
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Austin, TX
Seems like this happens in just about any competitive MP game I play. Whether it be R6 Siege, when a team loses the first round or dies, shitheads just end of leaving matches. Same story with Rocket League or Apex, not hanging out to be respawned. Happens in just about half the rounds I play when I solo queue.

And here's the thing. I wanna say half the time my team makes the comeback and we win. These dudes be leaving for no reason ;_;

It just sucks cause in R6' case, it's a huge detriment to the team when you lose a team mate and the game doesn't match someone in. It's to the point in that game where most the matches I play feature uneven teams.

Also if it's cause you don't want to negatively affect your stats or you just don't like losing, learn to HOLD THAT L. Learn from your mistakes. The fact that ya can't, means you're weak and a coward.

If you leave matches prematurely, that basically makes you a bunker boy. It's wack. Don't do it. Thanks


edit: gonna go ahead and add there's of course legitimate reasons for leaving. like connection problems or perhaps you're feeling ill or other IRL circumstances. this should really all go without saying but here it is

edit2: the whole 'moral fiber' wording was a bit in jest let's not take it too seriously y'all
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Alt Account
Jun 18, 2019
I'll do whatever I want with my hobby to avoid it takes a toll on my health, my dear Edge lord.


Classic Anus Game
The Fallen
Jul 14, 2018
I'm guilty of this sometimes. MP games on PC need to have a prompt after pressing alt+f4, it's too tempting.


Oct 27, 2017
Depends on the game tbh. I don't care about someone who does this in like a Call of Duty type game, but if you're rage-quitting one or ones or small team games - they should (and some games do) ban you for it.


Oct 25, 2017
Always stick around, but try to make the game as annoying and un-fun for the winning side as possible.

Hyun Sai

Oct 27, 2017
When you enter an online match with randoms, you implicitly accept that you may be thrown with the the best and the worst of what humanity can offer. That's what random is. Like it, love it, make your mind up to it, because it won't change, ever.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Austin, TX
When you enter an online match with randoms, you implicitly accept that you may be thrown with the the best and the worst of what humanity can offer. That's what random is. Like it, love it, make your mind up to it, because it won't change, ever.
I understand this. Guess I'm just venting with this thread.


"This guy are sick"
Oct 27, 2017
Amazed this didn't start with 'as a dark souls veteran'

Moral fibre OP? C'mon.

Nahual Amini

Oct 30, 2017
I hate it when I play ranked matches in Halo. Even worse when the match is starting. Another player ruins your match and if you leave, you are penalized.


Nov 1, 2017
there should be a penalty in every MP game if a layer purposely disconnects...same with Dark Souls type of MP...if I'm invading someone or getting invaded and disconnect there should be a severe penalty...take your defeat with honor and grace
Oct 31, 2017
Quitters suck, I agree, especially serial quitters over trivial things. It's often pretty selfish ("Fuck your time spent, my time spent/not spent is most important!").

I think quitting is only acceptable when the game is so out of balance and all that's left to happen is running the clock out, especially after people have already quit.


Knows Too Much
Oct 25, 2017
there should be a penalty in every MP game if a layer purposely disconnects...same with Dark Souls type of MP...if I'm invading someone or getting invaded and disconnect there should be a severe penalty...take your defeat with honor and grace
Nah, was playing a game of BF4 today with a 1000 ticket countdown, the other team had literally locked us into the spawn point and was shooting us dead the second we moved after spawning in.

Not sticking around for 1000 tickets for that


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
I imagine some people leave for unexpected things, like kids, forgot to do something before they started playing, got call from someone that asked them to come over, whenever someone leaves I always assume it's something like this

some people will leave after they lose but I don't expect that to always be the reason


It's Pronounced "Aerith"
Nov 4, 2017
I wish there were leave penalties in Warzone, people leave before even waiting for the gulag, making the gulag more annoying than an interesting mechanic.


Oct 27, 2017
A lot of people that play multiplayer games seem to be completely oblivious to the fact that they are playing with other human beings who have as much right to a good time as them. Quitting, smurfing, cheating, throwing, team-killing, toxic chatting, et cetera. It's all completely gross and it continually shocks me how people behave in online games.


Oct 28, 2017
Nothing worse than starting a game of Rocket League and one person plays for 30 seconds then disappears. The games last just over 5 minutes. If you don't have that amount of time then don't play or play non ranked.

Doctor Doggo

Oct 25, 2017
Maybe people have personal shit going on. Just the other day we had to rush my dog to the hospital. Left the game instantly. Could give two fucks, if it's not like a ranked game.

Hyun Sai

Oct 27, 2017
I remember in one other thread someone saying that in League of Legends some people quitted if the team didn't get first blood. That how insane these things can go.


Oct 25, 2017
The only time R6 casuals don't do fill ins is if the match is about to end in the next round or so. But in other cases they do.

When it comes to ranked you can never expect the slot to be filled in by anyone else other than he player who left...which is something the game allows. And if they don't then they get a temporary ban.


Oct 25, 2017
Maybe people have personal shit going on. Just the other day we had to rush my dog to the hospital. Left the game instantly. Could give two fucks, if it's not like a ranked game.

I mean sure, but most of the time people seem to suddenly have personal shit going on once they start losing. Quite often they quit way too early too, when they've died once or lost one round and the game can still easily go either way.


Oct 25, 2017
It's okay for quick play mode, yeah I will definitely get upset if this happens in competitive / ladder mode.


Oct 27, 2017
I know people get a rise out of making people quit so I like to stay in the game and get as many kills as possible to try and annoy the dominating team.


Oct 27, 2017
Some of my best times were in halo when people ditched the game because we were losing and then we turned it around and won. However, I was like 14 then... These days I am too old for this shit.


Nov 7, 2017
to an extent, i agree. however when for the third match in a row everybody on my side ditches leaving me to string out 4 rounds of a 3v1 or whatever, no. i'm out. i'm not. doing. it.

actually many times the opposite team appreciates it if you drop in such a situation, it's no fun playing out the string.


Saw the truth behind the copied door
Oct 31, 2017
Sounds like some shopping cart theory shit.

And I agree lol


Feb 17, 2019
Moba's have penalties for leaving. Don't think it matters much in big multiplayer games but smaller team based games were you suffer severe disadvantages if someone leaves should hand out penalties. At least in ranked.


Oct 27, 2017
Go ahead and leave what you want

Except mobas. Leaving a 30min game 5min in is really ruining the experience for the other 9
May 19, 2020
If something comes up or if I'm coming up on an appointment I don't give a fuck lol, it's a video game. I'll stay otherwise.

But yeah play with a pre-made if you take issue with randoms leaving. Them's the breaks when you solo queue.


Oct 28, 2017
Oh yes, it gets scary when you're left alone in COD Warzone Trios... and all you can do is search for any serviceable weapons... then hope you can make to the mountains and hide until the end.

Yes it's easy to just bail as well.. but sometimes I try to continue to see what happens.

Doc Kelso

Oct 25, 2017
Nah, was playing a game of BF4 today with a 1000 ticket countdown, the other team had literally locked us into the spawn point and was shooting us dead the second we moved after spawning in.

Not sticking around for 1000 tickets for that
More games need a pity timer. If shit goes too south with too much time on the clock the game should kick itself down to a shorter timer. I forget which games do this but I distinctly remember it from some that I've played with longer match times.


Oct 27, 2017
Today in quick play in Overwatch we were getting destroyed, they nearly reached the last point, our tank player left

Out of nowhere a new legend came and took that tanks spot as Rein and helped us hold that last 1m throughout all 5 mins that the payload gone way back enemies could barely get it forward and we won. We wouldn't have won if that person hadn't left lol..

In ranked matches if someone leaves they should atleast replace that person with a AI bot that's one solution?


Prophet of Truth
Oct 29, 2017
It's infuriating in a game like Halo MCC where every match seems riddled with quitters, even the ones that are evenly split. Call of Duty has poisoned the mentality of so many players who now treat every game like an endlessly rotating lobby of mercenaries. What's most vexing is that MCC allows you to tailor your experience so acutely, to game and to gamemode, that there should be no excuse for quitting save the obvious: lag, disconnection, an epic blowout, or abandonment by other quitters on your team.