though that if he wanted to be around me, he would have to wear a mask and keep his distance, and that included having me over in his home. If he couldn't handle that, then that's fine, and I'll just stay secluded until this finally ended (back then we were hoping Nov/Dec at the latest). He's been sticking to that, but with how bad things are getting, I'm not sure I should be around him at all. He works in the food delivery service, and initially when the lockdown started back in March, he claimed to carry a huge container of hand sanitizer around with him, and would use it after every delivery, as well as using a mask from his box of disposable masks.

Maybe he did initially, but from what I've witnessed from the few occasions I've been with him for a trip into town, he's grown extremely lax in his vigilance, if it ever existed at all. I'll see him go to the gas station, touch the metal handles of the doors that hundreds of other people had touched that day, similarly with the gas pump, or go to the grocery store and grab a cart that other people had used, grab the handles of the freezers that other people have used and then constantly adjust his disposable mask that he keeps reusing multiple times before ever washing his hands or even bothering with any kind of sanitizer.

He seemed to think that the virus worked just like other viruses and bacteria when it comes to certain materials, especially metal, but it doesn't. It lingers for a long time on metals that aren't copper, and plastic and paper aren't safe either.

With how bad things are now compared to how they were in March, I fully expect him to get it and infect his entire house too. He's around a lot of people on a daily basis, who are all around a lot of other people. It only takes one. My neighbor's girlfriend was having a meltdown on the 23rd about how she just found out that someone she was around that day had just tested positive that day, and was stressing out about how she was going to have to go into quarantine mode for two weeks. My neighbor should have stayed away, but instead decided that he was "so tough and knows his own body" that he wouldn't get it, so he didn't stay away from her. He's been chronically coughing for the last two days...


Oct 25, 2017
My wife has lost 3 patients this week and she's just done with life. It's so heartbreaking. She has never been this affected by her work, and she was already typically working in senior heavy units before this year.
It must be really hard. I couldn't do it, it would break me. All my best wishes to your wife. I have so much respect for everyone working in hospitals and nursing homes right now. I lost my grandma to covid last month and on Christmas eve my mom got a message from the head nurse in the nursing home saying how sorry they were they couldn't save her and were thinking of her. These people are heroes.


Oct 25, 2017
My wife has lost 3 patients this week and she's just done with life. It's so heartbreaking. She has never been this affected by her work, and she was already typically working in senior heavy units before this year.

We lost one on early morning on Christmas Day, left my shift at 11pm on Christmas eve knowing they wouldn't make it by the time I came back to work on Christmas day and sure enough I learned they had passed earlier in the morning. It's heartbreaking. 5 total in December.


Oct 28, 2017
Last week I had a senior literally dying with a severe drop in oxygenation (from 87 to 83) and low BP while I was in his room while I was testing his care facility - he was the only one negative in that cohort when I tested them 10 days earlier, but looked bad snd was pretty unresponsive, so I hsd them take his vitals. We called the head caretaker, decided that I'd do one of their antigen rapid test kits in addition to my PCR sampling to make it easier on the paramedics...but we never called them, because it dawned on the staff that the guy had a provision not to be hospitalised. So they called his relatives and I left, because not being allowed to give medical assistance as a doctor fucking sucks.

Edit: the PoC test was positive of course, so positice that it was clear after not even a minute, let alone the 10 you have to wait


Oct 25, 2017
My girlfriend had to take care of a 94 year old with covid that was DNR. We were both talking about when do we free up that bed by sending home the 94 year old home on home O2?


Charitable King
Oct 27, 2017
Thanks for all you do, caretakers of the world here. I honestly can't imagine the difficulty of your work and am sorry that this is the way our world is, especially for you.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 25, 2017
And yet this country is numb to 3200 deaths a day. I've never been more angry at humanity in my life.